HomeMy WebLinkAbout94-193 . . . RESOLtTTION l\fO. 94-193 WHEREAS. the BORrd of Supervisors (,f MohRve County met in Regular Session this Gth doy of .June. 1994, nud WIJERE~AS, the Mohave (~ounty Booro of Supervisors has determined that it ''liould be in the best intereHt of the citizens of Mohave County to enter into an Jntergovernmentftl Agreement 1)',:o1,'\"een Mnhave County <School Superintendent) and the Arizona I'ublic Schools Computer Consort.ium, and WHERE:AS, Mohave County is ernpowered by Section 11-951. Arizona Hevises Stat.utes to enter int(, ~\greements nnd Rcting by and through its Board of Supervisors has resolved to enter into an n~Teement. and WHEREAS, the MohavE' (!ounty Bonnl nf Supervisors hereby authorizes Reith H. Se8mnn. Mohave County School Superintendent to sign the Intergovernmental Agreement entitled "Arizon8 P'Jhlic :'ir:;hools C')mputer Consortium" for the purpose f) , prnvidjing for the joint acquisHion. development Gnd use of software, personnel, :3upplies and other items as llecessan' tc' p,'ovide for data processing services, including. but not limited to. nccounting, student records, attendance accounting, grade I'epoI.ting, testing. Speci8I Services Census, research evaluation, the Arizona (~:".\ree'~ Information System. 8nd other admi.nistrative functions for Northern Al"izonfl Uni.versity. County School Superintendents and public schools in Arizona, as IIE'E'Hlf!(l N'.'cessary be each individual party. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this Gt,h day of June, 1994. MOHA VE c~ClnN'rY BOARD OF STTPERVISORS __(~~_~:L_W aU/ .l~J" (', \Vanl_ ("hnirl'1an H. }fl1',J