HomeMy WebLinkAbout93-243 ~ () ~D . . . -- -- ~l BE B.:; ?]-~_H:C:'J~DED II) ':;OR'Z:;;:;;:C:>,':S'JLUTI'J;-.,' NC. INDEXElJ!' , ,~~;~~( ~ 413 (,;I,_.~ \'~ ~~!(~~~~,:;,), ~ '~. '0:: t' -f?' ,.1 t(':";:,, ,:i;' . ;';;.~'" (1111, .~... "'~~~64 ~ MrCmum :::=9'3-- 44859 BK 2263 PG 447 OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MOHAVE COUNTY AZ. *JuAN McCALL: MOHAVE (~UHTY RECGRDER* 08/:l0191 1=00 f' .n. PAGE i OF 11 nOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECOROI~G FEE 0.00 He HESOLUTION NO. ~=2>t'.t 93-243 WHEREAS, the Board of Supe"visors of Mohave County met in Regular session this 2nd day of August, 1993, and WHEREAS, Arizona Revised Statute 16-411A states: "'The Board of Supervisors of each county shall on or before December of each year preceding the year of the General Election, by an order, establish a convenient number of precincts in the county and define the boundaries thereof", and WHEREAS, Mohave County has considered the particular population characteristics of the following precincts to provide the voters the most reasonable access to the polls possible, and have adjusted the boundaries using roads:. streets; power lines; ridge lines, unnamed roads and canyons. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT HESOLVED that Mohave County hereby approves and submits to the Arizona Secretary of State and to the United States Department of Justice the following new precincts and adjustment to adjoining precincts as follows: 02 MOHA VE MESA PRECINCT 06 COUNTRY CLeB PRECINCT 40 NORTH COLLEGE PRECINCT 59 CHAPARRAL PRECINCT 61 MESA DEL SUR PRECINCT (new) 62 CAMELBACK PHECINCT (new) flmt~ED MICROFILMED 9665789 e.V 2824 F'G 724, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MOHAVE COUNTY, AZ JOAN MC CALL, MOHAVE COUNTY RECORDER 11/27/96 09=23A PAGE 1 OF 11 MOHAVE COUNTY RECORDING FEE 0.00 -KQ- ---- . . . ;~G~8~i PGO~2~1 FEE~9665789 PAGE 2 Of 11 BK 2263 P6 448 (FEEt93-448'9) Resolution No."1JZ=27t3" (page 2) 93-243 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of August, 1993. MOHA VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (~ ~.,/~? -- L ~n Standerfer, Ch irman A TrEST: . , Ptl(~;E? f!F', PV 237, /)(,=.' ',l.',:,)."~,,, CECA-' . i. "!..,Ti;lb657g~t . PAGE 3 O~ 11 BK 2263 PG 449 (f'EEt93-"'''-SS9) i~02 MOHAVE UESA PRECINCT Hohave County Hest . Starting at the junction of the Davis Dam-Parker Dam Power Transmission line and the North Oatman Road. Proceed in a Southeasterly direction along the Davis Dam-Parker Dam Power Transaission line to the junction with EI Rodeo Road. Thence West on EI Rodeo Road to the Colorado River (AZ/NV state line). Proceed North along the midstream of the Colorado River to the junction with the Southern boundary of the Bullhead City city limits. :hence East on the Bullhead City city limits to the boundary of the new annexation (Arroyo Vista Esta:es) at Sec. 12. Proceed East o~ the new Bullhead City city limits to the previous Bullhead City city limits. Follow the Bullhead City city linits East and North to North Oatman Road. Proceed East on North OatQan Road to original start- ing point. . -r f'!Vj[ Li- Of' L 1 BK 282~ f'G 7~7 FEEt9665789 PAGE ~ Of 11 BK 2263 PG ~50 (F~Et93-~4859) . 1j06 COUNTRY CLUB PRECINCT Kingman, Arizona . Starting at intersection of Bull Mountain Ridge Line at N.W. corner of Section 36 at Kingman City Limits, Proceed Southeasterly on Kingman City Limits to Fairfax Avenue, Thence South on Fairfax to Wils~ire Avenue. Proceed East on Wilshire Avenue to Beverly Avenue to Stockton Hill Road. Proceed South onStockton Hill Road to Detroit Avenue. Thence West on Detroit Avenue to Western Avenue (extended). Proceed South on ~\Testern Avenue to Jeep Trail at \>Thite '" Cliffs'Road. Then Follow Jeep Trail West to Pipeline Road. Proceed on Pipeline ~oad Northwesterly to U.S.Highway I-40 intersection, then ~3outhwesterly on,_U.S. Highway 1--40 to Kingman City Limits. Proceed on Kingman City Limits to junction with U.S. Highway 93 at Milepost #69 at Cerbat Mountain Ridge Line. Proceed North on Cerbat Mountain Ridge Line to junction wi:h Dull Mountain Ridge Line. Thence Southeasterly on Bull Mountain Ridge Line to original starting point. . f'MiE 5 i)F i1. BK 2824 PG 778 FEE~9665789 . 1140 NORTH COLLEGE PRECINCT Kingman, Arizona PAGE 5 OF 11 6K 2263 Pi 4~1 (FEE.93-+~859} Starting at the Junction of Jagerson Avenue and Roosevelt Street proceed South on Roosevelt Street to Northern Avenue. Thence West on Northern Avenue to Glen Road. Proceed ~orth on Glen RoaQ to Junction with Thompson Avenue. Thence North-Nest on Thoffi?Gon Avenue 1 Dlock to intersection with College Drive. Proceed North on College D~ive to Jagerson Avenue. Thence East on Jagerson Avenue to original starting point. . . . f\'I(;E S OF "\1 BK 2824 PG '!:~(~ FE~::~966~789 PAGE it OF 11 8K 2263 PG ~~2 (FEEt93-448'9) ~ss CHAPARRAL PRECINCr Bullhead City, Arizona starting at the junction of North Oatman Rd. and the East Bul'head City city limits, proceed South and West along the City limits to the Southern boundary of the new annexation (Arroyo Vista Estates) at Sec. 12. Proceed West along the . Arroyo Vi st a Est ates Sout hern boundary to the previ OUS BU11head City city iimits. Proceed along the South Bullhead City city limits to the junction with the Colorado River (AZ/NV state line). Proceed Northwesterly along midstream of the Colorado River to the junction with Riverview Dr. (extended). Thence East on Riverview Dr. to junction with State Hwy. #95. Proceed Nortn on State Hwy. #95 to the junction with Black Mountain Rd. Proceed East cn Black Mountain Rd. to junction w'i~h Montana Wash Way. Proceed South on Montana Wash Way to junction with North Oatman Rd. Follow North Oatman Rd. Easterly to original starting point. . . . . PAGE "7 OF II BV 2824 PG 730 FEEt9665789 PAGE 7 OF 11 5K 2263 PG ;~3 (FEE~93-H859) 1tS1 MeGA DEL SUR PRECINCT Mohave County W~5t StartiTl!::l at the Junction of the Davis Dam-Parker Darn power , in~ and e1 Rodeo Rd. proceed South along the Davis Dam-Parker Dam power line to Boundary Conel Rd. Pl"oceed West on Boundary Cone Rd. to the Colorado River (AZ/NV state line). Proceed North along the midstream of the Colorado River to the junction with El Rodeo Rd. Thence Eas: on El Rodeo Rd. to -' originai starting point. . . . PMiE 8 m 1 j BK 2824 PG 731 FEE~966~789 PAGE 8 OF 11 BK 2261 PG .~4 (FEEt93-448'9) #62 CAMELBACK PRECINCT Kingman, Arizona Starting at the A.T. & T. telephone cable line and Calle Alamo Rd at the Northeast corner of Sec. 4 proceed Southwesterly along the A.T. & T. cable line to junctinn with an unnamed ranch road at Sec. 18. Then proceAd Southeast on unnamed ranch road to Jagerson Ave. Axtended. Proceed West on Jagerson Ave. to College Dr. prnceed Southwesterly on Colleqe Dr. to Thompson Ave. Th~nce Ea~t on Thompson Ave. to intersection with Glen Ave. Proc9Qd South on Glen Ave. to Northern Ave. Thence West on Northern Ave. to the foothill of Bull Mounatin at stockton Hill Rd. Proceed Northwesterly along the ridge line of Bull Mountain tn the ridOQ line of the Cerbat Mount~in3. Proceed Nnrth along the Cerbat Mountain ridgG line to the jun~tion with Cerbat Canyon Rd. Follow Cerbat Canyon Rd. Easterly to junction of Stockton H~ll Rd. Thenco North on stn~kton Hil' Rd. to intersection with Jane Ave. Proceed East on JanQ Ave. to Ca.ne A1nmo n<1. Thence East on Cl1l1e Alamo Rd. to original otar'ting point. . I -\j 1181HX3 (L~9;r-,6.33~} 50S E: ;I a Lc___ ~~ :E~d ~. ;'7:.. - - - t . -- I I 1~1 \--..-- II' ~ I ; II . l!: i ZZ ~A 1 'Z); "'.." 'I _.. ;: I i; i! ~-:; ~i i ~i 11 J:!i ~I" I; c ;; ~ i~ ~; ;:~:: _lit i E,\ I: .;:~ !1 ~ l~ }i -."t :J" ! I: j ; i~ J :: i: :: i j;j It " ~.... IoU i:l:A Ii:': "" ~:":s I~.) ,,' ~JO: 1~9 i-;i ,.~ .. ... I"~ ~i% .... ll" -d I!I ~~; is~ Hi a't~ a- 181 J~ II: "Ji ..II hi :ix i~; II !: tis !" !I! -'a ld !:: .. !l ili i ;; i lit'=' ftJ .... :A ji a!j :1 ..1 ;;i .... .~ ,"- U ::: I;:. .,;)~ ;1 1 ~:" ,I: roo u.. ~ ,1 pi r. II J~" i ~! loll II I, ::Iz i ': a=:.. B i i~~ ! J -II ;; II I"~ ; ;c toil I ii i-A-Z..- ~;: I~ ;I!;~ ~~ " r~ "Ii ~U;:~ &~ ~:~ ~fi ;i ~SfJI ;i J.~~ ~!~ AJ I~~~J .~ ~.) i!1 i; ,l~;; fl ,~t ~'I ~1 .I"l% f !jt ~ii :1 ~l~-t ~= !~I ~i!.=;il}l~ :..! '':; ll!.r- n... ,. ,. h !-- t~i ii ~i;'l ii .~! ill," ,~I.~, 11 I! ~ ~:;~ ! I: Ji i i~ii i ii ;1= ;: II:-r: ill I~ ~ ;!J S i! .: l j I~ J ~I !~ J z'~ j ~e i _ i J. ~ . ;'II .. ~::{" . 'RECOROER'.S MEMO: legibil~ Que~~lle tor Good HeiJladur.tlf\n i: t' ,.. - . F'MiE 9 OF' j J P,!{ 2T2i F'G n? j:'~'r:'Aql-./..r.:'7':JO . :...LV. ~,}.,").) i ~.}': . PI'IGE 6ll 90f 11 '12U PG 455 (!;:"EU9'3-44gS9) . ~ u- Ii~ ! It! i~i .I L ~t I [ il~ h 1 .. ~ I .. fl._ f ~ ~ S IJ : ,ff 1 '.1' t 1 II [ ;. .. '1. ~ ~ . i J~i ~ \~ ftt r; 1 .. ~ r. ~l o ...,., 11 '() A -.J:> -r $: J> U o '1 OlJJ -c -1r -<r ":r: l>fTJ N):> o ..,.. ;s- ~f.' ;;;r- ~~ nr; ::! .....~ ~i i . .J :~L.. l~ . S.= 1.0: 51 E.iJL~:~::.~r.1 F" ~f ,r-ti ",_=- ,~"~CORDATION RETURN TO: CITY OF BULLH~ C:TY~ CITY CLER}:, P.O. BOX 104&, EHC, AZ S6L30 , . ",:'"Cln' OF BULLHEAD CITY ..' P.o. Box 1048 ORDIN,AllCE NO. 92-521 ' , , ' , Bullhead City, Arizcna 86430 " AN ORDINANCE EXTEUDIl~G AND INCREASnm T'rlE CORPORA~~ ~IMITS OF ~HE CITY OF BULLH~AD CITY, MO!iAVE COtmTY r STATE OF ARIZONA, PURSUANT '.1:0 SEC'I':ION ~~-47:L ARIZONA. REVISED STATUTES AND AMENDMENTS THERETO, BY ANNEXING THERETO CERTAIN T':;!U{,ITORY CONT:tGlJOllS '1:0 THE EXISTING CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BULLHEAD CITY PAGE 10 OF 11 BK 2263 PG 4SO (FEEt93-.;.48SSi>, WHEREAS, a petition in writing, accompanie~ by a map or plat of said real, property, having been filed and presented to the Mayor and Council of the City of Bullheaa City, AZizona, signed by the owners of more than one-half in value of the real and personal property and more thsm one-half of the persons owning real and personal property as would be subject to ~axaticn by the City of Bullhead City in the E~vent of annexation within the territory and land hereinaftel:' described as s~'lown by the last. assessment of said property, which said territory is contiguous to the City of Bullhead City, and not now embraced within its limits, asking that the prope:cty more particularly hereinafter described be annexed to ~h'e City of Bullhead City, and to extend and increase the corporate li.J:nits of,.the city-of Bullhead--Ci"ty so as -{:c embraca tha samar and ). ... --..,.. - ------- - T'tiGt:")}i .' DF jJ BK 282". PC ?3? '._ " I FE!:~ ~966'3;Z~J,J!.:. , WHEREAS I' the Ma.yor and Coun.cil c')i i:hi=! C5 ty of ~ullhea.d City, 'Arizona, are desirous of ccmplying with said petitioc and extending .;tnd increasing t,hQ corporate limits of. thp- Ci.ty of Bullhead City to include said territory; and WHEREAS, the said peti ti.on sets forth a true and correct description of c:U.l tho ext.eri.or boundariQs of the entire a:r.p.a proposed to be annexed to the City of Bullhead City, and had at~~ched thereto at ~2 ~ime9 an accura~Q map of the tQr=itory desired to be ar~exed; and WHEREAS, no altera~ions increasing or reducing the territory sought to be annexed h~ve bel~n. m",de ~:f't:er i:h.e said pe't:i.'t:i.on had been signed by any owner ,or real and personal property in such territory i ahd ' WHEREAS, the 'Crov1s1ons of section 9-471 iri~ona. Revised ' Statutes, and amendments thereto, have been fully observed; and WHEREAS, Eroper and sut:ficient certification and proof of the foregoing facts are now on fi~e in the o~~~ce o~ the Ci~ Clerk of the City of Bullheed Ci1:Yr Arizona, together with a true and correct copy of ~he oriqina~ pet~t~on ~e~er~~ to he~ein, which is on file in t:he offlce of 1:he County Recorder. ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1'3: ()RDUNED BY. THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL .~ ~.~~.~..' _ ~~~~2j :::92- 34.627 B~ 2070 F'G &(i7 ~ "".~' _ _ _ ~~!~cm~ROS OF l'Im1AVr CDU~Y AZ. " = ,~',I.J";~l\:C' lJ6/26/92 s=oo MOHAVE C'OUUTY /:.CORDER* '"" ~~~.(a _ erTY OF P.uu.HEAg.gir~ffGE . OF 3 ~ RECORDING FEE 6.00 4 : . L t . or. 1" i ~, . ~~~~~ ";;:).l'l:. tI) ~r' ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~q f' ~~~\l r" -" ~ ~ ,- ...... ~\' lit ~ i: h .. .... ... ~ 0. tJ'}, t) tt~~ t>j.. t) "6.. . t; :::::01 l>. (:, II . <;) ,.., ~ er, tl> '" '. '" "" ~ :::: MOUN rAIN VIEW 110AO I I ! I I i I 1 I "" ~ '" I I I I I I I I f--H"4'/'" I 14$,/69 I I I' I I I I I I I I t; Q; .... ~I>. '<1'1) "'- ""~ C)~ _I>. ~ ",,,, ~~ C)r- 80t) I( ...i:.il.. M.4P~ PAGE ~K 11 OF 2263 PG 11 ~~7 (FEn93-H859) : :::: '" fi.L.O. ~ ...4$.1)'.)' " ".. , ' ~~ r ~f;" ~"\ ~ ; ~ '- ..... ~(~ lOr ~ i?\~ , .. ~ r- ~ c" "" <0 .. <>0 0\ ~. " ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ :. .. ~<l1 ...,% r~ . i " " ~ ~ ~ tl> C) ~ . " - il.~ <:'1~ I>.~ :Ii[!l~ ~i;!~ ~a~ ~ i! v~~w..."," ,. ".~e- - ~,"!__""'.r. r@ -L M.~-"'~_-_ A,J1.1'6" it -'@ ~ ,. I~ :.... H H~ " -, ~. . ~ ~'l ~"d'__ .t ,~ , ..._......L II ..._.~r . -- ~ ~~, \i: ~...:; ~~ ~ R,22W R.2/ W .1'.1'" ~.. ..s:. >I............ t1..L.O, NORTH .... CIll 8001(~ MA P ...LL. " PAGE 11 'OFll BK 2824 ~G 73~ FEE~9665789 -" ..-..---l ' (" -~' , :~.._,_-,' If' <=:- \ I .. ..--J .. .- .' .. ~,; ~.,...~ .'. ::' :!t\:;/#:#:'<!~!~~0.~if~;i~;;j;;~l~, "',:L"i" "