HomeMy WebLinkAbout93-206 . . . RESOLUTION NO. 93-206 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors met in Spec ial SE!ssion this 26th day of July, 1993, and; WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors, at the Regu lar meeting held July 6, 1993, authorized approved paid days off in lieu of holiday leave for all Mohave County employees, and WHEREAS, the action t:aken requires certain changes to the Mohave County Merit Rule pertaining to holiday leave: Article 1, Rule 101; Article 3, Rule 304; Article 4, Rule 402; and Article 8, Rule 802, and WHEREAS, these changes are outlined under Exhibit "1". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Mohave <:0unt.y does formally approve these changes. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of July, 1993. MORAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS .' l" /~ /~--' ,/.-j' ~jL}~b@l~ '.:::::" am 'sil1t erfer j' hairman ATTEST: the Board . . . EXmBIT 1 PROPOSED MERIT SYSTEM RULE CHANGES RELATING- TO HOLIDAY PAY REVISIONS NO CHANGE: Rule 101.45 Definitions Holiday Benefit: The compe:nsation paid to eligible employees for each of the recognized holidays. Holiday time for full-time eligible employees is defined as eight (8) hours in duration regardl(:ss of the schedule. CHANGE #1: Modify Rule 101.64 Definitions Premium Pay: Compensation in addition to an employee's normal pay and includes overtime pay, compensatory time, mftftftgemeftt leave time, call-back pay, AND on-call pay 8fttl Iioliclsy pay. CHANGE #2: Modify Rule 304,Al Definitions "Premium Pay" means compc~nsat:ion in addition to an employee's normal pay and includes overtime pay, compcmsatory time, m8ftBgemeftt lea'/e time, call-back pay, AND on-call pay 8ftd ft~icl6y pa)~. CHANGE #3: Modify Rule 304,A2 Definitions "Overtime" means time workled in excess of forty (40) hours per week unless a different definition is required by law. For purposes of computing overtime hours, vacation leave, compensatory time, ttftti sick leave time, AND PAID DAYS OFF (PDO) LEAVE used shall be excluded. :Fer "tl1'peses af eamptltiBg a'lertime hetllS, Catlftty re~d helidBys are ta beiftel.l:ldetlas time werkea enly if tlley are "eft af t.he B8fftlally sekeetlletl-nt)rk wee.k. NO CHANGE: Rule 304,A6 Definitions "Holiday Benefit" means the compensation paid to eligible employees for each of the recognized holidays. Holiday time: for full time eligible employees is defined as eight (8) hours in duration regardless of schedule. CHANGE #4: ADD Rule 304,A9 O:finitions ~PAID DAY OFF (PDO) LEAVI~" MEANS HOLIDAY LEAVE ACCRUED AND ADDED TO THE VACATION UAIANCE OF AN ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEE WHO IS APPROVED TO WORK ON A COUNTY RECOGNIZED HOLIDAY. CHANGE #5: Modify Rule 304,Cl Non--Exempt Employees An employee in a non-exempt position who works in excess of 40 hours per week (wtlrkiBg hatlrs t8 iBeltlde ebS()fVed Iiolidays tltat fall itl tlie em"layee's werlw..eek) shall be compensated by either: (etc:.) . . . CHANGE #6: Modify Merit Rule 304,G Holidays 1. Employees occupying regular positions shall be allowed time off with pay as provided for by County Rules for those holidays recognized by Mohave County. The holidays recognized by the County are as follows: a. January 1 B. THIRD MONDAY IN JANUARY New Years Day MARTIN LUTHER KING JRJCIVIL RIGHTS DAY Lifteelll' Bifthde.y UNCOLN/ WASHINGTON PRESIDENT'S DAY 'NtlSltiBgt6B'S Birtlidey Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Columbus Day Veteran's Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day eC. Third Monday in February e. Thirtl MeB8eY it1 Febftl8ry d. Last Monday in May e. July 4 f. First Monday in Septc::mbe:r g. Second Monday in (ktobe:r h. November 11 i. Fourth Thursday in November J. December 25 2. Unless otherwise necessary due to circumstances, County offices shall be closed on each of the 10 holidays listed above. If holidays a, e, h or j fall on a Sunday, the holiday shall be observed on the following Monday. If holidays a, e, h or j fall on a Saturday, the holiday shall be observed on the preceding Friday. "Observed" means that County offices shall be closed. 3. In order to avoid disparity among employees" a day of holiday leave shall be interpreted to mean an eight-hour work clay; therefore, an employee (full-time) may be granted eighty (80) hours of holiday time or pay as permitted by these Rules in any calendar year as the holidays accrue. 4. All employees shall, if possible, b:: given time off with pay for each recognized holiday. This does not apply to temporary, intermittent or emergency employees. a. Eligible full-time employees, who arc:: not required to work on a legal holiday and who do not work on such holiday, shall be paid wages at the employee's regular hourly rate for eight (8) hours of such holiday. b. Eligible part-time employc::es not required to work on a legal holiday and who do not work on such holiday, shall be paid a prorated amount based on normal houIS worked per pay period. c. No work shall be scheduled by an employee on a holiday unless approved in advance by the Department Head in writing. Work on a holiday shall only be scheduled as a result of an l::mergency or unusual or extraordinary circumstances or in cases where the natun: of the county's operation cannot be interrupted by . . . the observance of the holiday. d. If it is not possible for aft FULL-TIME employee to be given time off on a holiday and the employee is required to work, the employee shall receive tile pay BeAdle wettle htY;e reeei'/~~8 far the time aff plus the hourly rate for whatever hours actually worked on the holiday AND SHALL HAVE EIGHT (8) HOURS ADDED TO THEIR VACATION ACCRUALS IN THE FORM OF PAID DAYS OFF (P'DO) LEAVE HOURS. IF IT IS NOT POSSIBLE FOR A PART-TIME EMPLOYEE TO BE GIVEN TIME OFF ON A HOLIDAY AND THE EMPLOYEE IS REQUIRED TO WORK.. THE EMPLOYEE SHALL RECEIVE THE HOURLY RATE FOR VVHATEVER HOURS ACfUALL Y WORKED ON THE HOLIDAY AND SHALL HAVE A PRORATED AMOUNT OF HOURS ADDED TO THEIR VACATION ACCRUALS IN THE FORM OF PAID DAYS OFF (PDO} LEAVE HOURS. E. F. USE OF PAID DAY OFf (PDO) LEAVE HOURS PROVIDED FOR UNDER THIS SECl'ION MAY BE SCHEDULED AND USED AS ANY OTHER ACCRUED VACATION LEAVE. G. ALL ADDmONAL VACATION HOURS PROVIDED FOR BY THIS SECfION SHALL NOT BE SUBJECT TO THE TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY (240) HOUR LIMIT PROVIDED FOR BY MERIT RULE 402.D. EXCEPT THAT AT THE END OF THE CALENDAR YEAR (DECEMBER 31) ONLY 240 ACCRUED VACATION HOURS UNCLUDING ANY PD~ LEAVE HOURS) WILL BE CARRIED FORWARD TO THE m~w CALENDAR YEAR. CHANGE #7: Modify Merit Rule 304,H3 Birthday Leave All additional vacation hours provided for by this Rttle SECfION shall be subject to the two hundred and forty (240) hour limit provided for by Merit Rule 402D. Further, in those instances wherein the additional leave time provided for by this Section would cause an eligible employee to excc:ed the two hundred and forty (240) hour limit, all such excess time shall be deemed forfeited and no provision made to carry such time over in subsequent pay periods. CHANGE #8: Modify Merit Rule 402,Dl Use of Vacation Leave WITH EXCEPTION OF PAID nAYS OFF (PDO) LEAVE HOURS, Aan eligible employee may be allowed to use alccrued vacation leave credits after completion of six (6) months continuous employment. ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES MAY BE ALLOWED TO USE PAID DAYS OFF (PDO) HOURS AS THEY ACCRUE. . . '. CHANGE #9: Modify Merit Rule 402,D Forfeiture of Vacation Leave THROUGHOUT THE CALENDAR YEAR , :ftotal vacation leave accruals (EXCLUDING ANY PAID DAYS OFF (PDO) LEAVE HOURS) may not exceed two hundred forty (240) hours per employee. Any vacation time accrued in excess of the aforementioned limit is forfeited. AT THE END OF THE CALENDAR YEAR (DECEMBER 31) ONLY TWO HUNDRED FORTY (240) TOTAL VACATION LEAVE ACCRUALS UNCLUDING PDO LEAVE HOURS) WILL BE CARRIED FORWARD TO THE NEW CALENDAR YEAR AND ACCRUED HOURS IN EXCESS OF THE AFOREMEIWIONED LIMIT IS FORFEITED. Original probationary employees who do not complete their probationary period shall forfeit ea accrued vacation leave EXCLUDING P AID DAYS OFF (PDO) LEAVE ACCRUALS WmCH THE EMPLOYEE WILL NOT FORFEIT. CHANGE #10: Modify Merit Rule 802,B1 Vacation Leave SEPARATION: All regular <<~mployees shall receive payment for vacation leave hours accrued through the pay period in which the effective date of separation occurs, up to a maximum of two hundred forty (240) hours. While on original probation, a separating employee shall receive no payment for accrued vacation leave BUT WILL RECEIVE PAYMENT FOR ANY ACCRUED PAID DAYS OFF (PDO) LEAVE HOURS.