HomeMy WebLinkAbout93-184 . . . 1--- RJ~:.:;nL{TrrION NO. 93-184 WHEREAS. the Board of Supervisors met in Special Session this 21st day of .Julle. 19~13. and: WHEREAS. the Board of Supervisors, at the Regular meeting held ,June 7, 1993. nuthorized the Mohave County Sheriff to implement a compensatory time policy with an 80 hour cap, for a six month trial period beginning .July 1, 1993, for its employees: nnd WHEREAS, the action taken. to i.mplement a compensatory time policy for 1 he Moh:we County Sheriff's office employees. requires certain changes to the Mohave County Merit Rules, and WHEREAS. these changes fir': outlined under Exhibit "1". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVfm that Mohave County does formally npprove these changes. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of June, 1993. MOHA VE C~OUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS .( ~--_.__.- . :.... /F I ~ /' / t' .f - ' v/r .ll:i..:.' . ~ri/":d-.,/ ~:) 8:1m ~tanderfer. Chair:rtan ~- the Board . . . EXHIBIT 1 PROPOSED MERI~' SYSTEM RULE CHANGES CHANGE #1: Rule 101.25 Defini t:ions Compensatory Time: Earned time recorded on an employee's pay record in lieu of overtime pay which. .us~ be ~ekeB ia ~ sa.e pay period a3 worked. CHANGE #2: Rule 304, A3 Defini t:ions "Compensatory Time" means earned time recorded on an employee's pay record in lieu of overtime, pay waich .us~ be ~akeB ia ~e same pay period as worhed. CHANGE #3: Rule 304,B2 OVERTIME ALLOCATION: OVer.tilll~e shall be allocated as evenly as possible among all employees qualified to do the work. While preference may be given to those employees who wish to volunteer for the work, all employees aire required to work overtime when requested to do so. A non-eJl:empt status employee who is required to work overtime, shall be. cC1mpensated for such overtime by either one of the following methods at the discretion of the Department Head: a. By payment at one and onei-half (1.5) times the employee's current hourly rate. b. By compensatory time Bit ai rate o:f one and one-half (1.5) hours off for each hour of overtimei worked and not paid; ho.ewer such ~iJII.e III1:1S~ be t:eIceB .itilill 'the. pay period duriag waich 'the ower~im~ ia worked. CHANGE #4: Rule 304,C NON BKEMF"f BMFLeYBEG; COMPENSATORY TIME: 1. An employee in a non-exea~t position who works in excess of 40 hours per week (working hourS! to include observed holidays that fall in the employee's workweiek) shall be compensated by either: a. Addi tional pay at the rat:e of one and one-half (1.5) times the employee's regular hourly rat:e for each excess hour worked; or b. Compen3atory leave at thei rate of one and one-half (1. 5) hours for each excess hour worked. Compensat;oZ'l lea..e Iltlst; be t;aJten in 'the POl period wherein 'the. hc~urs are worked. 1. WITH THE EXCEPTION OF PUBLIC SAFETY JUm EMERGENCY SJ$RVICES EMPLOYEES AS DEF:INED :IN PARAGRAPH 2 BELOW, COMPENSATORY LEAVE MUST BE TAKEN IN THE PAY PERIOD WHEREIN HOURS ARE WORKED. 2. FOR PUBLIC SAFETY AND I~GENCY SERV:ICE I:ND:IVIDUALS EMPLOYED IN SWORN LAW ENFORCEMENT, DETEN'l':ION OFF:ICER AND PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCHER CLASSIFICATIONS DURING THE TRIAL PERIOD OF JULY 1 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1993, COMPENSATORY LEAVE TIME SHALL NOT BE ACCUMULATED Df EXCESS OF l!:IGHTY (80) HOURS. . . . (A) AN BLXGXBLE EMPLOYEE WHO BAS EXGH'l'Y (80) BOURS OF COMPENSAIfl)RY TXMB IS NOT ELXGXBLE Ifl) ACCRJJB JUlY ADDXTXONAL COMPENSA20RY TIME AND IS Ifl) BE PUD Foa FU'rURB AUTHORIZED OVERTIME WORKED. (B) EMPLOYEES SRJlT.L USE ALL ACCUMULATED COMPENSATORY LEAVE BEFORE 'f'AKDIG VACATXOIf LEAVE. (C) THE DEPARTMENT DXREl.~R MAY ESTABLISH PROCEDURES FOR TXMBLY USAGE OF COMPENSATORY TIME ACCRUED. (D) AN EMPLOYEE WHO RBCEXVES AN APPOXNTMBN'l' TO ANOTHER DEPARTMENT WXLL HAVE ANY UNUSED COMPENSATORY LEAVE PUD BY THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT PRIIJR TO THE EFFECTXVE DATE OF APPOXNTMENT . (E) AN EMPLOYEE WHO BAS UNUSED COMPENSATORY LEAVE AT THE TIME OF SEPARAIf'XOII FROM DB COUN'1'Y SHALL RECEIVE PAYMENT FOR COMPENSATORY LEAVE BOURS ACCRUED THROUGH '.l'BB PAY PERXOD IN WHXCH DB EFFECTXVE DATE OF SEP&RAIf'XOIf OCCURS. 2. The Department Head shall determine if the excess hours are to be compensated by overtime payor compensatory leave. 3. Departments are not to allow the maintenance of logs indicating the working ()f c~ompensatory hours. An employee who does not report compensatory time during a work week is in violation of these Rules ~~d may be subject to disciplinary action. 4. Nothing in the Section shall be interpreted to circumscribe, modify or otherwise impingc:! on the authority of Department heads to modify work schedules as needed for efficient operation of the Department within the l3COpe of the Fair Labor Standards Act.