HomeMy WebLinkAbout92-334 I I I RESOl,UTION NO. 92-334 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH A SCHEDULE OF EVENTS AND TO ES'TABLISH A TIME TABI.E FOR REPORT ( S) AND RECOMMENDATION ( S) OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND THE STAFF OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT TO BRING A COMPLETED MORAVE COUNTY GENERAL PLAN TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOR AlmPTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.R.S. 11- 806 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors' Administrator, the County Manager r has been instruc1:ed to advertise in a newspaper of general circulation in the County Seat a notice of public hearing for considE~ration of the revised Mohave County Comprehensive Plan, commonly known as and hereinafter referenced as the revised "General Plan," by the Planning and Zoning Commission, and WHEREAS, the County Manager has been further instructed to publish in a newspaper of general circulation in the County Seat a notice of public hearing for consideration of a joint development plan for an area contiguous to Lake Havasu City, to be considerl~d by the County Planning and Zoning Commission, a.nd WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors recognizes that public input is important for the Planning Commission to makE' an informed recommendation and report to the Board of Supervisors on the matter of a revised General plan for the County, and I I I Resolution No. 92-334 Page 2 WHEREAS, the Board t~hrough this action further instructs the County Manager through his staff to hold at least ten (10) area General plan information mE~etings throughout the County in the followings areas, but not limited to: 1. Littlefield/Beaver Dam Area 2. Town of Colorado City Area 3. Dolan Springs/White Hills/Meadview Area 4. Kingman Area (may include separate meeting for the Hackberry Area. 5. Golden Valley Area 6. North and South Mohave Valley Areas 7. Topock/Golden Shores Area 8. Lake Havasu Area 9. Yucca Area 10. Wikieup Area prior to the regular meeti.ng of the Planning Commission being October 14, 1992, and WHEREAS, it is important that t:he Planning Commission attend and participate in the .ten (10) area General Plan information meetings throughout the County, and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall hold a special public hearing, in accordance with such notice, on October 21, 1992, for purposes of taking public input on and for reviewing and formulating its recommendations on the draft of said revised general plan, as prepared by consultant Freilich, Leitner, Carlisle & Shortlidge and dated August 10, 1992, for purposes of reviewing and formulating its recommendations on the joint development plan for Lake Havasu City area, and I I I Resolution No. 92-334 pa.ge 3 WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall prl~pare a report in the form of an official resolution, setting forth its recommendations to the Board of County Supervisors concerning such revised general plan and joint development plan, which resolution shall be delivered to the Clerk of the Board no later than October 22, 1992, and WHERE]JI.S, the Count.y Manager of the Board shall agendizE~ the report of the Planning CO~lission for the November 2, 1992 Board of Supervisors meeting as a Public Hearing with the appropriate Time Set, and WHEREll.S, the County Manager shall assure proper notice and shall agendize the chanqes refern~d to the Planning Commission and their recommendations provided via the Resolution report from the Planning Commission for a Public Hearing at the December 7, 1992 meeting of the Board of Supervisors, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Supervisors shall hold a public hearing at their regular meetin<;r on November 2, 1992, for purposes of taking public input on and for reviewing the report of the Planning and Zoninq Commission on said revised <Jeneral plan and joint development plan, and I Resolution No. 92-334 Page 4 WHEREAS, the Board may accept" modify and/or reject one or more recommendations of the Commission concerning said documents, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Supervisors :: 1. That the schedule of public hearings and the dates for notice and referral of reports, as appears in Exhibit "l\." attached heret 0, is hereby adopted; and 2 . That the Planni.ng and Zoning Commission shall conduct public hearings and make recommendations to the Board in accordance with such schedule herein established. I MOHAV~ COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ATTEST: . C?-:~ Lois J. Hubbard, l~~-d- I I September 1992 GENERAL PLAN SCHEDULE SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATIJRDA Y I 1 24iSI121-~16I120 3 2471119 4 2481118 5 2491117 6 250(116 7 251!11S 8 252/114 9 2.'131113 10 2541112 11 2551111 12 2S6I110 - 13 25711 09 14 2581108 15 259V1 07 16 26011 06 17 26111 05 18 26m ()( 19 26311 03 20 26411 02 21 2651101 22 266,'100 23 267/99 24 U8I98 25 269m' 26 270196 1200 Reso on lnstr to P&ZC on Gen Plan 10-5 - 27 T7l195 28 mJ94 29 273/93 30 Tl4fn 1200 Notice Gen Plan Hearing @ P&Z to paper 10-21 - For: Board Of Supervisors 9(20/1992 I I October 1992 GENERAL PLAN SCHEDULE SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY I 1 215191 2 216/1.XJ 3 271189 1900 Area Gen Notice of P&Z Plan Mtg (2) Hearing Pub 10- 21 . 4 21818S 5 2191'61 6 2l1Ol86 7 281/85 8 282184 9 283/83 10 284182 I 1000 INSTTO P& 1900 Area Gen 1900 Area Gell 1900 Area Gen ZCON Plan Mtg (2) Plan Mtg (2) Plan Mtg (2) SCHEDULE FOR GEN PLAN @ 80S MTG 11 285/81 12 28618{) 13 ~:7!79 14 'l;W18 15 289m 16 'l91J{16 17 'l91{15 1900 Area Gen l83IJ P&ZCMTG 1200 Notice of Plan Mtg (2) REG BOS Gen Plan Hearing to paper 18 ']g]j74 19 mn3 20 'l94(72 21 2!t5m 22 196{10 23 'l97169 24 ')!)8f68 Pub of Notice of 183IJ SPECIAL Hearing BOS HFARING P& Gen Plan 11-2 ZCGENPLAN - 25 199167 26 300166 27 301/6.5 28 3<JW64 29 303163 30 304162 31 305/61 1200 Adv to Paper on Ref of ~[I Plan to P&Z 11- 1 - For. Board Of Supervisors 9(20/1992 I November 1992 (i-ENERAL ~PLAN SCHEDULE I SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 00/57 5 310156 6 FRIDAY SATURDAY 3111~i5 7 311154 . 1 306160 2 307/59 3 308158 4 3 Pub of Ref to 1000 Ref Amend Hearing fm 80S to P&ZC of Gen Gen Plan 11.18 Plan for 11.18 Mtg 8 313/53 9 314/52 10 3UtS1 11 3 15 320146 16 321/45 17 322/44 18 3 1200 80S Notke 1830 P&Z to paper Gen MTGH Plan 12.1 AMEND GEN PLAN - 22 31:1/39 23 32.8138 24 329137 25 3 - 29 334132 30 335131 16/50 12 311/49 13 318148 14 319141 I 13/43 19 REG EAF.5 TO 324/42 20 325/41 21 Pub Noti~ of BOS Gen Plan Hearing 12.1 I For: Board Of Supernsors :J00ti 26 331135 27 326140 331134 28 333133 9/20/1992 Decembt~r 1992 GENERAL PLAN SCHEDULE I FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 6{3C 1 33 6 341125 7 341124 8 :J4 1000 ADOPTION OF NEW Me GEN PlAN 13 348118 14 349{17 15 :1 20 3SSf11 21 35611 0 22 27 361J4 28 36313 29 I I For: Board Of Supernsors 3(2. 12 337{l9 3 338128 4 339/1:1 5 340/26 - J9 344(l2 10 34sm 11 346/20 12 341f19 - 16 3S1f15 17 3S1J14 18 3S3113 19 354(12 - 23 35818 24 35911 25 3(1..1/6 26 36115 i , - 30 36511 31 366/0 50(16 351/9 36412 9f20/1992