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WHEREAS, Mohave County" a County of the State of Arizona
(the "County"), and thE~ United States of America (the "United
States"), Lower Colorado Region, Bureau of Reclamation (the
"Contracting Officer"), ent€3red into a Contract for Deliv':!ry of
Colorado River water for use in Arizona, Contract No. 2-07-30-
W0027, dated July 7, 1982.
WHEREAS, the County assigned, transferred and conveYE~d all
of its right, title, interest and obligations under the Contract
to the City pursuant to an Assignment of Contract for Deliv1ery of
Water dated December 2, 198:" which Assignment was also approved
by the United States.
WHEREAS, under the tE~rms and conditions of the Contrac.t, the
City is responsible for administering the diversion and use of
Colorado Riv,er water within i.ts Contract area ("Contract Arl:!a "') .
WHEREAS, under the terms and conditions of the Assiq-nment
from the County to the City, the City was required to enter into
a subcontract with the County to provide sufficient water to the
County to mel:!t its needs act: Davis Camp, a County owned campground
south of Davis Dam along the Colorado River.
WHEREAS, the County is
of Arizona with the power
a political subdivision of the State
and authority to enter into this
WHEREAS" the County currentlYltVithdraws water from cE~rt~ain
wells ("wells"), each of ",hi.::h is identified by its registrat.ion
number and location. The Contracting Officer has determined, or
may determine, that water withdrawn from its Well is part of the
mainstream of the Colorado River, and is therefore included
within the annual amount. of Colorado River water to which the
City is entitled under the contract.
WHEREAS, the City B.nd County have agreed tha.t the
subcontract will stipulate that the County receive a license to
divert up to 200 acre feet of Colorado River water per year out
of the City's initial annual allocation and up to an additional
660 acre feet of water from subsequent allocations.
WHEREAS, the Mohave County Board of Supervisors has
determined that the proposed Subcontract Agreement is in the best
interest of the residents of the County and will protect the
interest of Mohave County in obtaining an adequate water supply
for the Davis Camp area.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RI~SOLVED, that the Mohave County Board
of Supervisors hereby approves the attached Subcontract Agreement
(MCBOS AgreE~ment #2256) for delivE~ry of Colorado River Water
entered into between Mohave County and the City of Bullhead City,
DATED this 10th day of August, 1992.
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Lois J'. H~ Chairman