HomeMy WebLinkAbout92-091 I I I RESOLUTION NO. 92-91 RESOLUTION OF THE B01UID OF SUPERVISORS OF MORAVE COUNTY, ~~IZONA CERTIFYING THE RESULTS OF THE SPECIAL BOND ELECTION HELD IN BULLHEAD CITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 15 OF MORAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA, ON MARCH :LO, 1992 WHEREAS, the Governing Board of Bullhead City Elementary School District No. 15 of Hohave County, Arizona (the "District"), held a special bond election within the District on March 10, 1992; a.nd WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors will canvass the resul ts of the special bond election to determine the vote (in favor of or in opposition to) cf a majority of the qualified E:lectors of the District voting at the election regarding the issuance of bonds of the District in the amount of $12,600,000 for the purpose of providing funds to accomplish the purposes set forth in the attached ballot marked Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Mohave County, Arizona wishes to certify the results of the election on behalf of the Governing Board of the District pursuant to Arizona Revised statutes Section 15-493, as amended, NOW, THEREFORE IT IS Hl::REBY RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MORAVE COUNTY, ARI2:0NA AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the results to Question No. 1 of the special bond election held in and for Bullhead City Elementary School District No. 15 of Mohave County, Arizona on March 10, 1992 are as indicated below. Precinct and Pollinq Place No Ballots Processed Reiected Total Yes Cl2 Mohave Mesa Eagles Lodge, #4140 1512 Jill Way Bullhead City, Arizona 4 2 o 6 04 Chloride Chloride Town Hall East Payroll Avenue Chloride, .~rizona o o o 0 25 Punto de Vista Bullhead city Fire station #3 3560 McCormick Road Bullhead City, Arizona 76 150 o 228 26 Oatman Community Hall 140 Main Street Oatman, Arizona o o o o I Precinct and Polling Place Ye~~ No Reiected ~['otal 28 Riviera 51 119 0 172 Riviera Baptist Church 922 East Marina Blvd. Riviera, Arizona 30 Holiday Shores 6? 130 0 198 Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks #2408 1745 Emerald Street Bullhead City, Arizona 39 Bullhead City 40 91 0 132 Bullhead City Chamber of Commerce 625 Highway 95 Bullhead City, Arizona 41 River Bend 5'-' 126 0 180 L. Riviera Clubhouse City of Bullhead Corner of Marina & I Clearwater Bullhead City, Arizona 42 Buena vista 9C 188 0 282 Bullhead Fire Station #1 1260 Hancock Road Bullhead City, Arizona 47 Bluewater 66 156 0 224 Hope United Methodist Church 1325 Ramar Road Bullhead City, Arizona 48 Holiday Highlands 35 100 0 135 First Baptist Church of Bullhead City 1700 Palma Avenue Bullhead City, Arizona 49 Riverview 28 73 0 101 Holy Spirit Episcopal Church 490 Hancock Road Bullhead City, Arizona I 50 Lakeside 51 96 0 155 Bullhead City School Administration Office 1004 East Hancock Road Bullhead City, Arizona I I I Precinct and Pollinq Place No Reiected Total Yes 56 Davis Darn Katherine Landing Lake Mohave Resort, #51 Bullhead City, Arizona 19 4 o 23 59 Chaparral Moose Lodge 2320 Miracle Mile Road Bullhead City, Arizona 159 306 146 o Questioned Ballots 2 Absentee Ballots 45 'rOTAL 738 1381 o 2142 2. That the Board of Supervisors of Mohave: County, .i\rizona hereby determines that the special bond election was lawfully conducted, that only qua.lified electors of the District 'were permitted to vote at said election, and that a'majority of the ,qualified electors voting at said election voted in opposition to the issuance of school improvement bonds of the District in the total amount of Twelve Million six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($12,600,000) to accomplish the purposes set forth in the ballot submitted to the persons voting at said election. 3. That the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Mohave County, Arizona is directed to file a copy of this Resolution with the Clerk of the Governing Board of the District. Dated this 23rd day of March, 1992. BO~~D OF SUPERVISORS OF MOlli~VE COUNTY, ARIZONA ~~ 1/4//~/ Lois J. Hubba~, Chairman, Board of SupE:rvisors of Mohave County, Ari:~ona l\rizona I EXHIBIT "A" OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR SPECIAL BOND ELECTION TO BE HELD IN BULLHEAD CITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 15 OF MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA, ON :MARCH 10, 1992. I Shall Bullhead City Elementary School District No. 15 of Mohave County, Arizona, be authorized to issue and sell general obligation bonds of the District in the principal amount of $12,600,000 to provide funds for any of the following: to purchase or lease school lots, to build school buildings, to supply school buildings with furniture and apparatus, to improve school grounds, or, to liquidate any indebtedness already incurred for such purposes, and, to pay all legal, financial and other necessary costs in connection therewith, said bonds to bear interest at a rate of not to exceed 12% per annum, said interest payable semiannually on the first day of January and the first day of July of each year until the maturity of each bond and the bonds to mature over a period of not to exceed 20 years from the date of their issuance, and to be in the denominations of $5,000 each or multiples thereof and to mature on the first day of t::1e same month of each year which may be either January or July? BONDS YES CJ BONDS NO D NOTICE TO VOTERS: Only qualified electors of this District are eligible to vote at this election. I A-I