HomeMy WebLinkAbout92-119 lr'\ S 00 I 1 ! I I :4 -'I il REING RE-RECORDED TO INCUDE LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR 1160 SILVER CREEK SOUTH PRECINCT 6 . ~.., INDEXEQ '-, Mi,CRUtIUVIED 092- 16374 6K 2028 PG 198 OFFH lAL RE,::DRDS OF MOHAVE COUNTY AI. *JClAN NcCALL, MOHAVE COUNTY f\'ECORDER* ':<3/31/92 8;00 A.M. PAGE 1 OF 66 1'I0HAVE COUI'~"'Y BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECORDING FEE 0.00 He . RESOLUTION NO. 92-119 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors met in Special Session this 30th day of March, 1992, and WHEREAS, the Fortieth Arizona LHgislature on March 2, 1992, adopted Senate Bill #1002, providing for c(~rtain election procedures for the 1992 Primary and General Elections; relating to E:lections and electors and changing Arizona State Legislative Boundaries, and WHEREAS, Mohave County desires to comply with said Senate Bill #1002, by creating new and changing certain voting precincts that will be in effect immediately after May 19, 199:2:, the third Tuesday in May. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the attached Exhibits A through M <legal descriptions} are adopted as changes to certain current voting precincts and creating certain voting precincts as follows: 01 North Wikieup Precinct (new precinct) 03 - South Wikieup Precinct (new precinct) 13 - North Hackberry Precinct (new precinct) 20 - South Hackberry PrE!cinct (new precinct) 25 - Punta De Vista Precinct (new boundaries) 26 - Oatman Precinct (new boundaries) 31 - Yucca Precinct {new boundaries) 36 - Sara Precinct (new boundaries) 37 - Alamo Precinct (new precinct) 39 - Bullhead City Precinct (new boundaries) 53 \.~l CROFILMI:.&. - Lak,eview Precinc t {new boundaries) 56 - Davis Dam Precinct (new boundaries) INDEXEQ 60 - Silver Creek South Precinct (new precinct) ."2J ..-~ "-. 'J .92- 26660 BK 2052 F'G 62"- OfFICIAL RECORDS OF MOHAVE COUNTY AZ. ~ *JOAH McCALL, MOHAVf COUNTY RECOROER* 05/18/92 12:05 P.M. PAGE i OF 67 . ~MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERvrSORS ~ R~CORDING FEE 0.00 Ne - I I I PAGE 2 OF 66 -e.y.. 2Q28 f>1i 1~'1 t f'E'E'''"2-1.6~7~,) WHEREAS, these modifications with the descriptions for the following precincts recorded on December 19, 1991, as such are the complete descriptions of all voting precincts in Mohave County: 02 .. Mohave Mesa 04 - Chloride 05 - Colorado City 06 Country Club 07 - Desert Hills 08 - Meadview 09 .. Dolan Springs 10 .. Golden Valley 11 - Butler 12 - Mohave Valley 14 - Hilltop 15 - Hualapai 16 .. North Kingman 17 - Southwest Kingman 18 - E:ast Kingman No. 1 19 - East Kingman No. 2 21 - Littlefield 2~~ - Logasville ~~ 3 - Moccasin 24 - Sierra 27- Peach Springs 28 - RiviE!ra .29 - Topock 30 - Holiday Shores a2 - Truxton 33 - Industrial 34 - Palo Verde 35 .. London Bridge PAGE 2 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 625 (FE:E~92-26660) I I 1 I ! I 38 - Fairgrounds 40 - North College 41 - Riverbend 42 - Buena Vista 4a - Smoke tree 44 - StarIine 4;j - White Hills 4G - Sacramento Valley 47 - Bluewater 48 - Holiday Highlands 49 - Riverview fiO - Lakeside 51 - Mountainview 62 - Crossman 54 - Oro Grande 55 - Bermuda City :57 - Rainbow 68 - Broadway 5,9 Chaparral PAGE 3 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 200 <rEE~92-1637+) PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 30th day of March, 1992. MOHA VE COUN'rY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - 0~~ 'f/i!/!/ ~v/ Lois J. Hubba~ Chairman Board PAGE 3 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 626 (FEE~92-26bbO) I PAGE 4 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 201 {FEEt92-16374) #01 NORTH WIKIEUP PRECI~Cr PAGE 4 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 627 (FEEt92-26660) Mohave County Southeast Starting at the East boundary line of Mohave County, 3 miles South of U.S. Hwy. #40, at Horse Lake. Proceed South to the intersection with a j e e p t r ail at S e c. 53 R 1 OW T 1 6 N . Follow the jeep trail West to where the jeep trai' becomes an unnamed :'oad at Sec. 2 R10Vv T16N. Continue Northwestward on the unnamed road through Cedar Basin to Sec. 22 R11W , 1 T16-1/2. Then continue West and North along unnamed road through Gordon ~I '- ) Canyon and OVE~r the Aquarius Cliffs to Sec. 31 R11W T17N. From this point follow a jeep trail West to to the junction with another unnamed road at Sec. 21 R12W T16-1/2N. Continue South and West along the unnamed road through Bull Canyon to j~nction with another unnamed road at Sec. 35 R12W T16-1/2N. Continue South on this unnamed road to Sec. 11 R12W T16N. At this junction continue Westward on unnamed road to Sec. 10 R13W T16N, where road ends at State Hwy. #93 at milepost 121.5. Continue South along State Hwy. #93 to intersection with Chicken Springs Rd. Then follow Chicken Springs Rd. West to the junction with the ridge line of the Hualapa~ Mountains. Follow the ridge line of the Hua1apai Mountains Northward to the junction with an unnamed road that is parallel to Walnut Creek. Thence East along Walnut Creek to the ~ junction with Od1e Ranch Rd. (County road #129) at section line between I Sec. 13 and 24. Proceed East along Odle Ranch Rd. to milepost 106 on U.S. Hwy #93. Proceed North on U.S. Hwy. #93 to Row Water Canyon. Thence East on Row Water Canyon Rd. to Eastern boundary of Mohave County and the original starting point. I', . , . ;\ -. ::1'. . .~~ .. :j I ") - #OL__MOHAVE MESA PREC I NeT PAGE 3 OF 73 BK 1985 PG ~62 (FEEt91-67839) Bullhead City, Arizona area South PAGE 5 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 202 (FEE#92-16374) Starting at the intersection of the South city limits nf Bullhead City and the Davis-Dam power line proceed South on Davis-Dam power line tu Boundary Cone Rd. Proceed West on Boundary Cone Rd. to the Colorado River IAZ/NV state line). Proceed midstream of the Colorado River North to the junction with the Bullhead City city limits South boundary. Proceed East and North along South Bullhead City city limits to () 1- i gin a 1 s tar tin 9 poi n t " PAGE 5 OF 67 nK 2052 PG 628 (FT(~92-26A6(;) .'- PAGE 6 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 203 (FEE#92-1637~) I #03 SOLTH WIKIEUP PRECINCT PAGE 6 OF 67 HK :,I05:~ PG 629 (~:-FE:~92-:}6660) Mohave County Southeast Starting at the East boundary ~ine of Mohave County and a jeep trail at Sec. 53 R 1 (Iv\{ T 1 6 N . Follow the jeep trail West to where the jeep trail becomes an unnamed road at Sec. 2 R10W T16N. Continue Northwestward on the unnamed road through Cedar Basin to Sec. 22 R11W T16-1/2. Then continue West and North along unnamed road through Gordon Canyon and over the Aquarius Cliffs to Sec. 31 R11W T17N. From this point follow an unnamed jeep trail West to the junction with another unnamed road at Sec. 21 R12W T16-1/2N. Conti nUl:: South and West along the unnamed road :-1 through Bu'll Canyon to junction wit h another unnamed road at Sec. 35 R12W T16-1/2N. Continue South on this unnamed road to Sec. 10 R13W T16N, wherE: road ends at State Hwy. #93 at milepost 121.5. Continue South along State Hwy #93 to intersection with Chicken Springs Rd. Then follow Chicken Springs Rd. West to the junction with an unnamed road at Sec. 8 R14W T15N. Follow the unnamed road, which parallels the West side of Chicken Spr'ings Rd., to the junction with Alamo Crossing Rd. (County road #15). Thence South on Alamo Crossing Rd. to Browns's Crossing at Burro Wash on the Santa Maria River. Follow the Santa Maria River East to the Mohave County boundary line. Then proceed North along boundary line to Sec. :;3 R10W T16N, thE~ ot-iginal starting point. I #04 CHLORIDE PRECINCT PAGE 4 OF 73 I BK 1985 PG 463 (FEEf91-67839) ,.~ -,' PAGE 7 OF 66 '-10 h a v e L:ounty Central Bt< 2028 PG 204 (FEEt92-16374) Starting at Nodman CanY8n Drainage Wash at the intersection of Stockton Hill Rd. prCJce€~d South on Stockton Hill Rd. t:J Cerbat Canyon Rd. Thence West on Cerbat Canyon Rd. to U.S. Hwy. #93. Proceed across U.S. Hwy. #93 to the junction with Jurassic Dr. Proceed West on Jurassic Dr. to Egar Rd. Thence I\Jorth on Jurassic Dr. to intersection with Drake Rd. lhen follow Drake Rd. North and West to the ridge line of the Slack Mountains. Proceed North along the ridge line of the Black Mountains to the junction with Cottonwood Rd. Thence East on Cottonwood I Rd. to junction with U.S. Hwy. #93. Proceed Southeast on U.S. Hwy. #93 1/4 mile to Putnam Wash. In an easterly direction proceed on Putnam Wash to ridge line of the.terbat Mountains. fhen proceed Easterly to Nodman Drainage Wash. Thence East on Nodman Drainage Wash to the original starting point. PAGE BK 7 OF 2052 PG 67 630 (FEJ:t92-26660) I '"l I I :\ ;., .;., -+: I ...... #05 PAGE 5 DF 73 BK 1985 PG 46~ (FEEt91-67839) PAGE 8 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 205 a"EEt92-16374) COLORADO CITY PRECINCI Arizona Strip Area Starting at the Arizona-Utah Border at the 5400 ft. line of the V~rmillion Cliffs go West on the Border to the Junction wi.th LCl'5t Springs f'lount<3.in Rd. .at Section 35. FolIo'", LCls\; Springs Mountain Rd. Southerly to Wells Spring Rd. at Section 20. Proceed East on Wells Spring Rd. to junction with Sand Rd. at section lines between Sections 15 & 22. Thence Easterly to fence line between Sections 16 & 17 and the junction with Hwy. 1389. Proceed North along section line to 5400 ft. line of the Vermillion Cliffs. Thence North to the Arizona-Utah Border and the original starting point. .~ ..- PAGE 8 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 631 (fEE~92-26660) 1 I 11 ,; ., '0 -I .-:-~ .:' :::' : ~ ~'.1 .... #06 COUNTRY CLUB PRECINCT PAGE 6 OF 73 BK 1985 PG 465 (FEE~91-67839) Kingman, Arizona PAGE 9 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 206 (f'EEt92-16J74) Starting at intersection of Sto=kton Hill Rd. and Cerbat Call yon I~ d. pro C e e d 5 () W tl-l 0 n S t Ci c k ton H ill Rd. to Kin g man C i t y limits at Northern Ave. Follow Kingman city limits West and South to Wilshire Ave. and Fairfax St. Thence East on Wilshir~ Ave. and Beverly Ave. to Stockton Hill Rd. Pl-o'.:eed South on Stockton Hill Rd. to Detroit Ave. Thence West on Oetr'oit Ave. to WestE~rn Ave. (extension). Proceed South on Western Ave. to jeep trail (White Cliffs Rd.). Fo 110....' jeep trail West to Pipeline Rd. Thence Northwesterly along Pipeline Rd. to U.S. Hwy. #40. At this intersection proceed Southwesterly to Kingman city " :. i m its . Fo112~ Kingman city 1 imits West and North to U.S. Hwy. #93 at milepost 69 and the ridge line of the Cerbat Mountains. Proceed North on the ridge line to the Ce~bat Canyon Rd. intersection. Th!~nce East on Cerbat Canyon Rd. to Stockton Hill Rd. and the original starting point. PAGE 9 OF BK 2052 PG 67 632 (FEE~92-26660) I'... ',: - I ':;. , ' I ~.~ '. #07 PAGE 10 OF BK 2052 PG PAGE 7 OF BK 1985, PG 67 633 (FEE#92-26660) 73 ~66 (FEEt91-67839) DESERT HILLS P~ECINCT L a I< E' H c~ vas u C i t y, A 1- t Z 0 n ,=, are a PAGE 10 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 207 (FEEI92-1637~) Starting at the intersection of Atchison-Tope~a Santa Fe Railroad and Franconia Rd. proceed South to U.S. Hwy.#40. rheflce WI?st .5 mile on U.S. Hwy. ~40 to the South br"3nch of Fr,:tnc:onia Rd. Follow Francania Rd. South to the Mohave Mountain ridge line at the section line between Sections 13 & 14 <Crossman Peak). At this intersection turn West on unnamed ~-Jash 1:0 the intersection wittl State H~-JY, ~95 at Section 16. On State Hwy. #95 proceed South to another unnamed wash at Lake Havasu City limits. Thence West on unnamed wash to the midstream of the Colorado River (AZ/CA state line). Thence follow midstream of the Colorado River North_to Junction with U.S. Hwy. #40. Proceed East along U.S. Hwy #40 to inter- section with Davis Dam-Parker Dam power line. Thence North on Davis Dam-Parker Dam power line to AtChison-Topeka Santa Fe Railroad. Proceed East on Atchison-Topeka Santa Fe Railroad to Franconia Rd the original starting point. I; I ,\ :1 " j, ,I ...~t f, PAGE BK 8 OF 73 1985 PG 467 (FEE~91-67839) #08 MEADVIEW PRECI~CT PAGE 11 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 208 U:EEI92-1637+) Mohave County North Central PAGE 11 OF 67 8K 2052 PG 63+ (FEE~92-26660) ~tarting at the junction of the midstream of the Colorado River and the Northwestern boundary of the Hualapai Indian Heservation. Proceed South on the Reservation line to the junction with Clay Springs Rd. Follow Clay Springs Rd. Westerly to the junction with Iran Springs Canyon. Ihen proceed Southwesterly on Iron Springs Canyon to Antares Rd. lCounty Hoad. #149). rhen proceed Northwesterly on Antares Rd. to Pierce Ferry Rd. lhence Southwesterly along Pierce Ferry Rd. to Gregg's Hideout Rd. (County Road. #139). F-ollow Gregg's Hideout Rd. North to drainage wash. ...Follow drainage wash 4-1/2 miles North to the midstream of the Colorado River. Proceed East along the midstream of the Colorado River to junction with Northwest boundary of Hualapai Indian Reser- vation and the original starting point. I "'\ I .: ~t. :i1, I r- .. :'~ PAGE ~;OF 73 BK 1985 PG 468 (FEE~91-678J9) #09 DOLAN SPRINGS PRECINCJ PAGE BK 12 OF 2052 PG 67 645 (FEEi'::92-26660) Mohave County Central PAGE 12 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 209 (FEEt92-16314) Starting at the intersection of Gold Basin Rd. and Pierce Ferry Rd. follow Gold Basin Rd. Southeast to intersection with Stockton Hill Rd. Proceed Sout~ on Stockton Hill Rd. to intersection with Nodman Canyon Drainage Wash. Fo 11 ow "Iodman C~nyan Drain~ge Wash West to the Cerbat Mountain rirlge line. Proceed West on the CertJat Mountain ridge line to Putnam Wash. Follow Putnam Wash West to U.S. Hwy. #93. Turn North on U.S. Hwy. #93 1/4 mile to intersection with Cottonwood Rd. Proceed West on Cottonwood Rd. to the Colorado River <AZ/NV state 1 i ne) . Proceed midstream of the Colorado River North to the po in t where Four Corner !5-CO lor ado River pow~r., 1 i ne i nt ersec t . Then proceed East on the Four Corners-Colorado River power line to intersection with Pierce Ferry Rd. Turn No.-theast on Pierce Ferry Rd. to Gold Basin Rd. Then proceed Southeast on Gold Basin Rd. to the original starting point. I I. ,I I "- ::1 PAGE 10 OF 73 BK 1985 PG ~69 (FEE~91-67839) #10 GOLDEN VALLEY PRECINCr PAGE 13 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 636 (FEE~92-26660) PAGE 13 OF 66 BK 2028 P6 210 (F'EEt92-16374) f"lohave County Central ~t the junction of Cerbat Canyon Rd. and the ridge line of the Cerbat Mountains follow ridge line Southwest to Prescription Rd. Proceed Northwest on Prescription Rd. to Shipp Dr. Jhen proceed West along Shipp Dr. to Aztec Rd. ~ollow Aztec Rd. North to State Hwy. M68. Proceed West on State Hwy. #68 to ~gar Rd. On Egar Rd. proceed N~rth to Jurassic Or. Follow Jurassic Dr. East to U.S. Hwy. ~93. 'lhence East on unnamed road at Section 23, T22N, R18W. Proceed East on unnamed road to Cerbat Canyon Rd. and the original starting point. I #11 BUTLER PRECINGT PAGE 11 OF 73 BK 1985 PG 470 (FEE~91-67839) " Kingman~ Arizona PAGE 14 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 211 (FEEI92-1637+) Starting at the interse(:tion of Jagerson A'/e. and l'larshall Dr. proceed South on Marshall Dr. to Thompson Ave. lhence East on Ihompson Ave. to Castle Rock Rd. lhen proceed South o~ Castle Rock Rd. to intersection with Northern Ave. lurn West on Northern Ave. to intersection with Roosevelt St. 1 hence l\Jor th on Roosevelt St. to Jagerson Ave. Proceed East on Jagerson Ave. to original starting point. I PAGE 1~ OF 67 BK ',2052 PG 637 (FEE:92-26660> , J ! , , , 1 .~. I : ..~ I ~ ''; I I I . ....:\ .l ~. , J.: ;., . ., ;1 ~ ., *12 PAGE 12 DF 73 BK 1985 PG 471 (FEEt91-67839) MOHAVE VALL,EY _ PREC I~C"I Moha....e Coun ty Wes t PAGE 1~ OF 66 BK 2028 PG 212 (F'EEI92-16J74) SI:Clrtin';l at the junction of Boundary Cone Rd. and the Davis Dam-Parker Dam power line. Proceed South an the Davis Dam- Parker Dam power line to Willow Dr. Thence West on Willow Dr. to t;he Colorado River" U~Z/NV state line). Following midstream uf the Colurado River" pr'uc:eed North to the South junction of Boundary Cone Rd. Thence East on Boundary Cone Rd. to the Davis Dam-Prescott Dam power line and the original starting point. PAGE BK 15 OF 67 2052 PG 638 (FEEt92-26660) I ~t t ,~ j I PAGE 16 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 639 {FEE~92-26660) #13 NORTH HACKBERRY PR~CINCT Mohave County East PAGE 16 OF 66 BK 2028 P6 213 (FEEt92-16374) Starting at the intersection of the South boundary and the Northwest boundary of the Hualapai Indian Reservation follow an unnamed wash South to the intersection with State Hwy. #66. Follow State Hwy. #66 West to an unnamed road near mile post 70. Continue North on this unnamed road 8-1/2 miles to the end of the road. Turn West at the road in the middle of Sec. 5. Continue West for 9 miles to the intersection with Stockton Hill Rd. Follow Stockton Hill Rd. Northwest to the junction with Gold Basin Rd. On Gold Basin Rd. proceed Northwest to Pierce Ferry Rd. Then follow Pierce Ferry Rd. Northeast to Antares Rd. (County road #149). Turn on Antares Rd. Southeasterly to junction with Iron Springs Canyon. Proceed Northeast along Iron Springs Canyon to the junction with Clay Springs Rd. Proceed Northeast on Clay Springs Rd. to the Hualapai Indian Reservation boundary. Follow the Hualapai Indian Reservation boundary line Southeast to an unnamed wash at the junction of the South and Southwesterly boundary line and the original starting point. 1=: .1.. ; t' I ~'\ PAGE 17 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 214 (F'EE~92-16374) #14 HILLTOP PRECIN~T PAGE 14 OF 73 BK 1985 PG 473 (FEE'91-67839) KINGMAN, ARIZONA PAGE 17 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 6~O (FEE:92-26660) Starting at the intersection of U.S. Hwy. #40 and Fairgrounds Blvd. proceed South an Fairgrounds Blvd. to Motor Ave. Thence East on Motor Ave. intersection with Harrison St. Proceed South on Harrison St. to Pasadena Ave. intersection. Turn West on Pasadena Ave. to Western Ave. Then proceed North on Western Ave. to Detroit Ave. intersection. Proceed East on Detroit Ave. to Stockton Hill Rd. Thence North on Stockton Hill Rd. to U.S. Hwy. #40. Turn East on U.S. Hwy. #40 to original starting point. PAGE 18 OF BK 2028 PG 66 215 (FEEt92-1637~) PAGE 15 OF 73 BK 19~5 PG ~7~ (FEE~91-67839) I ~;;.~ ':}! --' #15 HUALAPAI PRECINCT Kingman, Arizona South PAGE BK 18 OF 2052 PG 67 6~1 (FEE~92-26660) Starting at the junction of U.S. Hwy. #93 and old Hwy. #93 (abandoned) proceed South on U.S. Hwy. #93 to Odle Ranch Rd. (County road #129) at milepost 106. Proceed Northeast on Odle Ranch Rd. to junction with Walnut Creek at the section line between Sec. 13 and 24. Follow Walnut Creek West to the ridge line of the Hualapai Mountains and an unnamed road at the section line between Sec. 22 and 23. Continue Northwest along unnamed road (which parallels Walnut Creek) to junctien with I another unnamed road at Sec. 8 T19N R16W. Continue North on ".:\ unnamed road to another unnamed road at Sec. 20 T20N R16W. Thence proceed East and North an this unname~ road to junction with another unnamed road at Sec. 14. Follow North on this 1. unnamed road to junction with Hualapai Mtn. Rd. at See 2 T20N R16W. Thence Northwest along Hualapai Ntn. Rd. to junction with Davis Dam-Prescott power line. Proceed Northeast along Davis Dam-Prescott power line to U.S. Hwy #40 at Hualapai Interchange Rd. and old Hwy #93. Proceed Southeast on old Hwy #93 to intersection with U.S. Hwy #93 and original starting Point. i !i I 'i I '~ .) I ~ 0:) 'j1 . . . , ' I ., ': ! #l..c,_ __,__HQRIl:LKJlillt1BN_E',m:~C__I N_~,I PAGE BY. 16 OF 1985 PG 7J .475 U'EEI91-67839) I,. 1 Ii r;J :n d n, A r- i ;: 0 n a 19 OF 2028 PG PAGE BK 66 216 (FEEt92-16374) BeC)lnnin'l at the intersf:ction fJf Stockton Hill n.d. .3nd GrJl"don C'l-. proc<:2~'d [2iSll?l'ly. along Gor'non Dr. to tile f\(QI-lhea<;t CU'",lf',. o t' !3 -3 n k St.. Thencl? Southerly along the recOlr let linl'S'S of R "3 11 h St. E a 5 t 5 ide r e =; i ci<;~ IlC est IJ the Sou t h f? a s t C 0 ,- II e 1- 0 f Air w n Y Av~. Tll,='nCI? Easl:el'lv along A,l-way Ave. to flainbo\o'J D,-. lhc:>nce IIC.'" thE r 1 y a J onq R3 i ntJ 0 'I'! Dr. to Shangr i-I a Or, F'rol:eed [a<.::t:el"ly along Shil1lg,-i -J.., Dr. to Sunshine Dr. Tht?ncp /\/or-i;hE!asterly alonq ~31,Jrl<=hine Or" to the SOLlthl~r-l,/ prolongation n r the f' e a I lot I i 11 e :; 0 1~ r.:: a g 1 E' Roc k Rd. Thenc,:,' r'forth alor~g said n'!ar lot; lines to I<ino AVE'. Proceed Easterly alung Kino Ave. to D i amnnrJ Dr. TII'?T1CI'? Souther"ly along Diamond DI-. to Sun'5" i ne Dr. Thence NortheastlE>rly al'Jng Sunshine 0,-. l.o Ap3(:he SI:. ..... Proceed Northerly along Apache St. to Gordon Dr. [hence Ea"?t:F?l'ly ,310ng r:;OI-rJOII Dr-. to tlH? f\l1J1-thE'rlst; ern-nero of (\In,-th Castle Rock Rd. Thence ~;jouther'ly alo,,'] the East Line of No,-l;h Castle Roc" Rd. to thE' intersection wi.th the I\Ir)T.th- westerly R/W line of State Hwy. 166. Proceed Northeasterly ~lnn~ said R/W line to the Southeasterly prolongation of the N(Jrthe~\stel-ly line of l.ot 14, Block 1, <Sec.y) Bl?rry ~\cl"eS S..d, d i vis ion P 1.'\ t . Thence Southeasterly along Southeasterly proll1nqation to the A.T. anrj ~3.F. Railroad's No,-I:hwl?sl;el-Iy Pit,} line. Pro~eed Southwesterly along said R/W lin~ to th~ intersection of Airway Ave. Thence Easterly alon~ said North line of Section 8 to the Southeasterly R/W line of said Rail- road eel. fhence Sou thl"es ter I y along 1 as t sa i d SOlJ the,as cer I y R/lJ line 1;0 the juncti:ln ~.Jith U.S. Hwy. #40. F~l- tl c: eed PAGE BK 19 OF 2052 PG 67 642 (FEE::92-26660) I~ I " I , 'j {..~:?s t,=r.l y nn IJ. S. HHv'. #(") to 5 ta l;e I-II'J).'. n~,s. Thr-;r.r:e ~ C' 1I t h w est'? r 1 '> ~1l 0 n g S L1 t E: H V,J Y # b -:, t 0 S C ..:::l r I e I.: St. Thenr:,,:, f\lnrthw:,ste,-ly alon'] S":ar-J.I-:?t'5r. to Detroit ('I'.'F:. 1::1,- OCP'E',j l.) F.' 5 l: C: r 1 y a 1 (1 II q 0 '=' t .- 0 i t 1:'1 v I? and i. t s p r Q I 0 11 CI a l: i a f1 1; I.J the i. n ': F? f' SF' C t i. 0 n C f H a r r i ~5 enS t . Thence Sou th 011 H.,.n- i :,l1n ~, I:. to I'I'J L '_" r...'/E'. l:l, OCF?G.'d t~I::'5t an l'lotcJI- Ave. to F.,inll-I'II;lt1'; !:31'ld. fUl-n North I)n Fain]rrJun'.f!:5 Blvd. to U.S. Hlo'JY. nile.. Th:;>nce ,-:>r'(lcr?'?d 1..Jl?st; to Stacl.:tnr Hi 11 Rd. Then p'-oceerl 1'101- tll nn 5f:od,ton HlII Fld. to ('Jor-don Dr. and the o,-iginal starting o Cl i , It-. PAGE 20 OF 66 8f( 2028,P6 217 <F:'EEt92-1(374) PAGE 17.QF 73 BK 1985PG ~76 (FEEt91-678J9) PAGE BK 20 OF 2052 PG 67 6~3 (FEE~92-26660) I PAGE 18 OF 73 ",~ BK 1985 PG 477 (FEE~91-67839) "f -/ #17 SOUTHWEST KINGMAN PAGE 21 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 218 (FEEt92-16374) 1< i ngman 1 Arizona PAGE 21 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 64~ (FEE#92-26660) At the intersection of Maple St. and the East Branch of the Atchison Topeka-Santa Fe Railway proceed Southwesterly along the railway to Slaughterhouse Canyon Rd. Thence Southwesterly on Slaughterhouse Canyon Rd. to Slaughterhouse Canyon. Then follow ~3Iaug"terhouse Canyon to Atchison Topeka-Santa F~e Railway access road. Follow access road to the Davis Oam- I Prescott power line. Thence East on Davis Dam-Prescott power line to Hualapai Mountain Rd. On Hualapai Mountain Rd. travel '., :1; Southeast 3-1/2 miles to unnamed road. Fo llo.w th i s unnamed ro~d Southwest to EI Paso Gas Line Road. Follow EI Paso Gas 'i' Line Road Westerly to the junction with U.S. Hwy. #40. Proceed North on U.S. H~y. #40 to Prescription Rd. Thence West pn Prescription Rd. to the ridge line of the Cerbat Mountains. Proceed North on the Cerbat Mountain ridge line to U.S. Hwy. #93 at milepost 69. Thence Southeasterly along U.S. Hwy. #93 to Junction of Kingman city limits. Follow Kingman city_ limits to U.S. Hwy. #40. Thence South on U.S. Hwy. #40 to -; Beale St. Proceed East on Beale St. to First St. On First I ...... ''"1 ;. St. continue South to Andy Devine Ave. Thence West along Andy Devine Ave. to Maple St. Proceed East on Maple St. to East branch of Atchison Topeka-Santa Fe Railway, thence East to original starting point. I I ~ " I ~ , 1 , ~~ : .., .1 PAGE 22 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 219 (F~E.92-16374) PAGE 19 OF 73 BK 1985 PG 478 (FEEt91-67839) #18 EAST KINGMAN NO. 1 PRECINCT PAGE 22 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 645 (FEE~92-26660) f< i nl~man I Ar i <::ona Startin~1 at u.s. Hwy. 11'+0 and Pipeline Rd. proceed Southerly on Pipeline Road to the jeep trail (White Cliffs Rd.). Thence Easb?rly on the jeep tre.il to WE!stel-n Ave. Thence Southerly along Western Ave. to the Northwest corner of Maple St. Thence Easterly along Maple St. to State Hwy. #66 (Andy Devine Ave.). Proceed Southwesterly and Westerly along State Hwy. #66 to its intersection with First St. Thence North on First St. to Beale St. Thence Westerly along Beale St. to its intersection with U.S. Hwy. #40. Thence Northerly along U.S. Hwy #40 to the original starting point. I I ! ; ::~ ',' ~ I 11: 1 9 PAGE 23 or 66 BK 2028 PG 220 (FEEt92-16J74) PAGE 20 OF 73 BK 1985 PG ~79 (FEE:91-67839) EAST KINGMAN #2 pRECINC1 ~:ingman, Arizona PAGE 23 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 646 (FEE~92-26660) Starting at intersection of the Davis Dam-Prescott power line access road and the Eastern Mohave County boundary proceed South on Mohave County line to unnamed road at Horse Lake. Thence West on unnamed road to Row Water Canyon Rd. Proceed West on Row Water Canyon Rd. to U.S. Hwy. #93. Follow U.S. Hwy. #93 North to old Hwy. #93 abandoned (County road #259). Then proceed Northwest on old Hwy. #93 to U.S. Hwy #40 and Hualapai Interchange Rd. and Davis Dam-Prescott power line. Thence Southwest on Davis Oam-Prescott power line to access road at Section 3, T21N, R17W. Thence Northeast on access .... road to Slaughterhouse Canyon. Proceed on Slaughterhouse Canyon to Atchison Topeka-Santa Fe eastside railroad tracks. Thence North along railroad tracks to Louise Ave. Then West across railroad tracks to intersection of Louise Ave. and State Hwy. #66. Proceed Northeast on State Hwy. #66 to Air- field Ave. Turn East on Airfield Ave. to A.T. and S.F. rail- road tracks. Proceed Northeasterly along railroad tracks to Castle Rock Interchange. Thence West to State Hwy. #66. Proceed Northeast on State Hwy. #66 to milepost 65.6 and unnamed road at Section 29. On unnamed road proceed Southeast to Section 32. Continue South 6n same unnamed road to Davis Dam-Prescott power line. Proceed East on Davis Dam-Prescott power line to East Mohave County line and the original starting point. PAGE 24 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 221 (FEE~92-16374) I #20 SOUTH HAC KBERRY PJI EC I NCT PAGE 24 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 647 (iFEE~92-26660) Mohave County East Start at the intersection of Sta~e Hwy. #66 and an unnamed road at Sec. 21 R13W T.24N. Follow this unnamed road, which parallels Wrights Canyon, Southeasterly to the intersection with the Davis Dam-Prescott power line. Proceed West on the Davis Dam-Prescott power line to County road #249 at the Western section line of Sec. 6 R14W T21N. Follow County road #249 Northwest to the junction w"th an unnamed road at Sec. R14W T22N. Follow this unnamed road North to Sec. 36 and ~-I another unnamed road. Continue Southwest on unnamed road to Sec. 3 and junction with another unnamed road. Follow this unnamed road Northwest to intersection with State Hwy. #66. Proceed East along State Hwy. #66 to the unnamed road, the original starting pOlnt. :J . ., :1 I I ::\ , ...-' I .:. .I) .; ~ -. -':'11 I , .'~ PAGE BK 21 OF 73 1985 PG 480 (FEE~91-67839) #21 LITTLEFIELD ~RECINCT ~~GE: 20~~ 2~' (FEE.92-16374) Ari~ond Strip West PAGE BK 2~ OF 2052 PG 67 6~8 (FEE~92-26660) Starting at the junction of the Arizona-Utah border and Lost Spring l'1olJntain Rd. proceed South on Lost Spring Mounf;ain Rd. to the intersection with Wells Spring Rd. Thence South and Ea~t on Wells Spring Rd. to intersection with Sand Rd. Fa 11 ow Easterly on Sand Rd. to junction with Mount Trumbull Rd. (County road #51. Turn Sou th on Moun t Trumbu 11 Rd. C<J Junction with County road #115. Continue South on County road #115 to junction with the Colorado River. Thence West along the midstream of the C81orado River to junction with Arizona- Nevada border. Proceed North on Arizona-Nevada border to Ari~ona-Utah border. Thence East on Arizona-Utah border to original starting point. I'> -' I J.'.' ". ;1 I .~ .~; PAGE BK 22 OF 1985 PG 7J ~81 (FEE~91-67839) #22 LOGASVILLE PRECI~CT PAGE BK 26 OF 66 2023'PG 223 (FEE"2-1637~) Kingman, Arizona PAGE BK 26 OF 2052 PG 67 6~9 O~EE===92-26660) Starting at the midsection of Section 5, T24N, R15W, 8 miles East of Stockton Hill Road, thence South on unnamed road 10 miles to State Hwy. "66 at Section 21. Proceed Southwesterly on State Hwy. #66 to intersection with North Castle Rock Rd. Then North on North Castle Rock Rd. to Gordon Dr. Thence West on Gordan Dr. to Apache St. Turn South on Apache St. to SunshinE: Dr. On Sunshine Dr. proceed Southwesterly to Diamond Dr. Then North on Diamond Dr. to Kino Ave. Thence We~;t on Kino Ave. to the Northerly prolongation of the rear lot lines of Eagle Rock Rd. Then South along said rear lot lines to Sunsh in!: Dr. Proceed Southwesterly on Sunshine Dr. to Shangri-la Dr. and the centerline of Rainbow Dr. rhen(:e Sou th on Rainbow Dr. to Airway Ave. Proceed West on Airway Ave. to Kingman city limits at rear lot lines of Bank St. Eastside residences. Proceed North on the rear lot lines to Gordon Ave.. Then West on Gordon Ave. to Bank St. Proceed North on Bank Street to Northern Ave. At this junction proceed East to North Castle Rock Rd. Thence North on North Castle Rock Rd. to Thompson Ave. Proceed West on Thompson Ave. to Marshall Dr. Proceed North on Marshall Dr. to Jagerson Ave. Thence Eas t on Jagerson Ave. (extension) to intersection with an unnamed road at Section 20. Proceed on this unnamed road Northwesterly to the Northwest corner of Section 24. At the I.' I." ,\\ . - I~ junction of the unnamed road PAGE BK PAGE BK 23 OF 73 1985 PG ~82 (FEEt91-67839) 27 Of 66 2028 PG 224 (FEEt92-16374) and the Telegraph-Coaxial Rd. proceed Northeasterly to the Nor'theast corner of Section 8. rhence Northwest on unnamed road to Southwest corner of Section 32. Follow unnamed road Westerly to Stockton Hill Rd. Section 18 (near Vock Wash). Thence Northeasterly on Stockton Hill Rd. to unnamed road at Thence on unnamed road at Section 18 (near Vock Wash) proceed Northeasterly to East boundary of Section 5 and original starting point. PAGE BK 27 OF 67 2052 PG 650 (FEH92-26660) I "1 ',I ::i I I ~l" ,'\ ~ PAGE 2~ OF 73 BK 1985 PG ~83 (FEE~91-67839) #23 MOCCAS IN PREC I t~CT PAGE 28 OF BK 2028 PG 66 225 (F'EEt92-16374) Arizona Strip East PAGE 28 OF 67 81< 2052 PG 6!51 (FE:E~92-26660) Startlng at the junction ot Mohave County (~anab Creek) and the Arizona-Utah border proceed West on the border to the 540V toot lllle ot the Vermillion Cliffs. fhen proceed South at the ::i40<..; foot line to the junction of Sections 16 and 17. Ihence South to Sand Rd. and State Hwy. #389. At this junction proceed West to Mt. Irumble Rd. (County road #5. > Proc:eed ~ 0 u t: h 0 n "I t. I rum b I e Rd. (L.: 0 u n t y r 0 a d # 5) t 0 j un c t ion ~"i t h County road #115. Continue South on County road #115 to Junction with the Colorado River. Follow midstream of the Colorado Rlver Northeasterly to kanab Creek. Ihen proceed North in center of kanab Creek to Utah border and the original starting point. I.. .. ,; I:, '\..: ::: 1 , #24 SIERRA PRECINC L 1<-ingman. Arizona PAGE 25 OF 73 BK 1985 PG ~8~ (FEE~91-67839) PAGE 29 OF 66 BI( 2028 PG 226 (F'EEt92-16314) ~tarting at the intersection of Northern Ave. and 8ank St. proceed South on Bank St. to Gordon Dr. Thence West on Gordon Ur. to the Kingman city limits at Sierra Rd. Proceed North on Sierra Rd. to Northern Ave. lhence East on Northern Ave. to the original starting point. PAGE 2~ OF 67 BK 2052 PG 652 (FEE~92-26660) I ~,~ I c. I PAGE 30 OF BY. 2052 PG 67 6'53 (FFE~92-26660) #25 PUNTO DE VISTA PRECINCT ~~6E 2Jg ~ ~ (FEEt92-16314) Bullhead City, Arizona Starting at the junction of the Colorado River (AZ/NV state line) and the Bullhead City city limits proceed East to the Northeast corner of Sec. 22 R21W T21N. Proceed South along the section line to junction with State Hwy. #68. Continue East along State Hwy. #68 to the ridge line of the Black Mounta'ins. Proceed South along the ridge line of the Black Mountains to the junction with the Davis Dam-Prescott power 'I in e . Proceed West along the Davis Dam-Prescott power line to ~he junction with the Highland-Green Wash. Then proceed Westerly along the Highland-Green Wash to the junction with the Colorado River. Proceed North along the midstream of the Colorado River to the original starting point. I ~I q -;-~ I #26 PAGE 31 OF 66 8K 2028 PG 228 (rEEt92-1637~) OA-:-MAN PRECINCT Mohave County West Central PAGE 31 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 654 (FEn92-266bO) Start at the junction of U.S. Hwy. #40 and Caliche Mine Rd. Proceed West on Caliche Mine Rd. to the junction with the ridge line of the Black Mounta~ns. Follow the ridge line of the Black Mountains Southerly to an unnamed road at Sec. 33 R19W T1BN. Proceed Southeast on this unnamed road to the junction with another unnamed road. Proceed East on this unnamed road to Davis Dam-Parker Dam power line. Follow the Davis Dam-Parker Dam power line Northwest to the junction of an unnamed road at Sec. 33 R19W T20N. Continue on unnamed road West to the Eastern boundary of the Bullhead City city limits at Sec. 32. Proceed North on the Eastern boundary of Bullhead City city limits (the section line) to the junction with North Oatman Rd. Proceed East on North Oatman Rd. to junction with Mossback Wash. Follow Mossback Wash East to the ridge line of the Black Mountains. Proceed South along the ridge line of the Black Mountains to State Hwy. #66. Follow State Hwy. #66 Northeasterly to Paradise Rd. Proceed Southeast on Paradise Rd. to U.S. Hwy. #40. Proceed North on U.S. Hwy.. #40 to the junction with the El Paso Gas Line Rd. at Sec. 31 !={17W T 20N. Proceed Northeast on El Paso Gas Line Rd. to the junction with an unnamed road at Sec. 19 R1BW T20N. Follow this unnamed road South, approximately 3/4 mile, to fork in road. Proceed South on right fork, approximately 1/2 mile, to second fork. Proceed on the right fork Southerly, approximately 4-1/2 I --I -:. I PAGE 32 OF 66 BY. 2028 PG 229 (FEEt92-16374) miles to junction with unnamed road in Sec. a R16W T19N. Follow this unnamed road South taking the right fork in the road at Sec. 23. Continue South to the right fork at Sec. 27. Continue South on this unnamed road to Sec. 8 R17W T1aN. Follow this unnamed road Sout hwest erl y past 01 d Camp \'/Elll in Sec. 33. Cont i nue Southwesterly on unnamed road in Sec. 14. Proceed Northwesterly in Sec. 16 to intersection with another unnamed road in Sec. 9. Continue Southwest on this unnamed road to junction with U.S. Hwy. #,~o in Sec. 13 R18W T18N. Proceed North on U.S. Hwy. #40 to the ol~iginal starting point. PAGE 32 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 655 (FEEt92-26660> 1....1 -' I :..~" . ..~ l I ,..., ,,'4 .. . PAGE 28 OF 73 BK 1985 PG ~87 (FEEt91-67839) #27 PEACH SPRINGS ~RECINC~ PAGE 33 OF 66 8K 2028 PG 230 (FEEt92-16374) Mohave County East Central PAGE BK 33 OF 2052 PG 67 656 (FEEt92-26660) Starting at the intersection of the Colorado River and longitude 113 degrees 20' West, the Mohave County - Coconino County boundary Line, proceed South on the Mohave County line to the South boundary of the Hualapai Indian Reservation. Proceed West and North along the boundary of the Hualapai Indian Reservation to the junction of the Colorado River. Fallaw midstream of the Coloradc River Southeast to the Mohave County boundary line and the original starting point. 'fhis precinct follows the exact reservation lines #1545 that lies within Mohave County, Arizona. No oth~r members live elsewhere in Mohave County. I....:~' . ., I"', ..... 'I ~! I #28 RIVIERA PRECINC~ PAGE 29 OF 73 BK 1985 PG 488 (FEE~91-67839) PAGE 34 Of 66 8K 2028 P6 231 CFEEt92-16374) 8ullhead City, Arizona Starting at the intel-SE?ctlon at 1'1arina 81vd~AiIr'd ~tm:te 6iwy. BK 2052 PG 657' (FEE~92-26660) #95 proceed South on State Hwy. ~95 to Riverview Ur. lhence West on Riverview Dr. to Clearwater Dr. Proceed North on Clearwater Ur. to Marina Blvd. Thence East an Marina Blvd. to the origlnal starting pOlnt. I ~ ~) .1 "-:.: ~'~. . ~ I .;~ PAGE 30 OF 8K 198~ PG 73 ~89 (FEE~91-67839) #29 .TOPOCK PRECINCT PAGE 35 Of 66 BK 2028 PG 232 (FEEt92-16374) ropock, Arizona PAGE 35 OF BK 2052 rG 67 658 (FEE~92-26660) Starting at the junction of Fiuemia Wash and the Uavis Dam-Parlcer Dam power line proceed Southeasterly on Davis Uam-Parker Dam power line to junction with U.S. Hwy. "40. Ihence West to midstream of Colorado River (AZ/CA state line). Proceed Northwesterly along midstream ot the Colorado River to a jeep trail at 4th Standard Parallel North (division lIne of Census Iract #~521 and ~9524 or 1990 Stat Boundary). Ihence East on the jeep trail to the Fort Mohave Indian Reservation boundary line. rurn South on thE Fort Mohave Indian Reservation boundary line to the junction of lopock Marsh and Fiuemia Wash. Follow Fiuemia Wash Northeasterly to Uavis Dam-Parker Dam power line and the original starting point. PAGE 31 OF 73 BK 1985 PG 490 (FEE~91-67839) I ., , #30 ., " I ," '-..' ~: :i , . I >.. ;"!'.. .... HOLIDAY SHORE~ PRECINCT BULLHEAD CITY, ARIZONA PAGE 36 OF 66 BK 2028 P6 233 (FEEt92-16374) Starting at the intersection of the Colorado River (AZ/NV state line) midstream and Langford Dr. proceed South on Langford Dr. to Hancock Rd. Thence West on Hancock Rd. to Taylor St. Follow Taylor St. North to midstream of the Colorado River. Proceed East on the Colorado River to original starting point. PAGE 36 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 659 (FEE::92-26660) I '-I ~ ~ " I " I #31 PAGE 37 OF 66 8K 2028 PG 234 (FEE'92-16374) YUCCA PRECINCT PAGE 37 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 660' 'FE & \ (,92-26660) Mohave County West Central Start at the junction of U.s. Hwy. #40 and an unnamed road a: Sec. 13 R18W T18N. Proceed Northeast on unnamed road to Sec. 6. Continue following unnamed road Southeast to Sec. 9 and ju~ction with another unnamed road. Continue Southeast on this unnamed road to Sec. 16 where it intersects another unnamed road. Follow this unnamed road Northeasterly past Old Camp Well in Sec. 33. Continue North on this unnamed road to Sec. 8 R17W T18N. Then Northeast on this same unnamed road until it intersects with the r;dge line of the Hua1apai Mountains in Sec. 27 R16W T19N. At this junction proceed East and South past Wabayuma Peak and Granite Peak along the ridge line of the Hualapai Mountains to junction with Chicken Springs Rd. Proceed Southwest on Chicken Springs Rd. to junction with an unnamed road in Sec. 8 R15W T15N. Continue Southwest on this unnamed road, which parallels Chicken Springs Rd., to junction with Alamo Crossing Rd. Proceed North- west on Alamo Crossing Rd. to intersection with unnamed road at Sec. 27 R15W T15N. Proceed Southwest on unnamed road to junction with another unnamed road at section line between Sec. 5 and 8. Follow this unnamed road Northwest to junction with yet another unnamed road at Northern section line of Sec. 5. Proceed West on this unnamed road to another unnamed road at Northern section line of Sec. 4 R17W T14N. Continue Southeast on this unnamed road to junction with an unnamed road at Sec. 15. Proceed West on this PAGE 38 OF 66 BY. 2028PG 235 (FEEt92-16374) I unnamed road to junction with another unnamed road at Sec. 16. Follow this unnamed road Southwest to junction with the ridge line of the Mohave Mountains at Sec. 30 R17W T14N. Follow the ridge line of the Mohave Mountains North~est to junction with an unnamed road at Crossman Peak, SJ?c. 18 R19\V T14N. Proceed North along unnamed road to intersection with Franconia Rd. at Sec. 30 R18W T15N. Follow Franconia Rd. Northwest to junction with the Atchinson Topeka-Santa Fe Railroad, North of U.S. Hwy. #40. Proceed West along AT-SF Railroad ~o junction with Davis Cam- Parker Dam power line. Follow Davis Dam-Parker Dam power line Northwest to intersection with an unnamed road at Sec. 6 R20W T16N. Follow this unnamed road East to junction with another :1 unnamed roa.d at Sec. 33 R20W T16N. Continue Northward along this unnamed road to Sec. 19 R19W T18N. At this point cont i nUE! South- east along this same unnamed road to Sec. 27 R19W T17N. Continue Eastward on this same unnamed road, over the Black Mountains, until the road ends at U.S. Hwy. #40, which is the origina.l starting point. PAGE 38 OF 67 BY. 2052 PG 661 (Ffn92-26660) -, , , ..j. I I'" ~..~I I :~l , ~ ..~ 1 '.j~\ PAGE 39 OF BK 2028 PG 66 236 (FEE~92-16J7~) #32 TRUXTON PRECIN~;T 33 OF ,73 1985 PG 492 (FEE~91-67839) PAGE B'K Mohave County East PAGE 39 OF BK 2052 p(i 67. 662 (FEEt92-26660) ~tarting at the Intersection of the Hualapai Indian Reser- vation Southeast boundary and t~e Eastern Mohave County line follow the Mohave County line Scuth to the Davis Dam-Prescott power line. Thence follow the Davis Dam-Prescott power line Northwest to the junctien with an unnamed road at Section 18 South of Wrights Canyon. Follow unnamed road North to Junction with Wrights Canyon Rd. at Section 18. ProceE!d Northwest on Wrights Canyon Rd. to State Hwy. #6~ at Section 24 East of milepost 90. Follow State Hwy. #66 .5 Northeast to an unnamed wash at Section 12, R12W, T24N. Thence follow the unnamed wash to the Hualapai indian Heserva~lon Southwest corner. Proceed East along the Southern boundary of the Hualapal Indian Reservation to the Mohave County line and the original startIng point. I I ~ : \ I " ',' :, . .} :.. PAGE 40 OF BK 2052 PG PAGE 34'DF BK 198~r PG 67 663 (!="EE~92-266.S(I) 73 ~93 (FEEt91-67839) #33 INDUSTRIAL PRECINCT PAGE BK ~o OF 2028 PG 66 237 I[FEEt92-1637~) Lake Havasu City, Arizona Starting at an unnamed wash at Section 10 and the Mohave I"lountain ridge line prOI::eed Southeast on the ridge lim= to Sections 13 & 14 (Crossman Peak). lhence Southwesterly on the Mohave Mountain ridge line to the jeep trail at Section 26, R 19('J, T 14N . Follow Westerly an the jeep trail to Paso De Uro St. at Section 29. Proceed South on Paso De Ora St. to 8150n f:Hvd. fhence West on Bison BI~d. to N. Kiowa Blvd. Thence West on N. ~iowa Blvd. to Aviation Dr. Proceed South on ~viation Dr. to Coppl:2r Dr /Ln. Then West on Copper Dr/Ln. to k:iowa Drain. Follow f(iowa Dra~n to the midstream of the Colorado River (AZ/CA state line). Thence ~~rth on the Colorado River to an unnamed wash at Lake Havasu City city limits.. Proceed East on unnamed wash to State Hwy. #95. lhence North on State Hwy. #95 to unnamed wash at center of Section 16. Proceed East on unnamed wash to Section 10 and the Mohave Mountain ridge line and the original starting point. I ~' I I ~. "f #34 PALO VERDE PRE~INCT PAGE BK 35 OF 1985"PG 73 ~9~ (FEE~91-67839) Lake Havasu City, Arizona PAGE 41 OF 66 BK 2028 P6 238 (FEEt92-16374) PAGE 41 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 664 (FEE~92-26660) Starting at the intersection of Rainbow Ave. and S. Palo Verde Blvd. proceed Southwest on S. Palo Verde Blvd. to Injo Dr. Ihence South on Injo Dr. to the intersection wIth Riviera Blvd. and Riviera Dr. Continue South on Riviera Dr. to f"lcCulloch Blvd. Thence Sou thwesi ter 1 y on t"lcCu 11 och Bl vd. to the midstream of London Bridge channel. Proceed Northwesterly midstream ot London Bridge channel to midstream ot the Colorado River CAZ/CA state line). Continue North along the Colorado River to the intersection with Industrial Drain. .lhence East on Industrial Urain to London Bridge Rd. Proceed South on Landon Bridge Hd. to Industrial Bl~d. Proceed East on Industrial Blvd. to N. Acoma Blvd. Thence South on N. Acoma Blvd. to Rainbow Ave. Proceed East an Rainbow Ave. to the original starting point. 1 I'. . ':";, . ,'. .' ; ., j: i. i ; i. ~ . i I. '.; :1," PAGE 36 OF 73 BY. 1985 PG 495 (FEEI91-67839) #35 LONDON BR I DGE P_REC I NeT PAGE 42 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 239 (FEt92-16374) Lake Havasu City, Arizona PAGE BK ~2 OF 2052 PG 67 665 (rEE~92-26660) Starting at the intersectlon of S. Cisco Dr. and N. EI Dorado ~ve. preceed South on N. El Dorado Ave. to Daytona Hve. Ihence Southwest on Daytona Ave. to S. Acoma Blvd. Proceed West on S. Acoma Blvd. to intersection with McCulloch Blvd. Continue Westerly on McCulloch Blvd. to Mulberry Ave. F'roceed Southwesterly on Mulberry Ave. to State Hwy. #95. 'I hen'=e Southeast on state Hwy. #95 to Daytona Wash. .'hence West along Daytona Wash to midstream of the Colorado Hiver (AL/C~ stab:- line). Proceed North midstream of the Colorado River to the intersection with the North centerline of the London Br idge c:hannel. lhence Southeasterly along said centerline to its intersection with McCulloch Blvd. lhence Northeasterly on McCulloch Blvd. to the intersec~ion with N. Smoketree Ave. Proceed Northeast along N. Smoketree Ave. to intersection with Pima Dr. (hence Southerly along Pima Dr. to the intersection with S. Cisco Dr. lhence Easterly along S. Cisco Dr. to N. El Dorado Ave. and the original starting point. I -,I -:.. ~~j; I PAGE ~3 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 240 (FEEt92-16374) #36 SARA PRECINCT PAGE 43 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 666 (FEE#92-26660) Lake Havasu City, Arizona Starting at the junction of Acoma Blvd. and the Lake Havasu City city limits proceed East on Lake Havasu City city limits to Oro Grande Blvd. Follow Oro Grande Blvd. to junction with Saratoga Ave. Proceed on Saratoga Ave. to S. Jamaica Blvd. intersection. Then North on S. Jamaica Blvd. to intersection with McCulloch Blvd. Proceed Easterly on McCulloch Blvd. to intersection with Tropic Blvd. Then East on Tropic Blvd. to the intersection with Coral Reef Dr. Proceed on Coral Reef Dr. to junction with the Lake Havasu City city limits. Then South 200 feet to Aqua Wash. Follow Aqua Wash Northeast to ridge line of the Mohave Mountains at the section line between section 13 and 14 (Crossman Peak). Follow the Mohave Mountain ridge 1 ine Southeast to the junction with Dutch Flat Rd. Proceed Southwest on Dutch Flat Rd. ~o the intersection with State Hwy. #95. Continue Northwest on State Hwy. #95 to Lake Havasu City city limits at Sec. 20 R19W T13N. Follow the southern section line of Sec. 18 West to junction with the C hem e hue vi Was hat Sec. 1 8 R 20'N T 1 3 N, the 0 rig i n a 1 s tar tin 9 point. I :-1 'I ~37 PAGE ++ OF 66 BK 2028 PG 2+1 CFEtt92-1637+) ALAMO PRECINCT Lake Havasu City, Arizona and vicinity PAGE 44 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 667 <rEE;92-2666D) Begin at midstream of the Colorado River (AZ/CA state line) and the Chemehuevi Wash. Proceej Northeast along Chemehuevi Wash to the junction with Sec. 18 R20W T13N. Follow the Southern section line of East to the Eastern boundary of Sec. 18. Continue North along boundary line to junction Lake Havasu City city limits. Proceed East along Lake Havasu City city limits to State Hwy. #95 at Sec. 20 R19W T13N. Proceed Southeasterly along State Hwy #95 to intersection with Dutch Flat Rd. Proceed Northeasterly along Dutch F~at Rd. to the intersection with an unnamed road at Sec. 15 R15W T14N. Proceed East, approximately one mile, on the unnamed road to the intersection with another unnamed road in Sec. 15. Proceed North- westerly on this unnamed road, approximately one mile, to the junction with ~utch Flat Rd. Proceed Northeasterly on Dutch Flat Rd., approximately 1--3/4 miles, to junction with an unnamed road. Proceed East on unnamed road, approximately 10-1/2 miles, to junction with another unramed road at Sec. 5 R15W T14N. Proceed Southeasterly one mile along unnamed road to junction with another unnamed road at Sec. 5 R16W T14N. Proceed Northeasterly along this unnamed road, approximately 3 miles, to intersection with Alamo Crossing Rd. Proceed Southeasterly along Alamo Crossing Rd. to the Mohave County Southern boundary (Bill Williams River) . Continue West along the B~ll Williams River to junction with the Colorado River. Proceed Northwest along midstream of the Colorado River to the original starting point. I .~ I h. .j'.:: I ; I , , . ~~ .~ ;:-~ I :...... .... .1 tt~JL..._.-=- ___ FA I ~jillOU_~~m~_ PRf;J;;.H~1;:T PAGE 45 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 668 (FEEI92-26660) PAGE ~O OF 73 BK 1985 PG ~99 (FEE~91-67839) PAGE 45 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 242 (F'EEt92-16J74) f'. 1 n'1,",,)!1, ~lr= i. 70na S':a,- t;ing at the int.er~;ec;:ion of U.S. H~'JY. tty.n And the A. i. and S.F. :-,:ll !I-oad pI OCE'!?rj SGuth~.JP.~;t along rat lnJad i:r) intp.rs~~ction '.'J i r. h A i J- f tel d A v I.) . It1F::,nce Wesl; on {-\i.I'fleld ~'vc. 1;0 inf:F2r-s,::)C" t. i OIl ~<Ji lh ~;t.~tE, H~<JY. ~166. p; oceed Southwest dlong SLate Hwy. 11':.6 to interSf?cr.ion ~-lith Ha,-ri~;Cln St. Thence 1\10 I' Lh on rl-3/'rison 51:. \:0 i.nb')"secti.on ,...di:h Deb"oit r1vf:'. p ,- 0 r. '? '.? (I E i:l S I: 'J 1'1 l) I? t r CI i t ?1 v P.. t 0 j u n r: t i (J n ~'-i i t h S r: a r 1 e t St. P'-oce!?d =iou th- f?"i,,=>t on SC"iI-let St. (;0 ;.ntersection with State Hw'(. >>66. ThencE' Nln thf=ast alung ~;tate H~'J'I. #66 to jl.lnc:tion r,-lith U.S. /-j!N'/. #4\). Proc~ed East dlong U.S. Hwy. ~40 to Junr:tion with r. 11 e A _ r. and 5, F. r ail r- () ad, the original 5t~rtlng point. I #39 BULLHE,ll.D CITY f::lREi:INCT PAGE ~6 OF 66 SK 2028 PG 24-3 (F'EE#92-16374) Bullhead City, Arizona PAGE 46 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 669 (FfE~92-26660) Starting at the junction of the Colorado River (AZ/NV state line) and the Highland-Green Wash proceed East along Highland- Green Wash to the junction with the Davis Dam-Prescott power line, Follow the Davis Dam-Prescott power line Easterly to the ridge line of the Black Mountains. Then Southerly along i the ridge line of the Black Mountains to the junction with Mossback Wash. Proceed Westerly along Mossback Wash to the junction with North Oatman Rd. Proceed West on North Oatman :1 Rd. to the junction with the Eastern boundary of the Bullhead City city limits. Then proceed North along the Bullhead City city limits to intersection with Silver Creek Rd. Proceed . j','l 1" .: West along Silver Creek Rd. to j~nction with the El Paso pipeline. Then Northeast on El Paso pipeline to Silver Creek Wash. Follow Silver Creek Wash Northwesterly to the junction with the Colorado River. Proceed North along the midstream of the Colorado River and the original starting point. I 1- .;1:;., ~j .! ~i '''# .' 1 . '\ '.h PAGE .2 OF 73 BK 1985 PG 501 (FEE~91-67839) #40 NORTH COLLEGE PRECINCT Kingman, Arizona PAGE 1;7 OF BK 2028P6 PAGE 47 OF BK 2052 PG 66 244 (FEEt92-16314) 67 670 <F"EE#92-26660) Starting at the Telegraph-Coaxial Rd. at Section 4 and an unnamed road <5 miles East of Stockton Hill Rd.). proceed Southwest on Telegraph-Coaxial Rd. to an unnamed road at Section 20. On this unnamed road proceed Southeasterly to junction with Jagerson {:.\ve. (extension). Thence West on Proceed ~jou th on Jagerson Ave. to Roosevelt St. intersection. Roosevelt St. to intersection with Northern Ave. Thenc:e West on Northern Ave. to intersectio, with Stockton Hill Rd. Proceed North on Stockton Hill Rd. to junction with an unnamed road at Section 35. Thence East on unnamed road to the junction with the Telegraph-Coaxial Rd. and th~ original star-ting point. 1 I... . " l: ,.. J . .,,1-:, 'II . ~. #41 RIVERBEND PRECI~lC1 PAGE ~3 OF 73 BK 1985 PG 502 (FEE~91-67839) Bullhead City, Arizona PAGE 48 Of 66 BK 2028 P6 245 (FEEt92-16314) Starting at the intersection of Hancock Rd. and Rio Grande Rd. proceed South on Rio Gra~de Rd. to Marina Blvd. Thence East on Marina Blvd. to Clearwater Dr. Thence South on Clearwater Or. to Riverview Dr. Proceed West on Riverview Dr. (extended) to the midstream of the Colorado River (AZ/NV state line). Thence Northwest and Northerly to the intersection with Hancock Rd. and the original starting point. PAGE 48 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 671 (FEH92-26660) __1ilo.ooo #42 BUENA VISTA PRECINCT I E '..1 ~ 1 n e ,::, d C i ~ ';I, A r i. : a r.~, PAGE 49 OF BK 2028 PG PAGE 5 OF BK 1976 PG 66 246 (FEE~92-16374) 7 46 (FEE~91-63594) Starting at the junction of the Colorado River (AZ/NV state line) and Silver Creek Wash proceec Southeasterly to the El FJ a sop i p ,= 1 i n e . Froceed Southwest on El Paso pipeline to Silvel- Cree\.: Rd. At junction of Silver Creek Rd. and Gold Rush Dr. proceed South on Gold Rush Dr. to junction with Black r10 u n t air Rd. Proceed West along Black Mountain Rd. to junc~ion with State Hwy. #95. Proceed North on State Hwy. #95 to junction with Rivervlew Dr. Proceed East on Riverview Dr. to junction with Trane Rd. Proceed North on Trane Rd. to junction with Hancock Rd. Proceed East on Hancock Rd. to . I junction with State Hwy. #95. Then proceed North on State Hwy. #95 to junction with Montana Wash <Colorado-Rio Vista). -j Proceed North along Montana Wash to Junction with the Colorado RivE~r . Proceed North along the midstream of the Colorado j River to the original starting point. PAGE 44 OF 73 BK 1985 PG 503 (FEE~91-67839) PAGE ~, OF BK 2052 PG 61 672 (FEEt92-26660) I I I . " '" ,'. '.t ,.._,', ,:;. , i. ,- ~'~.i , ! I /'7\ '~1 8K- 198~rPG'dc~ is'Ol'(FEEt91-67839) #43 SMOKETREE PRECINCT Lake Havasu City, Arizona PAGE 50 OF 66 SX 2028 PG 2~7 (FEEt92-1637~) Starting at the intersection of Amberwood Ave. and S. ~iowa Blvd. proceed South on S. Kiowa 3lvd. to N. Jamaica Blvd. fhence Easterly along N. Jamaica Blvd to McCulloch Blvd. At this intersection follow Southwesterly on McCulloch Blvd. to N. El Dorado Ave. Thence North on N. EI Dorado Ave. to S. Cisco Dr. Thence West on S. Cisco Dr. to N. 5moketree Ave. Proceed Southwesterly on N. Smoketree Ave. to McCulloch Blvd. Thence West on McCulloch Blvd. to Riviera Blvd. Proceed North On Riviera Blvd. to Injo Dr. Continue North on lnjo Dr. to S. Palo Verde Blvd. Thence Nor~heast on S. Palo Verde Blvd. to Amberwood Ave. Proceed Northeast on AmbeFwood Ave. to original starting point. PAGE 50 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 673 (FEE~92-26660) I., .:\ - I .' :.? :~#'.. -~ 1 ,I ,: -J :.0. :! . 1.'. .1 .:i:~' .~~ -' ~AGE 46)OF 73 BK 198~~PG ~O~ (fEE;91-618J9) #44 STARLINE PRECIN:T Lake Havasu City, Arizona PAGE 51 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 248 (FEEt92-16J74) Starting at the intersec~ion of McCulloch Blvd. and S. Jamaica Blvd. proceed South an S. Jamaica Blvd. to Edgewood Dr. Ihence West on Edgewood Dr. to Paseo Dorado. Proceed North- west on Paseo Dorado to Saratoga Ave. lhence Southwesterly on Saratoga Ave. to S. Acoma Blvd. Proceed Northwest on S. Acoma Blvd. to Daytona Ave. Thence Northeasterly on Daytona Ave. to S. EI Dorado Ave. Proceed North on S. El Dorado Ave. to McCulloch Blvd. Proceed Northeast on McCulloch Blvd. to intersection with S. Jamaica Blvd. and the original starting point. PAGE 51 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 67+ (FEE:92-26660) I PAGE 1t7 OF ,73 BK 1985'PG 506 (F'EEt91-67839) #'+5 WHITE HILLS PRECINCT PAGE 52 Of 66 8K 2028 PG 249 (FEEt92-16374) Mohave County Northwest Central Starting at the midstream of the Colorado River at the intersection of the drainage wash at Virgin Canyon (RI8WI proceed Southwest 4.5 miles to intersection with Greggs Hideout Rd. (County road ltI39). Fallaw Greggs Hideout Rd. South to the intersection with Pierce Ferry Rd. Continue Southwesterly on Pierce Ferry Rt. to Four Corners-Colorado River power transmission line. Fallaw Four Corners-Colorado River power transmission line West to the Colorado River I tAZ/NV state line). Proceed North midstream of the Colorado River to Lake Mead (Hoover Dam). Thence Northeast in middle of Lake Mead following midstream of Colorado River to drainage wash and the original starting paint. . q ;~1 PAGE BK 52 OF 2052 PG 67 675 (FEEt92-26660) :1 I.., .' 1.:.:- . ~.~ j. , . I 1 .:,1 , ,"";-. \' ,.\ #46 PAGE 53 OF 66 BJ( 2028 PG 250 tFEEt92-16374-) SACRAMENTO VALLSY PRECINCT Mohave County Central PAGE ~8 OF 73 BK IV85 PG ~01 (fEE:Vl-678J9) Starting at the junction of U.S. Hwy #40 and Prescription Rd. proceed South on U.S. Hwy. #40 to Paradise Rd. Thence North- west on Paradise Rd. to Oatman Rd. <State Hwy. #66). Follow Oatman Rd. Southwesterly to the junction with the Black Mountain ridge line. Thence Northwest along the Black I'lount:- ain ridge line to junction with Drake Rd. Follow Drake Rd. East al1d South to intE!I-SE~ction with Egar Rd. Proceed Soul;h on ,Eagar Rd. to State Hwy #68. Thence East on State Hwy. #68 to Aztec Rd. Proceed South on Aztec Rd. to Shipp Dr. Thence East: on Shipp Dr. to Prescription Rd. Follow Prescription Rd. Southeasterly to junction with U.S. Hwy. #40 and the original startinq point. PAGE BY. 53 OF 67 2052 P6 676 (FEEt92-26660) ~47 ELUE1..JATER PREe I ~jCT PAGE 6 OF 7 BK 1976 PG ~7 (FEE~91-6359~) I Bullhead City. Arizona PAGE 49 OF 73 BK 1985 PG 508 (FEE~91-678J9) Starting at the midstr~am of the Colorado River (AZ/NV state line) aOld Langford Dr. proceed Sc:uth on La;1gford 01-. to Hancock Rd. Thence East on Hancock Rd. to Lakeside Dr. Thence North on Lakeside Dr. to the intersection of Baseline Rd. Proc2ed Northeast en 8aseline Rd. to Montana Wash (Coloraco-Rio Vista). Thence North along Montana Wash to the mids~ream of the Cclorado River. Follow the Colorado River West to the origiOlal starting point. . I PAGE 54 OF 66 BK 2028 P6 2S1 (I:U:.92-1637~) 'j PAGE 5~ OF 67 BK 2052 PG 077 (FEE~92-26660) I I' I" I." ", .~';.' 'I -~ i I. ., ! i l~ I ;"! ;.'1 .. PAGE S5 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 252 (f'EE#92-1637~) tt48 HOLIDAY HIGHLANQ~ PAGE 50 OF 73 BK 1985 PG 509 (FEE~91-67839) 8ullhead city. Arizona Starting at the intersection of Baseline Rd. and U.S. Hwy. >>95 proceed South on State Hwy. #95 to the intersection with Hancock Hd. (hence West on Hancock Rd. to intersection with Lakeside Dr. Proceed North on Lakeside Dr. to Baseline Rd. At this intersection proceed Northeast on Baseline Rd. to State Hwy. 895 and the original starting point. ... PAGE 55 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 678 (FEf::92-266bO) I, I", , " ~ 4 .i '.. , S 1 .....,.:a ., J' #49 RIVERVIEW PF:ECINCr PAGE 51 OF 73 9K 1985 PG 510 (FEE~91-67839) Bullhead City, Arizona PAGE 56 OF 66 BK 2028 P6 253 (FEEI92-16374) Starting at midstream of the Colorado River IAZ/NV state line) and Taylor St. proceed South on Taylor St. to the intersection with Hancock Rd. Thence Easterly on Hancock Rd. to El Monte Dr. Follow South on El Monte Dr. to Harbor Dr. Thence West on Harbor Dr. to intersection with Hualapai Dr. Proceed South on Hualapai Dr. to Marina Blvd. intersection. Thence West on Marina Blvd. to intersection with Rio Grande Rd. Thence North on Rio Grande Rd. to Hancock Rd. intersection. Proceed West on Hancock Rd. to midstream of the Colorado River. Fo 11 ow midstream of the Colorado River Northeasterly to the original s tar t i n<;l poi n t . PAGE 56 OF BK 2052 PG 67 679 (FEE~92-26660) I", :,\ .~ ; I :.~~~. - '1 i I , .':,::) .., .-,' #50 LAKESIDE PRECIN~T PAGE 52 OF 73 BK 1985 PG 511 'FEE~91-67839) Bullhead City, Arizona PAGE 51 Of 66 BK 2028 PG 254 (FEEt92-1637~) Starting at the junction of Hancock Rd. and Trane Rd. proceed South on Trane Rd. to intersection with Marina Blvd. lhence West on Marina Blvd. to Hualapai Dr. intersection. I'h enc e North on Hualapai Dr. to intersection with Harbor Dr. Proceed North on Harbor Or. to El Monte Dr. intersection. Continue North on El Monte Dr. to Hancock Rd. intersection. Ihence East on Hancock Rd. to .rrane Rd. and the original starting point. PAGE 57 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 680 (FEEf92-26660) I' #51 'MOUNrAINVIEW PRECINCT PAGE 53 OF 73 BK 1985 PG 512 {FEE~91-67839) '<, i ngrnan, Ar i zona PAGE 58 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 255 (FEE'92-1637~) ~tart;ing at Kingman Clty limits at West side at Arnold Rd. proceed South on city limits to the junction at the power line alld Northern Ave. IhellCI? East along the powel- line to Northern Ave. Thence East on Northern Ave. to Sierra Rd. Follow Sierra Rd. South to Gordon Dr. Proceed West on Gordon Ur. to ~itockton Hill Rd. lhence South on Stockton Hill Rd. to 8evel- 1 y Ave. Proceed West on Beverly Ave. and Wilshire Ave. to Fairfax St. to junction with Kingman city limits. Fa 1 low I ~ingman city limits North and East to original starting point. "~I PAGE ~g OF BK 2052 F'G 67 681 (FFEt92-26660) I #52 CROSSMAN PREC I N~:T PAGE 59 OF 66 I~ BK 2028 PG 256 (fEEt92-1637~) Lake Havasu City, Arizona PAGE 54 OF 73 BI< 1985 PG 513 (FEEt91-67839) Starting at the ridge line of the Mohave Mountains in the Southeast quarter of Section 13 and the intersEction of Aqua Wash proceed Southwest on Aqua Wash to Coral Reef Dr. Thence North on Coral Reef Dr. to Tropic Blvd. Proceed West on Tropic Blvd. to McCulloch Blvd. Then proceed Northwesterly on McCulloch Blvd. to S. Jamaica Blvd. Proceed N6rthwest on S. Jamaica Blvd. to N. Kiowd Blvd. Thence North on N. Kiowa Blvd. to Amberwood Ave. Thence Southwesterly on Amberwaod Ave. to S. Palo Verde Blvd. Proceed South on S. Palo Verde I Bl vd. to Meadows Dr. Thence Northerly on Meadows Dr. to Sombr'ero Dr. Turn West on Sombrero Dr. to Havasupai Blvd. ,: Thence West on Havasupai Blvd. to Avalon Dr. Thence Northwest on Avalon Dr. to N. Kiowa Blvd. At this intersection proceed East on N. Kiowa Blvd. to Bison Blvd. Thence East on Bison Blvd. to Paso De Ora Dr. Fallow Paso De oro Dr. North to an unnamed jeep trail. Proceed East on unnamed jeep trail to the ridge line of the Mohave Mountains at Section 13 and the original starting point. PAGE 59 OF BK 2052 PG 67 682 (FEE~92-26660) ; . ~ 'I , . .) I -I I #53 LAKEV:EW PRECINCT PAGE 60 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 251 (FEEt92-16374) Lake Havasu City, Arizona Starting at I::dgewood Dr. and S. Jamaica Blvd. proceed South on S. Jamaica Blvd. to S. Acoma Blvd. Follow S. Acoma Blvd. to the Southern Lake Havasu City city limits. Proceed East on Lake Havasu City city limits to j~nction with Chemehuevi Wash. Then follow Chemehuevi Wash to the intersection with the Eastern boundary of Sec. 18 R20W T~3N. Follow section line South to the Southern boundary of Sec. 18. Conti1ue West along section line to junction with Chemehuevi WaS1. Follow Chemehuevi Wash South- westerly to midstream of the Colorado River (AZ/CA state line). Follow the Colorado River Northwest to Daytona Wash. Thence Northeast on Daytona Wash to junction with State Hwy. #95. Proceed Northwest on State Hwy. #95 to intersection with Mulberry Ave. Then Northeast on Mulberry Ave. to McCulloch Blvd. Proceed Northeast on McCulloch Blvd. to S. Acoma Blvd. Then Southeasterly on S. Acoma Blvd. to Saratoga Ave. Proceed Northeast on Saratoga Ave. to Paseo Dorado. Thence South- east on Paseo Dorado to Edgewood Dr. Proceed Eas: on Edgewood Dr. to original starting po~,nt. PAGE 60 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 683 (FEE~92-26660) I '. i I "1 j ., " 'J I PAGE 56 OF 73 BK 1985 PG 515 (FEE~91-67839) #54 DRD GRANDE PRE4INCT PAGE 61 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 258 (F'EEm-16374) Lake Havasu City, Arizona Starting at the intersection of S. Jamaica Blvd. and Saratoga Hve. proceed Southeast on Saratoga Ave. to intersection with Uro Grande !:llvd. Then following Oro Grande Blvd. in a Southerly direction the the Lake Havasu City city limits. fhence West on the Lake Havasu City city limits to S.~ccma Blvd. Proceed Northwest on S. Acoma Blvd. to S. Jamaica Blvd. fhence Northerly on 5. Jamaica Blvd. to Saratoga Ave. inter- section and the original starting point. PAGE 61 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 68~ (F!EE~92-26660) '. I I, I~I PAGE 57 OF 73 BK 1985 PG 516 (FEE~91-67839) #55 EERMUDA CITY PR~CINCT Mohave County West Central PAGE 62 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 259 (fEE.92-1637~) Starting at the intersection of Willow Dr. 8 miles East of State Hwy. #95 and the Davis Dam-Parker Dam power line proceed South on Davis Dam-Parker Dam power line to Fiuemia Wash. Thence Southwesterly on Fiuemia Wash to Southern most point of Fort Mohave Indian Reservation at Topock Marsh. Turn North at Topock Marsh an Indian Reservation line to a jeep trail at the 4th Standard Parallel North (division line of Census Tract #9521 and #9524 or 1990 Stat Boundary). Proceed West on jeep trail to midstream of the Colorado River (AZ/CA state line). Continue Northward along the midstream of the Colorado River to the Willow Dr. Extension. Then East on Willow Dr~ to junction with the Davis Dam-Parker Dam power line and the original starting point. PAGE 62 OF BK 2052 PG 67 685 (FE:E~92-26660) I #56 DAVIS DAM PRECINC~ PAGE 63 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 260CFEEt92-16374) Mohave County West Centra" Starting at the junction af Cottonwood Rd. and the ridge line of the Black Mountains, 10 miles West of U.S. Hwy. #93, proceed South along the ridge lin2 of the Black Mountains to the junction with StatE! Hwy. #68. Follow State Hwy. #68 to the Southeast corner of Sec. 22 R21W T21N, Eastern boundary of the Bullhead City city limits. Proceed North along Bullhead City city limits to Northeast corner of Sec. 22. Then West along Bullhead City city limits to the junction of the :-1 Colorado River. Following midstream of the Colorado River proceed North to the intersection with the South branch of Cottonwood Rd. Then East on Cottonwood Rd. to the original }. .~ starting point. PAGE 63 OF 67 BK 2052 PG 686 (FEE~92-26660) , ~-:.. ~d I I....:' :} I .', ; -',' -j .':"1" .:'1 '.~ . 1 . .~. [~~; .' #57 RA I NBOW PREC I N~:T PAGE BK PAGE Bf{ 73 518 (FEE~91-67839) 66 261 (FEEt92-16374) 59 OF 1985 PG 64 OF 2028 P6 LAKE HAVASU CITY, ARIZONA Starting at the midstream of the Colorado River IAZ/NV state line) and Kiowa Drain proceed East on the Kiowa Drain to Copper Dr./Ln. Thence East on Copper Dr./Ln. to Aviation Dr. Thence North on Aviation Dr. to North Kiowa Blvd. Proceed North on North Kiowa Blvd. to Avalon Ave. Thence Southeast on Avalon Ave. to Havasupai Blvd. Proceed East on Havasupai Blvd. to the intersection of Sombrero Dr. and Meadow Dr. Thence South on Meadow Or. to South Palo Verde Blvd. Proceed Southwest on South Palo Verde Blvd. to Rainbow Ave. Tlience Westerly on Rainbow Ave. to North Acoma Blvd. Proceed North on North Acoma Blvd. to intersection with Industrial Blvd. Thence West on Industrial Blvd. to intersection with London Bridge Rd. Continue,North on London Bridge Rd. to Industrial Drain. Follow Industrial Drain West to midstream of the Colorado River. Thence North on the Colorado River to original starting poin~. All street boundaries follow the centerline of the streets. PAGE 6~ OF 67 ilK 2052 PG 687 <FEEt92-26660) I", " I', . " .:':' I' ..1 :.':'\ #58 BROADWAY PRECINCT PAGE 60 OF 73 BK 1985 PG 519 (FEE~91-67839) 1< i ngman, Ar i zona PAGE 65 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 262 (FEEt92-16374) Stdrting at the intersection of Pasadena Ave. and Harrison St. proceed on Harrison St. (1 block) to State Hwy. #66. Turn Southwest on State Hwy. #66 to intersection with Louise Ave. Thence to the Atchison Topeka-Santa Fe Railway. Proceed on Atchison Topeka-Santa Fe Railway to Maple St. intersection. Thence W,:st on Maple ~;t. to West:rn Ave. Turn North on Western ,I~ve. to PasadE'na Ave. intersection. Proceed East on Pasadena Ave. to the original starting point. PAGE 65 OF BK 2052 PG 67 688 (FEE:92-26660) #59 CHAPARRAL PRECINCT PAGE 61 OF 13 BK 1985 PG 520 (FEE~91-67839) I PAGE 7 OF 7 Sullhe:;.c C it':" Ari=crlc; BK 1976 PG 48 (FEE~91-6J594) Si:a,.t:.ng at the juncticn of the Colerade RivEr (AznJV stat2 line) anc:: Rive:-vie'^' Dr. :extelldej) praceec East to junction wlth State Hwy. ~95. Proc2ed )\)or-th on State Hwy. #95 to junction with Black r10untain Rd. Froceed East on BlaCk I Mountain Rd. to junction with ~cntana Wash Way. Pr~ceed ,So:..:th on Montana Wash Way to junction with North Oatman Rd. Proceed East on IJo!-th Oatman F:d. to junction with Bullhead Cit'y city limits. Follow Bullhead CIty city limits South and West to the junction with the Colorado River. Proceed Northerly along the midstream of the Colerado Piver to original starting I point. 'j PAGE 66 OF 66 BK 2028 PG 263 CFEEt92-16374) I PAGE 66 OF BK 2052 PG 67 689 (FEE::92-26660> I 1-1 ~ ,1 I ~60 S:LVER CREEK SOUTH pRECINCr Bullhead City, Arizona Start at the intersectlon of the Eastern Bullhead City city limits and Silver Creek Rd. Proceed West on Silver Creek Rd. to the intersection with Gold Rush Dr. Then South on Gold Rush Dr. to intersection with Black Mountain Rd. Proceed East on Black Mountain Rd. to Montana Wash Way. Then South along Montana Wash Way to junction with ~orth Oatman Rd. P rocel~d East on North Oatman Rd. t~ junction with the Bullhead City city limits. Then North a~ong the Bullhead City city limits to the original starting point. PAGE 67 OF 67 BK 21)'52 PG 69.0: (FEH92-26660)