HomeMy WebLinkAbout92-172 d-~ I ') rNDEXED ,:) j .....~92-27569 W1ICROFII,Mw BK 2054 PG 664 ., MOHAVE CO. AZ. kr OFFleIAl RECORDS JOAN McCALL OS/22/92 8:00 A.M. WHEREAS, the Mohave County Board of Supervisors at tMir 1 OF 2 meeting on May 20, 1992 accepted a letter of peti tion reques~g 0.00 Ht that certain streets in Fairway Estates Tract 4097 Phase A, be accepted into the MohavEl County Road System for maintenance; and ~..",J. I RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS, a public meE3:ting was held on May 18, 1992 in the Supervisors' Chambers at 'l\1hich time the request to accept was discussed and considered by the Board; and WHEREAS, no one appeared to object and no written s"tatement of obj ect:Lon opposing the grant:ing of the request of said peti tion w'~re received; and WHEREAS, an inves1:igation has been made by the County Engineer and County Attorn1ey who has reported to the Board that the design and construction of the streets comply with Article 4.11 of the Subdivision and Road Maintenance Regulations of Mohave County, Arizona for paved roadways wherein it was established that: A. The right-of-ways were properly established when Fairway Estates Tract 4097 PhasE~ A was recorded on or about DE~cember 18, 1990., I B. The streets have been properly laid out, opened constructed without cos1: to the County wi thin confines of the right-of--way, and in accordance the specifications outlined in said Article 4.11. and the with C. The streets are connected to public roadways by at least one road or street: meetin9 the requirement for permanent access as defined by statute. WHEREAS, after a rE~view of the request, report:s, and recommendat:ions regarding this matter, the Board of Supervisors has determined that it is in the public interest to accept these streets int:o the County Road System for maintenance. NOW, 'I'HEREFORE, BE IT JRESOLVEJ:I that the Board of Supervisors as of this date does accep"t into 1:he Mohave county Road System, for the purpose of maintenance, the listed, described established, and defined streets within the recorded subdivision of Fairway Estates Tract 4097 Phase A. Shasta Lake Drive .- From Clubhouse Drive to Crater Lake Drive. Clubhouse Plaza -- From Clubhouse Drive east to its I terminus. Clubhouse Cove -- From Clubhouse Drive east to its terminus. Owens Lake Drive -. From Clubhouse Drive to the east Boundary of Phase A. Crater Lake Drive .- From Owens Lake Drive to the east Boundary of Phase A. I I I FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED that these streets will be maintained only to the degree of improvement (SS No. 101. lOA paved road1i'lays) at which they are now accepted by the County and that Public Funds may be expende,d for the maintenance of the streets herein described i.f and 1IJhen a public need exists for such maintE~nance. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of May, 1992. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS i~';' -J/ /L// 6<-<-d LOIS J. HUBB D, CHAIRMAN / / ....t.-.;,.~ of the :Soard p PAGE 2 OF 2 BK 2054 PG 665 (FEEt92-27569)