HomeMy WebLinkAbout92-247 I I I RESOLUTION NO. 92-247 TERTIARY ROAD MAINTENANCE ORDINANCE WHEREAS, there are many residential roads located in Mohave County which were set-out on plats of subdivisions accepted by the County with rights-at-way or dt:=sign limitations which would be insufficient for acceptance or maintenance under present roadway design standards, and WHEREAS, residential growth and development along many of thl:=se roadways has creat~ed a need for an organized sys'tem of limited maintenance of these roads for the ultimate benefit and safety of the residents of Mohave County, and WHEREAS, in maintenance 1977, subdivision and road re<Julations for Mohave County were enacted and accepted at certain minimum roadway design standards adopted by the Board of Supervisors. Tertiary rE!gulations were not in existence at the time of the recordation of plats in many older County subdivisions, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, enacting the following Ordinance allowing for the limited maintenance of certain public roadways in the Coun.ty, which do n01: meet the current right-of-way and design standards for accep.tance of County roadways into the re~rular road maintenance system, and were constructed or laid out pri.or to the existence of Mohave County Subdivision and Road Mai.ntenance Regulations. DATED this ~ day of July, 1992. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ,- ,/' ,~%;~~;, U~/(~I LOIS J. HU A D, CHAI Pnl ('IInnl ~1 ill.. Clol']{ (,f t.he IluilL-d I I I ORDINANCE 92,-3 ORDINANCE - TERTIARY ROADWAY MAINTENANCE Mohave County, through its Board of Supervisors, establishes by Ordinance the following policy and procedure for the maintenance of certain public roadways within Mohave County. I. DEFINITIONS. 1. Land acquired by Mohave PUBLIC ROADWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY: County by purchase, by dedication from landowners, by roadway easements granted by landowners, or by prescriptive rights f(jr use as public roadways. 2. ROADWAY DESIGN STANDARDS: Current minimum standards for roadway design pursuant tel the Mohavl~ County Subdivision and Road Maintenance Regulations. 3. TERTIARY STANDARDS: Roadway that does not meet the above roadway design standards, but has 30 ft. minimum width right-of- way; has been rough graded to a 24 ft. wide travel surface, ~Ilith 2 ft. wide shoulders; the roadway can be traveled safely by a two .' , wheel drive sul?compact car; all brush and trees are removed; and large boulders and rocks (3 i.nches and larger) are removed. 4. ROUTINE ROADWAY MAINTENliliCE: Roads accepted for maintenance and public roadways currently being maintained by Mohave County on a regulaJ:: basis pril::>r to July 1, 1992, or public roadways added to the Coun'ty Routine Roadway Maintenance System by the County Board of Supervisors afte:t:' July 1, 1992. 5 . 'TERTIARY ROADWAY MAINTENANCE:: Public roadway maintenance that consists only of roadTN'ay surface: smoothing and minor repairs, which will normally occur only after all other roadway maintenance operations in the County's r,::>utine I~oadway maintenance ~ystem is completed. .. I I . : 'i 1 ; .J -J "' ~ .' '" .. ; i J. I .~ , II. PROCEDURE. Under this ordinance" roads will be accepted into the Tertiary Roadway Maintenance System as follows: 1. At: least twenty'-five (25) residents of the County shall submit a petition to the Board of Supervisors on a form provided by thE~ Board requesting thai: a roadway be accepted into the County Road Maintenance Systems as a Ter~iary Road and stating t.hat it meE~ts the Tertiary Design Standards set forth in this Ordinance. 2. The Board of Superv'isors will then refer the petii:ion to thl3 Public Works Department fOl: a review and a "\llritten recommendation, which shall be supplied the Board within sixty (60) days of the referral. 3. The Public Works Department shall supply the BoaI:d with information regarding the existin~r status of the roadway and consider such factors as: a., Does the roadway meei: the Tertiary Standards '.; .' , as defined in this Ol::,dinance; b. The roads estimated average daily traffic; c.. The number of residents iiving along the roadway; d.. Does the I'oadwayseI'Te a school, church or ()ther public facility? e '. Is the roadway used as a school bus route? f ,. Is the roadway used as a mail route? g. Roadway design standiU'ds which would ordinarily apply to such roads; h. The land use of the property the roadway travels through and :serves; , !: i. The need for the roadway to provide essentii3.1 , -2- I I I il ! , ~ . fire, law enforcement or other emergency services. j. overall condi t:ions the roadway as of The it exists at the time of the petition. 4. Th.e Public Works Department may specifically recommend remedial road work and improvements, which must be performed. prior to accepting' the road for any County maintenance, such as, right- of-.way alignment, smoothing of the surface, or resolving certain drainage problems, or placement of signage. 5. The Board of Supervisors may take any of the following act:ions : a. Deny the petitioner's request; b. Accept the roadway into the Tertiary Roadway Maintenance System; c. Conditionally accept the roadway into the Te!rtiary Roadway System. , , 6. If a roadway is accepted into the Tertiary Roadway SY:3tem, the Road Department m.ay post signs indicating that the road has limited maintenance and that persons using the roadway shall travel at their own risk. 7 . By accepting roadways into the Tertiary Road Maint:enance System, the County does ,not accept responsibility' for any major maintenance or realignmen't of the ro.:idway. In the event tha't it is determined that continued maintenance of a Tertiary Road is no longer necessary,. feasible, ,or in the overall public interest, the Board of Supervisors may remove the roadway from the System. In the event that at a future date1:he roadway is improved to a standard which meets th,a ',roadway design standards for J::,outine -3- I I I maintenance, the Board may accept -the roadway into the routine roadway maintenance system. DULY ENACTED this 6th day of July , 1992. MORAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS By a~ tf/~/L~ LOIS HUBBARD, C RMAN' AT,]~EST : c;2d -z: ~-JU~ ~: PAT CHASTAIN, CLERK OF THE BOARD -a -