HomeMy WebLinkAbout90-212 I I I RESOLUTION NO. 90-212 APPROVING THE APPLICATION fO THE ARIZONA STATE PARKS BOARD FOR A STATE LAKE IMPROVEMENT FUND GRANT WHEREAS, the Arizona State Legislature under A.R.S. Section 5-382 has authorized the establishment of a State Lake Improvement Fund (SLIF) providing financial assistance to the State of Arizona and it's political subdivisions for the development of facilities for public boating purposes; and WHEREAS, the Arizona State Parks Board (ASPB) has statutory res p 0 n sib i 1 i t Y for t 1'1 E~ (3, <111 i n i s t rat ion 0 f the Fun don be 1'1 a 1 f 0 f the State including the establishment of necessary guidelines and procedu res govern i ng appl i ca t ions f or fund i ng ass i stance under the SLIP program; and WHEREAS, the appl i ca t i on i;)rocedur es es tabl i shed by ASPB requ i re the part i c ipant 's govern i ng body to approve by resol uti on the submission of applications for SLIP assistance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT IRESOLVED that the Mohave County Board of Supervisors hereby: 1. Approves the filing of an application for State Lake Improvement Fund assistance; 2. Certifies that the proJect application is consistent and compatible with all adopted plan and programs for boating facility and safety developments; and 3. Agrees to comply with all appropriate procedures, guidelines, and requirements established by ASPB as a part of the application process; and 4. Unders tands tha t the pro ject scope and fund i n9 amount a re sub ject to approval by the Ar i zona Outdoor Recreation Coordinating Commission and thE' State Legislature; and 5. Author i zed Sher iff Joe Cook and the Waterways Patrol Commander to act on behalf of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors in conducting all negotiations, executing and submitting all documents, including, but not necessarily limited to, applications, agreements, amendments, and other documents which may be necessary for the completion of a SLIF project. I I ~ ~ --~~-" -- T PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the Board of Supervisors of Mohave County this 6th day of August, 1990. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ,\\\111 11/', III {: ("!. \ ~ 1 ,] I ~;~ ::/ 4~ LorE: -::J: HUBBKRD', CHAIRMAN ,/1" " " >-"" /' ". 1', ' _ - C) ~~T::~- 'if " , - , ~!'. V;c~~}"{~"~~ L,~; . ---___,~c/ ita t ~:~:t~{~ ~~"'~.e"~k ~~:~ 1i~h~;--BO a r d ,...-.:..",:':", .'i,,:: ,(,i.',\ "'",, ", APPROVED AS TO FORM: REVI~D BY:,- , /I~/- /; ~/(j4~' . f~~~ _ David J. isez ~~ Mohave C unty Ma~a~ \../ --7 ..'.. ~:.L~ / c STATE OF ARIZONA SS.. County of i~ohave I, the undersigned, Pat Chastain, being the duly appointed and qualified Clerk of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 90-212 is a true, correct and accurate copy of Resolution No. 90-212, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors, held on the 6th day of August, 1990 at which a quorum was present and voted in favor of said Resolution. Given under my hand and SE~,311 this day of , 1990. II Pat Chastain, Clerk