HomeMy WebLinkAbout94-075 .~," ." INDEXED . #3 ~- '"" rj--. I , \.:)' (0'-) ( \ . ~F'!IC41AL. 12~09 BK 2364 PG 95 u ~ RECORDS OF HOHAVE COUWTY AZ. ~J~AH H~CAL.L., HOHAVE COUNTY RECORDER' Q3/02/9~ 211S P.M. PAGE 1 OF 3 HOHAVE CQUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECQROIMG FEE 0.00 H~ i ,GfiCROFIlMED RESOLUTION NO. 94-75 A RESOl.UTION SETTING FORTH A REZONE OF A PORTION OF LOT I, BLOCK I, GOLDEN SAGE RANCHOS UNIT 65, SECTION 9, TOWNSHI P 2l NORTH, Rl\NGE 18 WEST, FROM C-2 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL) TO C-2H (GENERI\L COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY FRON'rAGE) IN nlE GOLDEN VALLEY AREA, MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on March 1, 1994, a public hearing was conducted to determine whether approval should be granted for a rezone for the above described property to owner Rancho Verde Land Co. of Kingman, Arizona, and (:::>. WHEREAS, the surrounding pJ:"operties to the east and north along Highway 68 are zoned conmlercial with a few established businesses. There is a school to the northwest, residential homes to the south and vacant land to the west, and '.,n..,'.,,_ WHEREAS, there is a mobile home sales parking area on the western portion of remainder of the parcel vacant, and office with a paved the site with the WHEREAS, a Zoning Use Permit was issued for a temporary sales trailer for this site until a "stick-built" building was completed. The ZUP for the temporary trailer indicated no time limit. C-2H zoning will permit a sales trailer with the issuance of a new zoning Use Permit. Upon approval of a new ZUP for the sales trailer the current ZUP would be void, and WHEREAS, the property has electric power, telephone and water provided by Valley Pioneer Water Company, and WHEREAS, review of Floodplain Map #040058-2325B indicates this parcel to be in Zone A, an area of 100-year flood, base flood elevations and flood hazard factors not determined. This parcel requires a Floodplain Use permit for any development, and WHEREAS, at the public hearing Planning and Zoning Commission on Commission recommended APPROVAL for following: before the February a rezone Mohave County 9, 1994, the subject to the (<::'.:~~~.\ ""--" >':-::1' !,::;',~:.~:~ ,"/<~.), r 0" "., .~o , , . . rAGE 2 OF 3 ~r. 236~ PG '~3 (FEE~94-12~09) RESOLUTION NO. 94-75 Page 2 1. The parcel be zoned Highway Frontage/Twenty Lot Size). C-2H/20M Thousand (General Commercial Square Foot Minimum 2. That appropriate zoning, building, environmental and floodplain permits be obtained. 3. That the only portion of the property to be zoned C-2H is that portion designated in "Exhibit A". 4. The applicant comply with all applicable provisions of the Mohave county Zoning Regulations. 5. The rezone shall not become effective until 30 days after final approval of the change in classification by the Board of Supervisors, as per ARS 11-829E. WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in the Kingman Daily Miner, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, Mohilve County, Arizona, Febrnary 13, 1994, and posted February 14, 1994, as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Tuesday, March 1, 1994, APPROVED this :t:ezone as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ATTEST: ~tLa/lL e I W 11 H) Joan C. Ward, Chairman ~ .' ': (:,~;~:\ ::.2":~ (J] -J -<- Cl L'_ , I ' _I Ll: 'J-) ,.".<~.~ ',~'" :.,-. : ...;~ -"" ~, .----ty-,f,;L. ATz-At .~ 0' cY. ('--- - , " o '"' o a 50 '5(>' ~XH'BfT . Ai L'SG.AL OESC.RlPTIDN'. Pa!<-T""N L."T I, BLOc..K 1:, G,"LOEI-l SA(,E F"A~C-\-ID"" U"-llT G;;.S f :CJ C, _.1 o C"'> 7 Cl.\ '}C 1/ U~ l ('->. 1 \ '----\ , . S"TA1E o o I-: - ~lf. 43S."1 . Sl _._ G':l8 ;::t -'I a Q PD"-"",,-, >.lEE""'\) TO A? -- 4-&.0 . PRDPOSEO r RE- ZD"1E. 0.71;, A '-~...s ~~. ~ 4<.,,' ~\!l \{l '" .. - -eRt'IJ E:: W '/4- c.~R.. ~E<c... ~ I 7..l\.l, R Ie. w , .-,,, Q r ':: \ 7)<:'; \-1-\1 .....~&i' !.._'~_ ................... ,.... ,- '-.) l~- ...-) {'. !\. 1\ r............-11-\I__ c S " " -,- c... --..... 11 1 I .....-....J '" ,,-,- ( 1._,-\ I f=:=::T SCALE. l I" > 100' A:P. N~ ~ 30<0-0G,,-IIIG PAGE 3 OF 3 BK Z364 PG ?~4 (FEE~94~12~09)