HomeMy WebLinkAbout94-093 ~ 80$ ~ ,. ~ . . .. . ',~ ,r<." :",':ij,.t".";~ -'.-. ..-.......'... P:,':.-. ".'~\q,.,. i" '";;\'=' ........ ~.,':,<~: ,;:",.::,:':;~\{'~' . ~d~ ~ .~~i-, ..... I.~ ~"'1EQ 2051:L BK 2383 PG ..2(' OFFICIAL RECORDS OF ROHAVE COUNTY AI. ~JGAN McCALL, MOHAVE COUNTY RECGRDER* 04/0S/9~ 3;1~ P.~. PAGE i OF 4 MOHAVE COUNrr BOARO OF SUPERVISORS RECOROl~G FEE 0.00 Nt MiCa;,-;;: ::.- I II IiI,,;; 1.....,;.:..0 J RESOLUTION NO. 94-93 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH DENIAL OF AN EXTENSION OF TIME AND NULLIFYING THE APPROVED PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN OF RANCH ON JOY LANE, TRACT 4113, BEING A PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH, RANGE 21 WEST, LOCATED IN THE SOUTH MORAVE VALLEY AREA, MORAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Moheve County Board of Supervisors held April 4, 1994, a public hearing was conducted to determine whether approval should be granted for an Extension Of Time for the approved preliminary Subdivisio.n Plan of Ranch on Joy Lane, Tract 4113. and WHEREAS, the owner/developer of this tract is Shapiro and Jones, Inc.. Phoenix. Arizona. The engirieer of record on this project is A-N West, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona, and WHEREAS, the proposed subdivision is located three miles south of the Bullhead City limits and approximately two and one- half miles east of SR 95 on the south side of Joy Lane. and WHEREAS. Article III. Section 3.9-2C states: "Preliminary approval may, upon written application to the Commission and subsequent Board approval. be extended in one year ~ncrements if, in the opinion of the Commission and Board, there be nO change in conditions within these/adjoining properties that would warrant a revision in the design of the original Preliminary Plan. and WHEREAS, the develo[)er is requesting an Extension of Time for the Preliminary Plan for. The Ranch on Joy Lane as conditionally ap[)roved by the Mohave County Board of Supervisors via BaS Resolution No. 90-304 (24 conditions) on December 5. 1990. BaS Resolution No. 91-229 conditionally approved a Revised prel iminary Plan ( 36 cond i tions ) on September 3, 1991 . BOS Resolution No. 91-282 amended and separated the conditions of approval (28 conditions) for the development phases set f'orth in 80S Resolution No. 91-229, and '. . , . . rAGE: 2 Of ilK 2333 PG ~ ~27 (FEE~9~-20511) Page 2 RESOLUTION NO. 94-93 WHEREas. the Preliminary Plan depicts 260 acres being develob'ed in six seb'ara te phases. There are 1,091 lots proposed consisting of a mixture of multi-family and single-family uses. The major problem for this subdivision was drainage. Each of the above resolutions required submittal and ab'proval of Drainage Plans prior to the recordation of the Final Plat for any of the tracts in question. Those Final Drainage Reports have never been approved by the County Engineer, and WHEREas, one of the phases has been sold and is bein<;; reb'latted as Rancho Rio Bonito #l. This 67-acre phase was submi tted as a Sketch Plan, . has progressed to the Preliminary Plan stage, and is being reviewed in-house with its own stand- alone drainage plan. This sketch does not address problems whic resul ted in the conditions set forth in the above reference" resolutions. The 67-acre b'hase of the Ranch on Joy Lane subdivision (260 acres total) being developed separately a~ Rancho Rio Bonito is a significant portion of the originall,' approved subdivis ion and will have a def ini te ef feet on th,. drainage and circulation for the area. With thi~s_. 67-acrfLgarcel deleted T[t_~_Ranch on JOY Lane subclJvision ng. lancer exists....ill? oriainallv annroveP, and WHEREas, Article 3.10 states, "Upon apb'lication to th., Commission and prior to the expiration of the time limit, extensions in increments of one (1) year may be granted by the Board if the subdivider is actively processing the Final Plat. If such action is not taken then all proceedings relating to the plat shall be terminated," and WHEREAS, in a letter dated November 2, 1993. Mr. Allen Jones states: "The owners of the Preliminary Plat entitled The Ranc" on Joy Lane, Tract #4113, hereby request a one year extension 0' the approved Preliminary Plat. The current market condi tionf3 have prevented uS from the ability to proceed at this time," and WHEREAS, the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations allow two years from the date of approval of the Preliminary Plan to fully develop the subdivision. That time period expired Seb'tember 3. 1993. This will be the first Extension of Time, and -. . . PAGE :3 OF BK 2383 PG 4 428 (fEE~94-20511) ?age 3 RESOLUTION NO. 94-93 WHEREAS, in a letter dated November 24. 1993.. Mr. Harold Ganyo, Mohave County Engineer. states: "This department recommends that the extension app)::'oval, if granted, be conditional on the submittal and subsequent approval of a final drainage plan within the Extension of Time period. The preliminary plan and revised preliminary plan were given approval conditional to all drainage being resolved prior to final plat action by the Board of supervisors' Resolution Nos. 90-304 and 91-229. Resolution No. 91-282. amending and separating the condi tions of approval for Phases I, I I, I II. and Phases IV, V, and VI, was approved in October of 1991. 67 acres (Phase II) has been sold and was to be developed, according to the revised preliminary plan. as Rancho Rio Boni to. The owner has now decided to submi t a new plan because of the requirements that would have to be met on the former approval, some being drainage related. "The final drainage plan for Ranch on Joy Lane will affect development upstream and downstream and until that plan has been submitted and is acceptable, it is next to impossible to review proposed developments in the area or piecemeal development of Tract 4113." WHEREAS, at a public hearing on March 16. 1994, the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission recommended Denial of the requested Extension of Time based upon the following facts: 1. The approved Ranch On JOY substantially revised by the plan for Rancho Rio Bonito. Lane plan submission of has been a sketch 2. The remainder of this subdivision must be resubmitted as a Sketch Plan. 3. Appropriate fees must be submitted as set forth in the Mohave County Subdivisiqn Regulations. 4. Compliance Resolution possible; set forth and void, with all conditions as stated in BOS Nos. 90-304 and 91-229 is no longer therefore, the approval of this subdivision in these resolutions has been rendered null and WHEREAS, the notice of hearing waS published in the Kingman Daily Miner, a newspaper of general circulation, in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona on March 20, 1994, as required by the Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County zoning Regulations. , . . P~GE " OF BK 2383 PG ~ 42? (FEE~94-20511) Page 4 RESOLUTION NO. 94-93 NOW THEREFORE 8E IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, April 4, 1994, DENIED the Extension of Time for Ranch on Joy Lane, Tract 4113, thereby nullifying the approved Preliminary Subdivision Plan, as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission. Mohave County Board of Supervisors \ " { '1'.1 (, , '., ,.VI.I,'j, (... , 1,( Joa~}C. Ward, , ,t~l( .Chairman