HomeMy WebLinkAbout94-241 ANDEXED , mOFlLMEIl S" : 'lit-oJ 'i\.. ,:\\) '.~ ~~~ . . . ~94- 4040:1 BK 2430 PG 4: OFFICIAL RECORDS OF nOHAVE COUNTY AZ. *JOAW McCALL, MOHAV~ COUNTY R~CORDER, 07/07/94 1:00 P.M. PAGE i OF 4 NOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECORDING FEE 0.00 NC RESOLUTION NO. 94-241 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH APPROVAL OF THE FINAL PLAT FOR MESA VILLAS, TRACT 4146, A SUBDIVISION OF THE NW~ OF THE SW~, SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH, RANGE 22 WEST, LOCATED IN THE SOUTH MOHAVE VALLEY AREA, MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on July 5, 1994, a public hearing was conducted to determine approval of the Final Plat for MESA VILLAS, Tract 4146, and WHEREAS, the owner/developer of this project is Land Vest of Northridge, California. The engineer responsible for pIan preparation and drainage study is Stovall Engineers, Inc., Bullhead City, Arizona, and WHEREAS, the proposed project is located approximately three miles south of Bullhead City and approximately 300 feet east of SR 95, and WHEREAS, the preliminary subdivision plan depicts 3.3 acres divided into 16 lots having a minimum lot size of 8,432 square feet and a maximum of 9,114 square feet, providing an overall density of 19.4 units per acre, and WHEREAS, water will be supplied by Bermuda Water Company, electric power furnished by Mohave Electric Cooperative, and telephone service by Citizens Utilities Company. This project is within the Fort Mojave Mesa Fire District. Sewage disposal will be accommsdated by community sewer, and solid waste will be by private carrier to the Mohave County Landfill, and WHEREAS, BOS Resolution No. 92-276 approved the Preliminary plan and Petitions of Exception for Mesa Villas, Tract 4146, and WHEREAS, BOS Resolution No. 92-317 established R-M/8M (Multi-Family Residential/Eight Thousand Minimum Lot Size), and the zoning as Square Foot WHEREAS. BOS Resolution No. 94-71 abandoned and reverted to acreage the underlying subdivision, a portion of the Mohave Business park, Tract 4029, and . . RESOLUTION NO. 94-241 Page 2 PfII;E :l. or + ~K 24~ PG ~31 (FEEt9~-40~Ol> WHEREAS, the approval of this subdivision is based on the understanding of the Board of Supervisors that the subdivider shall, as a condition of approval for this tract, complete the following: . Mesa Villas Drive will be oonstructed and paved with asphaltio concrete in accordanoe with Standards Speoification Nos. 171 and 101.10D or better; use of inverted orown streets is approved. . A water supply and distribution system including fire flow will be constructed to serve eaoh lot. . Grading and drainage related improvements will be completed as recommended by the design engineer and as approved by the County Engineer in the submitted and approved drainage reports. . Arrangements will be made to extend underground electric and telephone service to each lot in accordance wi th Arizona Corporation Commission regulations. . A water servioe agreement is to be Obtained from the Bermuda Water Company. . Approval for a sewage disposal system will be by the Mohave County Environmental Heal th Department; approval for water and sewage disposal system shal1 be obtained from the Arizona Department Of Environmental Quality prior to recording the Final Plat. . A sewer service agreement is to be obtained from the entity whioh will service this project. 'I_~ . All lots and street oenterline monuments will be staked and monumented in aooordance with Standard Specification No. 102. . Fire hydrants will be provided at looations prescribed by the Fort Mojave Mesa Fire Department. . Street name and regulatory signs will be ins taIled in accordance with the requirements of the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations and as recommended by the design engineer. . . . . RESOLUTION NO. 94-241 page 3 PAGE 3 OF ' , 4 BK 2430 PG' 432 (FEE~94-40401' . As a condition of approval the owner/subdivider is responsible for the completion of these si te improvements and shall provide an assurance for all required subdivision improvements in accordance with Article V of the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT APPROVES the Final Plat following: RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors for Tract 4146, condi tional upon the 1. A current Title Report (within 90 days of recordation) shall be submitted for verification of ownership prior to the recordation of the Final Plat. 2. Executed copies of contracts franchised ui tli ties shall recordation of the Final Plat. for services be provided from prior all to 3. An approved method of assurance and/or surety shall be provided in the amount of the cost estimate as approved by the Mohave County Public Works Department for the final recorded plat, in its entirety, and all required site improvements. 4. The developer will make the same commitments for improvements in the prospectus to the State Real Estate Commission as required for approval of this tract by the Board and a final copy of the State Real Estate Report shall be submitted to Planning and Zoning staff for library purposes. 5 An assured supply of water (100-year) shall be approved by the Arizona Department of Water Resources. NO~''l'HEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, a correct copy of all documents delineated above shall be submitted for staff review and upon receipt of the evidence that these conditions have been met, together with the executed mylars and appropriate recording fees, the Director of Planning and Zoning will obtain the necessary signatures from the County departments and officials and cause the final plat for Tract 4146 to be recorded. < . . '.. RESOLUTION NO. 94-241 Page 4 PAG::: 4 Of .. BK 2430 PG ..33 (FEE~94~40401) NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of hearing has been met and published throughout this subdivision process and the publiC was afforded notice of this final action through the advertisement of the Board of Supervisors meeting for this date. Mohave County Board of Supervisors ~N\ e, W aJi,J " Jo C. Ward, Chairman ."/1"