HomeMy WebLinkAbout94-233 ~~ ~ . ~ i' iJ N1cROAWEll ,-' <' '" . ~?4- 40397 BY, 2.f30 FG , OFFICIAL RECOROS OF MOHAVE COUNTY AZ, K'JOAN MoCALL, MOHAVE COUNT\' RECGROI:;R 07/07114 1:00 P.r.. PAGE 1 OF t MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECORDIp.~ FEE O.GO HC RESOLUTION NO. 94-233 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN AND PETITION OF EXCEPTION FOR NEAL ONE SUBDIVISION, TRACT 3048, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF THE NE\ OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 16 WEST, LOCATED IN THE NORTH KINGMAN AREA, MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held July 5, 1994, a public hearing was conducted to determine whether approval should be granted for the Preliminary Plan and Petitions of Exception for Neal One Subdivision, Tract 3048, and WHEREAS, the owner/developer of this tract is Leland Neal, Kingman, Arizona. The engineer responsible for the preparation of the drainage report and design of this subdivision is John Proffit, P.E., Mohave Engineering, Kingman, Arizona, and WHEREAS, this proposed subdivision is located east of Marshall Drive between Thompson Avenue and Jagerson Avenue, and WHEREAS, the Preliminary Plan depicts 161.1 acres subdivided into 764 single family residential lots with 6 drainage parcels. The reSidential lots range in size from 6,000 to 8,500 square feet, providing a density of 4.88 lots per acre, and WHEREAS, the developer proposes that water and sewer be provided by the City of Kingman. Electrici ty, natural gas and telephone services will be furnished by Citizens Utilities. AIl utility.s'arvices will be underground. Solid waste will be collected by private carriers and transported to the Mohave County Landfill. Annexation to the Hualapai Valley Fire District is being initiated by the owner to provide fire protection for this subdivision, and WHEREAS, a Petition of Exception request is submitted as follOwS: 1. Long Blocks - An exception to Section 6. 6-1A of the SUbdivision Regulations. Blocks 1 and 5 are longer than the length allowed. 2. Double Fronting Lots - An exception of the Subdivision Regulations. fronting lots in Blocks 1, 4, 5, 23, to Section There are 24, and 25. 6.7-1B double . . PAGE :2 OF 6 BK 2~30 PG ~lg (FEEt94-~0397) RESOLUTION NO. 94-233 Page 2 3. Non-Radial Lot Lines - An exception to Section 6.7-1 of the Subdivision Regulations. There are lots with non- radial lot lines in Blocks 1, 6, 7, and 9. 4. No rear lot line public exception to Section Regulations, and utility easements. 6.9-1 of the This is an Subdivision WHEREAS, this petition requests that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend to the Board of Supervisors the granting of exceptions from the subdivision regulations as outlined in Article 1.13, for the following reasons: 1. Long blocks (Blocks 1 and 5). Block 1 is a long bloCk because it backs up to existing Marshall Drive on its east side and to existing subdivision lots on its south side. It is the desire to keep access onto Marshall Drive to a minimum. There is no way to access through the existing subdivision lots. Block 5 is a long block because it backs up to Thompson Avenue, to which it is desired to keep access to a minimum onto the Mohave Channel, to which no access is desired, and to an unsubdi vided parcel, also to which it is desired to keep access to a minimum. 2. Double fronting lots are created at all locations along existing or proposed major streets at which no residential access is desired. All lots are provided access to the street on the other side of the lot. The walls will be constructed along the street where no access is desired. ~...... 3. Non-radial lot lines are created, in some cases, where there are knuckles or curves in the proposed streets. Also where it is difficult or impossible to maintain the desired lot configuration without having non-radial lot lines. In many cases having radial lot lines would create undesirable rear lot line dimensions or corner angles_ . . PRGE ~ DF 6 ~K 2~3D PG ~19 (FEE~9~-~0197) RESOLUTION NO. 94-233 Page 3 4. Deleting public utility easements from the rear of the lots. It is no longer the practice to place public utilities at the rear of the 10ts. All utilities are placed along the front property lines. Further, it is proposed to provide no easements on 60-foot streets. Discussion has been held with a representative of Citizens Utilities, and this company has nO interest in having easements at all because the developers now have the responsibili ty of digging trenches for the utilities. These are now placed when the streets and other utilities are constructed. However, it is proposed to provide an a-foot PUE on the front of the lots along 50-foot streets as the area behind the curb is a little tighter, and WHEREAS, the granting of detrimental to the public welfare properties because: this petition will not be or injurious to other adjacent 1. Long blocks: All long blocks are created to cut down access to busy streets, a drainage channel or adjacent property. All this is for the purpose of safety and maintaining the integrity of both the existing property and the new proposed subdivision lots. 2. Double fronting lots in all cases are created for the purpose of promoting safety by eliminating access from residential lots onto busy streets. The integrity of the lots will be maintained by constructing block walls along the sides of the lots fronting on these busy streets. 3. Non-radial 10t lines are for the purpose of maintaining reasonable lot line bearings and dimensions on lots along curved streets. This will maintain the integrity _~of the new lots and any adjoining existing properties. 4. Eliminating rear lot public utility easements is for the purpose of moving utili ties out into the street rights-of-way where they are more convenient for service and maintenance. This will be beneficial to the public welfare and will help maintain the integrity Of the residential lots because they will not have utili ty lines at the rear of the property which are subject to access, and WHEREAS, this request will not nullify the intent or purpose of the Master Plan of the County or other regulations because: . . RESOLUTION NO. 94-233 P""'E ~OF [, BK 2430 PG 420 (F~E~94-~0397) Page 4 1. Long Blocks: ThiS concept of limiting streets. request fits side street with the desired access onto busy 2. Double Fronting Lots: This request is necessary for lots along busy streets for which it is the policy to exclude access directly onto these streets. 3. Non-radial Lot Lines: This request is for the purpose of maintaining the integrity of the size and shape of lots adjacent to curved streets. It will not nullify the intent of the regulations because it is recognized therein that this might be necessary in some cases. 4. Eliminating PUES from Rear Lot Lines: This has become the general practice as the subdivision process has evol ved because it better serves the customers. The purpose or intent of the regulations will not be nullified because the intent is to protect residents, and WHEREAS, the special circumstances or conditions affecting said property are listed above, and WHEREAS, at a public hearing on June 8, 1994, the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission recommended APPROVAL of the preliminary plan and petition of exceptions subject to the following: 1. The approval of this subdivision is based on understanding of the Board of Supervisors that subdivider shall, as a condition of approval for tract, complete the following: the the this . ...jt.- A lQ-foot wide strip of land shall be dedicated for street purposes adjacent to Marshall Drive along the west side of the subdivision. A 10-foot wide strip shall also be dedicated for street purposes adjacent to Thompson Avenue along the south side of the subdivision between the intersection of Thompson Way and the east boundary. Both dedications shall be as depicted on the approved Preliminary Plan. . All streets within the subdivision and access to the nearest paved roads shall be constructed and paved with asphaltic concrete in accordance with Standard Specifications Nos. 171 and 101.10A or better. All intersections with existing roads will be made as indicated in the Preliminary Plan documents and in accordance with County requirements. . . RESOLUTION NO. 94-233 PAGE 5 OF 6 3K 2430 PG ~21 (F~E~94-4Q397) Page 5 . The owner will purchase land and construct the drainage channel along the north side of Jagerson Avenue located outside the limits of this project. The channel and all drainage related improvements will be constructed as designed by the Project Engineer, and depicted in the Drainage Report and Improvement Plans, as approved by the Mohave County Engineer. The channel shall be constructed during the last two phases of this sUbdivision's construction. Appropriate measures shall be taken by the owner to purchase land adjacent to the east end of Jagerson, if necessary, to provide for dissipation of run-off from the street. . Underground electric, telephone, natural gas, and water service capable of providing fire flows will be extended to each lot in accordance with Arizona Corporation Commission Regulations. . A sewer system approved by the City of Kingman shall be installed to each lot. . The sewer and waterline extensions shall be approved by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. . An assured supply approved by the Resources. of water (lOO-year) Arizona Department shall be of Water . Fire hydrants shall be the requirements of Department. provided in accordance with the Hualapai Valley Fire . All lots and street centerline monuments staked and monumented in accordance with County Standard Specification No. 102. will be Mohave '."" . Street name and in accordance Regulations. regulatory signs will be installed with Mohave County Subdivision . As a condition of approval the owner/subdivider is responsible for the completion of these si te improvements and shall provide an assurance for all required subdivision improvements in accordance with Article V of the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations. . . , RESOLUTION NO. 94-233 Page 6 PAGE 6 OF 6 BK 2~30 PG 422 (FEEt94-~0397) 2. A one-foot vehicular non-access easement with six-foot high block wall shall be provided around the perimeter of the subdivision between the double fronting lots and the street. 3. The developer will provide restrictions on the deed which shall make maintenance of the block walls the responsibility of the individual lot purchaser. Copies of the deeds shall be provided for verification purposes prior to recordation of the Final Plat. 4. Barriers shall be constructed and placed to limit access to the drainage parcels from the street as designed by the project engineer and depicted in the drainage report approved by the County Engineer. 5. The developer will make the same commitments for improvements in the prospectus to the State Real Estate Commission as required for approval of this tract by the Board. A final copy of the State Real Estate Report shall be submitted to Planning and Zoning staff for library purposes. WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in the Kingman Daily Miner, a newspaper of general circulation, in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona on June 19, 1994, as required by the Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Tuesday, July 5, 1994, APPROVED the Preliminary Plan and Petition of Exceptions for Neal One Subdivision, Tract 3048, as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission, subject to the conditions outlined herein. "'"' Mohave County Board of Supervisors ~!.1M e, w.~~L Joa C. Ward, Chairman .