HomeMy WebLinkAbout94-420 ,. . . ..'_"l- \9 \(Y {r . . 6 b ~J)'l.ED 71275 6K 2499 f'G El)" OFfICIAL RECORDS OF MOHAVE COUNTY AZ. *JOAN McCALL. MOHAVE COUNTY RECORDER* 1210B/9~ 11130 A.M. PAGE 1 OF 6 nOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECORDIHG FEE 0.00 He MICROFllMrn ,p_ tioli;i~~ '1;<':'.,. (! r-""'. ,? t?j ~-\.'-.: .~~>'l ~ ;~ ..../:r....., :'....-:",.'\. ~ .--:,'!;.,el; "'.'/' - ~":r\,'-';;'-_>-Y_: v.____ ~~ \' 3C4 ~\;.\)' ..... RESOLUTION NO. 94-420 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN AND PETITION OF EXCEPTION FOR THE WILLOWS AT CIMARRON LAKE UNIT 2, TRACT 4130, A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF THE NW\, THE NE\, ANn THE SE\ OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 18 NORTH, RANGE 22 WEST, LOCATED IN THE SOUTH MORAVE VALLEY AREA, MORAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held December 5, 1994, a public hearing was conducted to determine whether approval should be granted for the preliminary plan and petition of exception for The Willows at Cimmaron Lake Unit 2, Tract 4130, and WHEREAS, the owner/developer of this tract is The Cimarron Group, L.C., Scottsdale, Arizona. The engineering finm responsible for the preparation of the drainage report and design of this subdivision is Z & H Engineering, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona, and WHEREAS, this proposed subdivision is located approximately seven and one-half miles south of the Bullhead City southern boundary on the east side of Highway 95. Access to the subdivision is via Cimmaron Boulevard, and WHEREAS, the Preliminary Plan depicts approximately 45.8 acres subdivided into 136 single family residential lots, and four park/open space parcels which total 13. 1 acres. Parcel" A" is proposed to be used for a park, clubhouse, drainage retention, and outdoor activities. Parcels "B" and "c" are landscaped linear parks which separate the lots from the street. Parcel "D" is a 100-foot wide pipeline easement which extends across the subdivision. The residential lots range upwards in size from 6,500 square feet. The density is 3.64 dWelling units per acre, and WHEREAS, according to the developer water will be provided by the Willow Valley Water Company, sewer will be accommodated via connection to the FMTUA or Sorenson Sewer facilities, telephone service will be supplied by Citizens Utilities, electricity will be furnished by Mohave Electric Cooperative, and natural gas will be furnished by Southwest Gas. All services will be underground. Solid waste will be collected by Tri-State Disposal and transported to the Mohave County Landfill. This project is within the boundaries of the Mohave Valley Fire District, and , . ' " . 4tGE 2 01' BK 1419 PG " 888 (FEE~94-71275) RESOLUTION NO. 94-420 Page 2 WHEREAS, Petitions of Exceotion are submitted as follows: 1. 10-foot Public Utility Easement along the front lot line instead of along the rear lot line. 2. Inverted-crown street. 3. Omission of the 6-foot block wall along the rear lot line of the lots which abut proposed 1inear park/retention parcels only. 4. Long block, and WHEREAS, this petition is submitted as a request that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend to the Board of Supervisors the granting of an exception from the Subdivision Regulations as outlined in Article 1.13 for the following reasons: 1. The granting of this petition will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other adjacent properties because: A. The lO-foot public uti1ity easements along the front line of the lots will reduce disturbance to the property owners due to any utility re1ated construction compared to the rear lot line public utility easement. This exception has been requested by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission. (P&Z NOTE: This was not requested by P&Z. The front 101; line eas8llleD1;s were requested by the uti1ity companies.) B. Inverted-crown cross sectional streets are proposed at one location as shown on the Preliminary Subdivision Plan in order to increase drainage conveyance capacity of that street. This should decrease a possibility of flooding, if any, of any portion of private properties along this section of the roadway. C. These lots should not be classified as double frontage because of a dedicated parcel (linear park/retention) between the rear lot line and the right-of-way line of dedicated public roadways. Furthermore, the purpose of linear park/retention parcels is to provide an attractive landscaped area along the rear lot lines of these lots. Construction of a 6-foot block wall would defeat the purpose. "'.r.,' . 4lGE 3 OF aK 2499 PG " 889 (FEE~94-71275) RESOLUTION NO. 94-420 Page 3 D. One of the proposed blocks within this development is beyond the allowable length as established in the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations. However, this block is divided, at its approximate midpoint, by a 60- foot wide parcel which is intended to be used for a drainage and entrance to the . proposed park. The primary reason for this long block is the proposed Parcel "A" which includes a lake, clubhouse, retention area and outdoor activities. 2. This request will not nullify the intent or purpose of the Master Plan of the County or other regulations because: A. The lO-foot front lot l.ine PUE is requested by the Mohave COunty Planning & Zoning Commission. (P&Z NOTE: This was not requested by P&Z. The f:ron1: 101: line easements were reques1:ed by the utility companies). B. An inverted-crown cross sectional. street is an acceptable street cross section by the Public Works Department when necessary to increase street drainage capacity. A cross sectional detail of inverted-crown street is provided by the Public Works Department (Standard Detail No. 62). C. The main purpose of a 6-foot high block wall on the rear lot line of double frontage lots is to prohibit access to a public road along the rear lot line. This access is prohibited, where this exception applies, by the proposed raised (vertical) curbing along the roadway in addition to 20-foot minimum proposed linear park/retention facilities which will be heavily landscaped with trees, shrubs, etc. D. The length of this long block could actually be considered within the County regulation because it spli ts into two blocks by a 60-foot wide landscaped pedestrian access way to the lake/park area. 3. The special circumstances or conditions affecting said property are as follows: A. None, and WHEREAS, at a public hearing on November 9, 1994, the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission recommended APPROVAL of the Petitions of Exception based on the above justifications and APPROVAL of the Preliminary Plan subject to the following: '..{ . . PAGE 4 OF 6 6K 2~99 PG 890 (FEE~94-71275) Page 4 RESOLUTION NO. 94-420 1. The approval of this subdivision is based on the understanding of the Board of Supervisors that the subdivider shall, as a condition of approval for this tract, complete the following: . A matching 35-foot right-of-way for Calle Del Media adjoining this subdivision on its western boundary shall be Obtained and dedicated to Mohave County via recordation of the Final Plat. . A 45-foot radi.us temporary turnaround easement (cul-de- sac) , automatically abandoned when Calle Del Media is extended, shall be provided at the terminus of Calle Del Media at the southern boundary of the subdivision. Said temporary turnaround easement shall be offset so as to be located entirely upon Lot 48 i.f the matching right-Of-way for Calle Del Media cannot be obtai.ned. No structures shall encroach upon this easement. . Cimarron Boulevard, a 70-foot wide collector, shall be improved and dedicated to Mohave County via recordation of the Final Plat. A paved section shall be constructed on Calle Del Media and Clmarron Boulevard as designed by the project engineer, approved by the Mohave County Engineer, and designated on the Improvement Plans. . All streets wi thin the subdi.vision and access to the nearest paved roads shall be constructed and paved with asphaltic concrete in accordance with Standard Specifications Nos. 171 and 101.10A or better. . All drainage related improvements will be constructed as designed by the Project Engineer and as depicted in the Drainage Report and Improvement Plans approved by the Mohave County Engineer. . Underground electric, telephone, natural gas, and water service capable of providing fire flows will be extended to each lot in accordance with Arizona Corporation Commission Regulations. . A sewer system approved by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality shall be installed to each lot. A connection Shall be made with the FMTUA sewer facilities for treatment of wastes generated within this subdivision. Said connection shall be approved by FMTUA. Copies of ratified contracts for the sewer service shall be submitted for approval by Planning and Zoning prior to the recordation of the Final Plat. ~rJ . . RESOLUTION NO. 94-420 PAGE , Of 6 SK 2499 PG 891 (FEE~94-71275) Page 5 . Waterline extensions shall be approved by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. . An assured supply of water (lOO-year) shall be approved by the Mohave Valley Irrigation and Drainage District and the Arizona Department of Water Re~ources. . Fire hydrants and fire flows shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Mohave Valley Fire Department. . All lots and street centerline monuments will be staked and monumented in accordance with Mohave County Standard Specification No. 102. . Street name and regulatory signs will be installed in accordance with Mohave County Subdivision Regulations. . As a condition of approval the owner/subdivider i. responsible for the completion of theBe site improvements and shall provide an assurance for all required subdivision improvements in accordance with Article v of the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations. 2. A one-foot vehicular non-access easement with six-foot high block wall, to be constructed by the developer, Shall be provided along the south side of Cimarron Boulevard between the double fronting lots (Lots 1-4) and the street. A one-foot vehicular non-access easement shall be required for the rear of lots adjacent to the Transwestern Pipeline easement to limit access to the pipeline easements by off- road vehicles. 3. A corporate entity shall be created to provide for the maintenance of all open space/recreation parcels and access thereto, block walls, drainage/park/retention areas and utility easements, and any other common areas deemed to be community property. The CC&Rs for this development shall be recorded with the Final Plat. 4. The developer will make the same commi tments for improvements in the prospectus to the State Real Estate Commission as required for approval of this tract by the Board. A final copy of the State Real Estate Report shall be submitted to Planning and Zoning staff for library purposes. 5. All pertinent state and federal permits must be obtained prior to the recordation of the Final Plat. . .", . . RESOLUTION NO. 94-420 PAGE 6. OF 6 8K 2f99 PG 892 (fEE~9f-7127~} Page 6 6. Concurrence from the pipeline companies regarding use of their easement will be required prior to recordation of the Final Plat. 7. Finish floor elevations for all lots within the FEMA flood hazard zone must be l~sted on the F~nal Plat. 8. Evidence of compliance with ADOT' S requ~rements must be obtained prior to recordation of the Final Plat, and WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in the Kingman Daily Miner, a newspaper of general c~rculation, in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona on November 20, 1994, as required by the Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, December 5, 1994, APPROVED the Preliminary Plan and Petition of Exception for The WillOWS at Cimarron Lake Unit 2, Tract 4130, as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission, subject to the conditions outlined herein. Attest: Mohave County Board of Supervisors ~.~W!;d, ~~