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WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of
Supervisors held November 3, 1994, a public hearing was conducted to
determine whether approval should be granted for an amendment to
Resolution No. P&ZC: 88-174 which set forth the approval of the
preliminary Plan for Desert Lakes Golf Course and Estates, Tract 4076.
The proposed amendment altered requirments regarding certain block
walls within the subdivision, and
WHEREAS, language to be added has been bolded.
deleted has been atr\10It, and
Language to be
WHEREAS, Resolution No. P&ZC: 88-174 was approved by the Board
of Supervisors at their meeting on November 1, 1988, following
rec~ndation by the Planning and Zoning Co.-ission, and
WHEREAS, the request for this amendment was set forth in a letter
written by Angelo Rinaldi, President, Dese~t Lakes Golf Course and
Estates, Fort Mohave, kizona, dated Ap~il 15, 1994, which states:
"This letter will serve as a request to change or lIIIIeJld S()llle i t_s
that were included in our Final Plats for the above referenced
subdivision tracts. We request a resolution cove~ing these items be
presented to the Board of Supervisors for their approval.
"1. Sewer Treatment Plant Block Wall:
This was eli.inated and in its place a building was placed
over the plant to mitigate any noise or odor. This was
preferred and approved by ADEQ and the County at that time.
A six-foot chain link locked fence is in place, in addition
to the treatment plant being built at a lower grade to
further help mitigate noise, smell and sight. We have also
planted oleanders in front of the plant (see photos).
Page 2
"2. Block Wall West Boundary:
The plan for this wall running along Wishing Well Drive was
dropped several years ago for several reasons. There is no
homeowners' association at Desert Lakes, therefore the
proposed wall would have belonged to the County. The County
deter1llined that they did not want the responsibility for
maintenance and liability: thus, the plan was dropped.
Also, enclosed are letters from property owners who live
west of the proposed wall. They are objecting to this
construction as it would take away their view of the golf
course and also other plans they may have for their
"We own land along Wishing Well and also object to the wall as we
are in the process of annexing that property into Desert Lakes
and the entrance to those lots will be Wishing Well.
"The builder of several homes along Wishing Well has taken out a
per1llit to construct a wall along the back of those homes. He has
built approximately t~ee feet of the wall and has abandoned it,
leaving rebar and a half-finished job. We feel he should finish
the job.
"3. Lipan Bouleva~d;
We have completed that portion of Lipan Boulevard that was
required in Desert Lakes 4016-B, namely the remainder of the
street to the end of our property line including curbs.
That portion of Lipan that is west of our property line
approximately 250 feet is included in our phase 4016-E. We
plan on submitting that within the next year.", and
WHEREAS, according to official records on file in the Planning
and Zoning office, building per1llit no. B-91-759 was issued August 9,
1991. This per1llit was drawn for Desert Lakes 4016-A, Block C, Lots 3-
13. The per1llit authorized the construction of a 110-foot-long, eight-
inch concrete block retaining wall across the rear of Lots 3-13. The
height of the retaining wall was to be two feet high across Lots 9-13
and three feet high across Lots 3-8, and
WHEREAS, letters objecting to the six-foot block wall along the
west boundary of Desert Lakes were signed by residents of the
adjoining subdivision to the west, Mohave Mesa Ac~es, Tract 1020. The
street addresses of the signato~ies were 5590, 5820, 5824, and 5868
Tableau Drive. Research of the Assessor's map fo~ that subdivision
revealed that each of these lots has frontage on Wishing Well Drive
and Tableau Drive. The legal access for these lots is from Tableau
Drive in Mohave Mesa Acres, and
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BK 2~9~ P6 ~~~ lFEEt9+-b920Q)
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WHEREAS, following consideration by the Hohave County Planning
Commission at the May 11, 1994, ~eting, a recommendation for
conditional app~oval as recommended by staff was sent to the Board of
Supervisors. At the BOS meeting on June 6, 1994, the matter was
continued at the request of the applicant, and
WHEREAS, on August 31, 1994, a copy of a letter drafted by Weiss
and Sondgeroth, Attorneys a~ Law, addressed to Mr. Angelo Rinaldi, was
received in ~he Planning and Zoning office. The letter was to confirm
the agreement reached between the developers of Dese~t Lakes
Subdivision and the owners of Lots C-3 through C-14, and Lots D-1 and
D-2. The agreement specified that the Developer (Desert Lakes
Developa>ent, L.P.) would pay for and const~ct a six-foot scX'eening
wall along the western boundary of the subdivision behind Lots C-1
through C-14 and Lots D-1 and D-2. The X'emaining portion of the
western boundary would be left without a wall except the poX'tion
required to be constructed at the southern end of the boundary across
from the junkyard. The letter further stated that ~he owneX'8 of the
above referenced lots would support the application of the developer
to modify the perimeter wall requi~ements to conform to the agreement,
WHEREAS, on September 1, 1994, a letter was received by Planning
and zoning from Mr. Angelo Rinaldi, pX'esident of Desert Lakes
Development, L.P., which stated agreement with the above referenced
letter from the law firm of weiss and SondgeX'oth. The only
claX'ification requested by Mr. Rinaldi was that the wall on the
southern end of the project be con8t~cted with the development of
Phase "E", and
WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Planning and
Zoning Commission, held in the Board of Supervisors Meeting Room in
Arnold Plaza, 315 Oak Street, Kingman, Arizona on OCtober 12, 1988,
discussed was the drainage report, petition of exception and
preliminary subdivision plan for Desert Lakes Golf Course and Estates,
Tentative Tract 4076, and
WHEREAS, the owner/subdivider is 8e~la Enterprioc, Ino., Dnr~
Cpcnoc, pr.inoiJlsl Dese~t Lakes Development, L.P. The engineer who
prepared the drainage report identifying the contributing drainage
areas and flood conditions, and responsible for developing the
proposed method of handling storm runoff is Herb Shipley, P.E.,
Kingman, Arizona. The engineer responsible for the design of this
subdivision is George Suthers, P.E., South pointe Consultants,
Laughlin, Nevada. The engineering firm currently repre8enting the
owner/developer on this project is Holland West, Inc., Bullhead City,
Arizona, and
8K 2495 P6 4+~ (FEEt94-692QOI
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WHEREAS, this proposed subdivision is located roughly one-half to
one (l) mile east of Highway 95, is east of Mohave Mesa Acres, adjoins
the new elementary school site and is between Joy Lane and Mppan
Lipan Boulevard, and
WHEREAS, the primary access to this residential lot subdivision
and public golf course is intended from Joy Lane. A secondary or
future access will be provided from l.-ippan Lipan Boulevard and also
Mountain View Road, and
WHEREAS, the preliminary plan depicts roughly 306 acres
subdiVided into 699 residential lots, a four (4) acre parcel intended
for multiple family development and an eighteen (18) hole golf course,
for an overall density of 2.2 lots per acre. The minimum and typical
lot sizes are 6,000 square feet. The maximum residential lot size is
8,000 square feet, and
WHEREAS, sewage disposal is intended to be taken care of with a
sewage treatment plant to be located on a five (5) acre parcel
adjoining this subdivision in the SW~ of Section 35, south of Mohave
Mesa Acres, and
WHEREAS, it is proposed that all lots in Desert Lakes be zoned R-
o (Single Family Residential/Mobile Homes Prohibited), a four (4, more
or less) acre parcel at the southwest corner of the property be zoned
R-M (Multiple :Family Residential) and the golf course and clubhouse
parcels be designated on the plat for those specific uses, and
WHEREAS, the owner/subdivider has excluded a roughly ten (lO)
acre parcel on the south side of Joy Lane adjoining the elementary
school at the entrance from this subdivision plan. The possibility of
reserving this parcel for school expansion or park purposes has been
discussed, and
WHEREAS, this subdivision is designed with a curvilinear street
pattern and a block or masonry wall is planned around portions of the
subdivision perimeter, and
WHEREAS, the preliminary plan depicts half (.;-) width right-of-
ways for Lippan Lipan Boulevard, Mountain View Road and "Cholla"
Drive. The owner/subdivider is requesting matching right-of-ways from
the adjoining property owners, and
WHEREAS, reviews have been received from the county
Engineer /Floodplain Administrator, Mohave County Health Department,
Bermuda Water Company, Inc., Bullhead City, the Arizona Department of
Transportation, the Fort Mohave Mesa Fire Department, El Paso Natural
Gas Company, the Fort Mohave Indian Tribe, and considered or
incorporated into the evaluation of this tentative tract, and
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WHEREAS, Bermuda
warranty regarding the
flows, and
Water Company has stated that they make no
availability and sufficiency of water for fire
WHEREAS, the Fort Mohave Indian Tribe has expressed concerns that
developments on the Mesa to include Section 35 may worsen flooding
problems ~n the lower Mohave valley area, and
WHEREAS, the approval of this subdivision ~s based on the
understanding of this Commission and the Board of superv~sors that all
streets with~n the subdiv~s~on will be constructed and paved with
asphaltic concrete in accordance with standard specification #171 or
better; the streets will include curb and gutter; a water supply and
distribut~on system including fire flows will be constructed to serve
each lot; a sewage treatment facility and a sewer system to service
each lot will be provided by the owner/subdivider; grading and
drainage related improvements will be made as recommended by the
des~gn engineer in the submitted drainage reports; arrangements will
be made to extend underground electric and telephone service to each
lot in accordance with Arizona Corporation Commission Regulations; all
lots and street centerl~ne monuments will be staked and monumented in
accordance with standard spec~f~cation No. 102; f~re hydrants will be
provided at locations prescribed by the Fort Mojave Mesa Fire
Department; street name and regulatory signs will be installed in
accordance with the requirements of the Mohave County Subdiv~sion
Regulations and as recommended by the design engineer and as a
condi tion of approval the owner/subdivider ~s respons~ble for the
completion of the improvements and shall provide an assurance for all
required subdivision improvements in accordance with Article V of the
SUbdivision Regulations, and
WHEREAS, the E~ of Section 35 and the W~ of Section 36 are FEMA
designated floodplains, and
WHEREAS, the development of the E~ of Section 36, Sun Valley, has
channelized the contributing storm runoff into "Joy-Antelope" and
"Gazelle" drains. This channelized runoff breaks into a sheet flow
across the unsubd~vided lands between Sun Valley and the portion of
this site in Section 35. Gazelle Drain directs channel~zed flows onto
this proposed subdivis~on, and
WHEREAS, the proposed method of handling storm runoff is to
intercept these contributing flows by the north-south streets along
the east boundary of the subd~v~sion, Le., Clubhouse Dr~ve (Cholla
Drive) and Mountain View Road and/or the golf course fairways. The
golf course is intended to be designed to intercept both channelized
and sheet flows and to convey and retain storm runoff to the extent
possible to prevent or minimize adverse effects on downstream
properties. Finished floor elevations are to be set fourteen (14")
inches or more above the water surface elevation from the 100 year
frequency storm to protect residential structures from flood damage.
This elevation will be a minimum of three (3') feet above the
depressed fairways, and PAGE S OF 9
ilK 24" PG 447 (FEE'94-692QO)
page 6
WHEREAS, this Commission has evaluated the drainage report and
proposed method of handling storm water recommended by the design
engineer and as evaluated by the County Engineer, and
WHEREAS, this project site is within the Mohave Valley Irrigation
and Drainage District, and
WHEREAS, a peti tion of
following deviations from
Regulations, as follows:
exception has been submi tted for the
the requirements of the Subdivision
BlockS A, B,
1,320 foot
E, F, H,. L, M,
maximum stated
N, & 0 are all in excess of the
in Mohave County Subdivision
B. Lots adjacent to fairways which intersect curved street
right-of-way have non-radial lot lines;
C. Certain lots have double frontage including lots in Mohave
Mesa Acres;
D. Some perimeter streets have only half-width right-of-way;
E. Interior streets are designed with inverted crowns;
F. Storm water runoff flowing in some streets will exceed the
runoff generated by the ten (10) year frequency storm;
G. certain rights-of-way and easements presently encumber the
Some parcels are
residential use;
are unsui table
I. Certain lots have non-radial lot lines;
J. The subdivision is designed with lots fronting along
Mountain View Road and l4flpaft Lipan Boulevard which are
designed as future arterial routes within this subdivision;
K. This subdi vision is designed wi th eight ( 8 ') foot wide
public utility easements at the front of the lot as opposed
to a sixteen (16') foot wide public utility easement at the
rear lot line as per Article 6.9-1 of the Mohave County
Subdivision Regulations, and
WHEREAS, the special circumstances affecting said property and/or
that may warrant granting the exceptions are as follows:
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A. This proposed development includes and the streets, lots and
drainage system are designed around this eighteen (18) hole
golf course;
B. The adjoining landS to the east and south are unsubdivided.
The section to the south is part of the Fort Mojave Indian
C. The adjoining property to the west, Mohave Mesa Acres, is
subdivided and backs lots up to the mid-sectionline;
O. A portion of the adjoining property to the north is a school
site and no right-of-way has been provided for the extension
of a mid-section1ine road, and
Be it resolved that this Commission approves the said preliminary
plan and peti tion of exception and recommends that the Board of
Supervisors approve the same, conditional to the following:
The developer
improvements in
Commission as is
will make the same commitments for
the prospectus to the State Real Estate
required for approval of this tract by the
Arizona Department of
sewage facility and
Environmental Quali ty approves the
sewer treatment system for this
3. Arizona Department of Health Services approves the water
supply and distribution system;
4. The water system will provide adequate flows for fire
protection. Fire hydrants conforming to the minimum County
standards shall be provided and located no more than eight
hundred (800) feet apart and/or fire hydrants acceptable to
the Fort Mohave Mesa Fire Department at the location they
5. The owner/subdivider shall cause the drainage related
improvements to be completed as recommended by the project
engineer and outlined in the detailed drainage report; a
grading plan shall be provided as a part of the improvement
plans for this subdivision;
6. The Board of Supervisors shall approve a zone change prior
to recording the final plat;
7. The owner shall obtain the matching right-of-way for LipP3n
Lipan Boulevard, Mountain View Road and Cholla Drive prior
to recording the final subdivision plat(s);
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BK 247$ PG 449 (FEE.9~-69200)
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8. The existing easements which affect the design or lot layout
shall be extinguished or abandoned prior to recording the
final subdivision plat;
9. A Oil' (~') Block walls shall be provided around portions of
this tentative tract to physically restrict access, aftd
separate this development, and the proposed otreete from the
lots in Mohave Mesa "\oreo and to buffer the R-M (Multiple
Family Residential) zoned parcel from the M (General
Manufacturing) zoned property to the west; .~. eleel. vall
onall also ee proviaed around the sewage treatment plant as
set forth in conditions 17, 18, and 19 of this resolution;
A vehicular non-access
provided as necessary to
double street frontage;
easement and barrier shall be
restrict access where the lots have
ll. The public utility easements shall be depicted on or across
all lots and all parcels shall be designated as drainage and
public utility easements on the final subdivision plat(s);
12. The proposed street names will be changed to eliminate
conflicts with existing names and conform to the street
naming regulations;
l3. The FEMA designated floodplain shall be depicted and/or
noted on the final plat;
The owner/subdivider shall arrange for the extension
electriC and telephone service to this subdivision;
All side lot lines shall be radial or perpendicular to
street on the final plat except those outlined in
petition of exception or as allowed per Article 6.7-l of
Mohave County Subdivision Regulations;
The preliminary plan is to be redesigned to reduce
number of lots Which front along arterial roadways;
17. A six- foot high chain link fence with oleander screening
shall be constructed to conceal the sewer treatment plant;
18. The developer of Desert Lakes shall pay for and construct a
six-foot high block wall along the rear property lines
(western boundary) of Lots C-1 through C-14 and Lots 0-1 and
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19. All other requirements for walls along the weste~n boundary
of this property are hereby deleted with the exception of a
six-foot high block wall which shall be constructed from
Lipan Boulevard north approximately 325 feet along the west
boundary to buffer the Desert Lakes R-M (Multi-Family
Residential) zoned property from the M (General
Manufacturing) zoned parcel to the west of this property.
This wall shall be constructed prio~ to the completion of
Phase uK.....
WHEREAS, at a public hearing on October l2, 1994, the Mohave
County Planning and Zoning Commission recommended APPROVAL of the
proposed amendment to Resolution No. P&ZC: 88-174 subject to the
changes indicated above.
WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in the Kingman Daily
Miner, a newspaper of general circulation, in Kingman, Mohave COunty,
Arizona on October 16, 1994, as required by the Arizona Revised
Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at
their regular meeting on Thursday, November 3, 1994, amended
Resolution No. P&ZC: 88-174 as recommended by the Mohave County
Planning and Zoning Commission, subject to the conditions outlined
Mohave County Board of Supervisors
~ e, WdJt1
JCl~ C. Ward, Chairman
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BK 2495 PG 4~1 (FEE:94~69200)