HomeMy WebLinkAbout94-330 '" ,........ ~ ... 1\ ~ ~~ . ., , r INUEXi;D II1CIllll'lUml ';'94- S9 179 ~K 2+74 PG 170 OffICIAL RECORDS OF MOHAVE COUNTY AI_ *JOAN MaCALL. nOHAVE COUNTY RECORDER~ 10/oUN 10100 A.ro. PAGE 1 Of 7 nOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECOROI~G FEE 0.00 Ne r' ,'" ,.. ) \! !~ I: ...,A.,. t'" '. . -1..-.,'> RESOLUTION NO. 94-330 I(f:) t) '7' '~~'" l A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH THE APPROVAL OF A PRELI~INARY SQBDIVISION .~.LAN AND PETITION OF EXCEPTION FOR RANCHO RIO BONITO, TRACT 4150, A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH, RANGE 21 WEST, LOCATED IN THE SOUTH MORAVE VALLEY AREA, MORAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held October 4, 1994, a public hearing was conducted to determine the approval of a Preliminary Subdivision Plan and Petition of Exception for Rancho Rio Bonito, Tract 4150, and WHEREAS, the owner/developer of this tract is Karat Development, Inc. of Burbank, California. The engineering firm responsible for. the preparation of the drainage report and design of this subdivision is Holland West, Inc., Bullhead City, Arizona, and WHEREAS, this proposed subdivision is located approximately six miles south of the Bullhead Ci ty southern boundary. More specifically, and for access, it is located approximately two and one- half miles east of Highway 95 on the south side of Joy Lane, and WHEREAS, the Preliminary Plan depicts approximately 68 acres subdivided into 254 single family residential lots and six drainage/ open space parcels. The residential lots range in size from 6,000 square feet to 13,838 square feet, and WHEREAS, according to the developer, water will be provided by the Bermuda Water Company, sewer will be accommodated via connection to the FMTUA or Sorenson Sewer facilities, telephone service will be supplied by Citizens Utilities, electricity will be furnished by Mohave Electric Cooperative, cable television will be supplied by Dimension Cable, and natural gas will be furnished by Southwest Gas. All services will be underground. Solid waste will be collected by Tri-State Disposal and transported to the Mohave County Landfill, This project is within the boundaries of the Fort Mojave Mesa Fire District, and ',' ~ - .. . . RESOLUTION NO. 94-330 PAGE 2 OF 7 BK 2474 PG 171 (FEE~94-59179) Page 2 WHEREAS, Petitions of Exception are submitted as follows: 1. Article 6.6-1A, Block Length in excess of 1320 feet. A. This Petition is submitted as a request that the Planning and Zoning COllUUission recollUUend to the Board of Supervisors the granting of an exception from the subdivision regulations as outlined in Article 1.13 for the following reasons: 1. The granting of this petition will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other adjacent properties because Blocks 1 and 9 both front on streets with numerous T- intersections which will provide for good present and future flow patterns. 2. This request will not nullify the intent or purpose of the Master Plan of the County or other regulations because of the adequate use of T- intersections and cul-de-sacs for alternative traffic flOw patterns. B. The special circumstances or conditions affecting said property are as follows: 1 _ The use of a street through Block 1 to Joy Lane would violate the intent to limit access to major thoroughfares and hamper drainage that is proposed along Joy Lane. 2. The use of a street through Block possible because these lots are backed (140-foot wide) drainage channel. 9 is not by a large 2. Article 6.9-1, provision for eight-foot utility easements adjacent to street right-of-way. A. This Petition is submitted as a request that the Planning and Zoning COllUUission recOllUUend to the Board of Supervisors the granting of an exception from the subdivision regulations as outlined in Article 1.13 for the following reasons: 1. The granting of this petition will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other adj acent properties because this is only a provision for sub-surface utilities (such as cable television and telephone) that should not adversely impact the property owner's use of their lot. ... + - ~ . . ~..~ " ofF" 7' 8K 2474 PG 172 (FEE~94-59119) RESOLUTrON NO. 94-330 Page 3 2. This request will not nullify the intent or purpose of the Master Plan of the County or other regulations because the use of decorative and non- permanent structures or landscaping will not be restricted and is the usual type of improvement located in this area. B. The special circumstances or conditions affecting said property are as follows: 1 . The use of a PUE will permit utili ty company maintenance and repair in an area that is closer to the serviced customer and outside the paved area, thus reducing costs and public services. PLANNING STAFF NOTE: Al though the regulations callout 16-foot rear lot PUEs, the utility companies routinely request front .lot PUEs to facilitate the servicing of infrastructure. 3. Article 6.6-1B, Double frontage lots. A. This Petition is submitted as a request that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend to the Board of Supervisors the granting of an exception from the subdivision regulations as outlined in Article 1.13 for the following reasons: 1. The granting of this petition will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other adjacent properties because there is adequate access to Lots 13 through 18 of Block 11, via Old Trail Way. 2. This request will not nullify the intent or purpose of the Master Plan of the County or other regulations because access to Nicole Way will be restricted with the use of a one-foot VNAE. B. The special circumstances or conditions affecting said property are as follOws: 1. The lots (one set Nicole) . are too small to divide for more lots along Old Trail and one set along .. ~ J. ~ . . RESOLUTION NO. 94-330 Page 4 PAGE + OF 7 BK 2474 PG 17J (FEE~94-59179) 4. Article 6.7-1, Non-radial lot lines. A. This Petition is submitted as a request that the Planning and Zoning Conunission reconunend to the Board of Supervisors the granting of an exception from the subdivision regulations as outlined in Article 1.13 for the following reasons: 1. The granting of this petition will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other adj acent properties because in some cases the use of radial lot lines would create lot shapes and/or configurations that would be undesirable in terms of usable space and compatibility with adjoining lots. 2_ This request will not nullify the intent or purpose of the Master Plan of the County or other regulations because the lot lines used will improve lot configuration and usability for those cases of otherwise unusual lot arrangement. B. The special circumstances or conditions affecting said property are as follows: 1. The asymmetric nature of the tract boundary and requirements for drainage channels throughout the project, and WHEREAS, at a public hearing on July 13, 1994, the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Conunission reconunended APPROVAL of the Preliminary Plan and Petition of Exceptions subject to the following: 1. The approval of this subdivision is based on the understanding of the Board of Supervisors that the sUbdivider shall, as a condition of approval for this tract, complete the following: . The southerly 42 subdivision shall recordation of the feet of Joy be dedicated Final Plat. Lane adjacent to to Mohave County this via . The westerly 35 feet of Marie Avenue adjacent to this subdivision shall be dedicated to Mohave County via recordation of the Final Plat. A paved section shall be constructed on Marie Avenue as designed by the project engineer, approved by the Mohave County Engineer, and designated on the Improvement Plans. - ~ . ~ . ~GE aK ') OF :/4-74 PG 7 174 (FEEt94-~9179) RESOLUTION NO_ 94-330 page 5 . All streets wi thin the subdivision and access to the nearest paved roads shall be constructed and paved with asphaltic concrete in accordance with Standard Specification Nos. 171 and 101.10A or better. . Gazelle Wash channel and all drainage related improvements will be constructed as designed by the Project Engineer, and as depicted in the Drainage Report and Improvement Plans approved by the Mohave County Engineer. . Underground electric, telephone, natural gas, cable television, and water service capable of providing fire flows, will be extended to each lot in accordance with Arizona Corporation Commission Regulations. . A sewer system approved by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality shall be installed to each lot. A connection shall be made with the FMTUA or Sorenson Sewer facilities for treatment of wastes generated within this subdivision. Said connection shall be approved by the appropriate sewer company. Copies of ratified contracts for the sewer service shall be submitted for approval by Planning and Zoning prior to the recordation of the Final Plat. . Waterline extensions shall be approved by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. . An assured supply of water (lOO-year) shall be approved by the Mohave Valley Irrigation and Drainage District and Arizona Department of Water Resources. . Fire hydrants and accordance with the Fire Department. fire flows shall be provided in requirements of the Fort Mojave Mesa . All lots and street centerline monuments wi.ll be staked and monumented in accordance with Mohave County Standard Specification No, 102. . Street name and regulatory signs will be installed in accordance with Mohave County Subdivision Regulations. . As a condition of approval the owner/subdivider is responsible for the completion of these site improvements and shall provide an assurance for all required subdivision improvements in accordance with Article V of the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations_ .. II, . .. . 'GE & Of' ilK 2474 PG 1 175 (f'EE~94-5917?) RESOLUTION NO. 94-330 Page 6 2. A one-foot vehioular non-access easement with six-foot high blook wall to be constructed by the developer shall be provided along the south side of Joy Lane between the double fronting lots (Block 8, Lot 1 and Blook I, Lot 1, and Lots 23-40) and the street. Said easement and six-foot high blook wall shall also be provided along the north side of Old Trails Way between the double fronting lots (Blook 3, Lots 22-27) and the street. . A physical barrier to limit aooess to Gazelle Wash from the street crossings Shall be constructed and placed by the developer as designated in the Improvement Plans and approved by the Mohave County Engineer. . A one-foot vehicular non-access easement and wallar fencing shall be required for the rear of lots adjacent to the two pipeline easements to limit access to the pipeline easements by off-road vehicles. Said wallar fencing shall be a requirement of the CC&Rs and may be built by the lot owner. 3. A corporate entity shall be created to provide for the maintenance of all open space/recreation parcels and access thereto, block walls , drainage and utility easements, and any other common areas deemed to be community property. The CC&Rs for this development shall be recorded with the Final Plat. 4. The developer will make the same commitments for improvements in the prospectus to the State Real Estate Commission as required for approval of this tract by the Board. A final copy of the State Real Estate Report shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department for library purposes. 5. All pertinent State and Federal permits must be obtained prior to the recordation of the Final Plat. 6. Concurrence from the pipeline companies regarding use of their easement will be required prior to recordation of the Final Plat. 7. Evidence of compliance with ADOT' s requirements must be obtained prior to recordation of the Final Plat, and WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in the Kingman Daily Miner, a newspaper of general circulation, in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona on September 18, 1994, as required by the Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. .. ~ . .. . . PAGE 7 OF 7 BK 2474 PG 17b (FEE~94-5g179) Page 7 RESOLUTION NO. 94-330 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Tuesday, October 4, 1994, APPROVED the Preliminary Plan and Petition of Exceptions for Rancho Rio Bonito, Tract 4150, as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission, subject to the conditions outlined herein. Att:est:: Mohave Count:y Board of Supervisors __O::A~O&V e, (JJ /JJfL-. ~c. Ward, Chairman