HomeMy WebLinkAbout94-327 \p) .,. . It MOHA VE COUNTY BOARD of SUPERVISORS ""',_~1 _.._,_....""'__,J.'"_,...;~......"'LT.,."'--~......""""JjIW,....I/;,,.,'i~I'~..,('".,...,,'c_,.,.,',."._I',....j,;,!","r"",.....,.",,',',N~IL~,'. ..~".':,'~,.'IT,,' P.O. Box 7000 809 EAST BEALE KINGMAN, ARIZONA 86402.7000 Telephone (602) 753-0729 FAX (602) 753-0732 TOO (602) 753-0726 Dlst 1 Sam Standerfer Dist. 3 Pat Holt Ois1. 2 Joan C. Ward County Manager David J. Grisez, P.E. Clerk of the Board Patsy A. ~Pat" ChaSI";n Al"FlDA vrr OF ERRONEOUS RECORDING At the Board of Supervisors meeting held November 15, 1994, the Mohave County Board of Supervisurs CONTINIJED INDEHNITI;;LY the Resolulion setting fot' forth OI':NIAJ, uf n ZONING US-'t_l',~~BM11' Ull Lot 6, Horizun Six, Section 9, Township 13 North, Range 19 West, fot' the establisbment of n retail plant nursery In an A-R (Agricultural-Residential) zone in the Lake I-Iavasu City Area, Mohave County, Arizona. The HesulutIon 94-327, (at fee No. 91-65848 Book 2188 page 92 Rnd \)3 WaS thet'e fore erruneous amI therefure as Clerk uf the Board of Supervisors, re4uest that this affidavit of erroneous recurding be duly recorded this 22ml day of Nuvember, 1994. A'I"I'EST: . ,.~''''''''''-''\.,..., .;:.... " M" ) -'\\, . - ~' ., 1-,.1 \, j,.. \ 1"::- ( , }"-- '::,:-:";.~'Sfr"-; I ,;:- ,""/'" __ '.<~-;?i.:.e.-t:.._~..--r:.,"'A .\ .~t ;CllllS~aiI)J;C:lerk1)f~.the Board ~~".~~.: '.,'-.:.", <;~,i:,. :.r" ~ ;,.. l""i - ....: . .... / ;,:';'. : U; ; .; ~J"," .,. ,~ .. - ' / . 'i _0" , .' <~' , ,., I, -to I, I., .~.I'~;:-""~~f~>:,~<'.. ,;"' ue; -." \/\;\...J ..:~... _J ,\, .' . . . . . ,~ - . ,~... ~... ~ ... J6 INDexEO ~94- 68930 BK 249' FG 90:, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MOHAVE COUNTY AZ. *JOAM MnCALL, MOHAVE COUNTY RECOROER, 11/23/94 12:30 P.M. PAGE 1 OF 1 nOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECORDING FEE O.GO NC . . . 9-.\" 1\ If ~ .. 5 G .~1lllil'D ~~EU 65848 BK 2~8il PG 'I:. OFFICIAL RECORDS OF noHAVE COUNTY At. *JOAN "GCALL, MOHAVE COUNTY RECORDER~ i1!08!~" 1115 P.li. PAGE 1 OF ;! MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECORDING FEE 0.00 MC RESOLUTION NO. 94-327 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH A ZONING USE PERMIT ON LOT 6, HORIZON SIX, SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 13 NORTH, RANGE 19 WEST, FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A RETAIL PLANT NURSERY IN AN A-R (AGRICULTURAL-RESIDENTIAL) ZONE IN THE LAKE HAVASU CITY AREA, MORAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on November 3, 1994, a public hearing was conducted to determine whether approval should be granted for a Zoning Use Permit for the above described property to Richard Daniels and Jayne Harasty of Orange, California, and WHEREAS, the land is located on the eastern border of Lake Havasu City. The site is accessed from McCulloch Boulevard via WindOW Rock Road, then east to the property, and WHEREAS, surrounding land uses consist of vacant land to the north and residential dwellings to the east, south and west, and WHEREAS, there is a mobile home and garage on the site. The property is level and is surrounded by a six-foot chain link fence, and WHEREAS, review of Floodplain Map #040058-3l40B indicates this parcel to be in Zones A and C. The portion in Zone A is an area of 100-year flood, base flood elevations and flood hazard factors not determined. The remainder of the parcel is in Zone C, an area of minimal flooding. This parcel requires a Floodplain Use Permit for any development, and WHEREAS, staff originally recommended approval of the plant nursery based on standard ZUP conditions, and WHEREAS, the Commission did not follow staff's recommendation because of concerns with traffic impacts and a retail operation in a residential area, and WHEREAS, at the public hearing before the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission on September 14, 1994, the Commission recommended DENIAL for a zoning use Permit based on the following: .. . - ,- . RESOLUTION NO. 94-327 Page 2 1. The increased traffic gernerated from the operation of the nursery will negatively effect the surrounding residential property owners. 2. Retail operations are not compatible with the neighborhood when conducted within residential areas. WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in the Kingman Daily Miner, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, Mohave county, Arizona, October 16, 1994, and posted October 17, 1994, as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Thursday, November 3, 1994, DENIED this zoning Use Permit as recommended by the Mohave county Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ATTEST: ~, t, WaJJ~ Jo n C. Ward, Chairman PAGE 2 OF 2 ~K 2~S8 PG g3 (FEE~94-65848)