HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeneral Plan Resolution/ /♦i �: //II of; I: i I ror♦II r 1 ILI, 1111 111 ♦� 1 1 11 1 11 111 11 ♦ i •: IA' : ♦: r1111I •♦111 �: •r 1111 Ilk 111 l�h�GCi'hD?df'd;1f II liI FEEk 2015042791 OFFICIAL RECORDS �T=� ��' OF MOHAVE COUNTY6. CAROL MEIER,. COUNTY RECORDER W 09/24/2015 03:19 pM Fee: X0.00 PAGE: 1 of 233 RESOLUTION iti'O. 201'5-139 :� RESOLUTIO\` SETTING FORTH. THE ACCEFTAI\`CE OF THE 2t)lj i<'IOHA�'E COUNTY GE NERAL PIAN, .ANI) TO READOPT, AS AMENDED, THE 2015 GENERAL PLAN PURSUANT TO ARIIZONA STATE STATUTES. �`'HEREAS; at the regtiar .meeting of the 141ohave County Board of Super��isors held on September 21.201 5, a public hearing was conducted to determine whether approval should be granted for the readoption of the Mohave (+aunty 2015 General Plan as amended, and X`'HEREAS, Arizona State Statutes X% 1 I-80=1 specificaliystates: "The commission shall formulate and the board of supervisors shall adopt or readopt a long-term coin pre hensive_plan for the development of the area of jurisdiction in the manner prescribed by this article". and XVHEREAS. Arizona State Statutes 511-80.5 speeifically states: "The board shall adopt a comprehensi�e pian and subs�;quently amend or extend the adopted plan as provided b�� this article. On adoption or readoption, the plan. or any part of the plan; shall be the official guide for the development of the area of jurisdiction". and W HEREAS, the original Mohave County General Plan was adopted by the Board of Supervisors on :September 7, l 96�; and WHEREAS, on March 10. 1.99 the Board of.5upervisors accepted the Planning and Zoning Commission comments and recommendations and amended the Mohave County General Plan according!} for all text changes and for corrections to the preferred alternative, and WHEREAS, on DecemE,.xr 5, 2005 the Board of Supervisors approved the readoption of the 1�lohave County General Plan as amended and recommended b�� the`Mahave County Planning andLoning- Commission and the 7.005Ueliec::1 Plan Update Committee, and VVHEREAS; on November 15, 2010 the Board of Supervisors approved the readoption of the Mohave Count�� 2010 General Plan as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning. Commission. arid. NN'HERI?AS, in accordance with State Statutes. a County General Plan should be reviewed every ten wears. How�:acr; ��Lohave C'ounn- has implemented a five near review which commenced in 200, and / /♦ S #: •pod / : ♦: ' : /I /III / FA VA ♦ 4i5r ♦/I : I : r / • ♦ r RESOLUTIO\ i\`O. 2015-139 PAGE 2 �i`HEREAS, pursuant to Section=10.2 of the Mohave Count�Zoning Ordinance and Arizona State Statutes all -805. a Public Participation Plan was approved and implemented through the entire 2015 General Plan Review process. and «'HEREAS. rivo General Plan Revieti�Committee workshops were held in Januar�201 � and nvo review committee workshops were held in March 2015, with the March 3, 2015 meeting specifically focusing on water. and '�'�'HEREAS, during t}te months of Februar}and March 20l �, community �yorkshops were held in Lake Havasu Citv; Bullhead Citv. Kingman, Beaver Dam and Dolan Springs. and WHEREAS, Development Services implemented auser-friendly �ti-eb site ��fiich contained the. Draft 2015 General Plan, meeting schedules, agendas, minutes and a comment page. and �i'HEREAS, in accordance with State Statutes. the required 60 -day comment period for the Drafr 2015 General Plan commenced on May 20, 2015 and concluded on July 20, 2015, and `'WHEREAS, at the August 12, 201 � i�-lohave County Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Commission voted 8-0 to recommend approval of the Readopt ion of the Mohave County Draft 201 General Plan as amended. and REAS, the following described Findings of Fact are for the above -captioned item: a. All notices have been advertised and posted according to regulations. b. The proposed action and effect complies with Arizona State Statutes. c. Pursuant to Mohave Count}r Zoning Ordinance Section 40.2 and Arizona Revised Statutes S 11-805, the 2015 General Plan Review complied with the approved Public Participation Plan. d. During the 2015 General Plan Review, through the use of the 2015 General Plan Web site, community workshops and committee workshops, 118 written comments were received from various members of the public and different agencies. e. As per the Public Participation Plan, written responses have been prepared for all public and agency comments received. WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published by display ad in the Bullhead City Bee on September 4, 2015, The Kingman Dail}Miner; The Spectrum and Today's 1\e�vs Herald on September 6; 2015, all newspapers of general circulation in Mohave County, Arizona, and was posted on September 4; 2015, as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. 1111111 111 1 1 111 11 1 11 i♦ ♦� ♦1 1 1 1 1 ♦: ♦A • :♦: ♦11 1 111,1 ♦♦: r: ♦i RESOi.UTION NO.201.5-139 PAGE 3 NO«'THEREFORE BE IT RESOL`'ED; hat the Board of Supervisors; attheir regular meeting. on Monday. September 21; 2015; APPROVED the Readoption of the 2015 Mohave. County General Plan IF as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein in Exhibit `A'. ATTEST n. Clerk ofthe Board it•IOHA�'E COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Steven�.��oss, Chairman o c"3 *NsfTA t DIVi 7f. ,AR�zoc�.