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WHEREAS, the Bullhead City area ofMohave County experienced air pollution of small particulate
matter at levels above standards set by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency; and
WHEREAS, on June 21,1989 and again on May 30,1991, the acute or 24-hour standard set by the
Environmental Protection Agency for PMIO was exceeded; and
. - WHEREAS, the chronic, or annual, standard set by the Environmental Protection Agency was
exceeded during 1989; and
WHEREAS, since 1989, Mohave County and Bullhead City have implemented numerous measures
aimed at reducing levels ofPMIO; and
WHEREAS, the Bullhead City Non-attainment area has not experienced a measured violation since
May 30,1991; and
WHEREAS, the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality has prepared the State
Im.plementation Plan for the Bullhead City PMIO Non-attainment Area in cooperation with Bullhead City,
Mohave County and the Arizona Department of Transportation that includes measures implemented by the
above parties for the purposes of reducing emissions of particulates.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Mohave
County as follows:
Section I.
That the County Board of Supervisors adopts the Final State Implementation Plan for the
Bullhead City PMIO Non-attainment Area (Plan) herewith attached as Exhibit A (a full test
of the (Plan) is on file in the Clerk of the Board Office).
Section 2.
That the County Board of Supervisors will continue to implement the reasonably available
control measures adopted by the County. Those measures are identified in Exhibit B and
presented in Section 3.0 of the Plan and Attachment B in good faith.
Page 2
Section 3.
That prior to January 1, 1995, the County Board of Supervisors adopted and implemented
those reasonably available control measures needed to demonstrate attainment with funding
sources identified, recognizing that available funding may depend upon programs or
processes of various county, state and federal agencies.
Section 4.
That the County Board of Supervisors agrees to consider modifications of funding or actions
toward implementation, if necessary. Additional measures, as appropriate, may be
considered during the continuing planning process if implementation does not continue to
achieve the standards established by the Clean Air Act.
Section 5.
The County Board of Supervisors expects the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
and Bullhead City to consider modifications of funding or actions toward implementation,
or additional measures, if necessary, to achieve the standards established by the Clean Air
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mohave County Board of Supervisors this 20th day of
NOVEMBER , 1995.
Pat Holt, Chairman
Exl1U31T A
Fife Symington, Governor
Russell F. Rhoades, Director
November, 1995
Prepared by
Air Quality Division
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
3003 North Central Ave.. 5th Floor, Phoenix. Arizona 85012
EPA Fu~itive Dust Control RACM No.2: Require dust control plans for construction or land
clearing projects.
Mohave County has implemented the following since 1989:
On October 24, 1994, the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Department implemented
the provisions relating to excavation and grading contained in Appendix Chapter 70, 1991
Uniform Building Code as amended by the adoption of Ordinance No. 92-1 on March 23,
1992. The effect of this action is that a grading permit is required prior to moving more than
100 yards of soil, except as specifically exempted by Ordinance No. 92-1. Application for
a grading permit shall be accompanied by a plan that indicates "the nature and extent of the
Credited PM1" Reduction:
In addition, the Uniform Building Code requires a compaction ratio of90% of maximum
density. This compaction requirement also would reduce dust from grading sources.
Emissions projections for year 2001 take this implemented RACM into account by assuming
that no more than 30 acres of a project will undergo active grading at anyone time.
Method of Monitoring Enforcement:
All grading applicable to a permit requires a final grading inspection and approval by the
Building Division of the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Department. Large-scale
grading and excavations require engineered review by the Mohave County Engineering
Division under the Public Works Department. The Assistant Public Works Director and two
technicians review all large-scale excavation plans.
Allocation of Resources:
The Mohave County Planning and Zoning Department has a full time staff level of 36
employees and a Fiscal Year (FY) 1994-95 budget of $1,245,920. Eleven of those
employees are in the Building Division with four dedicated to the Bullhead City area. The
Engineering Division of the Mohave County Public Works Department employs 6
Professional Engineers (PEs) and 20 Technicians with a FY budget of approximately $1.1
EPA FU2:itive Dust Control RACM Measure No. 5: Prohibit permanent unpaved haul roads, and
parking or staging areas at commercial, municipal, or industrial facilities.
Mohave County has implemented the following since 1989:
Paved unpaved parking areas and roadways in and around David Dam and Park.
Credited PMIO Reduction:
The reductions in attainment year 2001 emissions are part of the total 5% net reduction of
primary road emissions yielded for all curbs, gutters and shoulder infrastructure installed in
the BCNA since 1989.
1. Paved 8.85 miles of roads that were unpaved in 1989.
EP A Fugitive Dust Control RACM Measure No.1 0: Requires the paving or chemical stabilization
of unpaved roads.
Mohave County has implemented the following since 1989:
Credited PMlO Reduction:
The reductions in attainment year emissions are part of the total 15% reductions from
unpaved road emissions for all paving installed in the BCNA since 1989.
2. Amended the County Subdivision Ordinances in 1991 requiring paving of all roads
in subdivisions in the overlay zone. The overlay zone generally encompasses
unincorporated county land south of Bullhead City limits, Subdivision developers
in the overlay zone must pave all subdivision roads and the primary access.
Credited PMIO Reduction:
Not quantifiable.
Method of Monitorinli Enforcement:
The applicant must submit improvement plans to the Mohave County Planning and Zoning
Department for compliance review. Once approved the applicant must build according to
the plan. The Planning and Zoning Department ensures compliance through spot
investigations of the project. Also, the County enforces the paving requirement by requiring
assurances for all subdivision improvements. The amount of the assurance required is based
on engineer cost estimates. Before the assurances are released, as-built plans must be
submitted and the improvements inspected by the County Engineer.
However, this is not the only avenue open for developers. The County also allows
developers to complete all improvements prior to recording the subdivisions. Should the
latter method be employed, all improvements are inspected by the County engineer before
the subdivision final plat is approved.
Allocation of Resources:
The Mohave County Planning and Zoning Department has a full time staff level of 36
employees and a Fiscal Year (FY) 1994-95 budget of $1,245,920. Eleven of those
employees are in the Building Division with four dedicated to the Bullhead City area.
EP A Fu!!itive Dust Control RACM Measure No. 11: Pave, vegetate, or chemically stabilize unpaved
parking areas.
Mohave County has implemented the following:
1. Paved unpaved parking areas and roadways in and around David Dam and Park.
2. Mohave County requires all commercial establishments to pave parking lots when
the establishment is accessed from a paved roadway.
Credited PM,o Reduction:
The reductions in attainment year 2001 emissions are part of the total 5% net reduction of
primary road emissions yielded for all curbs, gutters and shoulder infrastructure installed in
the BCNA since 1989.
EPA FUl:itive Dust Control RACM Measure No. 13: Provide for storm water drainage to prevent
water erosion onto paved roads.
Mohave County has implemented the following since 1989:
Constructed the EI Rodeo Drainage Channel.
Credited PMIO Reduction:
Not quantifiable.
Mohave County adopts the following contingency measure to go into effect without additional
legislative, council, board of rule making action, within 60 days of the identification of an
exceedance of the PMlO Health Standard.
Mohave County intends to clean up the roadways In the County portion of the
non-attainment area.
Cleanu,p of roadways after rainstorms.
Credited PMJO Reduction:
The PMlO reduction from the cleanup of roadways after rainstorms was computed using the
following assumptions;
. assumption - 3 to 4 roadway runoff producing rainstorms per year 365 days (1 %)
. assumption - 1 % of all roadways (including Route 95) would be contaminated by
. assumption - lOX increase in emission factor due to runoff.
This is equivalent to 9% of the daily on-road PMlO. For 3 to 4 days per year (1%) when
there are major rainstorms which contaminate the roadway the resultant yearly PMlO burden
is 0.09%. ADEQ assumed that the roadway cleanup procedure has a seventy percent (70%)
efficiency; the resultant decrease in the annual PMJO from the cleanup of roadways after
rainstorms is about 0.06%.