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WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Mohave County met in regular session on
November 6 1995; and
WHEREAS, the United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of land Management,
Yuma District Office granted to Mohave County a perpetual drainage easement on April 15,
1983 for the purpose of reducing storm water damage to Highway 95 and adjacent properties;
WHEREAS, said drainage easement is set forth in a Right-of-Way instrument bearing
instrument number A-1 71 53, a true and accurate copy of which is attached hereto; and
WHEREAS, after said drainage easement was executed, the area was annexed by the City
of Bullhead City, Arizona; and
WHEREAS, A.R.S. ~ 28-1907 provides that an easement interest may be transferred
by a county upon the adoption of a resolution by the governing board; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has determined that it is in the best interests of
Mohave County for said drainage easement to be assigned to the City of Bullhead City for the
purposes set forth therein;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the entire right and interest of Mohave
County in, under, and to said drainage easement shall be assigned to the CitY of Bullhead City
by the execution of an Assignment in the form attached hereto, such assignment to be effective
upon acceptance by the City Council of the City of Bullhead City.
November 6
, 1995.
1\ - 1 7 1 ') 3
'JIB TED STA'i'l.::5
PEPi\H1HCln' OF TilE INTErnon
Bunv\u OF lJ\IID !.'ANM";EHEN'1'
Yuma District Office'
P.o. 130:,: 5600
2450 Fourth Avenue
YIlII\<1, Arizona 85364
HIGIi'r-m~-""JA y
Section A
1. There is hereby granted, pursuant to Title V of the Federal Land Policy
and Mana9~nent Act of 1976 (43U.S.C. l76~, a nonexclusive, nonpossessory
right-of-way to:
Mohave County Board of Supervisors
P. O. Box 390
Kingman, Arizona 86402
In case of change of address the holder shall iHunediately notify the
authorized officer.
To use, subject t.o terms and cor.ditions set out below, the following
described Pu1;lic Land.
Par tions of SI~SI,SHL~SEI4, SI;SI,S 1)5\'11.. See tion 2;
Por tion 0 f N';I'I';NEI.NE1. See t.ion 10;
T. 19 N., R. 22 ....1., G&~RH.
3. Descripti.on of the right-of-way facility urd. purpose:
The right-of-way is a drainage easement to reduce storm water damage to
II igh\-/ay 95 and an adjacent hO\.lsinq developlllcnt. I t consists of a 550 I x
300' spreading pond cast of Ilighwc:y 95 and a 3,682.114 feet. 10n<) overflow
easement west of Iligh\olay 95 \-lhich varies in .....idth from 200 to 400' fe~t.
The right-oE-\Olay contcd.ns 24.89 acres more or less.
1, map showincJ the location of the right-of-vray over the above described public
land is attached hereto as E:<hibit "1\",
SeetiGn Ii
1. The r iqI1L-of-.....ilY holder i1IJree:o to CGll'ply \oIi U\ :.11 the ap1'1 ic"ble rcguld-
tions cO;1t"i I1cd in 11) CFH 2flOO.
] r LlII.: J"j(JI,t--c,f-.\>Ii'Y 1,01u,;,r ViO]iJt(:~.; ill'Y ..I lIle tenllS ,,1111 cond.i tiClIIS of
this (jJ"<.Jllt, lilt.; iWlhorj;tcd officer, <lltl" 'jivin'J \vl-ittell not_iu:~ lIIilY
dc:c1i.llC: till' (.ll-allt u::r\llillated.
3. This grunt is subject to all valid rights o:btil1g on tile effective
date of this (jl"dnt.
4. There is H.'::;c:rved to the authori~ed (lfficC::l., the right to grant addi-
tional riyht5-of-"'IdY or p12rmits for t:ompiltible Ilse 00, over, under or
adjacent to t.he 1 and involv(:o i.n this (J1.-ant.
5. The right-G[-I\'ay shdll be relinquishe;i to the United States if the
duthol-ized use:::; are no longer nCl:<"1ed. ;
6. All other t enns and condi tions. CampI i.ance will be in accordance
with the terms and conditions as specified herein aod in Exhibit "B",
attached hereto and made a part hereof.
7. The tenn of this right-of-way grant shall be in perpetuity from the
effective date of tllis grant unless prior thereto it is relinquished,
abandoned, te~minated, or otherwise modified pursuant to the terms and
Conditions of the lp"ant or of any applicable law or rO':lulation.
Section C
The effective date of this right-of-w.)y gt.ant is the date of execution by
the authori2ed officl2r.
'l'he undersi<;;necl iJ,:!l-ces to th(:
teJ.-rns and condi lions of this
right-of-way ~r~nt:
The right-of-way grant is
,;%ecuted this.L:f..day of
-10J:t_, 19%..3.
Moha-ve County f:.oi.1rd af Sup<:1"vi sors
t1ur.':<111 of Land Hcmagement
Coun ty Adll1i n is tra tor Ie' erk of the Boa rd
Title of Supervisors
&t';V-'1-H~/cr tI14~..U.
April 12, 1983
APR 1 5 1983
1::-: II J HIT "Is "
!)iHi('JI!;i()ll~ of th0 <)rallL 'vIil.l Clddon:l \.0 ':'ri(;o dra",jll<.l Nu. 1.IIC-~!.l.1l. diJl.ed
Iq)ri.l ~)t .l~)H2, labeled "J</\1 fo,. Dr,"..illdqe P\JrF~):.a~~.i", f.;xhi})jt "(~'I.
TI,e Ci.I!d::'lllcnt: \rICSt of IlilJhvldY 9S will not be cllil.llIlC1L'.l'd. 11: will be left
undi~tul'bed ilnd llsed only CIS an overflow zone.
III i1cconlance wi th 5 tipulilliollS conl:uined in NJOT pcnni t .13351 da tcd l-lay
14, 1982.
In i.Iccord<:lnce \...ith the reconiillend.:. lions ilnd <)enerill requirements of El
Pasa Natural Gas Company letter dated August II, 1982.
The right-oE-way herein yranted shall be subject to the e~:press COvenant
that it will be modified, adapted, OJ: discontinued if found by the Secretary
to be necessary, without 1ialJility or expense to the United States, so as
not to conflict with the use and occupancy of the L'Ind f01- any authorized
\-lorks \rlhieh may be hct'E:after constructed thereon under aULhority of the
United States.
6. The llo1der shall indemnify the united States i:l9ainst any liability for
di.lmage to life or property arising from the occupancy or use of public
lands under this grant.
1'hc Holder shall comply wi th the applicable Federal and Sta te laws and
rcyulations concerning the use of p~sticides (i.e., insecticides, herbi-
cides, fungicides, rodenticides, and other similar substances) in all
activities/operations under this Grant. The Holder shall obtain from the
Authoriz.ed Officer approval of a vtritten pliln prior to the lIse of such
substances. 1'he plan must provide the type and quantity of material to
be used; the pest, insect, fUllgl;S, etc. I to be controllco; the h1cthod of
upplica cion; the 10c<.1 ti.on of or ~jt()riHJe and u1 sposal of GOntailH!l-S; und
other infol:"mation that the !\u~horiz.tjc1 Officer mny requit'c. The play
sha~lld be submi tted no l<:.te::.- U;dll [x,cember 1 of a.ny cal.:;:ndGIJ: year that
COVers thl2 proposed activities for the next fiscal yeiir (Le., December
1, 1983, deadline for a fiscal year 1985 action). If need for cmcrgency
use of pesticides is identified, the llse mLlst be ilpproved by the Authorized
Officer. The use of 5ulJstances 011 or near thE: right-of-\...ay shall be in.
accordance \rlith the approv(:d plan. A pesticide shall not be used if the
Secretary of the Interiol' has p1:'ohibited its lIse. 1\ pesticide shall be
used only in accordance \-/ith its J:E:gisteJ'cd USes and within other limita-
tions if the Secretary Iws imposed limitatior.s. Pesticides shilll not be
penniJIlc:ntly stored on public lands i3llthorized for U~"jf) uIlJe:: this Grant.
u. Tile 1I0lder drJrces IIOt to e;-;c:1ude dny person I'rolll p<lllicipdliJlIJ in 1~'l1ploy-
/HPIlI: or procurement i1cL.iv_ity cOJlnected \-I.iLlI llai:, IJLIIlt on tlae IJl"ound'; of
r,jc~, creed, color, Jldl.iuJlil1 origin, dnd 50:.;, dlHI to ("I:-,\I1-C il(jainst such
L';..;c1usion~, the lIolder ftll:tlll~r i19r~C5 to develop ilncl SII))lIlit to the proper
r(:vi(:wing official ~pc(;.iri(; ,)oa1s all(} tilHctdbl(~~; '.lith re~;p<:ct~ to minority
and fClnc)lc participiJ.tion i-n employment and p.J:oCUI."(,'Oicnt iu.:::tivity conn(~clcJ
'<lith this grunt. '1'he: IIo1dcr \-lill take affinildtiv(~ ilction u.. utilize
business ent.erprises O\-Ined und cOntrolled by l~linorilies 01:" WOlllQI) in its
procurement practices <,:ollnecl(~d \--li th this grant _ Af;: inna ti ve ilction will
be token by t.he lIolder 1:0 assun: alllllinorities or ".'OIIiCI1 applicilnts full
consi(leration of all elllplc'Y'nent oPPol:"tuniti.es co:ulecte:d with thi.s <.Tl--ant.
The Ilolder also ayrees to post in conspicuous plG.ce~> on i. ts premises
\-Il:ich arc available to contractors, suLconlractors, employees, <1I1d other
interested individual!:;, notic8s \--Ihich set forth equill opportunity terms;
and to notify intere!:;ted individuals, such as bidders, contractors,
purchasers, and labor unions or reprcsenta ti \le:s of \-Jo:,.-kers with \-..hom it
has collective DurgaininCj il'Jt.eements, of the lIolder 's cqu,--11 opportunity
9. 'I'here is reserved to the Uni ted Sta tes, its sucCcSSOl:S and assigns, the
prior right to use any of the: land herein described to construct, recon-
struct, operate, ilnd maintain dams, dikes, levcf2s, reservoirs, canals,
\--Iasteways, laterals, ditches, crainage ,...or-ks, flood channels, telephone
afld telegraph lines, electric transmission lines, roadways, and appurtenant
irrigOltion structures, \--lithout any payment made by the United States, or
its successors and assigns, for such right, ..4ith the agreement on the
pur-t of the ..applicant that if the construction or rt;COllstruction of any
or all of such darns, dikes, levees, reservoirs, can~ls, wasteways, laterals,
ditches, telephone and telegraph lines, electric tran~mission lines,
roadwilYs, or appurtenant ir-rigation structures acrOSL, over, or upon said
lands sl.ould be made more expensive by reason of the e:<_:.Rtence of il1lprovE:-
m",nts or ,</oJ:kings of tllC aj)plicant tb,;,reon, sl:ch ",dditional e>:pcnse is to
b~ estimated by the Sect-ctary of the lnterior, '-lho~(~ estil"c:.te is to be
f.in~l and binding upon the rurtie.s hereto, and th'lt \-Jithin t;!lirty (30)
days after demand is made tipon t.he applicant for pZiYlilent of st!ch sums,
the applicant will make payment thereof to the United States, or its
Suc;cessors and assigns, constructing or reconstruct_inC) such dams, dikes,
levees, reservoirs, canals, \..'asteways, la b;~ral~, di 1:d1~:j, telephone and
telegraph lines, electl.-ic tri..lnsrnissiofl linus, roal~w<iY:;, 0::- appurte::rwnt
irrigation structures across, over, or UPOI) said lan~~. 1~c~c is also
reserved to thf2 Vni ted 5 lo tes the ri.~lht of i t5 of f.ic(:1:s, d~'ents, employees,
lic(1nsees, and permittees, passage over, and cfJrr~ss rro~n all of !;aid
lands for the purpose or c:';2rci~;inl), e:1forcill(j, i_\nJ ~)J:()tc(;tin'J t.he l'ilJhts
r (: SL:r-J(~d herein.
10. Lc:;~;ee further ilfjrerC::j Lildt the unite:d Stat.:::;, it:_', U;.'_J_c("r~, <)'J(,nl:s,
('lllTJ]o,/el's, and a:;si<.Jl1s, :_;11.-111 not be liublc fllr '-lil~' dillll.'If/l': to th(~ improve-
:l11"ilLs or works at the I.(J:':5L-e resulti.ll(J frolO. the C(J/I:iL\~\lctioll. recoil-
s lruction, operation, 01: Illdj nU~rlallCC of i1n~' of tilL' I-:.-'l:k hcrrllll':lbove
('n,.I1IlC1"-;I t:l~d.
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