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WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on Tuesday,
January 2, 1996, a public hearing was conducted to determine whether approval should be granted for a
Preliminary Subdivision Plan and Petition of Exception for the above described property to Renzi and
Campbell Development, Inc., being represented by Shawn M. Campbell of Flagstaff, Arizona, and
WHEREAS, the property is located north of Kingman and east of Stockton Hill Road. The site is
accessed from Kingman by proceeding north on Stockton Hill Road to Bull Mountain Road, then east to
Sunward Ho! Road, then east on Sunward Ho! Road approximately one-half mile to the southwest corner
of the site. The property is vacant and has gently rolling hills sloping to the southeast. The surrounding land
is vacant. A minor wash drains generally from the northwest corner to the southeast corner of the property,
Other washes parallel the site's northern and southern boundaries, and
WHEREAS, the 43-plus acres is presently zoned A-R/IOA (Agricultural-Residential/Ten Acre
Minimum Lot Size) and conforms to the Long Mountain Area Plan which limits homesites to a five-acre
minimum. The site is to be conditionally rezoned to R-O/20M (Single Family Residential/Mobile Homes
Prohibited) in a concurrent action. This rezone action is, however, consistent with the Urban Development
Area in which the site resides. This action will also require initiating an amendment process to the Long
Mountain Area Plan, with a concurrent action, or approval prior to submittal of final plan to allow these
higher residential densities, and
WHEREAS, the Preliminary Plan depicts 43-plus acres subdivided into 66 single-family residential
lots. Single-family residential lot size will be 20,000 square feet minimum with a maximum lot size of
approximately 30,000 square feet, and
WHEREAS, a review ofFEMA FIRM Panel #040058-2165C indicates the parcel described to be
in Zones B and C, not in the FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area, and
WHEREAS, electric power will be provided by Citizens Utilities Company; telephone provided by
Citizens Utilities Company; sewage treatment provided by individual septic systems or other approved
sewage treatment system; water provided by Cerbat Water Company; solid waste disposal provided by
individual home owner; and fire protection provided by Hualapai Valley Fire Department, and
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WHEREAS, Petitions of Exception were submitted for the following:
1. Eight-foot front yard Public Utility Easements in favor of 16-foot rear yard Public Utility
Easements - This request is for the entire subdivision. Section 6.9 of the Mohave County
Subdivision Regulations requires easements at least 16 feet in total width be provided along
rear lot lines.
2. A block length greater than 1,320 feet - This request is for Lots I through 25 which comprise
a block some 4,200 feet long. Section 6.6-I-A of the Mohave County Subdivision
Regulations requires that blocks shall not be more than 1,320 feet in length,
3. Single-tiered and double-fronted lots - This request is for Lots 1 through 9. Section 6.6-I-B
of the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations requires that blocks shall be wide enough
to allow two tiers of lots of minimum depth,
4. Non-radial side lot lines - This request is for lot lines between Lots 8 and 9,10 and 11, IS
and 16, 16 and 17,37 and 46, 38 and 39, 41 and 42, 42 and 43, 43 and 44, 44 and 45, 48 and
49,49 and 50, 50 and 51, and 54 and 55. Section 6.7-1 of the Mohave County Subdivision
Regulations requires lot lines to be within five degrees (5 ') of a right angle to the road right-
WHEREAS, this petition is submitted as a request that the Planning and Zoning Commission
recommend to the Board of Supervisors the granting of these exceptions from the Mohave County
Subdivision Regulations as outlined in Article 1.13 with the following justification:
1. Eil1ht-foot front vard Public Utility Easements.
A. The granting of this petition will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious
to other adjacent properties because:
. Underground utilities can be better serviced to lots adjacent to streets.
B. The request will not nullify the intent of the Master Plan of the county or other
regulations because:
. The front yard location is logistically and aesthetically more efficient than
rear yard utility easements.
C. The special circumstance or condition affecting said property is as follows:
. Utility companies require a minimum eight-foot public utility easement
(PUE) at the front of lots. Maintenance of all utilities can be more easily
accomplished and cause less environmental damage when placed along
streets than along rear lot lines.
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2. Block len~h ~reater than 1.320 feet.
A. The granting of this petition will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious
to other adjacent properties because:
. Adequate access to all lots is still provided.
B. The request will not nullify the intent of the Master Plan of the county or other
regulations because;
. No roads within the Master Plan are affected by this minor design change.
C. The special circumstance or condition affecting said property is as follows:
. Adjacent property is either not yet developed or will not be developed in the
near future.
3. Single-tiered and double-fronted lots with one (1) foot Non-Vehicular Access Easement.
A, The granting of this petition will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious
to other adjacent properties because:
. Rear yards will be screened from adjacent streets and properties with a 6-foot
high stucco finished wall on the I-foot VNAE.
B. The request will not nullify the intent of the Master Plan of the county or other
regulations because;
. Existing county subdivision regulations provide for this situation with
adequate screening.
C. The special circumstances or conditions affecting said property are as follows:
. The single-tier oflots on the southem border of the subdivision will provide
a continuous row of lots enclosing the subdivision from excessive through
. The planned drainage flows along the rear of these lots should not be
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4. Non-radial side lot lines.
A. The granting of this petition will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious
to other adjacent properties because:
. The lots in question are just outside of the 5-degree range from perpendicular
to the street for side lot lines. The overall size of the parcels conforms to
county design standards. Adequate building envelopes are provided.
B. The request will not nullify the intent of the Master Plan of the county or other
regulations because:
. As designed, the lots are aesthetically and functionally more efficient than if
radial sid~ Jines are used.
C. The special circumstance or condition affecting said property is as follows:
. This request, given the topography and overall lot configuration, provides a
better lot layout than if conventional radial lines were used.
WHEREAS, the following are Findings of Fact for the above captioned item:
a, All notices have been advertised and posted according to regulations.
b. The proposed action complies with the Mohave County General Plan; the property is
designated as an Urban Development Area.
c. The site is adequate for the action intended and the use is consistent with the surrounding
land uses.
d. The subdivision is in FEMA flood Zones B and C.
e. The site is concurrently and conditionally, upon Long Mountain Area Plan amendment
approval, being rezoned to R-O/20M (Single-Family ResidentiallMobile Homes Prohibited!
20,000 Square Foot Minimum Lot Size).
WHEREAS, at the public hearing before the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission on
December 13, 1995, the Commission recommended APPROVAL for a Preliminary Subdivision Plan and
Petition of Exception subject to the following:
1. The approval of this subdivision is based on the understanding by the Commission and the
Board of Supervisors that all streets within the subdivision will be constructed and paved
with asphaltic concrete in accordance with Standard Specification # 171 and # 101.1 OD of the
County Engineering Road Standards or better; all of the interior streets will be standard
crown with rolled curb. The water quantity and quality will be approved by the Arizona
Department of Water Resources. The water distribution system, including adequate pressure
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and volume for fire flows, will be constructed to serve each lot and be approved by the
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. Sewage disposal will be by private septic
systems to be approved by the Mohave County Environmental Health Department and
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. Grading and drainage related improvements
will be made as recommended by the design engineer in the submitted drainage reports and
as approved by the County Engineer. Electric, telephone, gas and cable television service
shall be provided to each lot in accordance with Arizona Corporation Commission
regulations. Signed and ratified service contracts from all purveyors of service to this
subdivision are required with submittal of final plan. All lots and street centerline
monuments will be staked and monumented in accordance with Standard Specification # I 02
of the Mohave County Public Works Department. Fire hydrants will be provided at locations
prescribed by the Hualapai Valley Fire District; street name and regulator signs will be
installed in accordance with the requirements of the Mohave County Subdivision
Regulations and as recommended by the design engineer. As a condition of approval, the
owner/subdivider is responsible for the completion of these site improvements and shall
provide an assurance for all required subdivision improvements in accordance with
Article V of the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations.
2. A corporate entity for this project shall be formed to provide perpetual maintenance for the
project's block walls, drainage easements, landscaping, vegetation, or any other facility
deemed to be under joint ownership of lot owners, as detailed in the CC&Rs or other
document. The articles of incorporation forming the property owners association and the
bylaws and CC&Rs shall be submitted, advertised and recorded per Mohave County
Subdivision Regulations.
3. A one-foot vehicular non-access easement (VNAE) shall be provided along the southern
boundary of the subdivision due to the single-tier, double-fronted lots. A one-foot vehicular
non-access easement (VNAE) shall be provided along the western boundary of the
subdivision to protect the drainage easement.
4. The one-foot vehicular non-access easement (VNAE) for Lots I through 9 will have a six-
foot high concrete block, brick or masonry wall erected in the VNAE to ensure non-access
and proper drainage flows along the rear of these lots.
5. The existing 16-foot PUE, along the north boundary of this subdivision and currently in use
as an overhead transmission line, will be abandoned and relocated along the northern
property line of this subdivision in a simultaneous action,
6, Provide an irrevocable easement for the 8-inch water line shown on the plan along Sun
Mountain Boulevard, projected north to Sundown Road on land owned by the developer, to
assure a permanent water supply to the subdivision.
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7. Provide written permiSSIOn from Citizens Utilities Company for the rerouting and
incorporation of the existing PUE along the north side of the subdivision.
8. Drainage and related improvements shall be designed and constructed to the satisfaction of
the County Engineer.
9. The access road Sunward Ho! Road from Bull Mountain Road to the eastern edge of the
subdivision shall be improved to the same standard as roads within the subdivision (Section
4.3-8 of the Mohave County Subdivision and Road Maintenance Regulations),
10. Stockton Hill, Bull Mountain and Sunward Ho! Roads should be redesigned to intersect at
as near a 90-degree angle as possible (Section 6.4-20 of the Mohave County Subdivision and
Road Maintenance Regulations).
11. The name change for Sunward Ho! Road will require public hearings due to its impact on
neighboring owners.
12. A corrected preliminary plan based on this action shall be submitted to the Planning and
Zoning Department for approval by the county prior to submittal of the final plan. The
corrected preliminary plan shall be the basis for the final submittal.
WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in the Kingman Daily Miner, a newspaper of
general circulation in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona, December 17, 1995 and posted on December 18,
1995, as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting
on January 2, 1996, APPROVED this Preliminary Subdivision Plan and Petition of Exception as
recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein,
Pat Holt, Chairman