HomeMy WebLinkAbout96-167 '1 \7~ ~ . . MlCROALMED " lNUEXED 9626014 BK 2730 PG 993 OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MOHAVE COUNTY, r JOAN MC CALL, MOHAVE COUNTY RECORDEf 05/13/96 02:06P PAGE 1 OF 3 MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECORDING FEE 0.00 RESOLUTION NO. 96-167 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH AN AMENDMENT TO BOS RESOLUTION NO. 95-52 WHICH APPROVED THE PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN OF SAWMILL CREEK, TRACT 3049, BEING A PORTION OF THE WY1 OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 20 NORTH, RANGE 16 WEST, IN THE MOHA VE COUNTY GENERAL AREA, MOHA VE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on May 6, 1996, a public hearing was conducted to determine whether approval should be granted for an amendment to the resolution which approved the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Sawmill Creek, Tract 3049, as requested by John Proffit, P.E. of Mohave Engineering Associates, Inc., Kingman, Arizona. The owner/developer of this subdivision is Sawmill Creek Development of Kingman, Arizona, and WHEREAS, the subdivision is located approximately three miles southeast of the City of Kingman, in the foothills of the Hualapai Mountains. The site is accessed via Hualapai Mountain Road, then south along Lazy YoU Drive, and WHEREAS, the Preliminary Plan depicts 44.89 acres subdivided into 13 single-family lots. The subdivision will consist of 6 one-plus-acre lots, and 7 five-acre lots, and WHEREAS, Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 95-52 conditionally approved the Preliminary Plan for this subdivision on February 6, 1995. Condition number one of this resolution required that "the roadway in the subdivision be constructed of natural materials to meet Engineering Standard Specifications No. 101.1 OC and 161 or better", and "Potable water for Lots 1-6 will be the responsibility of the developer and Lots 7-13 will be the responsibility of each individual lot owner." Conditions number three and four required, respectively: "The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality approves the water supply.", and "The Arizona Department of Water Resources determine that there is adequate water supply to serve this subdivision.", and WHEREAS, the improvement plans submitted for this project by Mohave Engineering Associates, Inc., and approved by Mohave County Public Works, note that roadways are to be constructed to M.A.G. Standard Specifications 205, 225, 301, and 310. These standards are generally higher than those required by BOS Resolution No. 95-52, and , . . RESOLUTION NO. 96-167 PAGE 2 OF 3 BK 2730 PG 99~ FEE~962601~ Page 2 WHEREAS, concerning approvals of water adequacy, the opinion of the Arizona Department of Water Resources, dated August 4, 1995, indicates that "Sawmill Creek, Tract 3049 is being sold with the domestic water supply to be provided by wells to be drilled by the individual lot owners. Wells in this area obtain groundwater from random cracks and fissures within the granitic hardrock. Thus the groundwater is of very limited availability and sensitive to drought conditions. Groundwater availability must be determined by drilling on individual lots. Where groundwater is available, the depth to water ranges from 50 to about 120 feet below the surface. The quality of the groundwater in the area may be only marginally acceptable for domestic use. Indications are that it may exceed the recommended limits in total dissolved solids and iron. Because it has not been demonstrated that a 100-year water supply is available to each lot in the subdivision, the Department of Water Resources must find the water supply to be INADEQUATE.", and WHEREAS, Greg Wallace, Chief Hydrologist with ADWR and author ofthe above determination, has indicated that Mohave County is not within an Active Management Area for enforcement of the state requirements for water adequacy, and as such it would be within the authority ofMohave County to approve a subdivision despite a determination of water inadequacy by ADWR, and WHEREAS, the engineer for the project has indicated in a letter dated March 4, 1996, that a reevaluation of the above noted conditions ofBOS Resolution No. 95-52 is being requested based on the following: "...it is impractical to construct the type of road on this project that was approved with the Preliminary Plan...", and "We feel that the requirement for a water supply to each of these lots has been met", and WHEREAS, the following are Findings of Fact for the above captioned item: a. All notices have been advertised and posted according to regulations. b. The Mohave County General Plan recommends that suburban type developments not be approved as "dry lot" subdivisions, and WHEREAS, at the public hearing before the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission on April I 0, 1996, the Commission recommended APPROVAL of the Amendment to BaS Resolution No. 95- 52, subject to the following conditions: 1. The developer improve the roadway to Mohave County Standard Specification 150, as recommended by the County Engineer, to a minimum depth of 6" of gravel, with verification testing and proper certification of workmanship submitted with the As-Built Improvement Plans. The As-Built Improvement Plans will need to reflect the revised roadway X-section, as indicated in a letter dated February 29,1996, from Michael P. Hendrix, P.E., Assistant Public Works Director. 2. The recorded Final Plat shall include a statement noting that the Arizona Department of Water Resources has made a determination of water inadequacy for Lots 1 through 6 of this development. r " . . PAGE 3 OF 3 BK 2730 PG 995 FEE~962601~ RESOLUTION NO. 96-167 Page 3 WHEREAS, at the public hearing before the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission on April I 0, 1996, the Commission additionally accepted the statement of water inadequacy from the Arizona Department of Water Resources, and indicated that the water supply available to this subdivision was sufficient to support the development proposed, and WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in the Kingman Daily Miner, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona, April 21, 1996, and posted on April 19, 1996, as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, May 6,1996, APPROVED this Amendment to BOS Resolution No. 95-52, as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. MOHA VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ATTEST: Q~.t ~ j~<:d~"~ Pat QIlIstain, Cierk.., .\'-' ,...., '(.. ~', '" ' .f . .'1 ,~:,::,"...'"\.'1; ~."'..'_- ,_-'_~ ,$~'Sv -',/-'~ '?:. ~.' ----..O.~k ~.~ '~;.<'~''''-- ~~~- $;: '"' .....:"'"':~~:..::... ',~-:", ~ l;;~Q ~~".,;=,"'S.:v....$J'<?;;\;" \ ,~<C -:. ,_, ___~ :.'~ 0..... &-.;~\~, 6 '.f ':;'_,0") - _ '.<':;' '""" . 52 ". ~ \~\ ~ OIlAl DEUS ~L.:y .~ N X~~~ ....;..~, ,,:j!j:..... .'~/" ARIZa"\'- .~~;ii" '111/lfJJ!!Illr lml':"\\\\~\ .. ~ ,,~/,/ _/1/ " '" " ' ". / (fJ .. J __J/ ,'/~tl ,'L ,,/, " ... -,-- Sam~derfei, airman ~