HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/05/2022 BOS AgendaMOHAVE COUNTY BOARD of SUPERVISORS b P.O. Box 7000 700 West Beale Street Website - www.rmhavecounty.us District 1 Travis Lin enfelter (928) 753722 Krigman, Arizona 86402-7000 TDD - (928) 753-0726 10, District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 h, Hild Angius Buster D. Johnson Jean Bishop Ron Gould " (928) 758-0713 (928) 453-0724 (928) 753-8618 (928) 758-0739 y Coun Manager/County Engineer Clerk of the Board SamNers Ginn Anderson Telephone (928) 753-0729 Telephone (928) 753-0731 Revised 12-01-2022 AGENDA NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING, PUBLIC HEARINGS OF THE MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DECEMBER 05, 2022 - 9:30 AM 700 W. BEALE STREET - KINGMAN, ARIZONA If the public wishes to address the Board regarding Public Hearings or Regular Agenda items, they may fill out the Request to Speak Form located in the back of the room (speaking on items, other than Public Hearings, will be at the discretion of the Chairperson). The form should then be given to the Clerk of the Board prior to the meeting. The time limit rule, noted on the form, will be enforced. MEMBERS OF THE MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WILL ATTEND EITHER IN PERSON OR BY TELEPHONE CONFERENCE CALL. 9:00 A.M. EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR DISCUSSION AND CONSULTATION WITH LEGAL COUNSEL IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.R.S. 38-431.03 (A) (3) (4) & (7) TO DISCUSS ITEMS NOTICED ON THE AGENDA WITH AN ASTERISK. 9:30 AM MEETING CALLED TO ORDER WITH INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MAY, BY MOTION, RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO RECEIVE LEGAL ADVICE FROM THE BOARD'S ATTORNEY(S) ON ANY ITEM CONTAINED IN THIS AGENDA PURSUANT TO A.R.S. 38-431.03 (A) (3) (4) & (7)0 MOTION AND ACTION TO CALL FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION TO BE HELD JANUARY 3, 2023 AT 9:00 A.M., FOR DISCUSSION AND CONSULTATION WITH LEGAL COUNSEL IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.R.S. 38-431.03 (A) (3) (4) & (7) TO DISCUSS ITEMS NOTICED ON THE AGENDA WITH AN ASTERISK. OFFICIAL BUSINESS TO COME BEFORE THE BOARD: *1. Discussion of pending or contemplated litigation claims and demands. 2. Committee and/or Legislative Reports. 3. County Manager's Report. 4. This line intentionally left blank. CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to ARS 38-431.01(H) a public body may make an open call to the public during a public meeting, subject to reasonable time, place and manner restrictions, to allow individuals to address the public body on any issue within the jurisdiction of the public body. At the conclusion of an open call to the public, individual members of the public body may respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the public body, may ask staff to review a matter or may ask that a matter be put on a future agenda. However, members of the public body shall not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during an open call to the public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. PRESENTATIONS: Presentation by Arizona Commerce Authority, Film and Digital Media Division (AFCI) BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CONSENT AGENDA (Items 5 - 42) 5. Approve the appointment of the following Republican Precinct Committeemen: Leona Knapp, Bullhead City (211); Brian Austin, Bullhead City (211); Jennifer Austin, Bullhead City (211); Paula Blackburn, Bullhead City (211); Nana M. Nicoll, Mohave Valley (212); and remove Michael Stern, Hackberry (213),, as requested by the Republican Central Committee. 6. Adoption of BOS Resolution No. 2022-206 - A SPECIAL USE PERMIT for Assessor's Parcel No. 402-24-135 to allow an RV as an accessory residence in an R- E (Residential Recreation) zone in the Scenic vicinity of Mohave County, Arizona. (Commission recommended approval by unanimous vote) - Development Services 7. Adoption of BOS Resolution No. 2022-207 - A REZONE of a portion of Assessor's Parcel No. 254- 41-013 from an A- R/36A (Agricultural Residential/Thirty-Six Acre Minimum Lot Size) zone to an A- R/18A (Agricultural Residential/Eighteen Acre Minimum Lot Size) zone to allow for a minor land division, in the Windmill Ranch vicinity Mohave County, Arizona. (Commission recommended approval by unanimous vote) - Development Services 8. Adoption of BOS Resolution No. 2022-208 - A REZONE of Assessor's Parcel No. 313-61-047 from an A-R/36A (Agricultural Residential/Thirty-Six Acre Minimum Lot Size) zone to an A-R/6A (Agricultural Residential/Six Acre Minimum Lot Size) zone to allow for a minor land division, in the Antares vicinity Mohave County, Arizona. (Commission recommended approval by unanimous vote) - Development Services 9. Adoption of BOS Resolution No. 2022-209 - A REZONE of Assessor's Parcel No. 353-05-023 from an A-R/36A (Agricultural Residential/Thirty-Six Acre Minimum Lot Size) zone to an A-R/7A (Agricultural Residential/Seven Acre Minimum Lot Size) zone to allow for a minor land division, in the Silver Springs vicinity Mohave County, Arizona. (Commission recommended approval by unanimous vote) - Development Services 10. Adoption of BOS Resolution No. 2022-210 - A SPECIAL USE PERMIT for Assessor's Parcel No's. 310-27-004 and 310-27-005 to allow for a 4-H. Rodeo, and Motorsports arena in an A-R/10A (Agricultural Residential/Ten Acre Minimum Lot Size) zone in the Kingman vicinity of Mohave County, Arizona. (Commission recommended approval by unanimous vote) - Development Services 11. Approve the issuance of a Notice of Assessment in the amount of $2,872.18 against Parcel No. 220-15-236M on behalf of the Mohave County Development Services for remediation of a surfacing effluent, and approve the recording of a lien against the property of the assessment is not paid in full within thirty (30) days of issue. - Development Services 12. Approve Arizona Health Zone Grant No. RFGA2020-001-003 Amendment No. 3 to extend the contract through September 30, 2025 with no change in budget and authorize the Chairman to sign the included contract amendment. - Department of Health 13. Accept the donation of $1,500 from the Colorado River Corvette Club to the Mohave County Department of Public Health's Senior Nutrition Program to be deposited into fund number 224-4- 5106; line item 47940; project code 304. - Department of Health 14. Approve amendment three (3) to the Intergovernmental Agreement ("IGA") between the Arizona Department of Economic Security (ADES) and Mohave County, Contract #DI21-002311, extending the Contract's end date from December 31, 2022 to June 30, 2023. - Community Services 15. Approve revised FY2023 increased budgets for the identified Community Service Department grants to reflect actual FY2022 carryovers after FY2022 closed; total increase to budgets will be $181,858 (revised FY2023 budgets in backup materials). - Community Services 16. Approve the new appointment to the Mohave/La Paz Workforce Development Board: Nancy Campbell, Project Manager for Pioneer Earth Movers & Window Rock Development, for a two (2) year term (Construction Sector); and approve the reappointment to the following Mohave/La Paz Workforce Development Board Members: Thomas Tavlor, Owner of Tavlor & Clark Logistics for a Hospital for a two (2) year term (Healthcare Sector) and John Diemer, Regional Manager for Department of Economic Security, for a two (2) year term (Title III Wagner-Peyser Representative). - Community Services 17. Pulled by Staff 18. Direct Financial Services to apply the outstanding CORP Tier 1 & 2 Rate Change Credit, in the amount of $186,033.47, as a lump sum contribution toward paydown of the CORP Unfunded Accrued Actuarial Liability. - Chief Financial Officer 19. Approve Amendment No. Three (3) to Contract 20-P-01, Mohave Valley Landfill Gas Remediation Construction, with SCS Engineers of Long Beach, California, extending the Contract for a one-year period from February 18, 2023 through February 17, 2024, with all other terms and conditions remaining the same on behalf of the Development Services Department. - Procurement 20. Approve and sign Amendment No. Two (2) to multi -awarded Contract No. 20-PS-11, Job Order Contract (JOC) for Blight Abatement Services, with Old Trails Mobile Home Transport, Kingman, Arizona (-01), and Lewis Equipment Services, Kingman, Arizona (-03); extending the Contracts for a one (1) year period through February 1, 2024, with all other terms and conditions remaining the same on behalf of Development Services. - Procurement 21. Approve and sign a multi -award Contract No. 23-PS-05, On -Call Aerial Mapping Services, to AeroTech Mapping, Las Vegas, Nevada (-01); Quantum Spatial Inc. dba NV5, Colorado Springs, Colorado (-02); Surveying & Mapping LLC, Murray, Utah (-03); and Sunrise Engineering Inc., Mesa, Arizona (-04), for a one-year period, commencing upon award, with the County having the right, at its sole option, to renew the Contracts for up to four (4) additional one-year periods. Funding for projects under these Contracts will be sourced to board approved budgeted funds per fiscal year as applicable, on behalf of the Development Services and Public Works Departments. - Procurement 22. Approve the award, and sign Contract No. 23- B-07, New Kingman -Butler Sewer Expansion Project to Premier Backhoe Inc., Fort Mohave, Arizona, in the amount of $2,253,953 including the base bid (inclusive of tax) of $1,996,350; a 5% project contingency equivalent to $99,818 for County authorized essential work; and an additional $157,785 to allow for connections under the established City of Kingman Mohave County IGA connection incentive program; authorize the use of any unused project contingency funds to establish additional connections under the connection incentive program; and authorize allocation of $500,000 in additional District 4 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds to the project for a total District 4 contribution of $2,500,000 to fully fund the design, construction and County contribution to the connection incentive program; on behalf of the Development Services Department. - Procurement 23. Approve Amendment No. Six (6) to Contracts 17-PS-01 Construction Plan Review and Inspection Services with Bureau Veritas North America, Phoenix, Arizona (-01); and Willdan Engineering, Phoenix, Arizona (-03),, extending each Contract for up to a two (2) month period, effective through February 2, 2023, with the sole option of the County to extend, unless terminated, canceled, or until a new contract has been awarded, whichever comes first; with all other terms and conditions remaining the same, on behalf of the Development Services Department. - Procurement 24. Correct the prior approval of Job Proposal WVA22-065 (November 7, 2022; Item 32) to reflect the awarded Contractor as Southwest Waterworks (dba Pumpman Waterworks) performing major repairs and rehabilitation to Well #7 under contract 19PS22-03, Job Order Contract (JOC) Well Maintenance and Repairs, on behalf of Public Works - Water Systems. - Procurement 25. Approve the award and sign Contract 23-P-02, Indigent Defense Services Department Title 36 Managed Care, Pre -Petition Screening, and Evaluation Services to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona Health Choice (Flagstaff, Arizona), to establish a contract for the Indigent Defense Services Department - Title 36 as required for the program in accordance with approved budgets per fiscal year as applicable, and commencing January 1, 2023 for a period of one (1) year, with the County at its sole right to renew for up to four (4) additional one (1) year periods. The anticipated fees for services during the initial one-year contract period is approximately $807,410.85 and is within the currently budgeted $1,000,000 of the FY23 adopted budget of ORG 10012555 43156. - Procurement Mohave County Procurement Code, Article V Section 6 (Direct Selection of Pre -Qualified Technical Registrants), to provide environmental baseline studies and NEPA documentation for the planned Sheriff's Substation in Mohave Valley on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) managed lands to satisfy BLM requirements in issuing a Recreation and Public Purposes land lease to enable County development of the land for a total cost not to exceed $63,868.64, sourced to FY2023 Adopted Budget Funds (41090446-48210, Project 1522), on behalf of Public Works - Facilities Maintenance Division. - Procurement 27. Approve and sign Contract Amendment No. Five (5) to Contract 18-B-08, Fluids & Lubricants for Automobiles and Heavy Equipment, with Parker Oil Products, Parker, Arizona, increasing prices by an average of 21%, as supported by the Producer Price Index (PPI) and adding the ""Certification Pursuant to A.R.S. §35-394" Special Term and Condition, with all other terms and conditions remaining the same, on behalf of the Public Works Department - Fleet Services and Equipment Maintenance Divisions. - Procurement 28. Sitting as the Board of Directors of the Lake Juniper County Improvement District: Authorize new Fund 855 to be created by Finance Department upon Board of Directors adoption of the proposed policy and procedure outlining District fees for the Lake Juniper County Improvement District; and approve the initial proposed budget (included in backup materials) for the Lake Juniper County Improvement District. - Public Works 29. Approve the adoption of BOS Resolution No. 2022-219 supporting Mohave County's application for an Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) FY23 Off -System Bridge Program Surface Transportation Block Grant Program to obtain up to $330,000 inclusive of 5.7% County cost share of $18,810, to fund scoping and preliminary design work for strengthening improvements using Carbon Fiber- Reinforced Polymer composite structures or other cost-effective means of bridge strengthening of Sand Hollow Bridge on County Route 91 in the Scenic area, and authorize the Public Works Director to make application submittal to ADOT through the Western Arizona Council of Governments. - Public Works 30. Approve the adoption of BOS Resolution No. 2022-148 for the extinguishment of the non -access easement that restricts access to property from Wishing Well Dr., as shown on Desert Lakes Golf Course and Estates, Phase 1, Tract 4076-A as recorded January 2, 1989 at Fee No. 8926061. Section 35. Township 19 North, Range 22 West, Mohave County, Arizona, in accordance with ARS 28-7214, being 1 foot wide by 753 foot long, as requested by adjoining property owners Mitchel Gleason, Tyler Christensen and Curtis Devine, APN 226-08-012A, in the Fort Mohave area. - Public Works 31. Authorize the Public Works Department to submit an application for an ADEQ administered Brownfields State Response Grant to completely fund up to $150,000, for the remediation of all asbestos containing materials and lead at the Victim Witness at 325 E. Pine Street, Legal Defender at 313 E. Pine Street, and the Historic Jail at 415 Spring Street in Kingman noting remediation of Victim Witness and Legal Defender's necessary for the Legal Services Center Project. - Public Works 32. Approve the adoption of BOS Resolution No. 2022-203 for the extinguishment of the public roadway and utility easement known as Panther Pass in accordance with ARS 28-7214, located in Section 12, Township 21 North, Range 11 West, Mohave County, Arizona, as shown in the southwest one -quarter of said Section 12, and Parcels 12-3 and 12-4, as depicted on survey recorded in Book 13 of Record of Survey, Page 2, being 60 foot wide by approximately 6,075 foot long, 8.37 acres, also the public roadway and utility easement as shown in Parcels 2 and 4, as depicted on survey recorded in Book 49 of Record of Survey, Page 47, being 60 foot wide by approximately 1,893 foot long, 2.61 acres, being a combined total of 60 foot wide by 7,968 foot long, 10.98 acres, more or less, on property owned by Scott and Frances Meyer, APN's 352-08- 004, -007 and -009, in the Fort Rock area. - Public Works 33. Deny the request by Shannon Koehn, the owner of APN 344-22-035, for the extinguishment of Mountain Meadow Road, a 70 foot wide by 2,040 foot long Public Roadway and Utility Easement, and Citron Lane, a 60 foot wide by 770 foot (+/-) Public Utility Easement as shown on Parcels 18- 7A through 18-7E recorded December 14, 2005 in Book 25 of Parcel Plats, Page 82, Section 18, Township 24 North, Range 16 West, Mohave County, Arizona, being approximately 4.42 acres, in accordance with ARS §28-7214, in the North Kingman area, due to adjoining landowners' objections and action causing land locked conditions to APN 344-22-019. - Public Works 34. Authorize County Manager to sign agreements for paid and unpaid intern programs not to exceed budget allocations and report signed agreements on the County Manager's Report. - Human 35 ' Pulled by Staff 36. Approve the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Mohave County Juvenile Probation Department and the Kingman Academy of Learning School District. Further, approve creating a School Safety Grant fund and creating a new position for one (1) FTE Deputy Probation Officer II, with an annual salary of up to $51,792 and annual ERE of up to $32,659 for FY23 for the School Safety Program with the IGA renewing for one-year periods on July 1, 2023, until July 1, 2025, unless terminated by either party under terms of the agreement. Any difference in salary/ERE that is not covered by the School Safety Grant awarded to Kingman Academy of Learning will be covered by 81923500 Juvenile Fee Account. - Juvenile Court Services 37. Approve the ARPA Funding Agreement with Lake Mead City Community Co-op, Inc. for the drilling of a new commercial well, installing a water storage tank, and replacing a well pump and pipes, as outlined in the Agreement, and authorize the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to sign the Funding Agreement. - Chief Civil Deputy County Attorney 38. Approve the adoption of the 2023 Tax Roll by the Board of Supervisors. - Assessor 39. Accept monetary donations in the amount of $3.00 and accept non -monetary donations with an approximate value of $10,760.66 for the Mohave County Animal Shelter. - County Manager 40. Approve the report of routine County business authorized by the County Manager for the time period of September 19, 2022 through November 19, 2022, routine personnel action taken during the pay period of November 5, 2022 through November 18, 2022, and routine Superior Court personnel actions taken during the pay period of November 5, 2022 through November 18, 2022. - County Manager 41. Authorize the Procurement Director to approve continued use of Cooperative Contract No. 171596, Commercial Banking Services, with Wells Fargo Bank, contingent upon the City of Tucson executing a one-year extension amendment; and authorize the Procurement Director to sign the Treasurer's Revolving Credit Agreement effective January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023, for coverage of current lines of credit for Colorado River Union High School Dist., Lake Havasu Unified School Dist., Bullhead City Fire Dist., Colorado City Fire Dist., Golden Shores Fire Dist., Golden Valley Fire Dist., Northern Arizona Fire Dist., Lake Mohave Ranchos Fire Dist., and Colorado City Unified School Dist., as well as any new districts for which the Treasurer may need during the renewal term, on behalf of the Treasurer's Office. The final executed agreement will be presented for formal ratification at the January 3, 2023 regularly scheduled meeting. - Procurement 42. This line intentionally left blank. PUBLIC HEARINGS: TIM WALSH. JR.. P.E., DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR: 43. Open Public Hearing: Discussion and possible action RE: Approve the adoption of BOS Resolution No. 2022-212 - A RESCISSION OF BOS RESOLUTIONS 2012-123, 2012-124� 2014-011, and 2014-012, causing what is now Assessor's Parcel No. 120-07-096 to revert from a Commercial Recreation and General Commercial land use designation to a Suburban Residential land use designation, and reverting the zoning classification from an S-D/C-RE (Special Development/Commercial Recreation) zone and C-2 (General Commercial) zone to an A- R (Agricultural Residential) zone, having not met the conditions of approval, in the Havasu Heights vicinity Mohave County, Arizona. (Commission recommended approval by unanimous vote) 44. Open Public Hearing: Discussion and possible action RE: Approve the adoption of BOS Resolution No. 2022-213 - A PRELIMINARY PLAT for Ranchos Havasu, Tract 3705, being a proposed subdivision of Assessor's Parcel Nos. 120-07-094 and -096, in the Havasu Heights vicinity of Mohave County, Arizona. (Commission recommended approval by unanimous vote) 45. Open Public Hearing: Discussion and possible action RE: Approve the adoption of BOS Resolution No. 2022-211 - A REZONE of Assessor's Parcel No. 404-24-173 from an A- R (Agricultural Residential) zone to a C-RE (Commercial Recreation) zone to allow for nightly tent and cabin rentals in the Cane Beds vicinity Mohave County, Arizona. (Commission recommended approval by unanimous vote) 46. Open Public Hearing: Discussion and possible action RE: Approve the adoption of BOS ^ - - - 1- L'- - n I _ ►�^^^ ^ a w n ^w��� ■ ■ ■^� w�w���� Ar ^ - - - - - - -I- r% -- - 1 n I _ ^ a ^ ^ ^/1 a L _ Acre Minimum Lot Size) zone in the Kingman vicinity Mohave County, Arizona. (Commission recommended approval by unanimous vote) 47. Open Public Hearing: Discussion and possible action RE: Approve the adoption of BOS Resolution No. 2022-215 - A REZONE of Assessor's Parcel No's. 324-09-130A and 324-09-131 from an R-M/20M (Multiple -Family Residential/Twenty Thousand Square Feet Minimum Lot Size) zone to a C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) zone to allow for a retail store in the Kingman vicinity of Mohave County, Arizona. (Commission recommended approval by unanimous vote) 48. Open Public Hearing: Discussion and possible action RE: No. 2022- 216 - A request to RENAME A ROAD, located in Township 21 North, Range 17 West from INDIAN CANYON the Kingman vicinity, Mohave County, Arizona. vote) Deny the adoption of BOS Resolution the Southeast quarter of Section 11, ROAD to NICOLETTI ROAD, located in (Commission recommended DENIAL by unanimous 49. Open Public Hearing: Discussion and possible action RE: Approve the adoption of BOS Resolution No. 2022-06 - An AMENDMENT TO MOHAVE COUNTY ORDINANCE 2021-03, THE BUILDING CODE ORDINANCE, to adopt proposed changes to the Building Code as proposed by the Mohave County Building Code Advisory Board and the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission (Building Code Advisory Board recommended approval on October 12, 2022 by unanimous vote) . 50. Open Public Hearing: Discussion and possible action RE: Approve, and authorize the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to execute Change Order No. 35 to the Cerbat Landfill Operations Contract Agreement with Gambi 350 of AZ, establishing new adjusted gate rates for the calendar year 2023 in compliance with Section C-2.8 of the Contract Extension Agreement dated January 1, 2020 which sets forth annual rate adjustment for inflation or deflation. 51. Open Public Hearing: Discussion and possible action RE: Approve, and authorize the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to execute Change Order No. 45 to the Mohave Valley Landfill Operations Contract Agreement with Mesa Disposal, Inc. establishing new gate rates for the calendar year 2023 in compliance with Section C-2.7 of the Contract Extension Agreement dated January 1, 2018 which sets forth annual rate adjustment for inflation or deflation. STEVEN P. LATOSKI, P.E.f PTOE, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR: 52. Open Public Hearing: Sitting as the Board of Directors of the Lake Juniper County Improvement District: Discussion and possible action RE: Approve the adoption of the proposed policy and procedure outlining District fees for the initial funding and cash reserves for the Lake Juniper County Improvement District. (Pursuant to A.R.S. §48-910(A) the Board of Directors of a county improvement district that provides water services shall have the authority to set fees for the District following a Public Hearing.) 53. Open Public Hearing: Discussion and possible action RE: Approve an amendment to Section 2.3 of the I-40 Industrial Corridor Water System Policy and Procedure Memorandum No. 2000-01 to establish a new Connection Fee rate for sale of Well No. 4 capacity at $2,200 per gallon per minute peak flow. REGULAR AGENDA: STEVEN P. LATOSKI, P.E., PTOE, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR: 54. Discussion and possible action RE: Approve Resolution No. 2022-220, authorize Public Works and the County Attorney to initiate condemnation proceedings to acquire 5,460 sq. ft. of land along the northwestern side of Mountain View Road and Aztec Road across APN 228-04-322 as necessary for construction of the Mountain View Road Project between Aztec Road to Camp Mohave Road, in the Fort Mohave area, which is presently in design and scheduled for construction in FY24 at a cost not to exceed $17,644 inclusive of appraised value in addition to closing and legal fees. 55. Accept offer of $20,160, an offer approximately 3 times the appraised right-of-way land value of $7,182, to acquire a 42-foot wide by 300-foot long strip of right-of-way along the southwestern corner of Mountain View Road and Camp Mohave Road of APN 228-04-108 as necessary for construction of the Mountain View Road Project between Aztec Road to Camp Mohave Road in the Fort Mohave area which is currently in design and scheduled for construction in FY24. Right -of - Way cost is not exceed $26,160 inclusive of closing costs. In addition, authorize the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to sign the Purchase Agreement for the accepted offer amount. current location. RYAN H. ESPLIN, CHIEF CIVIL COUNTY ATTORNEY: 57. Discussion and possible action RE: Approve the Agreement for Use of Appraisal Services with Lake Havasu City, which would authorize the appraisal of parcel number 108-12-154A, located in Lake Havasu City, and authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement. Following the receipt of the appraisal, County staff will submit a board item for a future Board of Supervisor meeting for the Board to consider the sale of parcel 108-12-154A to Lake Havasu City. SA M E LT E RS, COUNTY MANAGER: *58. Discussion and possible action RE: Approve the Joint Representation Agreement and costs -sharing arrangements with Clark Hill for Suit Against the United States Bureau of Reclamation for the Town of Queen Creek Colorado River Transfer Project Under the national Environmental Policy Act. TRAVIS LINGENFELTER, MOHAVE COUNTY SUPERVISOR, DISTRICT 1: 59. Discussion and possible action: Discussion of new mechanism to review County non -mandated programs and services as part of annual budget. BUSTER D. JOHNSON, MOHAVE COUNTY SUPERVISOR, DISTRICT 3: 60. Discussion and possible action RE: Accepting or declining all future grants. STEVEN P. LATOSKI, P.E., PTOE, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR: 61. Discussion and possible action RE: Authorize reallocation of $750,912 in District 4 American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) funds from Golden Valley Improvement District (GVID) Well No. 3 equipping to GVID Well No. 3 drilling and further authorize $186,098 in District 4 ARPA funds for Well No. 3 drilling; the balance of $562,900 in funds necessary to establish a $1.5 million Project budget is sourced to previously appropriated and unspent GVID funds toward the Project. SA M E LT E RS, COUNTY MANAGER: 62. Discussion and possible action RE: Require the Mohave County Constables to use the most recently adopted standardized daily activity log prepared by the Arizona Constable Association, and that the log is accurate, complete, typed, and electronically filed by email to the Clerk of the Board by the 10th of the following month. For mileage reimbursement, all forms must be typed, and the standardized daily activity log must be included as back-up documentation to the County's Reimbursement Form. The effective date is January 1, 2023, for incumbent Constables and January 31, 2023, for incoming Constables. Supporting documentation for agenda items may be reviewed by clicking here or in the Clerk of the Board's Office, 700 W. Beale Street, Kingman, Arizona. Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Mohave County endeavors to ensure the accessibility of all its programs, facilities, and services to all persons with disabilities. For an accommodation please contact the Board of Supervisors office at 928-753-0731.