HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/06/2006 Item 058 . ~_--"~~iE'~\\'11 ~}i~!~ tll~\ OF"'~~:~--- '....",.........--- ~UprClne QInurt David K. Byers Ruth V. McGregor STATE OF ARIZONA Chief Justice ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS Administrative Director Of the Courts January 25, 2006 The Honorable Randolph A. Bartlett, Presiding Judge Mohave County Superior Court Lake Havasu City Office 2001 College Drive; Suite 148 Lake Havasu City, Arizona 86403 Dear Judge Randolph: Enclosed is a Budget Modification Request Form and Addendum A for the Drug Enforcement Account (DEA) grant for Cycle 19, FY2006, for Mohave - Adjudication. The budget modification is the result of the resubmittal of the application for funding. Upon further review and consideration of the original application which contained funding requests for Operating in the amount $47,059 and Equipment in the amount of $27,126, the funding request for Operating was denied. The Equipment request was approved by the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission (ACJC). Kyle Rimel submitted a subsequent application which contained a funding request for $1,739 in Professional and Outside/Consultant and Contractual Services and an additional Equipment request of $32,653 for a total FY equipment request of $59,779.. The additional equipment request has been approved by ACJC. The approval of both funding requests does require a match from local funds in the amounts of $318 for Professional and Outside/Consultant and Contractual Services and $10,949 for Equipment. This subsequent request only totals $61,518 of the original allocation of DEA funds for Mohave County ($74,185) for FY2006. The difference, $12,667 will be maintained by the AOC with the intent of allocating it to another sub-grantee in need during the remainder of the fiscal year. I have also enclosed for your records, a copy of the request sent to ACJC as well as a detailed equipment list outlining all associated project costs submitted by Kyle Rimel. As a reminder, please refer to the enclosed ACJC Computer Hardware and Software Vendor Guidelines, paragraph 7 of the Funding Agreement as it relates to the use, loss, and disposition of equipment, as well as the Equipment section of the Addendum for policies concerning equipment. 1501 WESTWASHINTON STREET . PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85007-3231 . 602-542-9300 (TOO) 602-542-9545 Please review and sign the enclosed documents and return them at your earliest convenience, retaining a copy for yourself. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (602) 542- 9467. I appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Siqcer~{y, /;, d{j2v/1[ .;tSIlJ;iU V 1; ura Renstrom , Program Specialist and DBA Grant Administrator Adult Probation Services Division Enclosures ADDENDUM A DRUG ENFORCEMENT ACCOUNT FISCAL YEAR 2006 MOHAVE COUNTY ADJUDICATION Addendum date: January 26, 2006 Note: This addendum supersedes all previously dated addendums. APPROVED FTE'S TOTAL AMOUNT AWARDED: $61,518 Personnel PO/SO 0.00 Personnel - Other 0.00 TOTAL SALARIES & FRINGE BENEFITS: $0 Total 0.00 I.' '; ';BUD'dEi<CATEC,O'RY . . , ';<"t;;:. . '. APPROVEDBUQGE:T . I A. Personnel - Case Carrying PO/SO $- B. Personnel - Other $- C. ERE $- D. Operatin!=jExpenses $- E. Equipment (Restricted Cateqorv) $ 59,779 F. Professional & Outside/Consultant & Contractual Services $ 1,739 ~ I >. ";;' ,;;;, " ; .> ':..;; . ,., .' '.., ;....,.. ;.;::..; ,"':: ./:,;; ....;;.,',.,j;;.,.... . ',";; '.';;," :i'" . . . .. ""," .;;..;",", I TOTAL AMOUN~ TO BE DISBURSED ...........,," ., ,"" .." .." . .,. .. $. .61 518.. "., :, ..... ::::., .. ....: . ....... . ......" . ....:...... ".".. . .... .:"..." ..... ...'.J...:::.'::: ."::"":::":..",: ...::: ". ". ::.::".::...." '.n> . .n :..... :::::::",!j"::.:' "":... ... :.'. . "":::.:. ,. .:!:.L...:..,): ":." . :::....':...:. . ISGHEPUL,E:D.[)ISBIJR.$EME:NTS:;, ;.',."" ":,",,'; ".;.;,,:,. .. '. ",' ..... .. ",,'.,',;,::,/:',.:;,": I 1 st Otr 2nd Otr 3rd Otr r 4th Otr $18,546 $14,324 $14,324 $14,324 Signed: ~-ct:?~ZCL ~d-J I ~ & ~ h Director, Adult Probation S ices Division, AOe Date Signed: ;:;) ) ~ C\ V/ ' ,,' . ~-t;;ff- J2//6/06 Presiding Superior Court Judge Date Finance Office Receipt: Date F,\ASDIFY2006\DEA \addenda (1-26-06) drm . ARIZONA SUPREME COURT ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS (AOC) BUDGET MODIFICATION REQUEST FORM ; PROGRAM/FUND: DRUG ENFORCEMENT ACCOUNT FOR FISCAL YEAR: 2006 COUNTY/AGENCY: SIGNED: DATE: TITLE: Presiding Judge PREPARED BY: Dave Myers Finance Specialist BUDGET APPROVED PROPOSED APPROVED DIFFERENCE AMOUNT AMOUNT CATEGORY BUDGET BUDGET IF X'ed + OR- DISBURSED RETAINED PERSONNEL (PO/SO) $ ~ $ - PERSONNEL (Other) $ - $ - ERE $ - $ - tQJ-'A~:'eg'R.$QJ~Ng~;-){~:[h:, ~~$~~;' , ',':, ~;$'d ." . . : :. '. ~.~ 'n: . .". ~::. .. .. .:.: OPERATING $ 47,059 $ - x $ $ -.,UIPMENT $ 27,126 $ 59,779 x $ $ 59,779 l.,ONTRACT $ - $ 1,739 x $ 1,739 $ 1,739 TQ'T.lI,L,:'~(JP:~E;T, ,;,>"" )f,:,,;:74,iS5, I,: ',,::: ,'$61 ,$:t8Ir:i::(,::::,~r ::::,;,',::>1;'$",;:::: ,',..,. (12,E?67)l:'$(::;,. ,: ~+,5{a:'I'$', ' "'/;' ',~, I This modification request is recommended for approval for the fol/owing: Reduction and rearrangement of budget dollars. Recommended By: DATE: / till/;)& !-~/~' Approved By: ~ajJw ~:?;7tC~ DATE: ! /:2 & /c; r;, Division Directo or Deputy Director Administrative Office of the Courts Attachments: Revised Addendum A and Budget Summary x Revised Disbursement Schedule x Budget Allocation Change x F:\ASDIFY2006IDEAlbudgel mod forms(1-26-06) drm . -- G. - 4~ ~Upr2lm OInurt David K. Byers Ruth V. McGregor. STATE OF ARIZONA Chief Justice ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS Administrative Director . Of the Courts December 21,2005 Kathy Karam, Program Manager Arizona Criminal Justice Commission 1110 ,Vest \Vashington Street, Suite 230 Phoenix, Arizona 85007 Dear Kathy: On behalf of the Mohave County Superior Court,. a sub-grantee of the Arizona Supreme Court, Administrative Office of the Courts, Drug Enforcement Account grant for Cycle 19, FY2006, I am. requesting the approval of additional funding for equipment purchases necessary for the continued improvement of the Mohave County Superior Court video arraignment system and its expansion into the Bullhead Municipal Court. The total allocation for Mohave County this fiscal year is $87,772 ($74,185 in DEA funds with a match requirement of$13,587). Their original application for funding contained a request for $56,678 in Operating and $32,094 in Equipment. The DBA funded portion of the Equipment request, $27,126, was approved by ACJC as of July 29, 2005. The request for Operating was denied and they were asked to resubmit their funding request. . After numerous discussions and correspondence regarding an appropriate funding request, they have resubmitted their application. They are now requesting $2,057 ($1,739 DEA and $318 match) for Professional & Outside/Consultant and Contractual Se.rvices and $70,728 ($59,779 DBA and $10,949 match) for Equipment. The additional request is being made to further fund the expansion project. The $2,057 is for the travel expenses associated with the equipment installation. Since $27,126 in Equipment expenditures has already been approved, I am requesting approval for an additional $32,653 in DEA funding to fund this expansion project.' They will provide the $10,949 match amOllllt. They are now requesting only $72,785 of their $87,772 total allocation. The remaining $12,667 . (difference between previous $74,185 and. the current $61,518 in DBA fimding) will be maintained here with the intent of allocating it to a sub-grantee in need during the remainder ofrhe fiscal year. Attached is a copy of their application which also contains a two page detailed description outlining all associated project costs. Please review the submitted documentation and advise if this request meets your approval. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (602) 542-9467. .1501 WESTWASHINTON STREET . PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85007-3231 . . 602-542-9300 (IDD) 602-542-9545 I appreciate Your cooperation and attention to this lllatte, Siugert:J-f( ~ '~ ,0~~~, ~~- ,,{:...t / _ ; - / ~~.v-;Z'/0' ~aUra Renstrom "- Program SPecilll;st and DBA Grant A.dmin.istrator A.dUlt PrnbatlOn Services Division ......:.. -., . ~.~ ~".: ':',~ ,: :~~~ :; -~ '~:' ~:'{ :';;~;~~ ~~:.: ,~0' \,::~,:}~~;i !~:;~~/: ~'~;~~~~}.~;D{~~~~~~~i~,~i~9 :~:~;:Ftj:~~~:t:,.(~~~:~:~;;~~ ';~~:r~:,':\:: .\~:;~~, '~;:,~~.;) :.>,L'?;:J SHC Municipal Court Sequence Make/model Description Qty Unit Price Extended Price . 1 Shure/MX418D/C Microohone Cardiod 1 $223.26 $223.26 2 Samsunq/192MP (930MP Silver) LCD/Monitor With SDeakers 1 $873.75 $873.75 . '. 3 Broadata/240-211TRXMST A / V to Fiber Transceiver 2 $1,375.00 $2,750.00 4 Polvcom/2210 Echo Cancellar 1 $1,496.25 $1,496,25 5 Sonv/EVID70 Camera 1 $968.75 $968.75 6 Exh ibitone/Custom Connection plate 1 $457.31 $457.31 7 Belden/887B1 Black Audio Cable Plenum (100Oftl 0.5 $457.31 $228.66 ) 8 Belden/8828i Video Cable Plenum(i000ft.) 0.5 $2,837.50 $1,418.75 9 Hardware Misc. 1 $250,00 $250.00 10 ExtronlMAV44AV Audio Video Matrix Switch 1 $712.50 $712.50 11 CrestronlMC2E Control Processor 1 $875.00 $875.00 12 Crestron/PW2420 Power Suoolv 1 $156.25 $156.25 13 Vogel/EFW1030 Swinq arm monitor mount 1 $89,11 $89.11 . .. Equipment Subtotal $10,499.59 Labor $6,090.00 Travel $1,210.00 _....-.: . ". . Total $17,799.59 $17,799.59 + Applicable Tax Kingman Justice Court Sequence Make/model Description Qty 1 SamsunQ/192MP (930MP Sliver) LCD/Monitor With Speakers 1 $873.75 $873.75 " 2 Broadata/240-211TRXMST A / V to Fiber Transceiver 2 $1,375.00 $2,750.00 . 3 Sonv/EVID70 Camera 1 $983.75 $983.75 EQuipment Subtotal $4,607.50 .... . Labor $1,105.00 ) Travel $207.00 Total $5,919.50 $5,919.50 , + Applicable Tax BHC Justice Court Move SeQuence Make/model Descriotion Qty Unit Price Extended Price 1 Make/model Camera 1 $983.75 $983.75 1 Middle Atlantic/BRK16 16 RU Rack 1 $125.00 $125.00 7 Belden/88761 Black Audio Cable Plenum T1 ooottT 0.1 $457.31 $45.73 8 Belden/88281 Video Cable Plenum (1000ft~ 0.1 $2,837.50 $283.75 9 Hardware Misc. 1 $100.00 $100.00 ' . Equipment Subtotal $1,538.23 . I Labor $1,560.00 Mohave County Superior Court, Cycle 19 Video Project 12-05-05 '-.- "'_._J~ ...' . - - .' - , ' Travel $334.00 .- Total $3,432.23 $3,432.23 Lake Havasu Justice Court Sequence Make/model Description Qtv 1 Sonv/EVID70 Camera 1 $983.75 $983.75 2 Voael/EFW1030 Swinq arm monitor mount 1 $89.11 $89.11 .. Eauioment Subtotal $1,072.86 .'--- Labor $500.00 Travel $100.00 Total $1,672.86 $1,672.86 + Aoolicable Tax \ I Jail Seauence Make/model Description Qtv 1 Broad a\a/240-211 TRXMST A / V to Fiber Transceiver 2 $1,375.00 $2,750.00 Eauillment Subtotal $2,750.00 Labor $1,005.00 Travel $207.00 . Total $3,962.00 $3,962.00 + Allolicable Tax Fiber O/Jtics between SHC Justice and SHC Municipal Court 1 8M Fiber Fiber connectivity 1 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 ....'.'.">: ,... .:.;,..,. ." "".":':.''':;; ..'(::y. :'.":;' '.-:. '.. '.,.. - ,,"'+':. '';'' - :-:-.T ota IEQul p';nentCost ':'.',,!,:- .. ::.... :..'.',." :" .'.$60,468.19 ':. ';;'-i'.' .. ..,.,:;:>ii,~. t..:.""';:,::,):'. ::i..,. ;;/". "", i);.i...., < i..'f" -.!:j .!;: ,j!.:./i::n otill' L'abckCost .',.,:,c;:;:;7 + ;.,,: '. $10;260;00 .:'/,'''' ,,-cc"',., .......... :,' '''/ ." ....-:>. . ......ii.i.i.: :c...: .:. .,.:i}' -':\.":-':'( -'Total..TravEiLCost :'''':_'~':'.''.i' ."{.'F'" ..... ....... .. .,. $2,058.00 . . .. ..-.... -..-. . . .. . .. ... -..-- . ...... ... ___.. ..... _.n . . ..-.. .. . . R' __ . . ) i'" ,......;; ....... 7_..'.":'- ..:..:"...,.....c::-,..."-,: ,...' ,e:. ..';':.' "i..C"'; ........,.,i'.,,' ..i.i.'ii'.... ');..i....... "i'::;":::' ,">;:S'i..::r otal'lnstiilliiliontCost :.....:';:i'1$ 72,786.19 . ... . . . .. $70,728.19 $59,778.87 $10,948.51 $2,058.00 $1,739.40 $318.57 $72,786.19 $61,518.27 $11,267.09 Mohave County Superior ~ourt, Cycle 19 Video Project 12-05-05