HomeMy WebLinkAbout97-231 MICROALMED ro~ ~ . . , ~r,I!P'f.,,~ t:<');--'~-~"~~C:"t ,......-', '....(;::. C>::. I" ., ", - '~"" \";,:, . '~'i",~'..Jl"'7L-< '.'(;F'.'\-' '--' muEXED 9737181 BK 2929 PG 481 OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MoHAVE COUNTY, JOAN MC CALL, MoHAVE COUNTY RECoRDEi 07/14/97 03:40P PAGE 1 OF 2 MoHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERV1SoRS RECORDING FEE 0.00 RESOLUTION NO. 97-231 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH AN ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF THE FRONTAGE ROAD ADJOINING LOTS 1 THROUGH 4, BLOCK 5, MOHA VE VALLEY BUSINESS PARK, TRACT 4029-A, OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH, RANGE 22 WEST, IN THE SOUTH MOHA VE V ALLEY AREA, MOHA VE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on July 7, 1997, a public hearing was conducted to determine whether an Abandonment should be granted for the above-described roadway as requested by the owner Dennis Gootrad, represented by Denise Burton of Burton Engineering, Mohave Valley, Arizona, and WHEREAS, the site is east of Arizona State Highway 95 and south of Aztec Road. The site is accessed directly from Highway 95 at Courtney Place. The roadway portion begins at Courtney Place and extends southward to the end of Lot 4, where it dead-ends at the EI Rodeo Drainage Channel, and WHEREAS, the owner proposes the roadway abandonment to allow for a new shopping center which will access directly onto Highway 95. The General Plan designates this area as a General Commercial, Urban Development Area, and WHEREAS, the Arizona Department of Transportation, Citizens Utilities Company, Southwest Gas, and various cable television providers have reviewed the owner's petition and have no objection to the roadway abandonment, and WHEREAS, Bermuda Water Company currently has a six-inch water line in the Frontage Road. The water line terminates at the end of the Frontage Road. The water company would prefer that the lots be abandoned and reverted to acreage so they can be released from the responsibility of maintaining the water line, and WHEREAS, Mohave Electric Cooperative requests that the southernmost 25 feet of the Frontage Road be granted as an easement for a future overhead power line, and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works notes that the Board of Supervisors has the disposal option for this public right-of-way as specified in ARS 928-1901 to 928-1908, and WHEREAS, a review ofFEMA FIRM Panel #040058-2445C indicates the road described to be in Zone AO, in the FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area with a base flood level of one foot, and WHEREAS, the following described Findings of Fact are for the above-captioned item: . . PAGE 2 OF 2 BK 2929 PG ~82 FEE~9737181 RESOLUTION NO. 97-231 Page 2 a. All notices have been advertised and posted according to regulations. b. The proposed action and effect complies with the Mohave County General Plan. c. The site is adequate for the action intended and the use is consistent with the surroundings and terrain. d. The constructed road is paved with curb and gutter. e. This frontage road appears to serve only Lots 1 through 4. f. The frontage road appears to carry some runoff northward to a drainage crossing at its intersection with Courtney Place. g. The site has legal access. h. The site has no significant environmental features except the above-mentioned Special Flood Hazard Area, and WHEREAS, at the public hearing before the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission on June 11, 1997, the Commission recommended APPROVAL for an Abandonment subject to the following: I. Adequate provisions for all future public utility access needs to be made to serve this development. 2. An assessment of and provisions for any existing utilities located within the frontage road right-of-way need to be made and concurrence obtained from all affected utilities. 3. An adequate drainage easement needs to be provided in the area of the frontage road to take care of the expected runoff and also to allow access into the EI Rodeo Road Drainage Channel. 4. The southernmost 25 feet of the Frontage Road will be granted as an easement for a future overhead power line. 5. The owner will Abandon and Revert to Acreage Lots 1,2,3 and 4, Block 5, Mohave Valley Business Park, Tract 4029,A. WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in The Standard, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona, June 21, 1997 and June 28, 1997, and posted June 20, 1997, as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, July 7, 1997, APPROVED this Abandonment as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zonili\i.,(\fl!JlilI/iI.lission and outlined herein. ~~~\\\%.\\\J I soJt'~ #S~~ s 4A MOHA VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ~ S ';.1.::f",,""i~'~ a /a :::: ,. .~'"7''''c..:'''''_'''?-::''' $Q '("~!:"-' .,,<.~"".y;: j~ .ci ~. ' .. ~ ./ - -""" .,L~ts.,.. I, ll~.-~:%. :; " '::',1')'1 :" .. :: Carol S. Anderson Chairman ):" __ " :,", ~ t;"j ~- ' .... ," J Y - f.\t N ~ OllAr 0 u "Ii ~ R~ '4RIZO~t>. ~-# 1tIIJJ"I/IIIIIII\\\\\\I\~