HomeMy WebLinkAbout97-349 ..~ . . DRlMED fflOE(Efj 9755419 BK 2974 PG 105 OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MOHAVE COUNTY, A JOAN MC CALL, MOHAVE COUNTY RECDRDER 10/10/97 02:23P PAGE 1 OF 5 MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECORDING FEE 0.00 RESOLUTION NO. 97-349 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH A PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN AND PETITION OF EXCEPTION FOR FRIENDLY GOLDEN VALLEY, TRACT 3305, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PARCEL 71, AS SHOWN ON RECORD OF SURVEY, BOOK 1, PAGE 45, IN SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 18 WEST, IN THE GOLDEN V ALLEY AREA, MOHA VE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on October 6, 1997, a public hearing was conducted to determine whether approval shollid be granted for a Preliminary Subdivision Plan and Petition of Exception for the above described subdivision, as requested by Stadler Conslliting Engineers, Inc., the project engineer and authorized agent for the owner. The owner is Friendly Golden Valley I, an Arizona Limited Partnership. The developer is Doug Haley, authorized agent for the partnership, of Murrieta, California, and WHEREAS, the subdivision, a development of property in the Golden Valley area, is located approximately seven and one-half miles west of the city of Kingman. The site is accessed via State Highway 68, then south one-half mile along Verde Road to Shipp Drive, then west one-half mile along Shipp Drive and south to the property, and WHEREAS, the Preliminary Plan depicts approximately 40 acres subdivided into 114 single-family residential lots, three drainage parcels, and a parcel over two acres in size, which is located in the northwest corner of the subdivision and which is intended for future development. The subdivider has not yet defined the nature of this proposed future use and intends to sell this parcel to another developer. The residential lots range in size from 9,150 to 21,246 square feet. Five phases are proposed by the developer for this subdivision, and WHEREAS, services for the subdivision will be provided by the following: electricity and telephone service will be provided by Citizens Utilities Company; central water service will be provided by Valley Pioneer Water Company; sewage disposal will be by individual septic systems or approved alternative individual systems; solid waste (garbage) disposal will be provided by Golden Valley Sanitary Service; and the subdivision will receive fire protection from the Golden Valley Fire Department, and WHEREAS, petitions of exception were submitted for the following: I. Corner lots not at least 10' wider than the average lot width in the same block. Except for Lot 12, Block E, all corner lots in this subdivision do not meet the extra width required by Article 6.7-7. RESOLUTION NO. 97-349 Page 2 . . PAGE 2 OF 5 BK 2974 PG 106 FEE~9755419 2. Lack of a frontage road as access to lots fronting a county highway. Lots I and 32 of Block A, and Parcels A through D, inclusive, have frontage with Shipp Drive, an established county highway, contrary to provisions of Article 6.4-7. No frontage road is included in the design of this subdivision to prevent direct lot access to Shipp Drive. However, ai' wide vehicular non-access easement has been proposed by the developer, to be placed along the north boundary of the residential lots in lieu of a frontage road. The VNAE is an acceptable alternative to a frontage road under the regulations. 3. Ten-foot front yard Public Utility Easements, instead of 16-foot rear yard Public Utility Easements. The request for the 10' PUEs is for the entire subdivision. Section 6.9 of the Mohave County Subdivision Reglliations requires that easements at least 16' in total width be provided along rear lot lines. 4. Non-radial lot lines. This request is for those lots depicted on the Preliminary Plan which have non-radial side lot lines. Section 6.7-1 of the Mohave County Subdivision Reglliations requires lot lines to be within five degrees of a right angle to adjacent road rights-of-way. These petitions are submitted as a request that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend to the Board of Supervisors the granting of these exceptions from the Mohave County Subdivision Regu1ations as outlined in Article 1.13. The requested items of exception are not detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other adjacent properties, nor does the request nullify the intent of the Master Plan of the county or other regulations, and WHEREAS, a Preliminary Plan was previously approved for Friendly Golden Valley, Tract 3033, on March 4,1991, per BOS Resolution No. 91-72. A Revised Preliminary Plan was approved on February I, 1993, per BOS Resolution No. 93-37. The property was rezoned conditional to the recordation of Final Plats conforming to the approved and revised Preliminary Plans. Extensions of Time were obtained by the developer for the approval of the Revised Preliminary Plan. The expense of an on-site package sewage treatment plant (proposed with the Revised Preliminary Plan) was considered prohibitive by the developer. As a result, the developer submitted this most recent proposal, increasing the size of the lots to allow for the use of individual septic systems. The developer has expressed consent to void the earlier resolutions to make way for the approval of the new Preliminary Plan and new rezoning, and WHEREAS, the following are Findings of Fact for the above captioned item: a. All notices have been advertised and posted according to regulations. b. The property is designated by the Mohave County General Plan as an Urban Development Area. The proposed action complies with the General Plan:, as designated therein:----- c. The site is adequate for the action intended. Rancho Verde Estates neighbors this property to the south and east. The proposed use is consistent with the surrounding land development. WHEREAS, at the public hearing before the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission on September 10, 1997, the Commission recommended APPROVAL of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan and Petitions of Exception subject to the following conditions: RESOLUTION NO. 97-349 Page 3 . . PAGE 3 OF 5 BK 2974 PG 107 FEE~9755419 I. The approval of this subdivision is based on the understanding by the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors that: . All streets within the subdivision will be constructed and paved with asphaltic concrete in accordance with Standard Specification 171 of the Mohave County Engineering Department's Standard Specifications, or better; . Grading and drainage-related improvements will be made as recommended by the design engineer in the submitted drainage reports and as approved by the County Engineer; . The source and the adequacy of the water supply must be approved by the Arizona Department of Water Resources; . The sanitary facilities for this subdivision must be approved by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, including water service, sewage disposal, and the method of solid waste (garbage) disposal; . Water will be provided by Valley Pioneer Water Company; . Sewage disposal will be provided by individual septic systems; . Electricity and telephone service will be provided by Citizens Utilities Company; . Solid waste (garbage) disposal will be provided by Golden Valley Sanitary Service; . Fire protection will be provided by the Golden Valley Fire Department; . Fire hydrants will be provided at locations prescribed by the fire department. Hydrants shall not, however, be spaced further apart than is required in the Subdivision Regulations; . All utilities shall be provided to each lot in accordance with Arizona Corporation Commission Regulations; . All lots and road centerline monuments will be staked and monumented in accordance with Mohave County Standard Specification 102; . Road name and regu1ator signs will be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations and as recommended by the design engineer; . As a condition of approval, the owner/subdivider is responsible for the completion of all of these site improvements. If all of the required improvements have not been completed prior to the recordation of the Final Plat, as evidenced by As-Built Improvement Plans approved by the County Engineer, the owner/subdivider shall provide an assurance for all required subdivision improvements in accordance with Article V of the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations. 2. If the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality does not approve the use of individual septic systems as the method of sewage disposal for this subdivision, a revised subdivision proposal may be necessary. It may require an on-site package sewage treatment facility to accommodate the small lot sizes proposed. A significant redesign of the subdivision may require resubmittal of the project as a new or revised Preliminary Plan, or a new Sketch Plan. . . PAGE 4 OF 5 BK 2974 PG 108 FEE~9755419 RESOLUTION NO. 97-349 Page 4 3. A property owners association or other entity shall be formed for this project to provide perpetual maintenance for any common areas, drainage parcels, easements or ways, or any other facility that may be deemed to be under the joint ownership of the lot owners, to be detailed in the CC&Rs. A final, signed, original copy of the CC&Rs shall be submitted to the County prior to the recordation of the Final Plat. Moreover, any Articles of Incorporation forming a property owners association shall be submitted as per Mohave County Subdivision Reglliations. 4. The developer will make the same commitments for improvements in the report to the Department ofRea1 Estate as required for approval of this tract by the Board of Supervisors. A final copy of the Department of Real Estate Report shall be submitted to Planning and Zoning for library purposes. 5. A one-foot vehicular non-access easement shall be provided along the north boundary of Lots 1 and 32, Block A. 6. Minimum lot sizes will be established as per the recorded Final Plat for the subdivision. 7. Lots within the recorded Final Plat of this subdivision will not be further divided. Parcel C, the parcel being set aside for future development, may be further subdivided separately from this development, with the approval of necessary rezoning and through compliance with the Mohave County Zoning Ordinance and the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations. 8. Drainage easements, channels, and devices acceptable to the County Engineer will be provided for all on-site and off-site drainage related improvements. The comments rnade by the Public Works Department in their review memo dated August 12, 1997 must be addressed with the submittal of the Final Plat for the first phase of this subdivision. 9. This approval and the conditions contained herein replaces and voids BOS Resolution Nos. 91-72, 91-105, 92-188, 93-37, 94-210, and 95-282. These resolutions conditionalIy approved a prior and now obsolete Preliminary Plan, the accompanying zoning, and Extensions of Time for Friendly Golden Valley, Tract 3033. 10. The conditional approval for this Preliminary Plan is based on the plat received by the Planning and Zoning Department on July 8, 1997. As provided for in the Mohave County Subdivision Reglliations, this conditional approval will automatically expire two years after the approval by the Board of Supervisors of this Preliminary Plan. It is the responsibility of the developer to request an Extension of Time for this approval prior to the expiration of the two-year period. Failure of the developer to request necessary Extensions of Time for the approval of this Preliminary Plan, prior to the expiration of the approval, will result in the termination of processing of the subdivision. . . PAGE 5 OF 5 BK 2974 PG 109 FEE~9755419 RESOLUTION NO. 97-349 Page 5 WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in The Standard, a newspaper of general circlliation in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona, September 20, 1997, and posted on September 19, 1997, as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, October 6, 1997, APPROVED this Preliminary Subdivision Plan and Petitions of Exception as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. ;\\\\\\\\1l11IHIWfl/frt, #,\~ t.\WISOJ?~~ (6. . u~~ ~x _,~,_~"- ~O~ !fi <:::> . ...c--;:y->.,"~::s;. '\:l, $it:::) ~i;~~-:;;~~?;~;~-':: :::j~,~ ~ =::t:r: - ....r ..,..~ ,'.. -' jm- -<' ','-.. ,t~" /'1 = ~ ~ ~-~" __2:~r,~:I. - ~ ~ '" ~p ~ ~ """r ""'" '* <:.~ ~ .....; J.. u~v~ ..:s"... ~.. -:'~ '?z A' ..;-." 1;;Z'l/I~'~!! ! Z 0 N, ~,,\'_':~\:~:;'"~~~ "'ll;1tUJ ;E\~\';~'\.\;'" MOHA VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS a~/4/~ Carol S. Anderson, Chairman