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HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/20/2005 Item 008 .' MOHAVE COUNTY REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION FORM '- FORMAL ACTION D FROM Susie Parel-Duranceau CONSENT[K] DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY AND EC RESOLUTION 0 DATE May 25, 2005 OTHERD BOS MEETING DATE: June~~05 INFORMATION ONLVD SUMMARIZE THE ISSUE & DESIRED ACTION CLEARL Y/ATTACH BACKUP MATERIAL: Approval of Contract Amendment #6 to E05704008 between Mohave Conty and State of Arizona Department of Economic Security increasing funding allocation from $831, 603 to $846,379 for Fiscal Year 2005-2006, representing the award of Incentive Funds of $ 14,776; and approve Budget Fund # 885-08-9457 WIA PY 03/FY04 Contract # E5704008 Adult Program commenced July 1,2003. Each program year the Governor's Council on Workforce Policy (GCWP) votes to set aside a portion of the Governor's discretionary funds for incentives for the state's LWIAs. This year, the Mo/Paz LWIA has been awarded $10,313 for Method I Incentive Fund based on meeting Performance Standards ar.d $4,463 in Method II Incentive Fund based on Mohave/La Paz LWIA's CoVoTe Youth Program as Best Practice reflecting partnerships and collaboration. Attached is the Intergovernmental Agreement and the Budget for Fund # 885-08-9457. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Approval of Contract Amendment #6 to E05704008 between Mohave Conty and State of Arizona Department of Economic Security increasing funding allocation from $831, 603 to $846,379 for Fiscal Year 2005-2006, representing the award of Incentive Funds of $ 14,776; and approve Budget Fund # 885-08-9457 Reviewed and Approved By: PersonnelD Finane County Manager Board Action Taken: / Approved as Requested D No Action Taken 0 Disapproved D Continued To: DApproved with the following changes: Acknowledged receipt and referred to: Filing Information and Retrieval Filed Bid Filed Agreement BOS Resolution Filed Yearly Correspondence Filed Petition Filed Dedication Filed Land Sold Filed Land Acquired Filed Franchise 1.0. Resolution Filed Improvement District Filed Other Date Routed: Additional Information: XC: Item No. Wt <g G:lmanagerslboslwia\060605 E05704008 Amend #6lncenliveFunds Communitv Development FY 05-06 WIA PY03 Incentlvos Descriptio" G/L # 685-08.9457 FY200S 7-1-OS'0 6-30-06 Ell:...],.;l Federal Grants 33140 (.1~ 77B~ State Granl Funds 33570 0 -- KGM 34010 0 LHC 34020 01 -- SHC 34030 0 -- HAP from Other PHAs 34955 ---~ Admin Inc:: fr other Has 34956 -- Mlsceilaneous Revenues 39000 0 -. ;nlerest 39'00 0 -- 0 39300 0 Donations ConlriDu1ions 39500 0 -----r Revenue 39520 0 I Transfer from Gen~ral fund 39900 0 ~~ Revenue I '14'~76) -- SalarieslWaqes 40110 0 0 40120 0 remoorarv F..molovees 40130 0 Benefits 0 0 Payroll Credits (Jul'V Outy) 40160 0 Split Fund S<:Ilary 40195 Emn_ FiCA 40210 0 Unem lovment Insurance 40220 0 Healllllnsural'lce 40230 0 State Compensa1ion 40240 0 State Reti(ement 40260 0 Split Fund Benefits 40295 T01al Personnel Sel'Vices I 0 Office SuMlies 41100 0 Data ProcesslnQ Supplies 41150 0 -. Books 41200 0 Food Sl,.IpPlieS 41220 0 CleaninQ Supplies 41250 0 ReDair Main\&nanc.e S\.mD\\e~ 41300 0 -- EQuip under .$1000 41402 0 Com:>uter Software UNDER $1,000 41406 0 -- Com outer Hardware UNDER $1,000 41408 0 Support Trainina Basic Ed 41630 - 0 WEX 41650 12560 OJT 41910 0 Cp.Services (Alarm) 41930 0 HouslnCl Rehab Services 41940 0 Secunty Deposits 41950 0 Admin to Other PHA's 41960 0 Housina Assistance 41970 I Portable HAP 41971 0 Utili1v ASSistance 41980 01 Portable UAP 419131 0 TOlal SuoDliesl '?560 Professional Services 43100 0 PC ,s, Network SUODort 43120 0 Account & Audit Services 43125 0 Man<lClement Consult Servo 43140 0 ArchitectlEnqin. Services 43160 0 TraininCl Costs 43180 Oth OlJtsd srvcsfWlA Trainino 43190 0 Security Alarm Expense 43192 0 Teleohone 43210 0 Fiber Cos1 43215 0 PostaQe 43230 0 Travel Expense 43310 0 Motor Pool Expense 43320 0 Motor F'ool repJaCern81l1 43325 0 - -- Advertisinn 43400 0 LSQal Notices 43410 0 PrintinQ Expense 43510 0 DuplicatinQ Expense 43530 0 Electricity Expanse 43710 0 Natural Gas 43720 0 Water Expense 43730 0 Refuse Disnosal 43740 0 Office i::.oul ment Le",se 43810 0 Comnvter Software OVER $1 000 43815 0 Building Le(lses 43860 0 Repairs Maint.Aulomotive 43910 0 Repcllr5 Office Equipment 43920 0 Maintenance BuildinQs 43960 0 Aid To other Government 44010 2,216 WIA Support-Day Care 45040 0 WIA Support Transportation 45050 0 W1A SUPDort Medical Dental 45060 0 Support HOusinQ 45070 0 1---- S~Jpport Suoplies 45080 o' -- Fees Chames 46610 0 Membership/Dues/Subscp 47830 0 Continnencv 47960 0 COr"OLller Reolacement Fund 47975 0 other Misc. Expense 47990 =fl= Tax on Out of Slate Pu(ch 47991 TOlal Other ChQS/St!l'Vices I J 2~ - Improvement to Other Buildin~s .48499 0 Vehiclfl (0.;$1000) 48510 0 Computer Software OVER $1.000 48582 0 Technical Eauipment -=.$1000 48585 ~ 0 Total Ca,ital 0 .. Total Exoense 8!.1dael 14776 Net Local 0 WIA 4/2001 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY WIA CONTRACT AMENDMENT L CONTRACTOR (Name and address) 2. CONTR.\CT ID NUMBER Mohave County for: Mo/Paz Local Workforce Investment Area E5704008 P.O. BOX 7000 3. AMENDMENTJ\ulvlBER Kingman, Az. 86402-7000 G 4. PURPOSE - IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL PROMISES HEREIN CONTAINED AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUAl3LE CONSIDERATION. THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: The purpose of this amendment is to revise the contract reimbursement ceiling as follows: [] Increased From $ 831,603 To $ 846,379 [] Decreased From $ '1'0$ [ ] Unchanged but line items are changed as noted below. 5. THE ABOVE REFERENCED CONTRACT IS HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLOW: Hem revised, attached hereto and made a part of this amendment: Compensation Section, 1.0 Compensation From $ 831,603 To S 846,379 Administration..... .... ............... ... .......... From $ 65,429 ToS 65,429 Program..... ......... ......... ...................... From $ 623,868 ToS 623,868 Rapid Response.. ..0.............................. From $ '1'0$ Set-A-Side From $ 142,306 '1'0$ 157,082 6. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED FOR HEREIN, ALL TERMS AND CO:-IDITIONS OF THE ORIGINAL CONTRACT AS HERETOFORE CHA:-lGED AND/OR AMJ ;NDED REMA1N UNCHANGED AND IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. THE AMENDMENT SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE ON THE DATE OF SIGNING BY THE DIRECTOR OF TIlE DEPARTMENT AND/OR ON FILING WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE PliRSUANT TO A.R.S. 11-952. IN WITNESS WlIEREOF THE PARTIES HERETO SIGN THEIR NAMES IN AGREEMENT. .... ~ .. ~ ... 7. 8. KAME OF CONTRACTOR ": : : : : ~ : ~: : ~ : ::: ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY Mohavc County for Mo/Paz Local Workforce Illvestmert~~~~ SIGNA HIRE OF AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL :.: :~: : :~ ~ :: :: :: : i>... -. / " ~ u ~ , _ . TYPED NAME TYPED NAME - '- Tom Sockwell TITLE TI11.E Chairman, Mohave County Board of Supervisors DATE DATE IN ACCORDANCE AR.S. 11-952 THIS CONTRACT AMENDMENT HAS BEEN REV I EVlED BY TIlE U!\DERSIGNED WHO HAVE DETER1'v1D\'"ED 'l1-l<\T THIS CONTRACT AMENDMENT IS IN APPROPRIATE FORM A1\'D WITHIN THE POWERS AND AUTHOlUTY GRANTED TO EACH RESPECTIVE PUBLIC BODY. This day of ,20 This 2005- ,- By: By: Assistant Attorney General Equal Opportunity Employer/Program For alternative format/reasonable accommodations 602-542-3957 WIASOW '~f2005) Contract 10# E5704008 WIA PROGRAM/SCOPE OF WORK SECTION 1.0 Authorized Signatory for Contractor: 1.1 Mohave County , 86-6000539 CONTRACTOR AGENCY NAME FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION/SOCIAL SECURITY # 1.2 Tom Sockwell , Chairman, Mohave County Board of Supervisors NAME OF AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY AUTHORIZED POSITION TITLE is a signatory to this Contract on behalf of the Contractor. 1.3 In the absence of the principal authorized signatory named above Peter Byers NAME Vice Chairman, Mohave County Board of Sprvrs. is authorized to sign this Contract and any amendments thereto on AUTHORIZED POSITION TITLE behalf of the Contractor. In the event that either person in 1.2 or 1.3 shall cease performing their position, Contractor shall notify the Department of their successor in writing. No contract amendment shall be necessary. 2.0 Notices: 2.1 The Department shall address all notices relativ~ to this Contract to the attention of: Susie Parel-Duranceau, Mohave/La Paz LWIA Administrator NAME AND TITLE P.O. BOX 7000; Kingman, Arizona 86402-7000 (928) 753-0723 ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER 2.2 The Contractor shall address all notices relative to this Contract to the attention of: WIA Fiscal Manager NAME AND TITLE Division of Employment & Rehabilitation Services, Employment Administration, WIA Section DIVISION/OFFICE P.O. Box 6123, Phoenix, Arizona 85005 Site Code 920Z 542-2474 ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER 3.0 Contract Term: The term of this Contract shall begin on April 1 , 2003 and shall terminate on June 30, 2006 4.0 Contract Purpose: The Contract services to be provided during the term of this Contract shall address the problem(s) and need(s) and seek to achieve the program goals described below: TITLE 1-8 ADUL T & YOUTH To train or retrain low income youth who face barriers to employment and unskil]ed or underemployed adults in order that they may enter the labor force or obtain or retain productive employment. TITLE 1-8 DISLOCATED WORKER To provide employment and training, and relat~d support services aimed at re-employing individuals of technological displacement, foreign competition, economic conditions and other structural changes in the economy. #REF! 5.0 Contract Services and Service Delivery: 5.1 Local Area Plan: Services to be provided during the term of this Contract shall be delivered in accordance with the requirements as stated in the Local Area Plan. The Contractor shall deliver the level of service identified in the Compensation Section 4.0 Level of Service. There is no unit of service for Services. 5.2 Subcontractors: A portion of the Contract Services to be provided under this Contract shall be delivered by Subcontractors except Rapid Response shall not be subcontracted. Contractor understands and warrants that no work shall be performed by a Subcontractor until the subcontract format has been reviewed by and approved in writing by an authorized Department representative. 5.3 Services: The services to be delivered during the term of this Contract to Eligible Persons are as described in the Local Area Plan (Attachment A). 5.3.1 Non-Financial Agreement - Work Opportunity Tax Credit (Attachment B). 5.4 Eligibility Criteria, Intake Procedures and Case Records: 5.4.1 Eligibility Criteria: Services, whether provided directly by the Contractor or through Subcontract, may be delivered only to individuals who meet the eligibility criteria set forth in the applicable portions of the Workforce Investment Act and as listed below: Code of Federal Regulations: 20 CFR Part 652 et al. Local Area Plan 5.4.2 Intake/Eligibility Determination: To develop and intake/eligibility determination system which facilitates prompt delivery of services to eligible individuals. Develop written intake/eligibility determination policies and procedures which provide for the following, at minimum: Explanation of services and eligibility criteria to prospective clients; completion of required application forms; explanation of clients' rights and responsibilities; prompt and effective determination of eligibility and notification to client of determination; procedures for appeal of determination; prompt referral of clients to appropriate services. Provide staff training to individuals responsible for intake/eligibility determination to ensure understanding of WIA eligibility criteria. Provide or arrange for eligibility verification. 5.4.3 Case Records; Contractor shall ensure that case records are maintained for each recipient of Services. At minimum, the case records for each recipient shall be sufficient to justify expenditures and develop reports for the Department of Economic Security and the Department of labor. 5.5 Staffing: Title 1-8 Adult, Youth and Dislocated Worker: Services, including administration of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Program or provision of WIA Employment Service components, shall be provided only by staff who meet any applicable licensure or professional qualifications. The Contractor shall have written Personnel Policies and Procedures. #REF! 5.6 Holidays When Facility Will Be Closed: ( x ) New Years Day ( x ) Martin Luther King, Jr. Day ( ) Lincoln's Birthday ( ) Washington's Birthday ( x ) Memorial Day ( x ) Independence Day ( x ) Labor Day ( x ) Columbus' Day ( x ) Veteran's Day ( x ) Thanksgiving Day ( x ) Christmas Day ( x ) Presidents Day ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ATTACHMENT A LOCAL AREA PLAN \vIJ\ ARIZONA WORKFORCE INVESTMENT ACT ADMINISTRATION COMPSEC (4/2001) WIA COMPENSATION SECTION Sections marked with "[ ]" are applicable only if darkened. 1.0 Compensation A. The contract reimbursement ceiling for all services provided during the term of the contract and/or for the period specified shall be $ 846,379 B. Notwithstanding the contract reimbursement ceiling established in 1.0, A. of this Section, the level of compensation under this Contract shall not, at any time, exceed the current obligational authority. C. Upon receipt of obligational authority by the Department from the U.S. Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration (DOL/ETA), the Department shall issue a Notice of Obligational Authority to the Provider. 2.0 Method of Payment 2.1 Fixed Price with Price Adjustment: The department shall make payment in accordance with the following: A. Operating budget(s) shall be developed and maintained current, on at least a monthly basis, by the contractor. B. To receive funds by any of the mechanisms named above, Contractor shall adhere to the following procedures: 1. Request for funds shall be made by fax to: DES WIA ADMINISTRATION (602) 542-2491 - fax 2. The fax request shall be confirmed by simultaneous submittal of an original and correctly completed "Contractor Request for Funds & Disbursement Report". 3. Funds shall be requested on a scheduled basis to meet payroll and other expenses and to maintain a minimum amount of cash on hand, at no time exceed immediate cash needs. 3.0 Reporting Requirements 3.1 Financial Reporting Requirements A. In accordance with the Uniform Terms and Conditions, the Contractor shall submit the following: 1. "Provider Accrued Expenditure Report" no later than 30th day following [X] each month of the Contract Term [ ] Other (Specify) COMPSEC (4/2001) 2. Final "Provider Accrued Expenditure Report" - no later than the 30th day following the termination dare of the Contract. B. Periodic financial reports shall cover contract expenditures for the current reporting period and cumulative expenditures through the reporting period, by fund source, title and cost category. The final report shall cover expenditures for the full term of the Contract by fund source, title and cost category. c. In addition to A and B above the Contractor will submit as required the following: 1. WIA Contractor Signature Authorization 2. WIA Property Acquisition Notice 3.2 Program Reporting Requirements The contractor shall submit the following: Automated WIA Status Report. Required Monthly. Discretionary Grant Reports. Required Monthly. 4.0 level of Service During the term of this Contract, the Contractor shall: A. Deliver Services to the estimated number of eligible individuals by program, as specified below: Title I-B PROGRAM REGISTRATIONS Adult 90 Youth 65 Dislocated Worker n/a AdultIYouthlDislocated Worker Performance under this contract will be based primarily on the Performance Standards as described in the State and Local Plan. 5.0 The reports in 3.1 and 3.2 shall be submitted to the individual/location in the "Notices" section of this contract, unless a different person/location is specified below: WIA BUDG - 4/2003 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY Workforce Investment Act CONTRACTOR (Name and address) CONTRACT NO. E5704008 Mohave County AMENDMENT NO. G for: Mo/Paz Local Workforce Investment Area P.O. BOX 7000 FUNDING TERM 04/01/2003 TO 06/30/2005 Kingman, AZ 86402-7000 FUND SOURCE WIA Administration PY 2003 CONTRACT BUDGET YOUTH ADULT DISLOC. WKER. TOTALS ADMINISTRATION 32,177 6,910 39,087 PROGRAM BUDGET (Complete only if Capital Equipment is to be purchased) ADMINISTRATION Capital Equipment * All Other Costs TOTAL * Capital Equipment over $5,000 must be reported per WIA Guidance Letter 14-02 dated October 2,2002. WIA BUDG - 4/2003 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY Workforce Investment Act CONTRACTOR (Name and address) CONTRACT NO. E5704008 Mohave County AMENDMENT NO. 6 for: MolPaz Local Workforce Investment Area P.O. BOX 7000 FUNDING TERM 10101/2003 TO 06/30/2005 Kingman, AZ 86402-7000 FUND SOURCE WIA Administration FY 2004 CONTRACT BUDGET ADULT DISLOC. WKER. TOTALS ADMINISTRATION 26,342 26,342 PROGRAM BUDGET (Complete only if Capital Equipment is to be purchased) ADMINISTRATION Capital Equipment * All Other Costs TOTAL * Capital Equipment over $5,000 must be reported per WIA Guidance Letter 14-02 dated October 2,2002. NIA BUDG - 4/2003 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY Workforce Investment Act CONTRACTOR (Name and address) CONTRACT NO. E5704008 Mohave County AMENDMENT NO. 6 for: Mo/Paz Local Workforce Investment Area P.O. BOX 7000 FUNDING TERM 04/01/2003 TO 06/30/2005 Kingman, AZ 86402-7000 FUND SOURCE WIA YOUTH (Program Only) PY 2003 CONTRACT BUDGET ALLOCATION PROGRAM 289,598 :lROGRAM BUDGET (Complete only if Capital Equipment is to be purchased) PROGRAM Capital Equipment .. All Other Costs TOTAL .. Capital Equipment over $5,000 must be reported per WIA Guidance Letter 14-02 dated October 2,2002. .' WIA BUOG - 4/2003 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY Workforce Investment Act CONTRACTOR (Name and address) CONTRACT NO. E5704008 Mohave County AMENDMENT NO. 6 for: MolPaz Local Workforce Investment Area P.O. BOX 7000 FUNDING TERM 07/01/2003 TO 06/30/2005 Kingman, AZ 86402-7000 FUND SOURCE WIA ADULT (Program Only) PY 2003 CONTRACT BUDGET ALLOCATION A TOTAL PROGRAM 62,192 62,192 A. PROGRAM BUDGET (Complete only if Capital Equipment is to be purchased) PROGRAM Capita! Equipment * All Other Costs TOTAL * Capital Equipment over $5,000 must be reported per WIA Guidance Letter 14-02 dated October 2,2002. NIA BUDG - 4/2003 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY Workforce Investment Act :ONTRACTOR (Name and address) CONTRACT NO. E5704008 Mohave County AMENDMENT NO. 6 for: MolPaz local Workforce Investment Area P.O. BOX 7000 FUNDING TERM 10/01/2003 TO 06/30/2005 Kingman, AZ 86402-7000 FUND SOURCE WIA ADULT (Program Only) FY 2004 CONTRACT BUDGET AllOCATION A TOTAL PROGRAM 237,078 35,000 272,078 A. Transfer in from Dislocated Worker FY 2004 Funds. ?ROGRAM BUDGET (Complete only if Capital Equipment is to be purchased) PROGRAM Capital Equipment * All Other Costs TOTAL * Capital Equipment over $5,000 must be reported per WIA Guidance Letter 14-02 dated October 2,2002. WIA BUDG - 4/2003 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY Workforce Investment Act CONTRACTOR (Name and address) CONT~CT NO. E5704008 Mohave County AMENDMENT NO. 6 for: Mo/Paz Local Workforce Investment Area P.O. BOX 7000 FUNDING TERM 07/01/2003 TO 06/30/2005 Kingman, AZ 86402-7000 FUND SOURCE WIA DISLOCATED WORKER (Program Only) PY 2003 CONTRACT BUDGET ALLOCATION A TOTAL - PROGRAM A. PROGRAM BUDGET (Complete only if Capital Equipment is to be purchased) PROGRAM Capital Equipment * All Other Costs TOTAL * Capital Equipment over $5,000 must be reported per WIA Guidance Letter 14-02 dated October 2, 2002. r~IA BUDG - 4/2003 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY Workforce Investment Act ::ONTRACTOR (Name and address) CONTRACT NO. E5704008 Mohave County AMENDMENT NO. 6 for: MolPaz Local Workforce Investment Area P.O. BOX 7000 FUNDING TERM 10101/2003 TO 06/30/2005 Kingman, AZ 86402-7000 FUND SOURCE WIA DISLOCATED WORKER (Program Only) FY 2004 CONTRACT BUDGET ALLOCATION A TOTAL PROGRAM A. -- PROGRAM BUDGET (Complete only if Capital Equipment is to be purchased) PROGRAM Capital Equipment * All Other Costs TOTAL * Capital Equipment over $5,000 must be reported per WIA Guidance Letter 14-02 dated October 2,2002. NIA BUDG - 4/2003 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY Workforce Investment Act :ONTRACTOR (Name and address) CONTRACT NO. E5704008 Mohave County . AMENDMENT NO. 6 for: Mo/Paz Local Workforce Investment Area P.O. BOX 7000 FUNDING TERM 07/01/2003 TO 06/30/2005 Kingman, AZ 86402-7000 FUND SOURCE WIA RAPID RESPONSE PY 2003 :ONTRACT BUDGET ALLOCATION ~PID RESPONSE 'ROGRAM BUDGET (N/A) VIA BUDG - 4/2003 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY Workforce Investment Act :::ONTRACTOR (Name and address) CONTRACT NO. E5704008 Mohave County AMENDMENT NO. 6 for: Mo/Paz Local Workforce I nvestment Area P.O. BOX 7000 FUNDING TERM 1 % 1/2003 TO 06/30/2005 Kingman, AZ. 86402-7000 FUND SOURCE WIA RAPID RESPONSE FY 2004 :;ONTRACT BUDGET ALLOCATION ~APID RESPONSE )ROGRAM BUDGET (N/A) IIJIA BUDG - 4/2003 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY Workforce Investment Act :ONTRACTOR (Name and address) CONTRACT NO. E5704008 Mohave County AMENDMENT NO. 6 for: Mo/Paz Local Workforce Investment Area P.O. BOX 7000 FUNDING TERM 10/01/2003 TO 06/30/2006 Kingman, AZ 86402-7000 HIGH CONCENT OF ELlG YOUTH FUND SOURCE WIA SET-A-SIDE FUNDS FY 2004 ::;ONTRACT BUDGET ALLOCATION 3ET-A-SIDE FUNDS 15,706 ~A-SIDE BUDGET (Complete only if Capital Equipment is to be purchased) PROGRAM Capital Equipment * All Other Costs TOTAL * Capital Equipment over $5,000 must be reported per WIA Guidance Letter 14-02 dated October 2,2002. WIA BUDG - 4/2003 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY Workforce Investment Act CONTRACTOR (Name and address) CONTRACT NO. E5704008 Mohave County AMENDMENT NO. 6 for: Mohave/La Paz Local Workforce Investement Area P.O. Box 7000 FUNDING TERM 10101/2003 TO 06/30/2006 Kingman, Arizona 86402-7000 TAlCB FUND SOURCE WIA SET-A-SIDE FUNDS FY 2004 CONTRACT BUDGET ALLOCATION SET-A-SIDE FUNDS 16,500 SET -A-SIDE BUDGET (Complete only if Capital Equipment is to be purchased) PROGRAM Capital Equipment * All Other Costs TOTAL 0 * Capital Equipment over $5,000 must be reported per WIA Guldance Letter 14-02 dated October 2,2002. WIA BUDG - 4/2003 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY Workforce Investment Act CONTRACTOR (Name and address) CONTRACT NO. E5704008 Mohave County AMENDMENT NO. 6 for: Mo/Paz Local Workforce Investment Area P.O. BOX 7000 FUNDING TERM 07/01/2004 TO 06/30/2005 Kingman, AZ 86402-7000 FUND SOURCE WIA SET-A-SIDE FUNDS FY 2004 CONTRACT BUDGET ALLOCATION SET -A-SIDE FUNDS 110,100 SET -A-SIDE BUDGET (Complete only if Capital Equipment is to be purchased) PROGRAM Capital Equipment * 0 All Other Costs 0 TOTAL 0 * Capital Equipment over $5,000 must be reported per WIA Guidance Letter 14-02 dated October 2, 2002. . VVIA BUDG - 4/2003 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY Workforce Investment Act CONTRACTOR (Name and address) CONTRACT NO. E5704008 Mohave County AMENDMENT NO. 6 for: Mohave/La Paz Local Workforce Investement Area P.O. Box 7000 FUNDING TERM 4/i/2002 TO 06/30/2006 Kingman, Arizona 86402-7000 FUND SOURCE WIA PY2003 Incentive Awards CONTRACT BUDGET ALLOCATION TOTALS INCENTIVE FUNDS 14,776 14,776 SET -A-SIDE BUDGET (Complete only if Capital Equipment is to be purchased) PROGRAM Capital Equipment * All Other Costs TOTAL 0 * Capital Equipment over $5,000 must be reported per WIA Guidance Letter 14-02 dated October 2,2002. , WIA Equipment (4/2003) EQUIPMENT PURCHASES * $5000 AND OVER 1. CONTRACTOR 2. CONTRACT TERM Mohave County 04/01/2003 to 06/30/2006 for: Mo/Paz Local Workforce Investment Area P.O. BOX 7000 3. CONTRACT # E570400B Kingman, AZ 86402-7000 4. AMENDMENT # 6 Item Amount Including Installation Administration Title Program Title Total NONE TOTALS I "All items purchased must have a DES inventory tag.