HomeMy WebLinkAbout98-161When recorded retu~ to: ~ OFFICIAL RECORI)S 0F HOHAVE C:OUNT'(~ AZ ,JOAN MC CALL, MOHAVE COUNTY RE(ORDER 04/16/~8 Clerk of the Bo~d HOHAVE COUNTY BOARD 0F SUPERVISORS ~ohav~ Co~ty RECORDING FEE 0.00 P.O. Box 7000 Kingm~, ~ 86402 ~SOLUTION NO. 98-~6~ A ~SOLUTION OF T~ BOA~ OF SUPER~SO~ OF MOHA~ CO~TY PERTAINING TO T~SPORTATION CONFO~ITY, AFFIXING PARTICIPATION IN A CONSULTATION PROCESS, CONCU~NG IN CERTAIN DESIGNATIONS, AND NOMINATING A COUNTY LI~SON FOR FUT~ T~NSPORTATION CONFO~ITY ~LATED ACTIVITY. WHE~AS, ~e Mohavc County Bo~d of Supe~isors ("Bo~d") is empowered ~der Title 49 o~the ~izona Revised Statures to adopt ~les ~d t~e o~er measles gor the p~ose of con~ollin~ ~e release og ~r con~inates wi~ the Co~ty; WHE~AS, ~o Bo~d is empowered ~dor Tides 11 ~d 28 &the ~izona Revised Smm~os to m~a~o ce~ain roadways lying ~in tho ~iaco~oratod ~eas of ~o Co~; WHE~AS, a p~ of Mobaw County, A~zon~ h~ previously been designated ~der tho CIo~ Air Act ("C~") ~ "no~Uai~ont" with respect to nation~ ~biont ~ q~li~ s~d~d for p~ic~ate ma~er; WHE~AS, C~ P~ D requires that whom a nona~ai~ent ~ca exists, tho appropriate gove~en~ a~encios fo~olate ~ implementation pl~ ~at will m~ago emissioas to the degree required to prevent ~t~e excoedoncos of thc rolov~t national ~biont air quali~ st~d~ds; WHE~AS, CAA ~ 176 effectively obligates ~ovo~en~l a~encios receiving fedora1 money to conduct their pl~in~ ~d pe~in~ activities ~n a m~er that will nm violate tho prevailin~ implementation pl~; WHE~AS, tho Enviro~omal Protection ~ency has prom~atod de~iled ~l~s (i.e. 40 CFR P~ 51, Subp~ T Conformi~ to State or Federal Implementation Plans of Transportation Plans, Programs and Projects De~elope~ Funded or ~pproved Under Title 2~ ~S.C. or the Federal Transit Act ~d 40 CFR P~ 93, subp~ A ConformiF to State or Federal Implementation Plans of Transportation Plans, Programs, and Projects Develope~ Funded or ~pproved Under Title 2~ ~S.C. or the Federal Transit ~cO W~spo~ation-related projects, ~ded wholly or in prevailing implomemafion pl~: F'~GE 2 OF BE 3070 P(i 827 F'EE¢9,~021722 WHEREAS, the EPA's Transportation Conformity Rules require that the empowered planning agency for each nonattainment area in question consult with other affected governmental entities, and that: 1) they collectively: a) designate those transportation routes that will fall subject to the conformity planning process. b) define the minimum project size that will allow projects to escape the conformity planning process: and 2) The affected local governmental entities designate a liaison, to represent that unit of government in future confomfity analyses and communications. THEREFORE, FOLLOWING PUBLIC NOTICE AND A PUBLIC HEARING, AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFINING MOHAVE COUNTY'S PARTICIPATION IN THE TRANSPORTATION CONFORMITY PLANNING PROCESS OUTLINED ABOVE, THE MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HEREBY RESOLVES TO: 1) Acknowledge that the County has been consulted by the lead agency, namely the Arizona Department of Transportation ("ADOT'), in the development of the transportation conformity plan for the Nonattainment Area: 2) Concur that State Routes 68 and 95 define the only regionally significant transportation corridors in the Mohave County portion of the Nonattainment Area: 3) Concur that ADOT shall have original and primary responsibility for transportation conformity planning with respect to the regionally significant transportation corridor defined above: 4) Concur that projects Less that ½ mile in length nfthe above-defined regionally significant transportation corridors should be exempted from the transportation conformity planning requirements: 5) Designate the County Engineer of Mohave County as the County's liaison for future transportation conformity related analyses and consultation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, in accord with the vote of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors as duly reflected in the minutes of the Board meeting, have executed this document on behalf of the Board of Supervisors on this 6th day of Apr±l, 1998. F'~GE 3 OF ~ P.,K 3r~70 PG ~24 FEE~9~O2:L722 MOHAVE COUNTY, a body politic and corporate of the State of Arizona. By: .,,,,~1~.~¢~. zC~4~_~_ff-¢.~:;~ / ~x~i~~Board of Supervisors Wi]li~ Eks~om Moheve Co~