HomeMy WebLinkAbout98-190 F~N t~(: C~L.L.~ t'I]tRVE C[]L~N~'f F:EC(}RDEF'
~ IdH,.~ ~.~.. C:E~UNTY
~SOL~T[O~ No. 98-190 F:E:(:ORD:[N~ FEE 0,00
WHE~AS, on M~ch 9, 1998, ~e Mohave Coun~ Supe~isors acknowl~g~ receipt and ac~pted a
leaer of pelition requesting that roadways in the Willow Valle)' Estates Tract 1016 be accepted into t~e Mohave
Coun~ Road System for Maintenance; and
WHE~AS, a public meeting was held on ~y 4, 1998, in the Mohave ConnW B~d of Supe~isors'
Chmnbers at w~ch time ~e request to accept w~ disc~sed and ~nsidered by the Bo~d; and
WHE~AS, no one appe~ed to object m~d no ~tten statement of objec~n opposing the ~fing of the
request of said petition were r~ived, ~d
WHE~AS, ~ese roads have been l~d out, constructed, m~d opened phor ~'ne 13, 1975; and
WHE~, ~ h~vesfigation h~ been made by ~e Coun~ En~neer ~d Co~ AUomey who have
repoH~ to ~e Bo~d lhat the~ ro~ meet the provisions of ~ona Re~4s~ Statutes ~ 28-6705.B. for ~blic road
and strut m~ntenance; ~d
~AS, ~ese r~ds have ~n main~n~ by ~e Co~ for more ~ 20 )~ and t~t the
provisions of ~cle 4.11 of the Mohave CounW Subdivision ~d Road M~nte~nce Re~lations either have been
met or do not apply; and
WHE~AS, ~er a renew of fl~e request, repo~s, ~d recm~en~fiom reggding ~is ~aer, the
Board of Supe~sors has deterrmned that it is in ~e public interest to fo~Mly co~ prior acc~tance of ~ese
roads into the Cowry ~stem for Mainten~ce.
NOW ~E~FO~, BE IT ~SOLVED, that the Board of Supe~isors as &this ~te does accept into
the Mohave CounW Road System, for the p~ose of ~inten~ce,
Aq~fius Road - From Willow Drive no~h to ~ng Strut (Sec. 25, T18N, ~2W)
Harq~ala Drive - From A~fila Drive noah to ~ng Sffeet (Sec. 25, T18N, ~2~
~rquMmla Dhve - From Willow Drive no~ to Pecan L~e (Sec. 25, T18N, ~2W)
Pecan Lane - From Bo~ Pe~ Road ~st to Aquahus Drive (Sec. 25, T18N, ~2~
A~ila Drive - From Bounda~ Pe& Road east to Aq~us Dhve (Sec. 25, T18N, ~2~
P~cock Mt Dhve - From H~q~hMa Dhve e~t to Aq~us Drive (Sec. 25, T18N, ~2~
Superstition Drive - From Pec~ Lane no~ to A~la Drive (Sec. 25, T18N, ~2~
Boun~w Pe& Road - From Willow Drive noah to A~ila Dhve (Sec. ?, T18N, ~2W)
Willow Dhve - From Moun~n View Road e~t to Aq~us Driv.~ (Sec. 25, T18N,
~ng Sffeet - From Harq~a Drive ~st to Aqu~us D~ve (Sec. 25, T18N, ~2~
~RTHE~ BE IT ~SOL~D, ~t the s~e~ will be maintained o~y to their ~cnt de~ee of
improvement as unpaved roadways in accor~nce ~ S~d Spec~cation 163 at w~ch ~ey are now being
accept~ by ~e Co~ ~d ~t ~bhc F~ ~y be expend~ for maintenance of fl~ese s~eets herein deschbed ff
~d when a general public need e~as for such ~intenance.
~PROVED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of ~Y ~, 1998.