HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/06/2005 Item 096 ---- . . MOHA VE COUNTY REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION FORM From: Christine Ballard, Director FORMAL ACTION 0 CONSENT 0 Date: August 22, 2005 RESOLUTION 0 OTHER 0 BOS Meeting Date: September 6, 2005 INFORlvlATION ONLY 0 SUMMARIZE THE ISSUE & DESIREO ACTION CLEARLY/ATTACH BACKUP MATERIAL: Adoption of BOS Resolution No. 2005-259 - ZONING USE PERM IT on a portion of Section 9, Township 24 North, Range] 2 West, for a boarding school and church in an A (General) zone, in the Mohave County General Area (n0l1h of State Highway 66 (Old US Highway 66) between West First Drive and West Third Drive in the Outlying Community of Truxton), Mohave County, Arizona. (COMMISSION APPROVED BY 5 - 3 VOTE) Recommended Motion: Approval of BaS Resolution No. 2005-259, as recommended by the P&Z Commission. Reviewed and Approved By: 1J1~JA County Attorney 0 Personnel 0 Finance 0 County Manager ~Jrr/Jl -1. Board Action Taken: Approved as Requested 0 No Action Taken 0 Disapproved 0 Continued to o Approved with the following changes: Acknowledged receipt and referred to Filing Information and Retrieval Filed Bid Filed Agreement BaS Resolution filed Yearly Correspondcncc Filed Petition Filed Dedieation ._- Filed Land Sold filed Land Acquired Filed Franchise LD. Rcsolution Filcd Improvement District Filed Other Date Routed: Additional Information: XC: You are reminded that items for the agenda, along with complete backup, must be in the County Manager's Office 10 days prior to Board Meeting. Item No. q 10 RESOLUTION NO. 2005-259 A RESOLUTION SETTING }~ORTH A ZONING USE PERMIT ON A PORTION OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 24 NORTH, RANGE 12 WEST, FOR A BOARDING SCHOOL AND CHURCH IN AN A (GENERAL) ZONE, IN THE MOHA VE COUNTY GENERAL AREA, MOHA VE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on September 6, 2005, a puhlic hearing was conducted determine whethl.:r a Zoning Use Pl.:rmit should be granted for the ahove-described property as requested by Bill Easter representing the Arizona District Council, Assemblies of God, of Kingman, Arizona, and WHEREAS, this property is located north of State Highway 66 (Old US Highway 66) hetween West First Drive and West Third Drive in the Outlying Community of Truxton. Arizona. Thl.: site is accessed from State Highway 66 (Old US Highway 66) via nortl1\vesterly on Moltlum Lane to Phillips Drive, then southwesterly on Phillips Drive to the property located approximately 125 feet southwest of the corner of Phillips Drive and Byers Street. The property is vacant. Thl.: terrain is sloping genl.:rally to the south. The surrounding land uses consist of vacant land and scattl.:red single-family residences. Cowgill's Mini Mart, which has a retail liquor license, has its premises located more than 300 feet to the southwest from the proposed church and school. There are no significant drainagl.: patterns, and WHEREAS, the applicant requests this Zoning Use Permit to allow for a boarding school and church in an A (General) zone. The Mohave County General Plan designates this area as a Rural Development Area. Truxton is an Outlying Community in the Mohave County General Area, and WHEREAS, a reviewal' FEMA FIRM Panel #040058-205013 indicates the parcel described to be in Zonl.: C, not in the Special Flood Hazard Area, and WHEREAS, the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission heard this item at its April 13.2005 meeting and voted to recommend denial ofthl.: Zoning Use Permit. '[,he Mohave County Board of Supervisors heard this item at its May 2, 2005 meeting and voted to refer the item hack to thl.: Planning and Zoning Commission for further consideration, and WHEREAS, the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission heard this item again at its June 8, 2005 meeting and voted to continue the item pending receipt of an opinion from the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control regarding the issue of proximity orthe church and school to an existing liquor store, and . RESOLUTION NO. 2005-259 PAGE 2 WHEREAS, the following described Findings of Fact arc for the above-captioned item: a. All notic\:s have been advertised and posted according to regulations. b. The proposed action and effect comply with the Mohave County General Plan. c. The site is adequate for the action intended and the use is consistent with the surrounding land uses and terrain. d. The neighboring area contains other land us\:s similar to the above-proposed action. e. The site has legal access. f. There are no signilicant environmental features affecting the site. WHEREAS, at the public hearing before the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission on August 10,2005, the Commission recommended APPROVAL for a Zoning Use Permit subject to the following: 1. This Zoning Use Permit is for a boarding school and church in an A (General) zone and the activities related thereto. 2. The applicant shall comply with all the applicable provisions of the Mohave County Zoning Ordinance. A site plan prepared in accordance with Section n.p (Site Plan Requirements) must be completed and approved prior to approval of permits and before establishing the use. 3. Mohave County Public Works Department requires that an easement for Utility Lane along the hontage of this site must be granted to make the street as wide as Philips Drive fronting the adjoining properties. This street will have to be improved to Mohave County roadway standards. 3. The appropriate zoning, building, environmental, and 1100dplain permits will be obtained prior to construction. 4. If construction or the use has not commenced within one year of Board of Supervisors approval of the Zoning Use Permit or if the use has been discontinued for six-months then approval shall terminate at that date. 5. This Zoning Use Permit is subject to revocation upon 60 days notification by the Board of Supervisors if, in the opinion of the Commission and the Board, the continued uses of the property would be contrary to the public health, safety and welfare. WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in the Kingman Daily Miner. a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona, on August 21, 2005, and was posted on August 19, 2005, as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. RESOLUTION NO. 2005-259 PAGE 3 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VEl), that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Tuesday, September 6, 2005, APPROVED this Zoning Use Permit as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. MOHA VE COUNTY BOARI) OF SUPERVISORS ATTEST Tom Sockwell, Chairman Barbara Bracken, Clerk APPLICATION FOR ZONJNG USE PERMITS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL CORRECT INFORMATION IS RECEIVED Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission P.O. Box 7000 Kingman Arizona 86402-7000 APPLICATION FOR A ZOl\TJNG USE PERMIT (ZUP) Dear Sirs: I (We) -. ";U to-) ~ r fh< hereby request a Mohave County Zoning Use Permit to establ' (pro osed use) . '~:O"" OC 5. c:.+;~ f "J , \ (. IJ Y'I\ f't"\~rc.t:. and request that the Board of Supervisors set this matter for public hearing following evaluation by the Planning and Zoning Commission: ~t I: ~^ <1 r.:l V )/ ~ /1.. LJ Legal Description: 4. /.,_.f.: &.. ..., AI>. I it :J 10'.. .. ~ Present use of property: L~ lies Il. 11 Owner:: (proofrequired*) 4' C rc '" ()wner: (address) Phone: 8~j~~ Property own", conems: y~~ ~~e) e 's Si ture) SUBMIT TEN (10) copms 81/2" X 11" SITE PLAN AND VICINITY DRAWINGS ALONG WITH TEN (10 COPIES OF TIDS FORM (TO BE FILLED IN IF OWNER AND APPLICANT ARE DIFFERENT) Applicant's interest in the Property r r\t~ no/. fo G? rcha..s Q Applicant: ?J~ rK ~ ~ r (Signature) 0 Address: :2 b ~ S- LR 1'0 ~ ~ Phone:131-01G- >JbD City ~ K,'Il'a ~a.V\. State: '2- Zip: !l6 LftJ I '17..8-757-4951 MOHA VE COUNTY BUILDlNG PEAAllT FOR OTHER FEES MAY BE REQUIRED IN ADDITION TO THE ZONING USE PERMIT Commencement of use or construction prior to the issuance of a Mohave County Building (Zoning) permit may require a penalty fee. *ONE (1) PROOF OF OWNERSHIP: Recorded Warranty or Joint Tenancy Deed; a Quit Claim Deed is not acceptable Date submitted: Received by: Fee: Receipt No.: Ten (10) Copies Received: Application: Sketch: Other: . G Ii 08 6~' I /~..,. {, , April 20, 2005 Mohave County Board of Supervisors 809 E. Beale Street Kingman Az I was present for the April 13th Mohave County P & Z Hearing. I was # 43 on the agenda. The P & Z commission recommended a Denial of my Zoning Use Permit. Pastor Larry More & I went back to talk to StatT on April 14th because of questions the Commission had. We have modified our request in recommendation of Staff suggestions_ I am asking you to return this request to the P & Z commission for further discussion & consideration. Thank You Very Much ~~ B ill Easter U. S _ Missionary Arizona District Council of The Assemblies of God 2645 Leroy Ave Kingman Az 86401 ~ (~I) ~""""""~---"[ .. "W-"M'--~-",. ",)... [) ~l r... ," /' ,', ';':,," .... ;.~'., >' ,...' ',:",.. ,,' ~ ,~~3~i~~j' 6-;~._...___~_: ,,' ~ _' ~J NATIVE AMERICAN PARTNERS ';!~Life In The Canyon , "l~f.j ~-,-;-~.JJ ~....} ,"I I"'.~' "~~JII'~~" I Il,". ....- " ,'" <t~\":1 Bill & Denise Easter tr.,,^. '. <' " c"""" ,~. :'~. ,. J ij>'i: '" .....1: 2645 Leroy :'. . ;\1} :j;.,.,~';;;.<\. '.'.:'.' :, ',___... _ .";___' (:<:;~Il''''' ~ 'lr~,,~~:: Kingman Az86401 ;, ;'>'" ;:i1i;~:;i'ij;::::':!,;;'1,":" '; '-:;' ~~:::~.,~- "", ~;~~: ':t.}.~'<(\~ ~ ~. ..."'\.r~ '.1"" . I ,.rI~:'t:d"', 'Itl,:!,',:'l'-'~~~.:::"". .... _y -~?~'~.:.~r~.-~......;:;" I ','. ",,<.,"".." 928-757-4951 I , ~~~',..." .1.C;~:'''':: :, ......,{_':" ...-~",..",,_..t:;;:;':'i'.;.1'~n'~.""::'::'-" .,."....';~;l' ~.J.i ~J .,.it~ - i!'~~i~(~~;!~~~.rc?:fl:~~~,~:";;~'Jo,":;;-0'~~:':'::~.1~~.-=~~::~-' .-:. , .~ ''1T'" :';':'~ ~ 731-926-51 00 ':<j~""'1.1j;i1i-!lit~i~.ilif,1l.r.z:4~w.!,-~~jl:.;,:,,,:,,'~'j";1;~'~:':~"~"~~"j1;;o<r~'.);~I;'~~:~ , ~..7 ~4 ,A ..~..;_~._~;:';:i~' ,~~~~~. i~tt.-:~::q~(t1]1:~:~il~{I~Y:;:2~:~"1~::.!-::g.;~~~I~~ftt,~~~~~: t-~.~~ - t ~4~1 .,,~i:~~~~~.,~f"i~~~:r;;r~~~tl~~t~~J~,Jt(:r:ffJtWJ.J!U;~:;~~~~~r:':'i>.~!~J';;':~~~~~;,~.. " t:~i!'\f~:' :;r~p~~_"'''':--:',.I;,'JJ. ;l~i~~~~:L~~~~.:~~~!~ti~i3:'::! ~~.f~~~~~~~~~~~{ To Zoning & Planning Commission I wanted you to have a copy of a letter written by a Havasupai tribal member. It was written in the June issue of the Havsuw Baaja the Monthly Tribal Newsletter. I re~ typed it for you. Hello each & everyone here in Supai village. I am a Tribal member of the Supai Tribe of full Havasupai blood. I am writing to relay my Knowledge & Wisdom in order to help our future children of Supai. To achieve a drug free environment, it is time we as elders say our piece. First off, I am willing to say Yes for Bill Easter who is our Pastor. He is circulatine; a petition for support to build a brand new school in the Truxton Area. It would be an option for parents in Supai to send their children and future chil- dren to the school, it would be close by to home and they won't have to leave Az. My concerns are for my children, all of Supai children. Let me tell yOU a story, when I was 5 years old.l was taken out of Supai to attend another school at the toP. This led me astray.' felt that I didn't learn anvthin2 . I felt like' was abandoned. homeless, poor and felt sad to be away from my parents for so lon2. I never had Holidavs with my par- ents. brother's or sisters. I spent 7-8 years away. I felt like I was all alone. I learned bad influences. drue;s and led a sinful life. I finally woke UP when' returned home and found the Lord, He was Right there in my face I just never saw it. I know belong to Him He is my Savior, in my repentance His hand reached out to me in 1988. I changed, now I feel I don't want my children and your children to turn away from Him. Parents in our hearts we are proud parents of our future children, grandchildren and so on. I say this for our Supai parents, grandparents to look into this consideration, because life is a threat for our children and you don't want this. Due to our tribe's financial needs. Our Tribal Council isn't willing to help our future children on their education, already our tribal school ( it is run by the B.I.A.) has been taken away. So help to sup- port this effort, and look into it for your children's sake. Speak up for your children. Thank you to our Brother Bill who is helpin2 look out for the future of our children. I pray that the school will become a realization. With Great Joy & Pride, Ana Mae Wescogame . ~I )<S8;~:~~~;;YT:;~ ~ :1~lIrf;-;.<-:~~)( I~ ~ . I. .' '"".'.' -'-':', :.,.- (. <~'. .,. .ot-!. -.,j \:';:~i 0.. . ..:i~': ::";::':~h~~t!~~]~~~~.~ .t;~,*'.;I,,"'''''''_...I..~bI-''''._'.~_...---::;.....~.:....J,' _' NATIVE AMERICAN PARTNERS In The Canyon To Zoning & Planning Commission In June I was privileged to take 16 youth to a Warrior Leadership Training Camp in Minn. Of the 16 , 4 were from Havasupai. There were 515 Native youth from 51 differ- ent nations there. The leaders chose 74 youth to go on a 30 day mission trip to other reservations to tell their Hope stories of how the Creator can change their lives. I was very proud when all 4 Havasupai youth were chosen for this trip. All 4 went and com- pleted the trip returning home July 31st. ~. ). ..~ - ", -- ...~ ~ ~-~-~ ~ .' .''<r. :;.<:. \~ ~ Della, Lorine, Leslie, and Crystal, just before leaving on their 30 day trip. These are the type of students we are looking for at the Truxton Learning Center .... -'. .. .... -"- :_N{! ~__ fi.~P~$~ \ I (J at. (eo ~ it ~x. ft)'('I _.n. ....-.. -... .. --8 ,- ._,.. n,___'_ AL:Z;~~ [2,~+('!~~ tl1!J~~b/.~J ~F6~ -. ... '--'.. --.. .. ...c ,ll__ t:e:.A_kr_ .-... ... .-.-.- .. ..-.. .. on '.. _... . .n.... . _ _. . .. .... .... - ..._.... - ~_.. ._.~___ _._. _..~.,_,_.~....,_. ....._._..".....-. _ ._u._'_"_'_'" _...__~._ .,~~.. ....... ..~_~.__. . _.~__. .......J~u._.__ ~____~__ .-. '. .-.... . 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Evaluation of a request for a ZONING USE PERMIT on a portion of Section 9, Township 24 North, Range 12 West, for a boarding school, church, gym, school, vocational training, camping, and small non-commercial recreational vehicle park in an A (General) zone, in the Mohave County General Area in the Outlying Community of Truxton, Mohave County, Arizona. NO SITE ADDRESS J~rm N ,. . , Dt: April 12, 2005 To: Kevin Davidson, PlaMing and Zoning Office Mohave County Fr: Loretta Jackson, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, Hualapai Tribe, and Property Owner Re: Bill Easter, Assembly of God I oppose the proposed development by Mr. Bill Easter and the Assembly of God in which they propose to develop a Christian Boarding School next to my property in the Hatch Heights lots in the rural community of Truxton, AZ, in Mohave County. The land-use change is not compatible with the neighborhood in which I live in. This proposed Christian Boarding School will be next an existing liquor store, maybe within less than 300 feet. A boarding school is different than a day-time public school and will have adverse impacts, these impacts include: ._r" . Increased-noise levels from the 24 hour operation and activity of the boarding school. . Increased Light Pollution that will cause the private homeowners unwanted impacts, by dramatically increasing light levels interfering with natural nightscapes. . The proposed higher density zoning use is not compatible to the surrounding agriculture and single-family use. The roads are not paved, there is no curbs, gutters and side-walks. The area is not designed for the increased traffic impact for the proposed project. . The community's water system may not have the capacity to handle this additional volume. There is no sewer lines available and a project this size with this much impact should be required to hook up to a public sewer system. The emergency services are very limited in this community. There is no Emergency Medical Services, the closest being in Peach Springs and Kingman. I oppose this development as an adjacent property owner for the reasons stated and I further oppose tIus development because it is not an appropriate location for a Boarding Schoo1. As a THPO, I am unaware tIlat tlus has been presented to the Hualapai Tribal Council for their review. I believe it will be appropriate to receive the Council's approval before they initiate their proposal. Please enter this as a letter for the record. "-1 I 1....J~E6,..~9.i-J.tii9_0~_ry__~ z-~~f~i!X~::p~:[~)U9i'p'_r_?~ ~CtYJ9~_~f~~~fn.']r~~!~h~~i~~~J)Oo.K~14 -~~p'_j,$~Q~~':. _:,,~,,_~m-=~~-~::__.. .__'::~.'::,::=~'~a9ij] From: CHARLES I GHERE <piestop@juno.com> To: <john. m ontgomery@co.mohave.az.us> Date: 4/11/054:14PM Subject: zoning use permit for property located in truxton az as book 314 map 19 025 PER OUR PHONE CONVERSATION I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A SITE MAP SHOWING CONSTRUCTION AND LOCATION OF BUILDINGS ECT. WHAT ABOUT FENCES AND ROADS? WHAT IS THE SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINES? I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A PHONE NUMBER FOR BILL EASTER SO I CAN TALK TO HIM. THANK YOU CHARLES I. GHERE ., ,. T ....\.... ......, 'M'. ... _. ,. "'--' .___ ._.'~_~'7' ,. . ., a_., j..._____.._ ._~_...~ -'_....,...............,-......___~. __ n" O. _ ... _ ... y __. .,'" ,., __. ~"" r"."'_ ....._: _........ ..._.~ "'~_........___.. 'M_".' . _~.._.."" __._/._ fl'. .. , . ~. - . __ . __, .' . .... ..- - &.... - _.. ... n..... 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JUUd~;) N~ 8c.w 'liiil j -t:-,.J.Cl'!" . ,> L,~j1D2~I~~,2~I(g~~LQ.~~ij~EQ:p',~yijfaJ:!9Q~!!:~QL~'~Eict0_6, ~::':~:~" ~:,:.' .~~::: .._::::'.,'=,~"'::':,":::,.:.....:::,:,:.,:::'~:.':::::":.:",::-_.:',:,=,=:.'~:~~. ,.~]:~~9~:..I:i From: John White To: Delmar, Bill Date: 03/30/2005 11 :52:57 AM Subject: Liqour Licensing physical location restrictionsl Bill: A person called today and was put through to me with a question involving the liquor licensing laws...This appears to be the person who has had questions for you over the past several months regarding the essence of the 300 foot horizontal measurement. Thank you for going over the background of the question with me. I was able to explain to the caller: 1. That P&Z makes the physical location call. (The caller told me that that was understood and that the caller had spoken with P&Z, and had a simple question for me about the applicability of the State's liquor laws.) 2. The caller's question: Do State liquor laws trump locallaws?.....Answer: Yes. 3. The caller most likely does not understand what that means: What it means is that a retail liquor license cannot be issued for an establishment where the applicant's designated physical area on the floor plans submitted to the Department seeking licensing for an area in which liquor is sold, dispensed or served, is any closer than 300 horizontal feet to an existing church or school building. And, existing sales establishments can continue to exist and transfer their licenses even if a church or a school decides to construct a building closer than within three hundred feet--after the original license was granted. And, a city, town or county cannot enact ordinances or resolutions that change state liquor licensing laws. This question comes up from time to time and I believe it prudent to put my opinion in writing for your files in case the matter comes up again. A. STATE LIQUOR ESTABLISHMENT LICENSING LAWS ARE TRUMPING STATUTES S 4-224 prohibits counties, cities and towns from adopting "ordinances or regulations in conflict with the provisions of this title [liquor laws].......... Or, in layman's terms: State law trumps local law when it comes to the State liquor licensing laws. B. STATE LIQUOR LAW PROVISIONS 9 4~207(A) prohibits issuance of a retailer's license for "any premises which are, at the time the license application is received.....within three hundred horizontal feet of a church.....public or private school buildinQ .....or a fenced recreational area adiacent to such school buildinQ. This section does not prohibit the renewal of a valid license issued pursuant to this title, jf on the date that the oriqinal application for the license is filed. the premises were not within three hundred feet of rchurch. school buildinqs. or fenced school recreation areasl....... S 4-207(C) provides for transfers of retail licenses where 9 4-207(A) might otherwise be construced as prohibiting transfers. This subsection makes clear that the construction of a church or a school building or fenced recreational areas of a school within three hundred feet after the retail establishment has been issued its license cannot be used to void a validly issued license. C. DEFINITION OF "PREMISES" AND HOW TO MEASURE The definition of the meaning of horizontal in the 300 foot "horizontal" feet restriction has been decided by Arizona Courts as meaning the "shortest straight line." First Baptist Church of Bisbee v. Arizona State Liquor Board. 149 Ariz. 20, 22 (App. 1986). That case, however, cannot today be used as standing for the proposition that the 300 foot measurement q7 'i,,$,i,~C~'?l:~'_~,i,qi?~r',',~,~,!J~bg'j?bY~.I~~L[9~~!12E'~~ ~~ifi9iI9_~~T",_~~='==~~~",,~,~~,',:'::.,,'_:,'.::'.,:.:'~'_',':~~'"-,.,'~,~ ,-.~::=:',',=~:::~-::,:=:~:_.:=,=:_,.':~::==~g.~~A is to be taken from the "exterior walls" of the licensed retail establishment. The reason is because that case was decided in 1986 when the statute said: "No retailer's license shall be issued for any building whose exterior walls are within three hundred horizontal feet of a public or parochial school buildinj:f or church buildinj:f...." That language no longer exists in today's statute. Instead, the statute, S 4-207(A) uses the term "premises" as the measuring point and defines it much more broadly than "exterior walls" used as the measuring point in the old statute. S 4-201.24 defines "Premises" or "licensed premises" as meaning: "the ~ from which the licensee is authorized to sell, dispense or serve spiritous liquors under the provision of the license." And "area" means the physical location in which the liquor is authorized to be sold, dispensed or served. Indeed, the issuance of a liquor license by the State requires the applicant to set out the specific physical locations of the premises which is to be licensed for liquor sales. S 4-207.01 (A) requires the applicant to set out "the floor plans and diaqrams completely disclosina and desianatina the physical arranqement of the licensed premises... " Since premises or licensed premises are defined as "area" we see immediately that the context in which premises is used in the "physical arrangement" statute, S 4-207.01 (A), has a much broader meaning than just "exterior walls." The term "area" in its commonly understood meaning in this context is: "any section reserved for a particular function: the business area of a town; the dining area of a house." Websters New Universal Unabridged Dictionary, 2003, Barnes & Noble Publishing, page 110.) Thus, under today's statute, it is not the exterior walls of the establishment in which liquor is sold, dispensed, or served, from which the 300 foot measurement is taken. Rather, it is the "area" in which liquor is to be sold, dispensed or served and which has been disclosed on f100rplans and diagrams "completely disclosing and designating the physical arrangement of the licensed premises [the 'areaT' which constitutes the "licensed premises" and from which the 300 foot measurement is taken. Thus, you could theoretically have a building whose exterior walls were continguous with the walls of a church or school, but in which the "licensed premises" Le., the designated physical location at which the liquor was licensed to be sold, dispensed or served was more than three hundred feet from the church or school building. John White Deputy County Attorney Opinion issued pursuant to A.R.S. 9 11-532(a)(7) and 9 38-446. Copies of Statutes Listed Above Set Forth Below STATUTES 4-224. Local ordinances; prohibitions A city, town or county shall not adopt ordinances or regulations in conflict with the provisions of this title including, but not limited to, ordinances or regulations pertaining to hours and days of liquor sales and ordinances or regulations that conflict with the definition of restaurant contained in this title. 4-207. Restrictions on Iicensinq premises near school or church buildinqs: definition A. A retailer's license shall not be issued for any premises which are, at the time the license application is received by the director, within three hundred horizontal feet of a church, within three hundred horizontal feet of a public or private school building with kindergarten programs or any of grades one through twelve or within three hundred horizontal feet of a fenced recreational area adjacent to such school building. This section does not prohibit the renewal of a valid license issued pursuant to this title if, on the date that the original application for the license is filed, the premises were not within three hundred horizontal feet of a church, within three hundred horizontal feet of a public or private school building with kindergarten programs or any of grades one through twelve or within three hundred horizontal feet of a fenced recreational area adjacent to such school building. B. Subsection A of this section does not apply to a: 1. Restaurant issued a license pursuant to section 4-205.02. 2. Special event license issued pursuant to section 4-203.02. -, ~ k $jl!.:b^~L~~t:Ji.cie,~~f.:['i9~"6~1!igi6y~i.q~Il<?~~:t(9Ef~s lfktiQh~L:=,,:~~~','-':.:':,::.-_"."""-,:~='___,m~:':.r:' ,~::..::=__m,,,:,, "":_-,~:'::_'_:~-:--'::-,~igff~)] 3. Hotel-motel issued a license pursuant to section 4-205.01. 4. Government license issued pursuant to section 4-205.03. 5. Fenced playing area of a golf course issued a license pursuant to this article. C. Notwithstanding subsection A of this section: 1. A spirituous liquor license which is validly issued and which is, on the date an application for a transfer is filed, within three hundred horizontal feet of a church, within three hundred horizontal feet of a public or private school building with kindergarten programs or any of grades one through twelve or within three hundred horizontal feet of a fenced recreational area adjacent to such school building may be transferred person to person pursuant to sections 4-201, 4-202 and 4p203 and remains in full force until the license is terminated in any manner, unless renewed pursuant to section 4-209, subsection A. 2. A person may be issued a spirituous liquor license pursuant to sections 4-201,4-202 and 4-203 of the same class for premises which have a nontransferable spirituous liquor license validly issued if the premises are, on the date an application for such license is filed, within three hundred horizontal feet of a church, within three hundred horizontal feet of a public or private school building with kindergarten programs or any of grades one through twelve or within three hundred horizontal feet of a fenced recreational area adjacent to such school building and the license remains in full force until the license is terminated in any manner, unless renewed pursuant to section 4~209, subsection A. 3. A person may be issued a liquor store license pursuant to sections 4-201, 4-202, 4~203 and 4-206.01 for premises which have a beer and wine store license validly issued if the premises, on the date an application for such license is filed, are within three hundred horizontal feet of a church, within three hundred horizontal feet of a public or private school building with kindergarten programs or any of grades one through twelve or within three hundred horizontal feet of a fenced recreational area adjacent to such school building and the license remains in full force until the license is terminated in any manner, unless renewed pursuant to section 4-209, subsection A. D. For the purposes of this section "church" means a building which is erected or converted for use as a church. where services are regularly convened, which is used primarily for religious worship and schooling and which a reasonable person would conclude is a church by reason of design, signs or architectural or other features. 4-101. Definitions In this title, unless the context otherwise requires: .. . 24. "Premises" or "licensed premises" means the area from which the licensee is authorized to sell, dispense or serve spirituous liquors under the provision of the license.. . . , , . ~-- ~1:b!;':> ---.r'- , ' ~:;"..x ,_' .. _ ,', , ' _~' ....,~j:.. ...'-"-- ~ ,..~.....! ..:..._.._"_ /-"." ...' ,0". ...,"-" ;" . ... _. . . .' ,.: - . "~ r~~~~I!~ <i~. ... "~:'; / ~~..,.,~~t'. ~Vf.T7_ _' ,>, Dan Briles ~ Pastor · 1850 Gates Ave · Kingman AZ 86401 June 7, 2005 Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission To Whom It May Concern, It is without hesi~on that I recommend Missionary Bill Easter to you. I have been acquainted with Bill Easter for 4 years. Bill is a nationally appointed home missionary with the Assemblies of God under my jurisdiction. I am a presbyter for the Northwest Section for the Assemblies of God in Arizona and pastor of Kingman First Assembly of God for the past 13 years. VVe are in full support of the church school that is being proposed in the Truxton area. Also, the District of Arizona is in support of this pfojectand stand with him in seeing this project completed. Thank you, C2_~~~~ Pastor Dan Briles http://www:kingrnanfIrstassembly.org · pastord@citlink.net . phone (928) 753-3529 . fax (928) 7l8-7729 '>.:.'~ (>;::.:...1: :.:~~;;.:-it ,::',:.:;;.1~-:-:1 I.,{::~ :.:_~.::.ii "\\::)JT;~::'l.: i.!l .... .-. -i..'}~~~ ?63::::t'..~;-it~D:l i:3 '"}E:' ht):~:i"l:9.S6 t:;,s: ',;:;~ :~~~. .;..~~~~~~ ::; - I~:~ ~~~~ ;~~~:~:~~_ l~'~~L!:~~~~~..t-: .~~~~::.t~~~ ~~E:~:itE.';c- 0f:}i.~ d~i1d.t~.2 yst l.i1J.b,;~^::., 3;: g.:vi ~.-:"J :;:_~: ~:':.::-::!. :-=::~ :.t -.:fiE ~~~::::~)Y;"l~.~ "t.] '::":' ~:(:.~d ~.::. "";;.:'. -;~..:~;~:.- ;,:' '~-:.::..:~'<"'.e-. :=~.:.-.:..':.t: 'f::-;.~ ::~:n.~ ~.:; "i".l:: ':\"~:::):-:J~ .:.~ ~~5~. --...i~~:.:Y:.!'-': if". . ~ r..~ .~._:_.. _ .. 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Charks Vaughn '" '-''''rn'' {l''--' ~"1.J iL;- .......<;..1 A 'R MAN 1l_.)I~j;~.l1.L.L, L...ir l.i..-iL \-,j[ ~ ....11. L_ 1 Aaron D. rViapati5 Chairman P.O. Box J 79 0 Peach Springs. Arii:o!w 864340 (928) 769-2216 Vice Chairman i -?mg-769-222I June 01, 2005 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This letter is in regard to Mr. Bill Easter. Mr. Easter made a presentation to the Hualapai Tribal Council on October 2, 2004. The presentation proposed building a Christian_ boarding school on the Hualapai Indian Reservation that would provide an education to children of the Hlialapai and Havasupai Tribes. The Hualapai Tribe voted to approve the concept by a vote of 8-in favor, I-excused on that day. Although we voted in favor of the concept we advised Mr. Easter that we would revisit this issue once he provided exact building plans and financing for the project. Mr. Easter has informed the tribal administration that he has found a site that would be better suited to build on, off the Hualapai Reservation, therefore, this project will not come before the Hualapai Tribal CounciL I hope that this clarifies the Hualapai Tribe's involvement in this matter. Sincerely, (!~/l(l..iL~{I-"l (; /~\ /-" - / d-t:~a.:'1%.-?L./ Charles Vaughn Chairman " To the Commissioners and Board of Supervisors ofMohave County Concerning the Church School that is proposed being built in Truxton by the Arizona District Council of the Assemblies of God Represented by Bill Easter. As a member of the Havasupai Tribe I support the approval of the Zoning Use Permit for this building project. So that our Children will have an option when it comes to Education and Leadership Training. . r!Jame Comments L c::J;l~ IUtcA.Nl,11ilior~ VJ~ VUU) -+etiD <;S{) /1111tl ".R 9-{' U 2. ~G~-e-~/\'J~./v-G/~'" 3. VJflxV6lj}ffft1IJ ~L/U!u '-tUttrL, V~ ~ \ ~ 5. 6.~~~ 7.);7i jG ~ . 8 . '--//1- 9.~. ~ryf\t/l 1 o. fuv.l~LtaM~ .. ~/)~~-, ( Ii' . ~ , " '. }}\I)~;.. fl~ ~ )~ J"" . /,./ t- .-' , ..- I'G ./' /.- fl, '-.' )..... . /. f ". --- ~/L ~. t1p' / /;c;"ft/;ifr jtrCIJ./1{I~/ To the Conunissioners and Board of Supervisors ofMohave County Concerning the Church School that is proposed being built in Truxton by the Arizona District Council of the Assemblies of God Represented by Bill Easter. As a member of this community I see no adverse effects by this Ministry coming into our community, and I support the approval of the Zoning Use Permit for the building of this project. ~ame Comments 1. ~u '&rt V1.5 2. ~~ 3. ~;O~ 4. 5. JJc"CL 6.~ · 7. ~a.<z kJ. ~ "fir (u-JIR /tIS/) I"' 8., ~ , - { , ~ .. J,''"\ f ~ '. .'~ t , ' '\ ( -"," \ I .... J'll.. LU J {.,jf v."~. ,~. 9 ,-r~\.." ~"" ........ \,. ,<--'- -' --- -.,~ .......~ 1. -."..." . _--'. i'- /' ." '\ /f ", - c r /-v . 'L-'~ 1< \ /' ,'- 10 .\ /,.} '~~ -'. C;h'-" , .. I~"'~ f~ /" U :~) -~ To the Commissioners and Board of Supervisors of Mohave County Concerning the Church School that is proposed being built in Truxton by the Arizona District Council of the Assemblies of God Represented by Bill Easter. As a member of this community I see no adverse effects by this Ministry coming into our community, and I support the approval of the Zoning Use Permit for the building of this project. ~ame ' Comments 1. 1 BUr cfju)i{!/\ 2. fi{r-p;j;J[ 1J&~"~,, 3. ~u 'lll(J7JV~ , >/ P p~ rf7 c70'-c Y 1 S.()~ooJ-J ,/,/ .~ 6 " .,,~ ~ ~ v" ,.' (.~~~ Q - ~ (L~ ~",- 7. ,~j tJtrOL-t:~ _t.'"_'~.::- ''vI''\....; } tl-<:AJ .'\_--' 8. 9. 10. . To the Commissioners and Board of Supervisors ofMohave County Concerning the Church School that is proposed being built in Truxton by the Arizona District Council of the Assemblies of God Represented by Bill Easter. As a member of this community I see no adverse effects by this Ministry coming into our community, and I support the approval of the Zoning Use Permit for the building of this project. :l~~ Comments " . J ~ ~!Mt~ 1. // .~ < ' 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. . To the Commissioners and Board of Supervisors of Mohave County Concerning the Church School that is proposed being built in Truxton by the 'Arizona District Council of the Assemblies of God Represented by Bill Easter. As a member of the Hualapai Tribe I see no adverse effects by this Ministry coming into our communi,ty, and I support the approval of the Zoning Use Pennit for the building of this project. Name Comments I/:0 .. /~::t:-- '~:.j /.1,/ . -aA-<fL-~ I....---tk-:iJ7f-#A71JZ.- 2.JJ2~ ~I . ...J-hL +hw.~ 6..~ 3.7ffulO- if k}diLL~-~,bu10:i .,,) Lu'"tL.u CA.:t:. , ,,' . ()I\.k.L-h~ wh.e.!tf.... -tYtl.N- u.tW lUlaj-WYLCt..{.Q!2'Lj ~'\AV--e.d-. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. c~ , .:"..... - ~ r:-\ if- /r~. ;-,.:" -.:~ f1!7. ~-~ ~ . ;. I" " - "'\' 'r'" '., U rs I - . Iii i b \2.; i( i \<1' ,~'" 1>\1 i J! r---- -- - ,:1 ,-", ill: r :$VYj lif\\i !:i if[ / j'l ;' - .,' ". / 1, i ~ ; MAY 2 7 200~ ,- i } j ; ~ ~_~: . .J -... / ! I'" , --''''c'},'~~--- .; ! l'vn)IIM>/r LOU-.;';V OJ _\r.:"_~~:j~" rj''I.- r j 8Y~~ ~.I . ~ ~r_;~;':o.=~ ' a ....UNl;4..~ j ~ . " (- --. f ' , I - ~"" . f' ...... , - ---c "- / ) ~-!, - ~' ( .: j- l ; , \ G~ . /' . l-~ ~ ~ ~ -~; . ""'=' . ~ '.. ~ ".-\. ~ . '- \ . -- '.f _ _.mn_.._u_~_~_._. '--,-"--'.:---~' -- -I' '-.--...-.__-'----1 ~ "?-~,. ' - _ _..~~iJ:YA~rJ!-f!L)~~ c/.?f< - ":".. ._-~- r....---..or-__________~_ ~_ , ,. __ ';"_ ________~_., u.. . ..~ -~,t' ..-.: _, '1 ,. mo,..' = ~..., '>.. .~:.:. .,.. - ..:...:.~:~~.-~....:..................._~-- ___ ----=-......_r~.___r_~_..___.__~ ~~_..........~_ , \ . r- ...: ...__~____~~_-- .!- ...... ... . . 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Would like the planning and zoning dept to know that we are oppsed to the rezone Of zoning II$C pcnnitt. fbr the prupuseJ, church. boarding school, campground, f.Y rarking, residences', store, gym, stonlge units, etc. This matter has the home owners oftruxton very concerned for nur real estille investments, ollr taxes as this is a non' profite arg. WE do not want this filcitily or any oth(,r type of this thcitily in (lur town. FROM THE PEOPLE OF TRUXTON AZ. SIGN OF THE PETTIT/ON AGAINST THIS ISSUE -:I ~ ~ t/. t~ - ~ PI" Jt-~"- f1Pall2jlll/ 'Tr-:~ e ~$~ rc~7/<F;"'7~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ - . oY\\lr:LrdtL Q'rU5TL i VfVM',laJp~ a~ ~ i ~~h~ ~~J: I ti~ ~ tVlc jM.~,-,--,~~. H j · 7r.l~4! j1fd. ! . , i .jj~~~.;~ ~~ i .~~ \ i ft~ I ~. I I I f .' i ~ 6(; " " WI.' !he pcupl..- '.If ! rU,'.tv,] Aim \'li1hJH' ,:'.lllllly W;iU'id \:kc ,;1,( pl;'HllljJ~1:! ;,IIJ l(\ni!l~' ,le!,'1 tn klll"\ lhal '.\1: ;1ft' "pp:.;ed 10 lhc ro,\)f'lr.: ,l( l.o:1in~ lIse I'..~nll;ll, ii'l (hi:' PI\'[Jll:>t'd. ,'il'H,.il hO<ln!wF ';l'hunl. ':mnpg.rollnd, r v pflrkill[;.. rt''iiJl'I'l'e~'. ,(Oft, g\'lIi. ~till<Jg,l' ;jnil" ,lr.:;, 'I t,j~ :l:,lllt'r hih IIR' h..,tIle II'" IIn':> oftruxWn \Cry l'lIl('~rn...d lur our r"ut <.:';ll1(..- :n', >.'I;.:I}', i. OUl laxc-,," ,I> lhi~ io.; a non ,_'IP:.h PI~ \'-"1-: do n.:,i ~~dui :j~Jt ~:~\.:itIJ'v (",r ~..n:-r (~rf1t"r 1) r'\,~ (ii't!n'_ t~_~t ~rrt)' 1,1 t.,U'" !PHfI 11\( 1M !'lIE PUW1IllF I t<tll( rON '\J '.11,,''-/ III 1111 PIT) ITluN AUAINSr fill" ISSlll' ~a.~ ~~. ~6--;/l D \L~.I- i 0..V'~ ~~ 01;:;l~ 1 ~ . . ~1-J?~ / 12tnJ- ~ }if .q~~ jtJ~ ~r;a-~~ ~:e~ ~ - .~. ,. -~. . ~., __~ . .. r......... .,. . i: ~. i ~. or on . .-- . i; ~ Iv..' I tJ~ , . We the people of Truxton AZ in Mohave county. Would like the planning and zoning dept to know that we are oppsed to the rezone or zoning use pennitt, for the proposed, church, boarding school, campground, r.v parking, residences', store, gym, storage units, etc. This matter has the home owners oftroxton very concerned for our real estate investments, our taxes as this is a now profite org. WE do not want this facitily or any other type of this facitily in our town. FROM THE PEOPLE OF TRUXTON AZ. SIGN OF THE PETTITION AGAINST THIS ISSUE ftrflre7;J ~ 0'fe feH e C- e k:nU'CC2- ~1-~ ~A~~ '{/~~u;vJ a~ ~~ ~/ Q~~.-. ..-.. c . ~-")U-J~~ - ,~.. . .~ r ," ..... - .. .. ., .' ~ u. . d _, . . " . Page 1 of2 ,. COWGILLS RT 66 TRADING COMPANY From: Debra Sixta <debrasixta@citlink.net> To: <rt66cowgills@citlink.net> Cc: <debrasixta@citlink.net> Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 9:43 AM Subject: LoopNet Listing: Cowgill's Route 66 Trading Co., Truxton, AZ If you are having problems viewing this email, you can view it onnne at oJfR-:/ L.JlYWW .tQP-Rllet,<;;QiJ1/xNet/MC!fnSitelView.EmgtI.g sPX"?R~ferenr.:~Cocte=~.qLPRf;M:AJ S62?OJ92J Cowgill's Route 66 Trading Co. Truxton, AZ This property fOf'" sale was sent to you by Debra 5ixta of Prudential fIIohave Realtors. Click here to learn more about Property ID 14040952. ADLLC: Arizona Department ot Liquor Licenses (l(. LOllLroi Page 1 011 6b t ,-. . Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control . ;j NEWS FLASH! NEW RULES RENEWALS ONLINE FORMS 800 W. Washington, 5th Floor 400 W. Congress. #521 Phoenix, AZ. 85007 TucSon, AZ 85701 Phone: (602) 542-5141 Phone: (520) 628-6595 Fax (602) 542-5707 Fax: (520) 628-6620 E-mail: liqr@azll.com Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00 a_m_ to 5:00 p_m. except holidays. _. License Types: Series 10 Beer DLLC and Wine Store License (Beer and I wine only) ~u -. t S i H j ~ ~..CIVJnll ascl& i orne I . Non-transferable . ! Off-safe retail prMleges At'iXQna -(I", , Renewals ! I I Note: Terms in BOLD CAPITALS are defined in the glossary. ! Licensing j' --" II I pURPOSE: -----.------- ---- ----~----..--- ________n______ fj IT! ~~. I ralnmg I I'~... Arrows a retail store to sen beer and wine (no other spirituous liquors}, only in the original unbroken package, to be taken away /1 nf orma tJO n I from the premises of the retailer and consumed off the premises. F AQ'S i LaNS ,ADDITIONAL RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBIUTIES: ! . OVERVIEW OF I A reta., with off. r . -, d r. . .t I. ff of THE L1CENSINC:: i - . I er . -~a,e prrvr ages ,?ay _ e rver sp.'rr uous Iquor 0 PROCESS I About DLLC the ftcensed premises In connectron with a retal' sale. Payment must be made no later than the time of DELIVERY. The retaifer i Q j must complete a Department approved "Record of Delivery" form GLOSSARY OF I very I for each S~i~i1uOUS Ji~U~r retail delivery. TERMS Comments I On any onglnal applicatIons, new managers andlor the person responsible for the day-fo-day operations must attend a basic and LICENSING management training cfass. FORMS .. - ~ ~. - .--- - -- .. ~. A licensee acting as a RETAIL AGENT, authorized to purchase and accept delivery of spirituous liquor by other licensees, must receive a certificate of registration from the Department. g. A PREGNANCY WARNING SIGN for pregnant women consuming spirttuous liquor must be posted within twenty (20) feet of the cash . . . . . . . register or behind the bar. . . http://www.ai:lLcom/licl0.htm OS/2612005 cr;. { Person to Person Transfer Only applies to Bar Licenses (06), Beer and Wine Bar Licenses (07), and Liquor Store Licenses (09) 1.. Complete Section Eleven( 11) of the Application for Liquor License 2. Submit current valid (non-expired) Liquor License. Transferor must surrender the current valid license to the Department of Liquor Licenses before issuance of an Interim Permit or the issuance of an actual license. 3. Person to Person Transfer Fee Location Transfer Only applies to Bar Licenses (06), Beer and Wine Bar Licenses (07), and Liquor Store Licenses (09) Interim Permits cannot be granted for a Location Transfer 1. Complete Section T welve( 12) of the Application for Liquor License 2. Submit current valid (non-expired) Liquor License. Transferor must surrender the current valid license to the Department of liquor Licenses before issuance of an Interim Permit or the issuance of an actual license 3. Location Transfer Fee Hotel/Motellicense (Series 11) ~ Must submit: .... Acknowledgement of Records requested for Restaurant Audits. Restaurant License f Series 12) Menu Restaurant Operation Plan If applying as: Corporation Must submit verified status by the Arizona Corporation Commission Limited L1abilitv Co. Must submit Articles of Organization and the Operation Agreement Residency and/or Citizenship Requirements: For Proof of Arizona Residencv Must submit drivers license or voter registration If born outside of the United States Must Submit Proof of Citizenship or Alien Status from one of the following: *Certificate of Naturalization *U.S. Passport *Permanent Resident Alien Card BEFORE ISSUANCE [ Before you finalize this Application, the Department of Liquor Licenses and Control suggests that you ensure the location of your business complies with ~ny necessary licenses or permits required by the local governing body. Before Issuance of a liquor license to an applicant is granted, local governing recommendation for approval must be on file and final fees must be paid. A service fee of $25.00 will be charged for all dishonored checks (A.R.S. 44-6825). Per A.R.S. 4-201.E., the Department must wait Fifteen(15) days from the date of local recommendation before issuing the license. ARIZONA STATE LIQUOR STATUTES AND/OR RULES It is required that all applicants be familiar with the current Anzona State Liquor Statutes and/or Rules.. . . 2 6'c , ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR LICENSES & CONTROL 800 W Washington 5th Floor . 400 W Congress #521 Phoenix AZ 85007-2934 Tucson AZ 85701-1352 (602) 542-5141 (520) 628-6595 - I LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS =:J The average processing time for an application is 60 to 105 days. Processing delays may become significant if the application is incomplete, in error, or under protest. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT AN APPLICATION DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ISSUANCE OF A LICENSE. ALL applicants must prove Arizona residency prior to issuance of an Interim Permit or an actual license. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS (See attached fee form for current fees) 1. Completed Application for Liquor License (Form L1C0100) Refer to Section One(1) of the application for instructions on which sections need to be completed. 2. Completed Questionnaire (Form L1C0101) 3. Completed Fingerprint Card and associated fee. Fingerprints can be taken by an any bonafide law enforcement agency or fingerprinting service approved by the Department of Liquor. The Department does not offer fingerprinting services. Submit the following number of fingerprint cards for the indicated type of ownership: Individual Partnership One(1) Fingerprint Card One(1).Fingerprint Card for each partner . Corporation or Limited Liability Co. One(1) Fingerprint Card for each director, officer, and anyone with ownership of 10% or more and/or having a controlling interest 4. Mandatory Liquor Law Training for all new applications submitted after Nov. 1, 1997. See page 5 for details. 5. Application Fee Non-refundable fee to be submitted with the Application for Liquor License. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO ISSUANCE If you are applying for: { Interim Permit Cannot be granted for a Location Transfer 1. Complete Section Five(5) of the Application for Liquor License. 2. Attach current valid (non-expired) Liquor License. If eligible for an Interim Permit, licensee must surrender current license to the Department of Liquor Licenses before issuance of an Interim Permit. 3. Interim Permit Fee . ..~. Disabled individuals requiring special accommodations please call (602) 542-9027 LICOO 12>< 0512004 . . 1 AULLL: Anzona uepartment ot Liquor Licenses o.c L,umra! Page 6 of 13 c.~ j' ,A"''-'' , , y a:;; - . r tt:: m...C'''~ n fU~l "UIII Y u It LJt:"var U f It,,t \vrr an Inactive/Active Status Fonn) if the license is going to be in NON.USE (the license is not used for a peliod of time over thirty (30) consecutive days.) A licensee who holds a ,icense in non-use status for more than fwe (5) months shall be required to pay a $100.00 SURCHARGE for each month thereafter. The license au10maficalry reverts to the state after continuous non-use in exC€s,s of thirty-six (36) months_ The surcharge shall be paid at the time the license is returned to active status. tf a licensed location has not been used for two (2) years, the location must re-qualify for a licenSe, and must meet the same qualifications required for issuance of a new license. ARS 4-203(G,N,O}; Rule R19-1-101(6), R19-1.307 / INTERIM PERMIT - A conditional pemt~ (license) that is . used for the purpose of continuing the sare of alcohol while an application is being processed. An interim permit ,may be granted under the fo!fowing C(lndFlions: 1. An appfication for a transfer, or for an original license: is submitted to the Department 2_ The application is for a license of the same series, and at the same premises, and the original license has been surrendered pursuant to rules of the department 3. The DIRECTOR has good cause to believe the licensee is no ronger in possession of the licensed premises. The interim permit is usualry valid far , one-hundred five (105) days.. If the application has not been approved before the interim pennit expires. it is the responsibility of the applicant to request a second interim permit ARS 4--203,01; Rule R19-1-308 ~- INDUCEMENTS - No ON-SALE RETAILER shall direcUy or indirecOy offer or furnish any gifts. prizes, coupons, premiums, rebates or assumptions of any tax or similar inducements wherein the purchase or consumption of spirituous liquor is required to receive such gifts, etc. This shall not prohibit on-sale licensees from furnishing ADVERTISING novefties of nominal varue, as fang as such furnishing is not dependent upon the purchase or consumption of spirituous liquor. Rule R19--1-Z06 fNTERST ATE SHIPPING - No person, corporation, partnership or concern shall ship or transport to any place within this state from any place outside of this state any Container. package or parcel containing spirituous liquor, unless the same shall be consigned to a licensed Arizona WHOlesALER. Rule R19-1-204 INTOXICATED - Means inebliated to the extent that a person's physical facuffies are substantially impaired and the impairment is shawn by significantty uncoordinated physical:action or significant -PhYsical dysfunction that wnufd hA ohvinu!'; to ~ rP:=l!';On~hlp. nerncm ARR 4-?44(14) http://www.azll.com/glossary.htm OS/2612005 tlf ., ADLLC: Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses & Control Page 5 of8 r , ,,__... ...""'" "'"""'_,,~ --- t1......,,~:I -II ~ ......."."'........... ~ ~""_t.J~r"._~".'f-.......".. [ARS.4-241(D)] ---.--,. -_.~- -- "--- --- . - -...-- -" --. .-----.-.. .... ...._-." ------ .-" -_.. _._.-.-.- -.--- - ....--.. .. Qualification and Licensing How long does it take to process a license after application has been made? Approx;matefy 65-105 days, How far must I be from a church or sdlool? 300 feet ARS, 4-207(A) See exceptions at A.R8. 4-207{B). If I had an arrest several years ago, may I still apply for a license? AR.S. 4-202(D) No license shall be issued fo any person who, within one year prior to application, has had a license revoked. No license shall be issued to or renewed for any person who. within five years prior to application, has been convicted of a felony or convicted of an offense in another state that woufd be a felony in this s1afe. provided . that for a conviction of a corporafion to be a basis for denial under the provisions of this section. the limitations provided in Section 4-210, Subsection A.. Paragraph 8. shall apply. No corporation shall have its annual license issued or renewed unfess it has on fife with the department a list of its officers and directors and any stockholders who awn ten percent or more of the cOrporation. How many citations are issued to a license before a ,liquor license is revoked? If it's serious enough, the first citation could result in revocation. Is it mandatoJY that licensees and their employees attend an alcohol managemenllJ;quor law program? No. However. on any original applications, new managers and/or the person responsible for the day-to-day operations must attend a basic and management training class. (A.RS. 4-112(G)(2)J -~-- .~ Operational Matters . . http://www.azll.com/faq.htm OS/28/2005 ?C t MOHAVE ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. - CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS- Robert l. Schuetz, P.E. John A. Proffit, P.E. Thomas R. Christopher, R.l.S. Vice Presi(jent I Engi!1eering Mgr. President Vice President I Surveying Manager June 6,2005 To whom it may concern, After researching ownerships and reviewing the e~sting maps it of my opinion that there is only approximately 225 feet between that parcel of land the church owns at Assessor's Parcel No. 314-19-025, And the parcels of land owned by the -Cowgill's which consists of the entire Block 5 of Bridge Canyon Junction Unit One. The said distance being from the northerly line of Lot 1, Block 5, to the Southwesterly comer of that parcel owned by the church. Sincerely, , Craig T. Micek Arizona RLS 31600 . 405 E. Beale S1. · Kingman, AZ 86401 · Ph. 520-753-2627 · FAX 520-753-9118 && SAMPLE' GEOGRAPHICAL DATA All applicants must complete this form, In the area adjacent to the map provided below indicates, YCUi proposecl iocaUon and the !~X8ct 'names of ail churches, school,s, ;-;~1d alcoholic bpVH:--1gA outl01,~ within, d If? milA r;:\dili~' 0f y,'lJr pmroserl h~Rli()n (See example below) A ::; ApP..licant __9.?ri?jlJ 2 01 Pink Elephants Series 06 02 Mama's Rest. __,_..__~erie.? 12 Q3 Cr)merJJ9.~ors - SeJies 09 . 04 Joe's Groceries Series 10 05 Lions Club Serie~ 14 Q6 Buroers R Us .____~___~.Qillie~jl N 07 Plzza Perfect ___.__ SellE_~ 07 r 98 Billy Bobs Bar __~~._____ Seri~~J6 1/ . 12 rnl. . ------- 09 Sf. Anthonvs Church - ~~obe Aw:. ~ 10. Sl. Anthonys School _..........-~~~_____.u____ /1 C 11 Burbank Middie School Lockwood Ave. E 4 i'2 mi. '1. . ~.......----..-.- , ,1 Tm, .. 12 .12 First United Baptist Church 13 ---~~------_...-..-......--_~~.........--~------- - --~. Lorel Ave. 14. 9 10 -_.~~~-~~~~~.-....-._--~--~----~---~-....... 15. ~, ' .....;.-- ....----.--~._~~----------...-.. %mi. I / A.R.S. Section 4-207./\ reads as follows; . , I . . I AlJo retailers license shall be is~~or ~r:!Y~l2remises. which ~re;:._~_fJ.~3LrT1~J]2~J~efl?~.c?lPpJlg~~lon is received ~YJhe . i direcfor, within three hun~300) horizontal feerof a church; within three hundred(300) horizQntaHeetofa pUblfcor \ ~Duilaii\gwithkindergarten pr(lgra~s or any of gradeS one(l) through l>:el:e(12). or within three ' hundred1,300) honzont,al feet of a fenced recr.eatlonal area adlacent to such school bUilding, -" -' .---- -' .", " . .. . .- . . . - f . . . . .. . .. , \ ~ Gc .' ,:j . ,. /'4t .--., t I , GEOGRAPHICAL DATA Section 17 In tha a/ao adjacantto IhG mnp provid9d bolow indIcate yc,ur proposed locatioll llnd ';ill!> eXf1ct mt\l1il~ .:>( ell churctlll':l, schools and alcr}holic t>IJ\'9rage outle\s within a 1 t::! milA rndus 01 your p/oposerllocalion. (591} form 12 1(11 8xamp!e.) A. Applicant. SArias_._..___ Vi , ~ Nt. -=!:"RV_l...:".!.~-~_UA ~JJ1\~.:...I'ELE.t-I, '"::"-..LHoo L) 15cx:J ;-- 1. - -,- l::1~s.:~~_ HT,J_:-n~L(~ CIi~-,:tL I N 2. ) IC(oO i: () . I ~J.l....M/'j1t_'2__.~Il{~)"TotJ__~M~, I c;[(.1.ltS 0} 1.-,0 3 4. -----............... i;- ----------...~-~---......~----~~.- 5. -... ._.__._~-_._. --~~~---~-~----~---~................_. 1- iJ'\ 6. .---........-_______...........:...-:---u..,_~ ~ 7. ~-..... -~.,.-~-~~----......-- ----1---- - B. -' .-.........-~_._--.......-.......-_. ---~------~. jf lU; V.S. H w....L.bk__. r X . A Z. /viI. 9. -.---------~--_._~~-~~--_.-.-.......~- I 10. .-." = -----_.. ,., <J 11. t'-'-.~ -- .-------1a-~.._-~..--- L' 12. -~._-~---~ ~-~-----~ ~CC. 13 -~--~- . - ------~. -~~~-,_._--~~~----~ 14. \?) t\ /", ~ ~t:~~J~~Vi~~l.tt{. ;', ~ f :;, . -:. ,-, .'~- . '-. ....--..----.-.--:-.-.~ ......--.._f?e~ . .' ~ >1'",", "''''"'''''= ,-" ",.., _, . .' (.j~"; J B~ · '11~i ~ ~lr(!J'W' . , r -\ ',' .' .... -. . ~ rl~t\ ' \ M ) '~"~" <.:7:.';:::~~\.'" . ~ . . '. ; -' :. r.-',;\~_ "~\ . .. - . ." . ". .. -.: . {. :;. Co, -- " , ~' zO I IJ j~- , , m .... - ,,;~ , . Q) . "." :Y . . ~ ) :; 1./,'/ LV,WIlY OJ. IVJ.OllaVl;:, flilLUlla - j-U;St;;:;::;Ul - r lUjJtll)' HllUlU1al1Vll Page 1 of:l (;G , ~ Assessor Home Assessor Parcel Search Real Property Info Personal Property Info Data updated yesterday Tax Parcel Maps Enter Your Parcel Number with dashes (xxx-xx-xxx) Other Maps Online Address Change Don't Know your Parcel Number? SaiD History Senior Valuation Freeze Search by Name Search by Address Deparbnent Directory Qllir.k Link" ENTER PARCEL NO: \314-19-025 I Search TAX YEAR: ~Current Year irI Directory Calendar & Minutes Employment - links Bid Opportunities GIS Parcel Information (CHc!1 for 'j";1X !nbrrr;;:stion) Webstats Intranet (employees only) Tax Year: 2005 iJ~jContact Us Parcel; (Click for Map) 314-19-025 Click for Improvement Information Site Address: UNK STREET ADDRESS Owner: MUSIC MOUNTAIN BIBLE CHAPEL Owner 2: . Mailing Address: HC 35 BOX 209 PEACH SPRINGS, AZ. 86434 Tax Area; 2270 Land Value: $3,700,00 Improvement Value: $0.00 Full Cash Value: $3,700.00 Assessed Full Cash Value: $592_00 Limited Value: $3,700.00 Assessed Limited Value: $592.00 Value Method: Land Market Model Exempt Amount: $0.00 Exemption Type: Use Code: 0004 Property Use: VACANT LAND ~~ Class Code: ~, Vacant land or Non-prof~ Assessment Ratio: 16.0U'Yo Last Sale Information (Click for more Sills !nfoi Sale Price: 3000 Sale Date: 1/1/2004 Recorded Instr Type: WARRANTY DEED Book: 4879 Page: 714 I legal Description Information (G1!:;!, here fer Survey "!laps) -, County of Mohave, Arizona - Assessor - Survey Map Search Page 1 0[2 t;.'C . Assessor Home Assessor Survey Map Search Real Property Info Personal Property Info NEWI as of 02118/2005 Tax Parcel Maps Other Maps Mohave County is pleased to offer y?ur survey maps on the web. The images are available in '.tif forma Online Address Change Sale History can be downloaded and viewed offline, or opened in a browser if a tiff-viewer plugin is installed. Mohave Senior Valuation Freeze recommends a free plugin such as Alternatiff for Windows users or Quicktime for Macintosh users. Department Directory Q U ic~ k ....1 rl k jl. The maps available on this page are provided as-is. Due to printer and viewer variances in formattin documents may not display to scale. For questions or comments regarding map information, please ( Search the Mohave County Assessors Office, Cartography Department. Directory Calendar & Minutes Enter Your Township and Range Number with a dash (TXX-RXX) Employment Links ENTER TOWNSHIP AND RANGE: Bid Opportunities .GIS IT -R I Webstats Intranet (employees only) ~ ------:--~ - J!!r;:.) I_~. Contactus The results below were returned for township/range "T -R": ___.____________________ -______0.. ........_ _________ ___ ___ ~.___.~ .,. ~__._._____________ ._.__._..._~~ ...... -.-.-.~_.._________ A document was not found for TR "X -It". Please contact the Assessors Off~ce at (928)753-0703 , ~~~--~- ~Printer Friendly Version @2005 Mohave County, Arizona Department of Information Technology If you have questions regarding the site, please contact the webmaster. . . http://www.co,mohave.az.us/taxmaps/cgi-bin/surveys.py?tr=T+++- R +H- OS/28/2005 . pI Memo from Loretta Jackson regarding Bill Easter proposal, for P&Z mtg. 6/8/2005 To: Debra Athearen, Planning and Zoning Office Mohave County Fr: Loretta Jackson, Property Owner, #314-37-007 Re: June 08, 2005 P&Z Agenda Item 66, Bi11 Easter, Assembly of God I oppose the proposed development by Mr. Bi11 Easter and the Assembly of God in which they propose to develop a Christian Boarding School next to my property in the Hatch Heights lots in the rural community of Truxton, AZ, in Mohave County. The concept is to school Hualapai and Havasupai children into Christian beliefs. These children will come from Hualapai and Havasupai communities. This proposed development has many unresolved issues that involve the "affected" tribal communities. Tribes have suffered from oppression since the early 1400's from the misguided paradigm that Indians need to be saved through Christianity. The general motto has been "Kill the Indian, Save the Man." And this very concept has destroyed the cultural identities of many Indian people. Native Languages have been lost, the unique cultural values and lifeways of tribes have been stripped for the sake ofthe White Man's beliefs. I am appalled that the very thing that annihilated our Indian people is being supported by the community of Mohave County. I am even more appalled at the very racist attitude towards the Hualapai and Havasupai people that stirs a need in Christian people to "save" us from our culture and beliefs. I have stated on April 13, 2005 in this very same room that the land-use change is not compatible with the neighborhood in which I live in. This proposed Christian Boarding School will be next an existing liquor store, maybe within Jess than 300 feet. In addition, this proposed special zoning use permit for the parcel of land is not an appropriate use. I strongly recommend denial of this application. The four homes and school are all part of a commercial for profit plan that this organization is proposing. The site plan is grossly inadequate, not showing a true plot plan to review. Please require this to go through the proper commercial zoning use process so that this proposed school can adequately show all health and safety requirements for its intended clients. This parcel is a Wash, it nms two to three feet deep. There are federal laws about disturbing large washes. As a parent of two children that attend the Valentine Elementary School District 22, I have concerns ofthe public process. I have not heard from the school district of their comments to support or not support the new school. My main concern is that many children from the Hualapai community (including my own) attend the public school. I was informed by the school principal, Mr. MacPherson, that he never saw a public notice for this proposed project, but the school was listed as part of rooster that received the notices in April. I would like to have a chance to bring this issue to the School Board to address my concerns. I have been informed by the Hualapai Tribal Chairman that this project had been presented to the Hualapai Tribal Council for their review in the fall of 2004. The Council . p2 Memo from Loretta Jackson regarding Bill Easter proposal, for P&Z mtg. 6/8/2005 did support the "concept" as long as it was to be constructed on the reservation. The council never did hear back from Mr. Easter. The chairman informed me on June 6, 2005 that he wrote a letter to the P&Z clarifying this issue. Last but not least, yesterday at 6:00pm, Mr. Easter brought in a single wide trailer home onto the property next to my property. See enclosed picture. Is there a septic tank already? Does he have approval for this activity? How is he different from you, myself or other people that have to comply with our man-made laws? Please enter this as a letter for the record. < p3 Memo from Loretta Jackson regarding Bill Easter proposal, for P&Z mtg. 6/8/2005 ,.Jun-OS-.oS 09: 2Sam From-HUALAPAICULTURALRESOURCES 928-769-2235 T-487 P 05/05 F-332 r Re: Agenda Item # 66 . We~ the people ofTruxton, Arizona, a rural coznmunity within Mohave County. would like the Planning and Zoning Department and Pete Byers, Board of Supervisors~ to know that we continue to oppose the rezoning Or zoning use permit for the Bill Easter proposal for a church boarding school, campground, r, v, parking, residences.', store, gym. storage units, etc. TI1is matter has the home owners ofTruxton community very concerned for the real estate investments. potential tax increases as. this is a non-profit organ.ization. We do want these facilities or any other related type of facilities in our town. Yau have already reviewed the Sill Easter proposal and turned this down on April 13. 2005, On May 2, 2005~ the Board of Supervisors beard this case and referred it back to Planning and Zoning. This is the third hea.riD~ on this same topic!!! Please honor the wishes of the community and tom this down again and make it final. THE PEOPLE OF TRUXTON, AZ, SIGN TIDS PETITION AGAINST THIS ISSUE: Name: Lot/l'ract#: Date: cY!CN..-UUqc.;,..cp~ . "314 --- ~ry..()OI"4-/ 1 OD ~ 5 /~'-{ /05 4-\-ATCt\ \ \-t:~tG ttrs, un (T ciNG rp~~~ 5Z&-/V!.r. .:S~5. ~~ S" . 'z. Cof. cs;- J)~ ~~ t'1 &>~tJe. G,v-~-fy '5 . .e. y. 05 ~ ~~ ~7/p,- f1t~ ~ ' /-r/o..s '~ 1 To The Z & P Board of Supervisors I ask the Board to take notice that J have totally renewed the site plan from the original site plan. I have tried to work with the cOlnmunity and immediate landowners. There is a petition list against this project that had some of the Commissioners concerned. The petition was taken before the project was changed to a simpler more residential project. J know of only 2 out of24 landowners in the 300 feet range who are opposed to this project. Some have complained that we would devalue their property, well I have enclosed pictures of some of the local property, and I think we will improve the value of property. At the last commissioner meeting nobody was there to oppose this. Also as people were asked to sign this petition they were told it would be a juvenile delinquent center with 10' cyclone fences, guards, and bright lights, which it will not be. This is a small residential facility to start with 4-6 High School Students of our choice. These students will come because they want to, their parents want them to, and we want them to. They will abide by the rules or go home. The government does not reimburse us so we can choose who we want. We are looking for young people who will one day be leaders for their Tribe. Thanks for your consideration of this project Rev. Bill Easter .'~ Ie I, rc; ~ ',n [ ~ I ~M~ ::c; "J ~ , l'J [~! U I b '" _~G3_1 ~l'l ", -: " ,". :~'. C..';~.,:.:';'"-( F'l :-.;,j:'~!NG t., ZON!NG ~ " ..-----.-- .,...._._----_..__.~_.._- ... ..- ..- ---.--..... ~,~~ ---. -... C1 - L--CS , I Jun'08 05 12:09p Sheila Mana 4482106 p.2 To the Board of Commissioners & Zoning Committee of Mohave County. We the Havasupai Tribal :\1embers ofHavasupai Indian Reservation, hereby sign tlris petition to support the school endeavor by Bill Easter. TItis school would provide the people of our reservation an option for our children to attend a school close to home. We fully support this project. 1.l1xnL- ~~INW'\ Lj~G~J&J~ Printed Name Signature .. 1\ t rnb~ 2.lin4LL-Wo..,-\4. h 0 r'V\ ~ I-L 2.---.; 0. \.-l ~ 1 ) Pn"nted Name Signa e 3.-;;;Ut.F(j!ii4iIt7"r/~ 3.o~~"1i- <:, Printed Name Sign mre 4.1--~:f' W('~(1D8aM~ 45utMl~ _ W.L~fttL., Printed Nan1e Signature 5. 5. Printed Name Signature 6. 6. Printed Name Signature 7. 7. Printed Name Signature 8. 8. Printed Name Signature 9. 9. Printed Name Signature 10. 10. Printed Name Signature- 11. 11. Printed Name Signature 12. 12. Printed Name Signature --------------~ \ __._~-------- 1""\ (1 ,.... - - .- -- ~ -.=,.-, 'I' '\'f \lo. \ r'^'~ -' ~" I v' , \ \ . ~ I . \{ b . , :Co ..:=!__~~':;--l \ 'j \ i --" 'I .1 ~ 1 \ \ : ~ 1 . i ~ II U'" 3 1 'i['\n5 ' : l_:;, h \IJ c.....lU I ~~..... ~ ~. i -:--~:-~--:.--._..;--.~."-"'. . L' , .__." .-- n . Truxton Property within 1/4 mile of School Project .-: ;t::it~~ '. .,"~ ,:', ~77"''l.i:;;'"'' . ..,~-:.../;: "';~~~",I .,i." , : 't: ~~J - ~'~'-I :f]<.::, ~ICI ""'.. f" 'I~'. "~""~'\ .1,,". ,'-, . _" 1,~~~H~1 :':l~~ .; '~~f;:+":' :It:tr~r~.t~'~;:'':>~ '~", .~ '.,J; , .' '1(:' .i::.~:. ~1.:::.J ..~ '.l ';, I 'r'111:'!f'~I~'~4f Iff.... 1 I . .;--') ..~ ~ .-f. ~ ) ~:;:2j;~," .~~;;;:/.:,cj- :..::. )~~_., _.- - .......1.----- ..'- . >- Abandon motel between school and Rt 66 Large Garage & Gas station across the road from school ~ :;::j .:~:ii:- :!~mijji:;!i!::;.;~;;;;::~~';li . "T' ~~": l ., I ,'_ o;-! /~:!"~J;..~l -.- '. . ~!~~ ;..r~",,';.' Abandon Gas station I block away on rt 66 North Byers St. land directly across from school project ~~'~~~~~;~~;~t- ...... '[~~:-':l:,:;;" '.-:'.. ~ "n':''': lt~~(~.~~:: . .... '-L:. '.' '. ,..... '-' Alp.: .'. . -i. Property on North Byers