HomeMy WebLinkAbout99-485 . -. . RESOLlJTION NO. l)9-4X5 A RESOLUTION OF -rHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF MOHA VE, ARIZONA, REQUESTING THE ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE TO EST ABUSH AN ENTERPRISE ZONE IN PORTIONS OF M01-11\ VE COUNTY WHERl~AS, the Hoard of Supervisors ofMohave County met in regular session this 6111 day of December 1999, and WHEREAS, the primary goal of the Arizona Enterprise Zone Program is to improve the economies of the rural areas of the State. The program docs this by enhancing opportunities for private investment in certain area that are called enterprise zones. The state and local communities provide incentives to foster investment in these areas, and to reduce or remove unnecessary governmental regula10ry barriers to economic development, and WHEREAS, A.R.S. 14-152 L 1522, 1523, and 1524 specify criteria for the designation of enterprise zones, the composition of Enterprise Zone Commission and the procedures for the establ ishment of such zones, and WHEREAS, in 1994, Mohave County and Bullhead City \vith the assistance and support of the Mohave County Economic Development Authority. established and administered the Bullhead-Mohave Enterprise Zone, and WHEREAS, the Bullhcad-Mohave Enterprise Zone was formed to provide qua\11ied neV-i and expanding firms who located within the zone the opportunity to participate in incentives offered by the State ofAri70na and certain other incentives which could be offered hy Mohavc County, and WHEREAS, enterprise zones are intended to encourage job creation in areas of unemployment \vhich exceed the average unemployment of the State of Arizona by one and onc-half times, and WHEREAS, parts ofMohave County have unemployment rates of one ,md onc-halftimes the State rate, and WHEREAS, State law requires that Enterprise Zones be re-certified every five years, and WHEREAS, enterprise zones are administered by a local Enterprise Zone COIllmission and a Zone Administrator. and WHEREAS, the Bullhead-Mohave Enterprise Zone must be re-certi lied this year, and . . . WHEREAS, it has been dctermined that the Bullhead-Mohave Enterprise Zone as presently formed can not qualify for re-certilication, and WHEREAS, continued designation ofa portion ofMohave COllnty is bene1icial to economic development efforts in Mohave County, and WHEREAS, Mohave County dcsires to establish and certity a new zone which will continue to serve the Mohave County [ndustrial Corridor and the Kingman Industrial Park, and WHEREAS, this zone will serve Golden Valley. Mohave Valley, and New Kingman. WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held as required by law. THEREFORI~ BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mohave County Board of Supervisors desires to make appl ication to the Arizona Department of Commcrec for the establishmcnt 0 f an cnterprise zone in a part of Mohave County to be callcd the Mohave Enterprise Zone (M E1,), and BE IT FLJ RTHER RESOLVED, that the Mohave County Economic Developmcnt Authority is hcreby requcsted to prepare an application to the Arizona Department ofCommcrcc t'()[ thc establishment orthe Mohave Enterprise Zone, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Mohave County Board of Supervisors servc as the Enterprise Zone Commission and that William Goodale be appointed as Zone Administrator. P ASSEn, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this (jth day of Dcccmber, 1999 by the Mohave County Board of Supervisors. RD OF SUPERVISORS . Johnson. Chairman ~\\ \ \ \\ \\" I: II111 f[fll II!. ~~~~ V ISO j~/':~, ~- ~ . ~''''-- 'I) .:z" ~""$ ..~~":.. .A..~~~?:-.... k~~~~ .~-c == z-U .,. .A ~...... 4vo,"- =~ H '. ~,~.~. .~- [. "~J'.r: I /,.' _:~ ~ol;\1at,.<Bliastain,::.QJ:erR dHlie Board ~o \~..~';>'1. rt._<."i7{;~":'~t~! O.,~ ~ ~ fi. ~-\~ ~ \ . ~ z.. ~ II. ~ ~ ~ [IIW DEUS J.....ft ~ ,,-_ ....r ~ "I./1iirt5Nl\ ~ '1/II'liiililllllil\\\\\\\\'\ . PROPOSED MOHAVE ENTERPRISE ZONE This area is comprised of Department of Economic Security r~porting areas of Golden Valley, Mohave VaHey, and New Kingman - Butler. Beginning at the intersection of US 93 and the Mohave County hoe at Boulder Dam- then southeast following the RIW of US 93 to the south line of township 24 then east on T 24-23 Hne to east line of Range 15 W then south on R 15 W line to Interstate 40 then west on 1-40 to the Kingman City limits; then following around the Kingman City Limits; North - West -South and then East to the East Bound track of Burlington Northern Santa Fe; then South along BNSF south to the east boundary of the 1-40 Industrial Corridor; then continuing south; then west along the 1-40 Corridor boundary to the west count]' line (Colorado River); then north on the county line to the south ooundary of Builhead City; then east, north and west along Bullhead City limits to the west county line ( Colorado River); then north on t~le county . line to the point of beginning. (See attached map) .. . . . --,.., ll'..AIB A. 9 -1 " F\tSEp....:.nr)jfl..!~ " . . -, '~=--/I I ~f~ MOHA VE COUNTY . .>~; j! ~t-:~ I -<,\0 ) t\ ~r- { _dO V ' 'F'-\""' ~-...r <;)"-' G~'P't'- ---. .y ----- - -' ~/ ~Z./ r~1 ,,11 ,~ '" / /- !...ITT~!;FIELO COLORADO CITY / t:r ~ : ~ ~ t3 =