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WHEHgAS, tIH:~ Board of :Supervisors of Mohave Coun ty me t Ul ({,egular Session
this Gth day of December, 199:J, and:
WHEH,EAS, Lake HavaslI City i:-> applying for a gr::mt from tile Stat.<:~ Lake
Impn)Vemenl fund ror H fire boat; and
WI-lEHEAS, an intergovernmental agr'eemenl
with the ngency having
jurisdiction on the water where the fire boat will operate is necc:->snr'y in order for
the gran t request to be considered; and
WHEREAS, t.heMohave County Board of Supcl'visol's Ims det,l'l"mined that it.
would be in the best interest nnd safety of the citizens of Moha\'e County tu enter
into I'm Intergovernmental Agreement with Lake Havasu City. for fil'(' boat services
on Lake Havasll, and
WHEREAS, Mohnve County is empowerE'd by Section 11-91"01. i\rizona Revised
Statutes to enter into agreements and acting by and t.hrough its Buard of
Supervisors has resolved to enter into an agreement. and;
WHEHEAS, the Chainnan of the Board of Supervisors is lwr"eby authorized to
sign the contract and any amendmen t.s and/Of' modi rications t.here 10 on behalf or
!\1ohave County.
I'ASSI!;D, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this (jt.h day of Deceml:H'r. 1~)9::J.
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Joan C. Ward, Vice Chairman