HomeMy WebLinkAbout92-414 I I I HESOLUTION NO. 92-414 HESOLUTION ORDEHING THE SALE OF $8.000,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF LAKE I-IA VASlJ UNIFmn SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 OF MOHA VE COUNTY, AIlIZONA, GENERAL OBLIGA'nON SCHOOL IMl-'HOVEMENT BONDS, PRO.JECT OF 1991, SEHms B (l99B). WHEREAS, a request has been received from the Governing Hoard of Lake Havasu Lini ned School District No. 1 of Mohave County, AI'i7,ona (the "Vistrict"), requesting the Board of Supervisors of Mohave County, Al'izona (the "Board of Supervisors") to Imler the sale of bonds of the District in t.he principal amount of $8,000,000 authorized at an electiun held within the District on February 12, 1991; BE IT RFSOLVED BY 'rHJ~ BOAHD OF SUPERVISORS OF MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA, AS FOLLOWS: 9~~cqon_L The Board of Supervisors hereby orders the sale of Lal~e Havasu lJnified School District No. 1 of Muhave COllnty, Arizona, General Obligat.ion School lmprovemen t Bonds. Project of 1991. Series 13 (1993) (the "Bonds") in t.he principal amount of $8,000.000. 'J'heBonds are to be sold at public sale with bids to be received until 1.1:00 AM. Mountain Standard Time on .January 19, 1993 all in accordance with the Nutice Inviting Propusals for the Purchase of Bonds attached heretu as Exhibit A. Section 2. The Clprk is hereby directed to cause a Notice Inviting Proposals for the Purchase of Bonds to be executed and transmi tted to Peacock, Hislop, StnJey & Given. Inc., financial advisor to the District, to be included in a preliminary offieial st.at.ement and circulat.ed so as to be made known to potential bidders for t.he Bonds. Such Notice lnvit.ing Pl'OposaJs fot' the Pur'chase of Bonds shall be in substant.iully the funn aUachecl heret.o, with such additions, deletions and variations as shall be deemed advisFlble. The Distt'ict' s financial consuJtan tis orde':ed and directed to compose and circulate such preliminary official statement on behalf of the Dist.rict. PASSED AND ADOPTED on December 21, 1992. MOHA VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ~~