HomeMy WebLinkAbout98-004 INDEXED OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MOHAVE COUNTY, AZ PIOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF ~OFER,]..ORS RECORO[NG FEE 0,00 RESOLUTION NO. 98-4 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH AN EXTENSION OF TIME OF THE APPROVED PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN OF THE WILLOWS AT CIMARRON LAKE, UNIT II, TRACT 4130, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 18 NORTH, RANGE 22 WEST, IN THE SOUTH MOHAVE VALLEY AREA, MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at the regular meeting o£the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on January 5, 1998, a public hearing was conducted to determine whether approval should be granted for an Extension of Tinae as requested by Everett L. King of King Investment Corporation, Phoenix, Arizona. The new project engineer is A-N West, Inc., Bullhead City, Arizona, and WHEREAS, the property is located approximately seven and one-half miles south of Bullhead City. The property is accessed via State Highway 95, then east approximately one-half mile along Cimarron Boulevard and south to the site, and WHEREAS, the Preliminary Plan depicts 45.8 acres subdivided into 136 single-family residential lots, and four park/open space parcels. The minimum residential lot size is 6,500 square feet. The average subdivision density is 3.64 dwelling units per acre, and WHEREAS, the owner/developer has indicated in a letter dated November 7, 1997, that an Extension of Time is being requested due to difficulty the developer has had since taking over the project from a previous developer. The developer states, in part: "This has been a very confused and difficult take- over and the project is now coming up on two years late! As a result, our preliminary plat has expired and I was simply not aware of this situation. During this time all utilities have been installed and completed. They include water, power, telephone, TV cable, natural gas, roads, curbs and gu~ter, and street lights.", and WHEREAS, the Preliminary Plan for this tract was approved by the Mohave County Board of Supervisors on December 5, 1994, per BOS Resolution No. 94-420. Subdivision Regulation Article 3.10-1 states: "Upon application to the Commission and prior to the expiration of the time limit, extensions in increments of one (1) year may be granted by the Board of Snpervisors if the subdivider is actively processing the Final Plat. If such action is not taken then all proceedings relating to the plat shall be terminated.", and WHEREAS, the Mohave County Public Works Department has indicated that upon receipt of any additional submittals of this project for processing, the adequacy of the drainage and compatibility of this proposed subdivision with surrounding development will be reviewed. They have recommended that any required changes or modifications will be the responsibility of the developer, and PAGE 2 OF 2 BK ~122 PG 6 FEE¢9800~7,94 RESOLUTION NO. 98-4 Page 2 WHEREAS, this action will constitute both the first and second Extensions of Time, and WHEREAS, the following are Findings of Fact for the above captioned item: a. All notices have been advertised and posted according to regulations. b. This request does not comply with the Extension of Time Policy based on the following: The project engineer has recently submitted as-built improvement plans for county review, to demonslxate the completion of improvements in the subdivision. The Final Plat has not, however, been processed in two years, and the previous and current developer allowed the original conditional approval for the Preliminary Plan to expire, and WHEREAS, at the public heating before the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission on December 10, 1997, the Commission recommended APPROVAL of an Extension of Time for the Preliminary Plan subject to the following conditions: 1. Compliance with all conditions of BOS Resolution No. 94-420. 2. This Extension of Time will be in effect until December 5, 1998. WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in The Standard, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona, December 20, 1997, and posted on December 19, 1997, as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, January 5, 1998, APPROVED this Extension of Time as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Carol S. Anderson, Chairman e e :e F'AGE:; OF /, H!':; 3061 hJ '121 FEC~:980liE~~:::; MORAVE COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 98-04 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 27.R OF THE MORAVE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE REGARDING SECONDARY RESIDENCES Section 27.R of the Mohave County Zoning Ordinance is amended as follows (added language is bolded; deleted language is stft!ek): 1. All setbacks will be required as shown for the appropriate zone in which the secondary :ffl't!ettlfe residence will be built. Buffers may be required to separate this use from incompatible adjacent uses. a. b. An. !teeeJ~l'lry secondary residence ,fill be l'rl'll'erti6ottte tl'l the let JiEe, ntlt 16 exeeecl the le33~I 5f 50 l'~feent tile size aftm prinl81) IC3idenee 61 a3 3tatea in c, a, and e belen, Me shall conform to the following requirements: 1) The secondary residence shall have a living room of not less than 220 square feet of superficial floor area. An additional 1 00 square feet of superficial floor area shall be provided for each occupant of such residence in excess of two. 2) The secondary residence shall be provided with a separate closet. 3) Secondary residences that are not attached to or within the primary residence shall be provided a kitchen sink, cooking appliance, and refrigeration facilities, each having a clear working space of not less than 30 inches in front. Light and ventilation conforming to the Uniform Building Code shall be provided. 4) The secondary residence shall be provided with a separate bathroom containing a water closet, lavatory, and bathtub or shower. c. Minimum lot size for lots which will require a second septic, leach system, and water supply will be 26,500 square feet. Additional lot area may be required by the Mohave County Environmental Health Department and/or the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. d. The accessory residence shall be proportionate to the lot size. Except as provided for in these regulations, the size of the secondary residence located on lots less than five acres in size shall not exceed the lesser of 50% of the primary residence or as stated in (e) and (I) of this section. ee. For lots less than one-half acre (.5), the secondary stmettJre residence shall be attached to or within the primary structure and have the same roof line. Mohave County Environmental Health may require additional lot area or additional septic tank. The secondary residence shall be a maximum of750 square feet. ID!lXimttm. e e e Pt\GE it OF {) BI< 30c,l F'(i 92:2. FEf::~!lgOlE:.3'(~~::~ MOHA VE COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 98-04 Page 2 df. For lots greater than one-half acre (.5) but less than five (5) acres in size, the aeeeJJ6ry Jtltletme secondary residence shall be a maximum of 1,000 square feet. m!lldmlllll. Mohave County Environmental Health may require additional lot area or additional septic tank. e-: F6r16tJ 8f5 aeleJ 6l'ft16fe, the m!llcimttm Jire f61 the aeeeJJ6ry Mtlettlfe ghftll be 50% 6fthe l'f:tll1tu) Sff tle:turc. g. The Board of Supervisors, after receiving a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission, may allow the secondary residence to be 75% of the primary residence when the Board of Supervisors finds all of the following: 1) The applicant made a concerted effort to comply with the size requirements in Sections 27.R.1.d through f, 2) Due to the number of persons occupying the unit, Section 27.R.1.b cannot be met if the size requirements are strictly enforced, or that the increase in size is needed to ensure the health, safety, and welfare ofthe intended occupants. 3) The secondary unit remains subordinate to the primary unit. 4) If an on-site, septic or alternative system is to be used, it is of adequate size to support the unit or there is adequate room on the lot to install a second system. 5) The primary residence, the secondary residence, and all accessory structures do not exceed the lot coverage requirements in Section 25.C of these regulations. h. For lots of five (5) acres or more, there shall be no maximum size for the secondary residence. i. When the newer residence has a larger square footage of living area than the existing residence, the newer residence shall be considered the primary residence. Section 27.R. 5. SITE PLAN REOUlREMENTS. Site plans submitted for secondary residences shall contain the following information. A pre-submittal meeting with the applicant and the Planning and Zoning Department, Public Works Department, Enviromnental Health Department, and the Building Department, if in the urban overlay zone, is recommended. Based on a pre-submittal meeting, the Planning Director, or their designee, stllff may reduce the level of submission requirements. bilged 6D the f6116 ding eriteria. a. Legal description of property; F'{,GE ,; OF [, P,l~. 3061 PG '123 rEE~:'!80t83W5 e MOHA VE COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 98-04 Page 3 b. c. d. e. f. g. h. I. j. k. I. m. n. - Name, address and telephone number of applicant and preparer of the site plan, if different from the applicant; North arrow and scale of plan; Location and names of all streets adjacent to the lot; Property boundaries, dimensions, and area of the lot; Location and dimensions of primary residence and secondary residence; If primary residence and secondary residence are separate structures, the distance between the structures mnst be shown on the plan; Location of all existing and proposed accessory structures, including but not limited to garages, sheds, and workshops; Location of all existing and proposed septic systems including the leach fields; Setbacks from the property boundaries for all existing and proposed structures; Setbacks for all existing and proposed septic systems from the property boundaries and the distance between all septic systems, and existing and proposed buildings; Location of any domestic wells; Location of required off-street parking; Written note on the plan giving the following information: 1) water provider -- well, haul, or name of water company 2) sewage disposal -- type of on-site system or name of utility 3) fire district; 4) electric utility; 5) amount of cubic yards soil or material to be graded, if any (should the cubic yards to be graded exceed 100, the applicant must obtain a grading permit from the Planning and Zoning Department). Ten copies ofthe site plan must be submitted. The maximum size ofthe sheets shall be 36"x 36". Any site plan larger than 81/2"x 11" shall be folded to no larger than 9" x 12" to fit into a file folder. - ~iaj51 :Jfteet Br foute lae.ati51':1, Grading reqtliremenis; Drainage eensielerttti6nJ, L\djaeent eanditi3113, Stlbmitta13 ., ill be made to the Pl!lll'll.ing and Zaniltg Depa.. liilent MIa .All be re."ienea bj; the En " holll1tel1tttl lIeaHl.l.Depttl'illlefl.t, Publie ~T6Ik3 DCf'a:t:iln~nt, mili!) e.611l1'ttnie3 and file aepa-rflllent(3); Ten CJ8pies oftht site plan foldea9" x 12" 16 fit "",ithin file folder; 1'1axtlUtl1113fl.eet .:JiLt:. af~6" x 36"; .- I' " F'AGE.6 OF 6 BI<' 3061. PG '7'2f~ fEE~lf801g331:; MOHA VE COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 98-04 Page 4 Legal ae3eripti6n, :line efpareel; Lxi3ting :Laning; Rden:neea m: Zaning U3e Panlit; ~ Ovvner3 ntlil'le, addle;};, and tdepnene; PIo "i3ie1113 far. Senage ai3pB3al: Water, atl1ue3tie n e.ll, haw a1 n liter eal1lpftfty; The MUll ,ling 3htIll be aclclre33ea em the plan.: L6eaaall ft1ttp; Set5aeks; :Uerth Mfa y; B:11d 3eale: L\11 street;) ana dri" '3 labeled; Parking lit) 6tlt, (ingIe33 ana egre33); Shan all propa3ea i111pra'leJ.1'lefit:J and 3t:ru:ett1.Te3.