HomeMy WebLinkAbout98-416 c7807722"! BK ~218 F:'G 709 OFFICIAL RECORDS DF tlOHAVE £:OtllqTY~ AZ .lOAN 11C CALL~ IIOHAVE (:DUN]'"( ~E(:DRDER '12!22/1998 01:19F' PAGE t OF MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECORDING FEE BOS RESOLUTION NO. 98-416 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH THE ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 98-13, AN AMENDMENT TO THE MOHAVE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE BY ADDING SECTION 40.2 REGARDING AMENDMENTS TO THE MOHAVE COUNTY GENERAL PLAN. WHEREAS, at their regular meeting on December 7, 1998, the Mohave County Board of Supervisors considered this item, and WHEREAS,the Arizona legislature adopted "Growing Smarter" which amended ARS § 11-806.D to require that the Board of Supervisors adopt written procedures to provide effective, early and continuous public participation in the development and major amendment of comprehensive plans, and WHEREAS, Mohave County has received requests to amend the General Plan, and WItEREAS,Mohave County is in the process of developing three area plans for the Yucca, Dutch Flat, and 1-40 corridor, and WHEREAS, at their meeting on October 14,1998, the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission recommended the an~endment of the Mohave County Zoning Ordinance contained in Ordinance No. 98-13 by adding Section 40.2, and WHEREAS, this amendment was advertised in a newspaper of general circulation, published in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona, on November 18, 1998, and posted in various locations on November 20, 1998. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, December 7, 1998, adopted the attached Ordinance No. 98-13 adding Section 40.2 to the Mohave County Zoning Regulations regarding Amendments to the General Plan, as recommended by the ning Cormmission. MOHAV~RVISORS,. F'AGE 2 OF 8 IlK ;';218 F'6 71] FEE~8077221 ORDINANCE NO. 98-13 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 40 OF THE MOHAVE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE BY ADDING SECTION 40.2 WHICH SETS FORTH PROCEDURES FOR AMENDING THE MOHAVE COUNTY GENERAL PLAN_. The Mohave County Zoning Ordinance is amended by adding Section 40.2, to read (all words and phrases to be added are bolded): Section 40.2 Amendments to the General Plan and Area Plans A. Review of the General Plan It is the intent of Mohave County to review the General Plan once every five years. In any case, the General Plan shall be reviewed and amended or readopted by the Board of Supervisors at least once every ten years. B. Amendments to the General Plan 1. The General Plan may be amended from time to Omc in the manner provided for in this section, for thc purposes of ensuring that the plans reflect the needs of County residents. 2. Minor amendments to the General Plan. a. The following changes are considered minor amendments to the General Plan, including area plans: (1) A change in the land use boundaries, in the detail land use diagrams, where those changes are consistent with thc development area designations and the General Plan goals and policies. (2) The adoption or amendment of an area plan where the area plan and the changes are consistent with thc General Plan. (3) Changes to goals and policies that clarify intent or correct inconsistencies. b. Minor amendments may be considered upon submission of an application form obtained from the Planning and Zoning Department or as deemed necessary by the Planning and Zoning Commission or the Board of Supervisors. 3. Major amendments to the General Plan. a. The following changes are considered major amendments to the General Plan: (1) Changes in the Goals and Policies of the Plan that change the intent or the direction of the Plan. PAGE 3 OF 8 8K ~218 P6 711 FEE~9807722I ORDINANCE NO. 98-13 Page 2 (2) Changes in the boundaries of the development area designations, in the general land use diagrams. (3) Changes in the boundaries of the detailed land use diagrams, that require a change in the development area designations or the general land use diagrams. (4) The adoption or amendment of an area plan where the area plan or the changes are not consistent with the General Plan. (5) Deletion of a requirement for the reservation or dedication of land for public purposes, except for minor boundary adjustments or street alignments. (6) Establishment of a new, or deletion of a planned freeway, expressway, parkway or limited access arterial street shown on the General Plan. b. Major amendments may be considered twice a calendar year or as deemed necessary by the Planning and Zoning Commission or the Board of Supervisors. 4. Initiation of an amendment. a. Member of the public. A person desiring an amendment in the General Plan, changing the development area and land use designation boundaries, shall initiate such an amendment by filing an application form from the Planning and Zoning Department requesting this change with the Planning and Zoning Commission. b. By Commission or Board. The Planning and Zoning Commission or the Board of Supervisors may initiate an amendment by a positive vote of the members present. 5. Application for an amendment of the General Plan. a. Any member of the public initiating a General Plan amendment should attend a preapplication conference to determine feasibility and probable time frame. b. An application for an amendment to the General Plan or area plan land use diagrams or maps shall include the following information: (1) A vicinity map showing the general area including, but not limited to, the general road network. (2) A map of the area to be changed, indicating the current and the proposed development area and land use designation. PAGE 4 OF 8 BE 3218 PG 712 FEE~98077221 ORDINANCE NO. 98-13 Page 3 (3) A statement justifying the change that includes, but is not limited to, a description of the following: (a) How the change benefits and/or affects the County, (b) Public infrastructure and public services that are available or will be provided, (c) A description of the change of the character of surrounding neighborhoods, (d) An explanation that the change is consistent with the goals and policies of the General Plan and applicable area plan, and (e) An explanation of changing events or circumstances that make the amendment appropriate. c. An application for an amendment to the goal and/or policies in the General Plan or area plan shall include an explanation of the proposed amendment, justification of the need for the amendment that includes, but is not limited to, an explanation of the benefit to the County, an explanation of events or changes that make the amendment appropriate, and an explanation of undesirable situations the amendment will alleviate or beneficial situations the amendment will foster. C. Citizen Participation 1. Citizen Participation Plans for plan adoption, review or update. a. Prior to beginning any process to adopt, review or update the General Plan or any area plan, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall adopt a Citizen Participation Plan that provides for the following: (1) Early and continuous participation by the public affected by the plan; such participation may be through citizen advisory committees, numerous and frequent public meetings, or other methods or combination of methods. (2) Methods by which cities, counties, state and federal agencies, utilities, school districts, regional planning agencies, and civic, educational and professional organizations are included in the participation process. (3) Public notice of public meetings and public hearings being held by the Planning and Zoning Department, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of Supervisors; notice must, at a minimum, comply with these regulations, A.R.S 11-822 and A.R.S. 11-823 (4) Public meetings in sufficient number and location to inform the public of the proposed action and its effect. F'A6E 5 OF 8 BK 3218 P6 713 FEE,,¢98077221 ORDINANCE NO. 98-13 Page 4 (5) Public hearings that comply with these regulations, A.R.S. 11-822 and A.R.S. 11-823, and provide the public with ample opportunity to address the Commission and Board. (6) A method for reporting and addressing citizen comments received at the public meetings and hearings. The report shall be part of the adopted plan or updated plan. 2. Public meetings for amendments to the General Plan or Adopted Area Plans. a. The party initiating the amendment shall hold a public meeting in the area of the proposed plan amendment when: (1) A major amendment to the General Plan land use diagrams is proposed. (2) A major amendment to an adopted area plan is proposed. (3) An amendment will have a substantial effect on a neighborhood or area. b. A report prepared by the party initiating the amendment shah be included with the Planning and Zoning Department's report to the Commission. The report must cover the comments received at the public meeting and either how those comments were addressed or reasons for not addressing them. 3. Public hearing. a. Ali public hearings held for plan adoption, review or update shall be held in accordance with the approved Citizen Participation Plan and state statute. b. Public hearings for amendments to thc General Plan or any adopted area plan shall be held in the following manner: (1) After an amendment is properly initiated under Section 40.2, and after any required public meeting, the Commission shall hold at least one (1) public hearing on the proposed amendments, after giving notice according to Section 40.2.C.4. (2) The Commission may hold as many additional hearings on any amendment as may be deemed necessary for public necessity, convenience, and general welfare, provided that each and every public hearing is not a continuation of a previous hearing, and complies with the notice requirements of Section 40.2.C.4. P~GE & OF 8 BK ~218 P6 71~ FEE~8077221 ORDINANCE NO. 98-13 Page 5 (3) The Commission may continue hearings on any amendment as may be necessary provided that hearings are continued to a fixed date, time, and place. Hearings continued without announcing a fixed date, time, and place shall be noticed according to Section 40.2.C.4. 4. Notice. a. Notice of all public hearings for plan adoption, review or update shall be made in accordance with the approved Citizen Participation Plan, state statute and this section. b. Notice of all public hearings shall be placed in a newspaper of general circulation published in the county seat at least fifteen (15) days prior to the public hearing. Notice shall also be placed in a newspaper of general circulation in the area of the proposed change, if different than the county seat, at least fifteen (15) days prior to the public hearing. c. In proceedings involving one or more of the following proposed changes or related series of changes in the standards governing land uses, notice shall be provided in the manner prescribed by Section 40.2.C.4.d. below: (1) A ten percent (10%) or more increase or decrease in the number of square feet or units that may be developed. (2) A ten percent (10%) or more increase or decrease in open space requirements. (3) An increase or reduction in permitted uses. d. In proceedings governed by Section 40.2.C.4.c. above, the county shall cause notice to be given to real property owners pursuant to at least one of the following notification procedures: (1) All property owners within the area of the proposed change and within one-half mile of the boundary of the proposed change shall be sent notice by first class mail. (2) The changes shall be published in a "display ad" covering not less than one-eighth of a full page in a newspaper of general circulation in the county seat prior to the first public hearing on the changes. e. The county shall cause notice to be sent by first class mail to persons who register their names and addresses with the county as being interested in receiving such notice. The county may charge a fee not to exceed five dollars ($5.00) per year for providing this service. PC~GE 7 OF: 8 BK 3218 P6 715 FEE~98077221 ORDINANCE NO. 98-13 Page 6 f. All notices required in this subsection shall contain the following information, at a minimum: (1) The date, time, and place of the public hearing; (2) A general explanation of the matter to be considered; (3) A general description of the area of proposed changes; (4) An explanation of how comments or objections may be filed with Mohave County. 5. Consultation and coordination. a. Consultation and coordination with cities, counties, state and federal agencies, utilities, school districts, regional planning agencies, and civic, educational and professional organizations shall occur according to the Citizen Participation Plan and this Section. b. Prior to the first public hearing, the initiating party shall send copies of the proposed change to all incorporated cities within Mohave County, the State Land Department, pertinent school districts, appropriate regional planning agencies, public utilities with Certificates or franchises in the area, chambers of commerce, and any person, organization, or agency that requests notice under Section 40.2.C.4.e above. c. Upon making a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall transmit the change to the Board and the following agencies, organizations and persons, not less than sixty (60) days before adoption: (1) Each municipality in the county; (2) Each other county that is contiguous to the county; (3) The regional planning agencies in the county; (4) The Department of Commerce or any other state agency that is subsequently designated as the general planning agency for the state; (5) The State Land Department; and (6) Any person, organization or agency that requests, in writing, to receive the proposal. 6. Availability of draft plans and amendments. a. Draft General Plans and areas plans and updates of those plans will be available thirty (30) days prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission public hearing and sixty (60) days prior to the Board of Supervisors public hearing at the Office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, the Planning and Zoning Department Offices, and Mohave County libraries in Kingman, Bullhead City, and Lake Havasu City, and other appropriate places as determined by the Director of Planning and Zoning. RAgE 8 OF 8 ~K 32i~ P6 716 FEES9807?221 ORDINANCE NO. 98-13 Page 7 b. Major amendments and all amendments which allow an increase in land use intensity will be available fifteen (15) days prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission public hearing and sixty (60) days prior to the Board of Supervisors public hearing at the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, and the Planning and Zoning Offices. 7. Action by the Board of Supervisors. a. Upon receipt of the Commission's recommendations, the Board shall hold at least one public hearing after giving notice according to this section. After holding the hearing, the Board may adopt, deny the amendment, or change the amendment. Any changes to the amendment shall be referred back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a report. In developing and considering the amendment, the Commission shall follow the public hearing and notice requirements in this section. b. The adoption, readoption or update of the General Plan or any adopted area plan, or the adoption of any amendment which meets any of the following criteria, shall be adopted by at least two-thirds of the members of the Board. (1) A change of land use designation in the plan that: (a) Increases the intensity of the use on the property. (b) Decreases the intensity of use on the property at the initiative of the Board of Supervisors. (2) Deletion of a requirement for the reservation or dedication of land for public purposes, except for minor boundary adjustments or street alignments. (3) Establishment of a new, or deletion of a planned freeway, expressway, parkway or limited access arterial street shown on the General Plan. D. Reapplication. No person, including the original applicant, shall reapply for the same amendment for the same area within a period of one (1) year from the date of the final decision or denial of such previous application, except in cases where extraordinary circumstances have caused a need for reevaluation of all property in the general area.