HomeMy WebLinkAbout98-469 I~ESOLUTION NO. 98-.469 A RESOLUTION OF THE MOH~V~ COUNTY BOARD OF sUpERvISORs APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A SETTLEMENT AG~.~T AND MUTUAL RE~.~RSE 14~DE BY AND BETWEEN COUNTY OF MOHAVE, STATE OF ARIZONA, AND BANK OF AMERICA NT&SA, A NATIONAL TRUST AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION. WHEREAS, in County of Mohave v. Bank of America, NT&SA, originally Mohave County Superior Court Case No. CV-97-568, and currently Maricopa County Superior Cou~t Case No. ·98-04813 (the "Lawsuit"), Mohave County, Ari~?na, (the "County" or "Mohave County") asserted certain claims agaihst Bank of America NT&SA (the "Bank" and the Bank asserted certain claims against the County; and WHEREAS, the County has denied the claims asserted against it by the Bank, and the Bank has denied the claims asserted against it by the County; and WHEREAS, the County and the Bank desire to settle and resolve all claims they have or claim to have against each other; and WHER~S, A.R.S. ~ 11-251(14) authorizes the Mohave County Board of Supervisors to direct, control, and compromise any lawsuits to which the 'County is a party; and WHEREAS, the Mohave County Board of Supervisors finds that the public interest and welfare will be furthered by the action taken hereby; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THaT the Mohave County Board of Supervisors hereby approves and authorizes execution of the attached Settlement Agreement and Mutual Release. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT anyone of the following persons is/are authorized: (1) to sign on behalf of Mohave county the settlement Agreement and Mutual Release and any other documents necessary to conclude the settlement set forth in that Settlement Agreement and Mutual Release; and (2) to take such other and further actions as are necessary to conclude the settlement: (a) James R. Zaborsky, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors; and (b) Paul McIntosh, Mohave County Manager. PASSED APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this ~']~4 day of December, 1998. MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA, a political subdivision of the State of Arizona, by and through the MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS By: JAME ~ BOAR~~v±~~ ATTEI APPROVED AS TO FORM: JENNINGS, STROUSS & SALMON, P.L.C. of the of Supervisors ATTORNEY FOR MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA SETTLEMENT AGREE.M_.ENT A_ND I%,IUTUAL RELEASE : This Agreement m~e by and betWeen County of Mohave, 'S~ie of Arizona (h~¢aftor "CountY"), and Bank of America NT&SA, a National Trust and Savings Association (hereafter "Ba~'): DeVmitions: The following terms are specifically daf:mad for this Agreement: A. "Agreement" shall me~n this Settlement Agreement and Mutual Release. B. "Lawsuit" shall mean that action filed by the County on or about NoYemb~r 4, 1997, against the Batik bearing Case No. CV 97-565 and the counterclaim fil',A by ibc Bank against the County in said action. C. "Claim", or "claims" means all rights, claims, demands, causes of action, and rights of recoupment, offset andc'or reimbursement of any kind or nature whatsoever, whether known or unlmown, liquidated or unliquidated, asserted or unassorted, or matured or um-naturefl, and Whether based on any contractual, tort, equitable, common law, restitution, staV.~tory or other ground or theory of any nature whatsoever, which in any way directly or indirectly arise out of or arc related or connected to (i) the Lawsuit, (ii)' any account mah-.tained at the l~k by b!icha;l E. Daw in his personal or fiduciary capacity, (iii) any account mainLaine, d at the Ba.'~k by he County within tho description of a~counts s~t for'& in ~ubparalraph (ii) of this paragraph C, (iv) an)' act, fact, allegation, in/'eronce, omission, d.r o¢cm'Tence which is described in any pleading, brief, di~ovcry, or other writing filed i~ or' related to the Lawsuit, (v) Michael E. Daw's employment by the County, and (vi) an)' ¢lain~ by an), client, ward, estate, or the successor to, or beneficiary of, any client, ward, or ¢$tai¢, whose a~sets or funds may have been entrusted to or placed under the control or direction of the Mohav¢ County Public Fiducizry's office during Michael E. Daw'$ tenure. Recitals: Whereas, th~ County has asserl~ cer~i- claims against Ba~k in the Lawsuit a~d the g~ Ms ~sen~d ce~ain cl~s ag~i~gl ~ Co~ty ~ ~e Lag'~l; ~, B~ h~ d~ ~e claims md dem~ds ~s~ed agog it by L~e CounW, ~d ~e Counu h~ de~ ~e c]~s ~d dem,nds ~s~ ~a~g it by ~e Bm-X; ~nd ~oreas, ~e p~ie~ hereto desire to ~ttle ~d rcsolvv ail ~s~ ~d ~s~ed claims ~d dcm~ ~cy have or cla~ to hav~ ag~ ~c other; NOW THEi:~FORE, in full and complete satisfaction and settlement of all Claims thc County may have or claim to have against the Bank, and in full and complete satisfaction of all Claims the Bank may have or claim to have against the County, .the parties hereto agree follows: 1. Bank shall pa)' to the County the sum of II~ee-Hunckecl Sevent-y-Five Thous~tt Dollars ($3?5,000) by way of the Bank's check payable to "Mohave County, Arizona" pursuant to these express written instructions within thirty (30) days from the execution of this Agreement by the County provided tha~. the County delivers [o thc Bank's cou~el a counterpart of this Agreement containing a genuine original signature by the Count'! official authoriz~ to execute tl~s Ag~'eemcnt. 2. The Bank hereby releases and discharges an), and all Cla~,s it may have or claim to have against County, ~nd all of its past, present, and future employees, officers, elected officials, attorneys, agents or representatives. 3. County hereby releases and di~hurges an}, and all Clainas' it may have or claim to have against the Bank, and all of its pa~t, present and future officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents, a~omey$, predecessors in interest, successors in interest, corporations, subsidiaries and affiliated or sibling corporations (collectively, the "Bank's Affiliates"). 4. Tho County represents that the Mohave County Board of Super-,'isors has approved this Agre~n~r~t as to form and content. The County ftuther a~ees tha it will deliver to the Bank's counsel within thirty (30) days~, from~ the ex~ution of this Agr~raent a certiti~xi copy of a resolution from the Mohave County Board of Supervisors approving this Agreement as to form and content and authorizing a Cotlnty official to execute this Agreement. 5. The County shall hold harmless and inder~ify the Bank and the Bank's Affiliates from any Claim made by any client, w~r~ or estate, or the successor to, or.bene?ci? of, any client, ward or e,vtate, whose ass¢~ or funds may have been entrusted to or placec~ unaer the control or clirectiort of the Mohave County Pubhc Fiduciary during Michael E. Daw's tenure. The County ~hall also at its sole expense defend the Bank and the B~l<ts Affiliates from any such Claims, with coun~l reasonably ac¢~table to the Bank. 6. The County represents and warrants that it was authorized to pursue thc Lawsuit in the nane of the County, and to enter into this Agreement and compromise these Claims. 7. The County and the Bank, and each of them, will dismiss all claims asier~ed against each oth~r in the Lawsult~ with prejudice, each party to psy their own costs and a~tomey's fees relating thereto. 8. Each of the parties hereto acknowledges thl~ none of th~ parties hereto in any way admit~ by this Agreement ttmt it is liable to any other party hereto, or at all, it being acknowledged that each pa.,'ty's promises, covenants, and releases set forth herein are in consideration of this settlement and are given for the purpose of avoiding the disruption and expense of continued legal proce~lings. 9. This Agreement ehali be ~onsmied and enfOrced in aCCOrdance With the laws of thc ¢.~tc of Arizona. Any action to caforcc any provision of this Agreement shill be filed in Mariccpa County, Arizona, Superior Court, 10. This Agreement shall be binding on the parties hereto, their vaceessor~ and a~signs. 11. The parties hereto repre$--nt, certify, and acknowledge that they are awar= that they may hereafter discover facts iu addition to or different from those which they know or believe to be true with respect to the subject matter herein, but tl~ it is their intention hereby fully, finally, and forever to ~¢ttle and release any and all disputes and differences about the subject matter herein which now exist, may exist, or heretofore have existed between them. In fnrtheranee of such intention, each of the parties hereto acknowledges that the releases herein given shall be and shall remain in effect with respect to all matters contained herein notwithstanding thc discover/or existence of any additional or different fa~ts. l 1. This Agreement may be executed in one or morc counterparts, each of which together shall be deemed to be an or~g,n~l and all of which together shall be deemed to be one and the same instrument; and this Ag-cement shall he~ome effective upon its execution by al1 panics. AGREED TO: COUNTY OF MOHAVE, ARIZONA By: Title: BANK Ot; AMBRICA, N'I&SA By; Title: D~c: Approved as to form and COntent: NJ Warner Lc~ Michael G. H.-lras Attorney for B~nk of Amides, lq'I'&SA Attorney for Mob. ave Coun.ty