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MOHA VE COUNTY REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION FORM From: Christine Ballard, Director of Planning & Zoning FORMAL ACTION 0 CONSENT 0 Date: November 9, 2005 RESOLUTION 0 OTHER 0 BOS Meeting Date: November 21,2005 1NFORMA TION ONLY 0 SUMMARIZE THE ISSUE & DESIRED ACTION CLEARLY/ATTACH BACKUP MATERIAL: Adoption ofBOS Resolution No. 2005-613 - MAJOR AMENDMENT TO THE MOHAVE COUNTY GENERAL PLAN for Sections 29 and 31 and portions of Sections 19, 21, and 30 in Township 22 North, Range 14 West and Sections 21,25,27,29,31,33,35, and a portion of Section 19, Township 22 North, Range 15 West to change the land use designation from a RDA (Rural Development Area) to an UDA (Urban Development Area) with NC (Neighborhood Commercial), GC (General Commercial), LR (Low Density Residential), MR (Medium Density Residential), HR (High Density Residential), LI (Light Industrial) land uses, PF (Public Facility) and PP (public Park) land uses and amending Exhibits VIA and VI. 7 of the General Plan to match, consisting of approximately] 1.25 square miles in the Kingman Area (generally east of the Kingman Airport and north of Interstate 40), Mohave County, Arizona. (COMMISSION APPROVED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE) Recommended Motion: Approve Resolution No. 2005-613. Reviewed and Approved By: County Attorney 0 Personnel 0 Finance 0 Board Action Tak(~n: Approved as Requested 0 No Action Taken 0 Disapproved 0 Continued to o Approved with the following changes: Acknowledged receipt and referred to Filing Information and Retrieval Filed Bid Filed Agreement BOS Resolution Filed Yearly Correspondence Filed Petition Filed Dedication Filed Land Sold Filed Land Acquired Filed Franchise J.D. Resolution Filed Improvement District Filed Other Date Routed: Additional Information: XC: You are reminded that items for the agenda, along with complete backup, must be in the County Manager's Office 10 days prior to Board Meeting. ~7A Item No. .::;? /;> /:.;" RESOLUTION NO. 2005-6I3 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH A MAJOR AMENDMENT TO THE MOHA VE COUNTY GENERAL PLAN FOR SECTIONS 29 AND3l ANI> PORTIONS OF SECTIONS 19,21,AND30IN TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 14 WEST AND SECTIONS 21,25,27,29,31,33,35, AND A PORTION OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHII) 22 NORTH, RANGE 15 WEST TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATION .'ROM A RDA (RURAL DEVELOPMENT AREA) TO AN UOA (URBAN DEVELOI)MENT AREA) WITH NC (NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL), GC (GENERAL COMMERCIAL), LR (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL), MR (MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL), HR (HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL), LI (LIGHT IN D1JSTRIAL) LAND USES, PF (PUBLIC FACILITY) AND PI) (PUBLIC PARK) LAND USES AND AMENDING EXHIBITS VIA AND VI.7 OF THE GENERAL PLAN TO MATCH, CONSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 11.25 SQUARE MILES IN THE KINGMAN AREA, MOHA VE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on November 21,2005, a public hearing was conducted to determine whether approval should be granted for a major amendment to the Mohave County Plan consisting of the above-described property as requested by Rhodes Homes, Las Vegas of Nevada, and WHEREAS, the area to be amended covers some 7,200 acres of non-contiguous, private land surrounded by Arizona State Trust land and private holdings. The site lies cast ol'the Kingman Airport and north Interstate-40. Access is limited to existing right-of-way grants I'rom the Arizona State Land Trust at Section comers and various native material, unimproved roadways. The plam1ing area's terrain is comprised of alluvial fans, gently rolling hills and steep mountains sloping north by northwest toward Red Lake, and WHEREAS, Rhodes Homes requests this major General Plan amendment to allow for approval of Peacock Highlands Area Plan (see concurrent stafTrecommendation). The Mohave County General Plan currently designates the Planning Area as a Rural Development Area, and WHEREAS, a review of various FEMA FIRM Panels indicates that the Area Plan includes tributaries of the Mohave Wash, none of which are in a flood hazard lone, and WHEREAS, the following described Findings of Fact are for the above-captioned item: a. All notices have been advertised and posted according to regulations. b. The Rhodes Homes development team held a public meeting on May 25, 2005 at the Mohavc Community College. RESOLUTION NO. 2005-613 PAGE 2 c. Notification for these meetings were done via mailed invitation based on the Mohave County Tax Assessor's data records. Mailings were sent to those living in the surrounding area. d. Approximately 35 people attended the public meeting. e. The proposed land uses will be consistent with the planned and the existing, surrounding land uses and the Mohave County General Plan pending the iinding of an adequate water supply to support the project. f. The area has multiple forms of legal access. g. Significant environmental features affecting the planning area include the above named washes and groundwater reserves. WHEREAS, at the public hearing before the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission on September 21,2005, the Commission recommended APPROVAL of the Major (jencral Plan Amendment subject to the following: 1. The approval of The Peacock Highlands Area Plan and land use diagram as shown on Exhibit "A." WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in The Kingman Daily Miner, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona, November 6, :2005, and posted November 4, 2005, as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Hoard of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, November 21,2005, APPROVED this Major General Plan Amendment as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. MOHA VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS A TrEST: -------..------ Tom Sockwell, Chairman Barbara Bracken, Clerk ~""'A' i'.. '. , --. EXhibit VI 7 -. \ '- '-J.~'.", IH,," ,",,,, /. , ~ " {" !' "ft., i: ~ I~-r(j ",.. i{ (} (' CountYWide Land Us D' ' ( r' ?-- 't;'::'Jr~ T'. '., 1/. i..X ...... ....- e lagram - SUb Area 6 \ j' --""', ,y ,.." "" . . (- , 't', t)c, .<( \...c \.. ~' ........... ......-. ............. ...-- 3 .. i \' ,,, '.,_ ~'~' 2 :" : !.,. J:..:: ~ '.' ) .~ , , > ,'" ,'){, . i l, \'''' ::......i,:,,,:_ ".. I \, ...... f: '"'' . ;. '. " ". : ':.. .... "'r.:;:"~ " ............y.. . , " I '''\y '" "-v"-.. " r i:~, _ .. ~-:.: ,~",1:::, ". ". ". ""^;-"'" rJ2' ';'Xt~J:.:' i :t...~...,i i:,"' . J~~~!f:isr~ · " r._,' ". . , ", .. 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Kevin [hwidsun, PlimlhcT II Mchave County Plannll1g and 7e>ning Dcp:lrlJ11ent 1',0, Bux 7U()O Kingman. /\7 S(i402.,7000 RE: Fropo;:;ed Pea<:oek High~ands C;cncrall'bn !\mcndmem r)~~tr i\'lL l)av"IGsoll: 'Tinnk you ror sC!1iling the proposed I>e:lcuck Hig111cmds i\!'l'<l Pbn I'. ide1^. j', bUllg pn)posed cb a n:Jjt',r ,ulCndmen! to the ('t'uny's (;CI)(:'f;]1 I'Jan by Rh(xk.. Ih'1llCS, We' have mhs~\l c\ great uPPorflini'y to c\'1mprehclsin:ly pL,j' this unineorpolded arn rk,r;h"ast of Klllgm:m by 'f'rw;l iamb not twing inc!udcd in the pLlrmmg Ofthi.' pmpos,-'d Pe,wock IIighbnck In l1gh1 uf1his bel. I'd" olTer the Il)lkm illg (:<,)jnrnc~nt~ ha~cd on the <l"iUmplion lhill l:md llses on 'frust I:1nd" III tillS area \\il; be: of Sl:-'lIL,\l< type and lr!tcnsity upon their de\'eh1pmcnt: 1 The proposed pin!] nnploys ,1 diagonai grid jix ::eeess bC!\\'eCll thc pri"21c PillCC-]" included in the PUH;od Ih~;li<lil(b pn'jceL utilizing butlcrl1y-typ..: righb-d-way l(~I\ ('ve!' hum lhe prior ranching opLTalivL;, In tIlli regjj'cL (:',l\:h or tl;""c buttedly cm..Cl" will need to be c:esigncd 2S four-\vay inIcL;<.:d]uns so accc',s b pnwickd to adjacent Tmst hmds, We :lbu str.mgly Op[JCh(~ :my U':C iJi'trui'lic z'ireks, ., The L~lnd [)ep~tr1I11ull ubu respeell'ully requests addition,l] h.:';;.~SS P()i:ll~ i!'UlL Ihe kc parceL; to L, adjaCi'.Tlt Tnbl lnncl pareds, These proposed locations arc sh(;wn on the ;;luchcd dr;lf't I'e,h;;)(:k Highlands phn, 3, 1\'0 right--uf-way esists bet\\h'll priv<lte S"C!ions 21 and 29, T22\i. r~ 14 \V, J The bllllcrny rights--or\\';;;y thaI do esist Jrc Yor public road\vays only and 'Llditiol1al rightof\\':\j' for public utiliues Slid. as water and sewer will be needed. 5 Again, makil:g the as:)umption lh~!l ];])ld uses of similar type and in\('I1~il~/ \1 ill also ,)Ceur on ::djaccl1t True;t lands_ all puh\i.; utilities should he sued for future usc~.' it' the :1'"<;;,1, J)()( just fDr 1hose on private lnnib. TllanL YOU ror 111\.' oppurtunity to cemlnent and pkasc lI:kphcl;C nx: ;It {()U2, ),~:),.2C-l(; ji" >!,)U bjlT ;:ny Cjllcsh!nS n:gardi],g Ollr eornrnen1s or ;-equire further inforrnatiu}. SlnccrcJy~ Gregury V, Keller f'i'c1jl',;t \-1anagcr / iT) I.,..' - 0') i\tl,-lL'hri1cn~ \."'"'\.) ~..~.: f'.... . (JurJon Taylor, Pbnning SccttUn i\Lungcr '-./. V. Oun/::nv,l Charupron. Engincc:ring Sec1ion \Ianagcr I ,lnda Beals, F:'ights of \Vay Sect.ion Manager 'rom 1)[lral1ee;)[I, C~iIY of Kinglllan Planning and J:oning Director .(~=..:; <li~ ,:'.~;,>c:n;.t':~ Si...'h\;;.i~~ ~~pd Puf.<:z.: 1<< ,t~~ ;:Y1~ Si ]:.:c: I:;: .:::-::- 5 ( .J :r>" --:~;~~,d~l ;:!I! i J'.IX'<'.;.t '.;,. 'C'r:', ,,' , "">.. / "1.. ~~:l. ~/ .'(::: [ .'" I' J<l: .~ (:"t.~l" J~; r:~ ..' <:l..1 .' "!,.,' ;'-. h;l \\.'i!:k .:..::-j .:1:: , . , . ,":-L:'.~> i. ,;n:) ; 1." '{'<: .:;:.... ::i; !~,.1 (, I (~ \~'i::>, :\~:.ll\L"" "':':.~~:l 1'" ~~i..;n;.\. ,:\'/. .~.":.:.Hj".!' ':,'''''', !d; . .~~>.; :.;; i .!;-. i-\llglh! lS, 2(i().'\ Mr Kevin 1),11'llboll, I'iailllvr II i'vloha\c ('nullty Planning <llld /onin!, IkpiirLl11ctll 1',0 Bux 7000 Kingll1~m, :\/ X()4U2-!{HI(j RL: l'r(ll)<l~(:d l'e;l(:(H.:k l/ighL!nlb (Jcfii;:r,t! Pla!1 A!liCflLirncnt ::)\~:':H' i\-lr. I )J\"ldsnn: Thank .Yi.)li flJ[' :-;ending thL pr(1)oscd Pcaclh..'k Hi~hl(lnds 1\l'c1.1 Pbr: \\/I~i\.Jl b b(~j~lg l~:-~)p(\~cd ,:s d rn~qllr ~llllend!n"nl to the County'~, (icncral Plan by R!hlJCS ] !Ilmc;;, \\\: k!\c rllisscd a t:rc'at OpporluliilY TO i.'olllprchen';in:ly pl;,n thi, lInincorpor;llcd :l1\~d Ill1rlheast of K mglLJn \lY Tlust !:lmi, nOI :)(in~ included in thc pb:ning urthc prOI")~c'd j\:acod: lIigh1and~, 1:11igh! orthis f~lct, wc dlTcr the iil/h\\,ing l.-OIrlmcnls b;;;;cd Oll thc a~'lIrnpti()n that land USt:, 0:1 Trust lands in thi;; an;i\ will bc of SI\JIl..:\R type and :ntC'nsily upon dlelf d~vel(lprn~:lll : ; TIll: pr"j)\Jscd pian cmplc\ys a diagonal grid fur aCCl'SS hdwc:cn the priv:ltc pJrccb inchdcd i:l the PL'acock Highlands prOICl'i. utilizing butkrlly-typ.; rights-ol"\Y;JY left over fioli1 :he priol r;Jl1chil1g opcratiplh In this .-egal'll. c;JCh pi" th.-,e butterflY l:c,rmT, \\"ill lleed to b,; dl')i.I!.nl'd ;\s fO:i,-\\,IY illler,c(tio!1s su iJCCCSS IS provided to ad.iilc:ent Trust /~\nd~. \lic ,dso Sln;;1g1y ,)flflo.'c ilny lI't oitrd,'lil' cir(.tc~.. 2, TI~e J.;;nd Ikpilnmcf11 ,lion le~p(:l;tii.illy rl'q\ll'~IS aLiditlun:t! al:l'l':,(;; P~}iI11;; i'rul11 lh,.- kc parcc:Is to adpv..:nl '1 nu L:nJ p;ucds. Thc,e propused /llc:,lt:l)ll:' :~re shuI\ Ii ,.'r: !he: ai!;ichcd d:;di I'L'::c(}ck lli~~hLnd~ plan. 3, Nu rigIH-ofw:,j' e:\isb b(,tw(crJ priva1c' Sl.:c'tiCllS 21 :md 2'), T22:'-i, Rl.;'\-\", 4. Thc hutttr!1y ti,,~hts-(d~\\':JY th:lt cJo cxist are for pubiic Tl':I,iw,!ys only dm! skiiti"ul right-of-way [\'!' pilhlic litilillcS :;llch ,IS w:11er and '(('\\'cr will he ncedl'd. 5. !\l~ain. n1~lking iih.~ ;J:\~ulnptl\)n thal1~lnd lhl'S of.-.;irn:l:.ll' type';d ill!.t..~n,'~ily \\'dl i:d:.u \.!\.'(:ur un :Jd.F1('l.:!11 Trust hld;;, ;l!ll':J!<il' ull/ili..:" ShOllid he si/cd f'J!' future lises l!lth,-' ,!k'~l. 1~,)[ili:>1 !1")r tho;;..: OIlI'ri\'Citt' t~uJC~:< Th:lni.: yOl! i"or the i.1ppi.)I-tunlly h) L'~.':IlHnt.'lll ~ind pk'i:lSC tck'phUIIl' I!"h; at (()t.i~'~) )..~2-2J,..1.6 i:' yuu h:.l\'~ :nl.\' quc,;t!l)n,; regarding our L'\)Jl~ll1l'nh or reqllll'c further ir;t'unllCillon. Sln(cr~ly. (jrcgll'Y V. Keller 1)r~)j~~c1 i\:1i!11:1gCt" CK:!ll' .,...> - cry i\lL)c\'.rncni <:,,,, c: (iurdon Ta:v'Ior, Planning SecllOn Man;lg"!" V Ona/Jwa Chawprol1, Fnglilcel ing Section \'lan:I;;cr 1,\I1da Ikals, R:ghts uf' \Va)' Scdiml !vlanagcr Torn DlII<lnl'Call, eil)' of Kingman Pbtlning and Zoning DiredOJ .'.::t::'.i~.\~ ,''.~~/~ l::.'-, '...,.>!\:1\ :,;.:.:j I):;~~::l I .~;:: ; l : ~ "=::.~ .');::. November 9, 2005 Mr. Byers: As a long time resident of Kingman (about 25 years), I have enjoyed the peace and quiet that Kingman afforded. Now with the sudden growth spurt, I feel like the qualities that made Kingman a place I wanted to live are being lost. I understand that Kingman will continue to grow, but I would hope that it would grow with foresight. All development should not be decided on by the bottom line. Consideration needs to be given to retain the amenities that we now have. And expansion needs to consider how services will continue to be provided. Are there fire houses available, schools, parks, adequate roads, etc., provided in the new areas? 1. Developers need to plan enough schools and parks for families. 2. Golf courses need to use effluent waste water for watering. 3. Are alternative roads being built or will Stockton Hill Rd. continue to carry more traffic than it can handle? 4. How are these new homes going to deal with their wastes? Will they be on a sewer system so the waste can be properly treated? Another thing I don't understand is how can Rhodes developments claim they will use 1/3 or 1/2 of the renewable water in their respective aquifers when they are fully built, when the county is just entering into a 4 year study on the quality and quantity of water in the local aquifers. We should not okay these huge developments until we have an accurate description of what our water resources are. Other services that need to be expanded are nursing services at the County Health Department. As the population grows, it stands to reason that more nurses are needed. Growth brings in more health concerns, that need to be addressed. I won't be able to attend the meeting tonight. But I am against these new developments until more planning and water studies are completed. Sharon Noake 2345 Louise Ave. Kingman, Arizona 86401 ;11 F/.,/j -. . MOHA VE COUNTY REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION FORM From: Christine Ballard, Director of Planning & Zoning FORMAL ACTION 0 CONSENT 0 Date: November 9, 2005 RESOLUTION 0 OTHER 0 BOS Meeting Date: November 21, 2005 IN FORMA TION ONLY 0 SUMMARIZE THE ISSUE & DESIRED ACTION CLEARLY/ATTACH BACKUP MATERIAL: Adoption ofBOS Resolution No. 2005-614 - THE PEACOCK HIGHLANDS AREA PLAN, consisting of properties located in Sections 29 and 31 and portions of Sections 19, 21, and 30 in Township 22 North, Range 14 West and Sections 21, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, and a portion of Section 19, Township 22 North, Range 15 West for a new urban center comprised of commercial, industrial, recreational, multi-family and single-family land uses on approximately 11.25 square miles in the Kingman Area (generally east of the Kingman Airport and north ofInterstate 40), Mohave County, Arizona. (COMMISSION APPROVED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE) Recommended Motion: Approve Resolution No. 2005-614. Reviewed and Approved By: County Attorney 0 Personnel 0 Finance 0 County Ma Board Action Taken: Approved as Requested 0 No Action Taken 0 Disapproved 0 Continued to o Approved with the following changes: Acknowledged receipt and referred to Filing Information and Retrieval Filed Bid Filed Agreement BOS Resolution Fi led Yearly Correspondence Filed Petition Filed Dedication - Filed Land Sold Filed Land Acquired Filed Franchise LD. Resolution Filed Improvement District Filed Other Date Routed: Additional Information: XC: You are reminded that items for the agenda, along with complete backup, must be in the County Manager's Office 10 days prior to Board Meeting. Item No. ... .'" ~?/3 .. ,.. , RESOLUTION NO. 2005-614 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH THE PEACOCK HIGHLANDS AREA PLAN, CONSISTING OF PROPERTIES LOCATED IN SECTIONS 29 AND 31 AND PORTIONS OF SECTIONS ]9,21, AND 30 IN TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE ]4 WEST AND SECTIONS 21, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, AND A PORTION OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 15 WEST FOil A NEW URBAN CENTER COMPRISED OF COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, RECREATIONAL, MUL TI- FAMILY AND SINGLE-FAMILY LAND USESON APPROXIMATELY 11.25 SQUARE MILES IN THE KINGMAN AREA, MOHA VE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on November 21,2005, a public hearing was conducted to determine whether approval should be granted to the Peacock Highlands Area Plan consisting of the above-described property as requested by Rhodes Homes, Las Vegas of Nevada, and WHEREAS, the area to be amended covers some 7,200 acres of non-contiguous, private land surrounded by Arizona State Trust land and private holdings. The site lies east of the Kingman Airport and north Interstate-40. The planning area's terrain is comprised of alluvial fans, gently rolling hills and steep mountains sloping north toward Red Lake, and WHEREAS, the Peacock Highlands Area Plan provides elements Icx Community Development, Natural Resources, and Public Infrastructure and Facilities. The Mohave County General Plan designates the Planning Area as an Urban Development Areas with several land use subcategories, and WHEREAS, the Peacock Highlands Area Plan designates 4,450 acres for 9,965 low, 19,599 medium and 16,462 high-density residential units. In addition, commercial, industrial and office park uses will utilize 1,150 acres. Parks, open space, two man-made lakes and three golf courses will comprise 1,110 acres. Peacock Highlands will be a diverse and self-contained community, combining m:w housing and employment opportunities and allowing some residents to become ;;air commuters" to other southwest metropolitan areas, and WHEREAS, the property is presently covered under Mohave Electric Co-operative and Unisource franchises for electric service and the frontier Communications franchise for telephone service. The City of Kingman operates a municipal water and sewer system on the west adjacent sections of land within the Kingman Airport Industrial Park. There is no organized water or public sewer facilities within the planning area. The roads in the area are comprised of several unimproved, native material roadways. Access is limited to these roadways and to existing right-or-way grants from the Arizona State Land Trust between Sections, and RESOLUTION NO. 2005-614 PAGE 2 WHEREAS, a revicw of various FEMA FIRM Pancls indicates that the Area Plan contains various Hood hazard areas, including tributaries of the Mohave Wash, and WHEREAS, the following described Findings of Fact are for the above-captioned item: a. All notices have been advertised and postcd according to regulations. b. The Rhodes Homes development team held a public meeting on May 25, 2005 at the Mohave Community College. c. Notification for these meetings were done via mailed invitation based on the Mohave County Tax Assessor's data records. Mailings were sent to those living in the surrounding area. d. Approximately 35 people attended the public meeting. e. Thc proposed land uses will be consistcnt with the planned and the existing, surrounding land uses and the Mohave County General Plan pending the finding of an adequate water supply to support the project. f. The area has multiple forms of legal access. g. Significant envirorunental features affecting the planning area include the above named washes and groundwater reserves. WHEREAS, at the public hearing before the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission on September 21,2005, the Commission recommended APPROVAL for the Area Plan subject to the following: 1. The proponent will demonstrate that an adequate water supply exists for the population anticipated within Peacock Highlands upon the submittal of the first Village or Unit. If the water supply proves inadequate, the Area Plan will be scaled back to accommodate the water supply and/or the developer shall establish a comprehensive water conservation plan. 2. The Area Plan will show sufficient access to adjoining State Trust land to allow for their future development. Roadways and other infrastructure will be sized for capacity based on the build-out potential of State Trust Lands at a comparable density as that proposed in The Peacock Highlands Area Plan. 3. The Urban ;'Building" Overlay Zone will be extended to cover all properties within the Area Plan upon submission of a Master Concept Plan in accordance with Section ofthe Mohave County Land Division Regulations, as amended, or an equivalent plan. 4. Access improvements on Interstate-40 and Historic Route 66 shall be in accordance with any adopted ADOT Access Management Plan approved by the Mohave County Board of Supervisors for implementation. 5. The Mohave County 208 Water Quality Management Plan will be amended to include wastewater treatment provisions for each phase of development as necessary. RESOLUTION NO. 2005-614 PAGE 3 6. The proponent will prepare a Natural Resource Management Plan (NRMP) addressing: wildlife conservation and habitat enhancement. waste reduction and management, energy efficiency, water conservation, water quality management, and pesticide management. 7. The proponent will prepare a Master Concept Plan or equivalent in accordance with Section of the Mohave County Land Division Regulations, as amended, with the submittal of the first preliminary plat. 8. Outside agency comments will be addressed as each phase of development proceeds. 9. Development of the Area Plan shall show suf1icient progress by the next decennial update of the General Plan. Sufficient progress is the development of a single Village or Unit. Without such progress, the Area Plan will be recommended for reduction in scope or reSCISSIOn. WHEREAS, the notice or hearing was published in The Kingman Daily Miner, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona, November 6, 2005, and posted November 4, 2005, as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED, that the Board or Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, November 21, 2005, APPROVED this Area Plan as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. MOHA VE COlJNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ATTEST: Tom Sockwell, Chairman Barbara Bracken, Clerk . Exhibit VI. 7 "\:,\:~1""" .""~ iR2~~-+""~'..j~;8W i;'~'''! 'KJi '----. ' j.~- 11.J..I~i Countywide Land Use Diagram - Sub Area 6 ..f\.;. - r"l'" "",7 ^ -'-'-cr f ~r . . \., . "I W:' -I . ___1-'1'\, iT I': :~;"'~:;~;':::~/' q j, '\ ,~..".". -' ' :--------..-., 'i(. I ( , . -- ",,' \ _;___ "\:~ .:~" '"'. ,1_ . I ~". 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AZ 86402-7000 RE: PropOsed Peacock Highlands (icncral Plan :\lTlcndmcnt [)'.:ar MLC)a\'iason: Th:mk you for sending the proposed Peacock Highlands Area Plan which is being proposed as a major amendment to the County's General Plan by Rhodes 1101~1CS We have ll11sscd a great opponunity to comprehensively pbn this unincorporated arca northeast of Kingman by Trust bnds !Jot being included in the planning orlhe proposed Peacock Highlands. In light of'trns fact, we olTer the following CO!11ments based on the assumption that hmcl uses 011 Trust 1:1nd5 in thiS area wiP he of SIMILAR type and intensity upon lheir deYelopment: 1 The proposed plan e~mplo:ys a diagonal grid fc)r access be!\yccn the pri vate parcels included in the Peacock Ihghlands pmject, utilizing bLl\tcrt1y-typc rights-of-way !eft over fmm the prior ranching opl;ratio[Js. In this regard. each of thcse hutterIly corners will need to be designed as fcmr.way inlcrsections so aCLTSS is provided to adjacent Trust lands, \VC also strongly oppose any USt: uftraffle L'irc!cs. 1, The Land Department also respectfully requests ~ldditiona] a:::ecss points from the fee parcels to adjacent Trust land parcels. These proposed locations are showll un the :J.ttached draft Pe,lcock Highlands plan. 3. :0:0 right-.of-way exists between private Sections 21 and 29, T22N, R 14W. 4. The buttcrOy rights-of.way that do exist are for public roadlvays only and additional right-of-,vay for public utilities such as water and se\vcr will be needed. 5. Again, making the >.lssulllption that land L1ses of similar type and intensity Ivill also occur on adjacent Trust lands, all public Ulilitics should be sized for future uses in the area, not juS\[i)r tho;;e 011 private land5~ Thank yOU for the oppcn1unity to comment and please tckphonc rnc at (602) 542-2646 if YOLl have any qucstions reg>.lrding our comments or require fllnher infOnnatiOrI. SinceI'd)', '.. Ciregory V. Keller Project Manager (;K;:n~ - cry ;,\t~ac.hnltn~ <:">J n.. i c: ConJon Taylor, Planning Section Manager , V. 01tazawa Ch:ltupron. Engineering Section \1anugcr Linda Beals, Rights of \Vay Section Manager ....--- Tom DurancL:au. City ol'Kingman Planning and Zoning Director ..Sc.!'\";ng {\(i/c~~4.!'~ S,.:hODJ~: ~l:lJ Pub];.:: LL..:itutjtFF .sj~.:: E..' I)) S" . :..~.: ..~,.~::~;:~<1 lL':]2.<.;.~..lL~1 .v'.. ',,:cO' ;""'~ Ej J>:t -Le: ][A!)n <::]L )~: yo 'Lj,Cil" 1i ~.~.!:.1. \}.,.';i1 <:( ,<yo: ,','C'. L,:"I<) <..'(ltL1; ~:";~'1V~;::!" ; (:! h \'>.;{.:~;l. ,:\tLl!;';" ~l['....'.~:l P!iOC~ ~^. :\7. ~s:.<r? '.'.::,\"\\".1;: :~LSLY:,~J,~L'; !\Ug-lbt l~, 2005 1\-1r. Kevin [)J \'H\,,;on, Plarmcr II 0.'loha\'c- County Planning and /.oning Department 1'.0, Bo,\ 7000 Kingman_ Al 1)6402-7000 RE: P,oposc;d Pc-;J(;O!;k lIighbnds G!;nerall-'lan Amendment Lk8r Mr. j);}\idson: Thank: you rnr _,>ending the proposed Peacock Highlil!1ds Area Plan \\hlCh h b;::ing proposed b a nnjor ;Jl11cndm;::l1t to the County's GlCneral Plan by Rhodes I [omes. We have missed a great opportunity 1() cOlllprehcnsin:Jy ph,]) this ullincoIVor<.tted area northeast ofKinglllan by Trust lands not being: induded in the planning of the proposed Peacock Highlands. blight of this fact, we offer the f()llowing comments based on the assumption that land uses on Trust lands in this area will be of Sl:vllLAR type and intensity upon their dcvclopmen t: !. The prdposed pian employs a diagonal !,,'rid for access DctWl,;cn the private parcels included in the Peacock Highlands project utilizing bultcr!1y-typt riglJts-of-way Jell Over ii'om the prior ranching operations_ [n this regard, e.1ch of these butterfly comers wii] need to be designed as four-way intersections so access is provided to ,ldjaeent Trust lands_ We also strongly oppose any use oftrafJic Circles. 2_ 'l'be Lund Dep,lrtment also respectfully requests additional access pnjnts from the fee par-eds to adj.leellt Tab! land parcels. These proposedlocatiol1s ;ue shown un thc allached draft Pe:Jcock HighLncl:; phln. 3, No right-of~way exists between private Sections 21 and 29, T22N, R 14 \V. 4 The butterll)' rights-oj~WJY that do exist are for public roadv.:ays only and .:ddili()rd right-of-way for public utilities such as water and sewer will be needed_ 5_ :\gain. nuking the assumption that land llses of similar type :lI1d imensity will illso occur on aclj~1Cclll Trust lands, aD public; utilities should be sized f,x future uses in the area. not just ior those on private ~al1d~. Th:,lIJk V(lU j()J- the opportunity to cormnenl' and pkasc tclepholle 1m: at ((j():2) S.,12-2(;"1CJ it' you bet\'L' ~l!lY questions regarding our comments or require further information. Sinccrdy. Gregory V. Keller Project I'vlanager CK:Jtl) , J , _ Cry /\l~GI~hn1eni '\;'V --' i :::::) C: Gordon Taylor, Planning Section Manager'" V. Onazaw.) Chatupron, Engineering Section Manager Linda Beals, Rights or WJ)' Section M;:mager'-- Tom DllrancC<lu. (11)' of Kingman Pbnning and Zoning Director "\;:.'\l~.<; ,\~~."~~n;..'.-; :-;i..>.:\)\ ;lnd P;lhij(; tn\!.i:.Ul1~n~\ SinCL~ I~J! )'.