HomeMy WebLinkAbout99-093 ^ q RESOLUTION NO. ~'.:iL A RESOLlmON A1.J'TBORlZlNG THE POSTING OF SPEED LIMIT SIGNS ON GIRARD A VENUE soum BOM BOUNDARY CONE RO.AD TO THE SOUTH EAST CORNER OF THE JUNIOR BlGB SCHOOL PROPERTY. MOBA VE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, the Boanl of Supervisors of Mohave County lDet In rtplar selISion on July 13, 1998 ) and; (<03 .{)S-Cjq waaEAS, A.R.s. It zs,Q7. 38.(43 and 18-8!$ a\dhDl'lze llx:al authoritles to pJace aD4 maIntaln traffi.c: CQIltrOI devkes on IItI'em BDd high",ay! under their jlllisdlctJoD as deeaned neeeS!'~ry to replate, warn or guide trame; and WHEREAS, a Traftic Safety C........irtee WlIli establi5hed to remw the lI'8ITIInts and make recon>-d-tiOllS to the BaIrd of Supenisors for establisbin& traffic control devices "IIrithin Mobave County; and WHEREAS, tbe 'l'rafftc Safety C........;.toee b8S ~Md the c:Jn:u>-t-...- .....,uuotdiDg the ~ts for postin& traffic coDtnlI devkes OD I.Btalu rQads as pRIIeIlted bereiDl and WJdi"V,E4.S, the Traft\e Safety Committee bas made its recommendation for 1be postmll of traffie coutrol devices on INC!1 roads, NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the ])epu1JIleat of Public Worlrlls hereby direc:ted by the Jlollnl of Supervisor! to plac:e the foBoll'in& trafftl: coDlroI devlces as ~endHl by the Traffic: Safety Ct--it1'_. Post 1$ MPH spted Iim1t OD Girard Avewe Soutb from BoUPdary Cone Road to the Soulb East corDII' of the JUDlor RICh School property pnmded tbat die desip plan meets with approval of CouDIy ~ DepaI1IDtPt and the roadway is engineered and cODStJ'Uc:ted to perJDk 15 mile per hOla speeds. Mohave Valley Area, Moun COlIDty, AZ. (o~-o'!!, ."l"i) VISORS