HomeMy WebLinkAbout99-133 **Being re recorded to include Exhibit A - correction of the Roadway Abandonment Description. ~/~'~'~2 ,3 ,31,3 ~ 8 -'5 "1 ,] BK 3826 P~ 962 9902C, 668 B~ 32~0 PC~ OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MOHAVE COUNT'K AZ OFFICIAL RECOROS 0F ~OMAVE COUNTY JOAN ~C CALL~ NOHAVE COUNTY RECORDER  JOAN ~C C~LL~ MOHAVE COUNTY RECORDER 0~/07/1999 12:03P PACE I 0F m38/09/2001 03:29P PAGE 1 OF 3 ~0HAVE COUNTY BOARD 0F SOF'ERVISORS HOHAVE COUNTY BOARD 0F SUPERVISORS RECORDING FEE RECORDING FEE 0,m]0 '- RESOLUTIO~ NO. 99-13~ A ~SOLUTION SETTINg FORTH A~ ~ANDON~E~T OF A PORTIO~ OF FIRST ST~ET LYING EAST OF LOT 1, BLOC~ 45, C~LORIDE TOWNSITg, I~ SECTION 3, TOWNSMIP NORTH, ~NGE 18 WEST, IN T~E ~O~AVE COUNTY GENE~L A~A, ~O~AVE COUNTY, A~ZONA. WHEREAS, at the regu1~ meeting of the ~ohavc County Board of Supervisors held on April 5, 1999, a public hearing was conducted to detemninc whether approval should be granted to ab~don the above-described roadway as requested by Jo~ J. ~cDonough, Chlodde, Arizona, md W~E~AS, the s~te is located east offs Highway 93, in the western p~ of the Chloride Townsitc. Thc roadway is located no~h of Tennessee Avenue and sou~ of ~e~mac Avenue. The right-of-way ~mprovcd ~d unused, w~th thc northern access onto ~c~imac Avenue restricted by ~ e~hen berm and drainage-~ay. The su~o~ding l~d uses consist of home sites ~d wc~t p~ccls. The ab~do~ent allow thc existing house, g~age pad ~d f~nce to remain in place. The house, built c~rca 1936, inadvemendy constructed in ~irst S~eet's right-of-way. The adjacent garage pad ~d fence were also placed in the right-of-way, and WHEREAS, thc Chloride Fire Oepa~ment and the Chloride ~icipal Water Comply have reviewed the owner's petition but have not responded with objection or concu~ence to ~e roadway abandonment, ~d WHEREAS, Citizens Utilities Comply has reviewed ~he o~er's petition m~d ~s no objection to the roadway abando~ent, and ~E~AS, thc ~ohave County Pep~ment of Public ~orks does not object to the abandonment of the roadway provided that the entire ponion of the right-of-way between Te~essec Avenue and ~e~imac Avenue is ab~doncd, m~d WHE~AS, a review of FE~A FI~ Panel ~040058-1925B indicates the p~cel described to be in Zone C, not in the ~E~A Special Flood ~az~d Area, ~d WHE~AS, ~c following described Findings of Fact ~e for ~e above-captioned ~tem: a. All notices have been advem~sed and posted according to regulations. b. Thc proposed action ~d c~bct complies ~ith the ~ohave County general PI~. PAGE 2 OF 2 BK 328- PG 125 FEE~ ,f,~ a~ RESOLUTION NO. 99-133 Page 2 c. The site is adequate for the action intended. d. The site has legal access, and WHEREAS, at the public hearing before the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission on March I 0, 1999, the Commission recommended APPROVAL for the Abandonment subject to the following: 1. Lot 1, Block 45, CHLORIDE TOWNSITE and the adjoining Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad property lying west of Block 6, CHLORIDE TOWNSITE, south of Merrimac Avenue and north of Tennessee Avenue will accrue those abandoned portions of First Street as per an individual agreement between the two parties, increasing their respective acreages rather than creating separate parcels (ARS §28-7205). 2. Written concurrence from all affected utility companies must be obtained by the applicant and submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department. WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in The Standard, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona, March 17, 1999, and March 24, 1999, and posted March 19, 1999, as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, April 5, 1999, APPROVED this Abandonment as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. MOH~SUPERVISORS Jame~ Cha~~ PAGE 2 OF 3 BK 3826 PG 963 FEE~2001048510 PAGE 3 OF .3 BK 3826 F'G 964 FEE:::2001048~51U e EXHffiIT A ROADWAY ABANDONMENT DESCRIPTION A PORTION OF FIRST STREET, AS IS SHOWN ON THE CHLORIDE TOWNSITE PLAT, AS IS OF RECORD IN MORAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA, BEING THAT PORTION OF FIRST STREET LOCATED BETWEEN THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN AND SANTA FE RAILROAD RIGHT '()F- WAY ADJACENT TO BLOCK 6 AND BLOCK 45 OF SAID TOWNSITE, BEING WITIDN SECTION 3, T23N, RI8W, OF THE G&SRM, MORAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUl1IEAST CORNER OF SAID BLOCK 45 AND RUNNING THENCE NooI3' I5"E ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT '()F-W A Y LINE OF SAID FIRST STREET AND EASTERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 45, 122.28 FEET; THENCE NI5042'30"E ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT'()F-WAY LINE OF FIRST STREET AND EASTERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 45 EXTENDED, 84.52 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTH LINE OF BLOCK 6 OF SAID CHLORIDE TOWNSITE EXTENDED; e THENCE N86023' I5"E ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF BLOCK 6 EXTENDED, 31.79 FEET TO A POINT LOCATED ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT '()F-W A Y LINE OF THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN AND SANTA FE RAll.ROAD RIGHT '()F-W A Y AND THE EASTERLY RIGHT '()F- WAY LINE OF SAID FIRST STREET; THENCE S15042'30"W ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT'()F-W AY LINE OF FIRST STREET AND WESTERLY RAILROAD RIGHT'()F-WAYLINE, 90.95 FEET; THENCE sooI3'15"W ALONG SAID RIGHT'()F-WAY LINES, 112.47 FEET TO THElR INTERSECTION WfIH THE NORTHERLY RIGHT '()F-W A Y LINE OF TENNESSEE AVENUE AS IS SHOWN ON SAID TOWN SITE PLAT; THENCE S79024'OO"W ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT '()F-W A Y LINE OF TENNESSEE AVENUE AND THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF BLOCK 45 EXTENDED, 30.54 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINING 0.141 Ac. MORE OR LESS. e REV. 7/10/01 u/-Ifr .....