HomeMy WebLinkAbout99-271 .~ LIFF;[C:IflL R~.'COROS 0F Id0H0,¥E COU{,IT'F ~SOLUTION NO. 99-271 {.~:c:ol;:{:):~:{,iG I:'E({~ WHE~AS, the Board of Supe~isors of Mohave County met in Regular session on this 26~ day of July, 1999 ~d ~E~AS, ~er proceedings to that end duly had ~d t~en pursuit to ~zona r..~ Revised Statute 48-905, this Bo~d did, on June 30, 1999, set J~ly 26, 1999 for public he~ng the fo~ation of the Santa Fe R~ch Co~ty Improvement District, wherein it did fix this date and place as the time and place of hearing; ~E~AS, notice of he~ing has been given for ~e time and in ~e m~er provided in said ~icle ~d as appears from affidavits filed wi~ the Clerk oft~s Bo~d; ~E~AS, 17 persons wishing to object to ~e establis~ent of the proposed district have, before the date set for he,g, filed ~eir objections with the Clerk of~is Board, 9 persons appe~ed m ~he he~ing ~d presented oral objections thereto; ~d ~E~AS, evidence, oral and docment~, h~ been adduced to this Bo~d has duly considered the sine; NOW, THE~FO~, IT IS FO~D, DETE~INED AND O~E~D, AS FOLLOWS: 1. ~at the petition presented to ~is Bo~d as a result of which it set this hearing w~ signed by the requisite number of omers of real prope~y with in the proposed dis~ct, ~d is sufficient. 2. That the establis~ent of~e distdct Mll promote the public convenience, necessity ~d welf~e. 3. Thru all of the prope~y within the proposed dis~ict ~11 be benefited by being into such district and ~at will said proposed disffict includes all of~e prope~y that would be benefited by being so foxed. 4. That the boodles of said district ~ hereby established ~ those more pa~icularly set fo~ as: All that ~ea contained within the exterior bound~ located in the Gila and Salt ~ver Mefidi~, Mohave Count, ~zona described as follows: BEG~G at the No~hwest comer of Section 21, T16 1/2 N, R 18 W of the Gila ~d Salt ~ver Meddi~, ~d m~ing thence, East, along the No~ Line of said Section 21 ~d Section 22 to the West Line of Section 3 I, T 17 N., R 17 W; ~ence, South, along ~e West Line of said Section 31, to the Southwest comer of said Section 31, which is common to the No~h Line of Section 22, T 16 1/2 N., R 18 W; Thence, E~t along the Line common to the South bo~da~ ofT17 N ~d the No~h bound~ ofT16 1/2 N., eight miles, more or less, to the No~he~t comer of Section 23 of T 16 1/2 N., R 17 W; Thence, '2, K S3:77 I:'f~ tO00 I:'EE~9905621;~ Resolution No. 99-271 (Page 2) South, along the East Line of said Section 23, to a point common to the Southeast comer of, said Section 23 and the Northwest corner of Section 25 ofT16 1/2 No., R 17 W; Thence, East, along the North Line of said Section 25, one mile, more or less, to the Northeast comer of, said Section 25; Thence, South, along the East Line of said Section 25, one mile, more or less, to a point common to the Southeast comer of said Section 25 and the Northwest comer of SeCtion 31, T16 1/2 N., R 16 W; Thence, East, along the North Line oflast said Section 31, and of Section 32 ofT 16 1/2 N., R 16 W, two miles, more or less, to the Northeast comer o£said Section 32; Thence, South, along the East Line of last said Section 32, one mile, more or less, to a point common to the Southeast comer of last said Section 32 and the Northwest corner of Section 4, TI6 N R 16 W; Thence, East, along the Line common to the South boundary ofT 16 1/2 N., and the North boundary ofT 16 N., six miles, more or less, to the Northeast comer of Section 5, T 16 N, R 15 W; Thence, South, along the East line of'said Section 5 and the East Line of Section 8, T 16 N, R 15 W, two miles, more or less, to the Southeast comer of said Section 8; Thence, West, along the South Line of said Section 8 and the South Line of Section 7, T 16 N, R 15 W, two miles, more or less, to a point common to the Southwest comer of said Section 7 and the Northeast comer of Section 13, T 16 N, R I6 W; Thence, South, along the Line common to the' East boundary of R 15 W and the West boundary of R 14 W, three miles, more or less, to the ' Northwest comer of Section 31, T 16 N, R 15 W; Thence, East, along the North Line of last said Section 31, one half mile, more or less, to the North One-quarter Section comer of said Section 31; Thence, South, along the East boundary of the West half of last said Section 31, one mile, more or less, to the South One-quarter Section comer of said Section 31; Thence West, along the South boundary of the West half of last said Section 31, one half, mile, more or less, to the Northwest comer of Section 6, T 15 N, R 15 W; Thence, South, along the West Line of said Section 6, one mile, more or less to the Southwest comer of said Section 6; Thence, East, along a line common to the South Line of said Section 6 and the North Line of Sections 8 and 9 ofT 15 N, R 15 W, three miles, more or less, to the Northeast comer of last said Section 9; Thence, South, along the East Line of said Section 9, one mile, more or less, to a point common to the Southeast comer of last said Section 9 and the Northwest comer of Section 15, T 15 N, R 15 W; Thence, East, along the North Line of said Section 15, one mile, more or less, to the Northeast comer of said Section 15; Thence, South, along the East Line oflast said Section 15 and the East Lines of Sections 22 and 27 of T 15 N, R 15 W, three miles, more or less, to the Southeast comer of last said Section 27; Thence, West, along the South Line of last said Section 27, one mile, more or less, to a point common to the Southwest comer of last said Section 27 and the Northeast comer of`Section 33, T 15 N, R 15 W; Thence, South, along the East Line of said Section 33, one mile, more or less, to the Southeast comer of last said section 33; Thence, West, along the Line common to the South boundary of T 15 N, and the North boundary of T 14 N, 15 miles, more or less, to the Southwest comer of Section 31, T 15 N, R 17 W; Thence, North, along the Line common to the West boundary of said R 17 W, and the East boundary orR 18 W, seven miles, more or less, to a point common to the Northwest comer of Section 31, T 16 N, R 17 W; and the Southeast comer of Section 25, T 16 N, R 18 W; Thence, West, along the South Line of last said Section 25, one mile, more or less, to the Southwest comer of said Section 25; Thence, BK ~77 PG :tO01 FEE~?90562~7 Resolution No. 99-271 (Page 3) No~h, along the West Line of the last said Section 25, one mile, more or less, to a point common to the No~hwest comer of last said Section 25 and the Southeast comer of Section 23, T 16 N, R 18 W; Thence, West, along the South Line of l~t said Section 23, one mile, mom or less, to the Southwest corner of last said Section 23; Thence, No~h, along the West Line of last said Section 23, one mile, more or less, to a point common to the Northwest corner of last said Sectiofi 23 ~d the Southeast comer of Section 15, T 16 N, R 18 W; Thence, West, along the South Line of last said Section 15 and &e South Line of Section 16, T 16 N, R 18 W, ~o miles, more or less, to the Southwest corner of said Section 16; Thence, No~h, along West Lines of Sections 16, 9 and 4 ofT 16 N, R 18 W, and the West Lines of Sections 33, 28 ~d 21 ofT 16 1/2 N, R 18 W, six miles, more or less, to the PO~T OF BEGI~G. 5. That said te~ito~ is hereby decl~ed foxed into a Co~ty Improvement District under the co,orate name of S~ta Fe R~ch County Improvement District for ~e pu~ose of m~ing street, bridge, water, sewer, drainage, ~d other local improvemems, all of said work to be financed by special assessments levied against the lots within the District ~d ~e iss~ce of assessment bonds as may - now or hereafter be ordered p~su~t to the Co~ty Improvement Disffict Laws. , 6. Said district shall herea~er be body co¢orate with the powers ora municipal co~oration for the pu~oses of c~ing out the provisions of~is ~icle. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Mohave County Bored of Supe~isors on ~is 26th day of July, 1999. MOHAVE CO~RS