HomeMy WebLinkAbout99-299 RESOLUTION NO. 99-299 WHEREAS, on July 26, 1999, the Mohave County Supervisors acknowledged receipt and accepted a request by the Public Works Department that the granting of easements by ce~ain Records of Survey and other separate instruments be accepted by the County to provide legal access to the Last Lap Subdivision; and WHEREAS, a public meeting was held on July 26, 1999, in the Mohave County Board of Supervisor's Chambers at which time the request to accept was discussed and considered by the Board; and WHEREAS, these easements are necessary to provide legal access to the Last Lap Subdivision; and WHEREAS, after a review of the request, the Board of Supervisors has determined that it is in the public interest to formally accept the offered easements. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors as of this date does accept the grant of easements offered as described on the attached "DESCRIPTION FOR THE LEGAL ACCESS TO THE LAST LAP SUBDIVISION" to be held in trust for the public for the purposes stated; however, this acceptance is not for maintenance or as a county highway, and not a representation or commitment by the County that it will at any particular date or time construct, establish or maintain any improvement, including any roadway or other improvement. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of Augusc ,1999. MOHAVE~Y~RS ~ ~aame~sky'~n DESCRIPTION FOR THE LEGAL ACCESS ROAD TO THE LAST LAP SUBDIVISION LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR BONANZA ROAD The East 30.00 feet of Parcel 69 lying South of Alamo Road and the West 30.00 feet of Parcel 70 lying South of Alamo Road, The East 30.00 feet of Parcel 73 and the East 30.00 feet of Parcel 77, the West 30.00 feet of Parcel 74 and the West 30.00 feet of Parcel 78 of Stagecoach Trails at Santa Fe Ranch as shown on a Record of Survey recorded in Book 15, Records of Survey, Pages 25 thru 25E, situate in Section 27, Township 15 North, Range 15 West of the Gila and Salt River Meridian, Mohave County, Arizona. LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR MESQUITE DRIVE The SOuth 42.00 feet of Parcel 77 of Stagecoach Trails at Santa Fe Ranch as shown on a Record of SUrvey recorded in Book i5~ Records of survey, Pages'25 thru 25E, Situate in Section 27, Township 1'5 North,-Range 15 West of the Gila end Salt River Meridian, Mohave County, Arizona. The Sout.h 42.00 feet of Sections 28, and 30, the North 42.00 feet of Section 32 of Township 15 North, Range 15 West, the South 42.00 feet of Section 26, the North 42.00 feet of Sections 32, 34 and 36 of Township 15 North, Range' 16 West, the South 42.00 feet of Section 28, and the North 42.00 feet of Sections 32, 34 and 36 of Township 15 North, Range 17 West of the Gila and Salt River Meridian, Mohave County, Arizona being within Stagecoach Trails at Santa Fe Ranch, Unit 15 as shown on a record of survey recorded in Book 17, Records of Survey, Pages 95 thru 95M. The:South 42.00 feet of Section 29,-'and the North 42.00 feet of Section's 31 .and 33 of Township 15 North, Range 15 West, the South 42.00 feet of Sections 25 and 27 and the North 42.00 feet of Section 35 of Township 15 North, Range 16 West of the Gila and Salt River Meridian, Mohave County, Arizona being within Stagecoach Trails at Santa Fe Ranch, Unit 3 as shown on a record of survey recorded in Book 15, Records of Survey, Pages 53 thru 53H. The South 42.00 feet of Section 29 and the North 42.00 feet of Section 33 of Township 15 North, Range 17 West of the Gila and Salt River Meridian, Mohave County, Arizona being within Stagecoach Trails at Santa Fe Ranch, Unit 6 as shown on a record of survey recorded in Book 16, Records of Survey, Pages 25 thru 25I. P1/3 DESCRIPTION TO LAST LAP PAGE TWO OF THREE The South 42.00 feet of Section 28 of Township 15 North, Range 16 West and the South 42.00 feet of Section 26 of Township 15 North, Range 17 West of the Gila and Salt River Meridian, Mohave County, Arizona being with'in Stagecoach Trails at Santa Fe Ranch, Unit 16 as shown on a record of survey recorded in Book 18, Records of Survey, Pages 27 thru 27-0. The South 42.00 feet of Section 29, T.15 N., R.16 W as platted and recorded in Records of Survey, BOOk 15, Page 33, the North 42.00 feet of Section 31, T.15 N., R.16 W. as platted and recorded in Records of Survey, Book 15, Page 34 and the North 42.00 feet of Section 33, T.15 N., R.16 W. as platted and recorded in Records of Survey, Book 15, Page 35,:.all being within the'Gila and Salt River Meridian, Mohave County, Arizona. The East half of the South 42.00 feet of Section 25, .Township 15 North, Range 17 West of the Gila and Salt River Meridian, Mohave County, Arizona as recorded in Book.3269, OfficSal. Records, ,Page The North 42.00 feet of Section 35; Township 15 North, Range 17 West of the Gila and Salt River Meridian, Mohave County, Arizona as recorded in Book 3266, Official Records, Page 366. The South 42.00 feet of Section 27, Township 15 North, Range 17 West of the Gila and Salt River Meridian, Mohave County, Arizona as recorded in Book 3266, Official Records, Page 365. LEGAL DESCRIPTZON FOR COCH[SE ROAD The west 42.00 feet of. Section 32,'~ownshiP 15 North',' Range :17 West'of the Gila and Salt River Meridian, Mohave COunty, Arizona, being within Stagecoach Trails at Santa Fe Ranch Unit 15 as shown on a record of survey recorded in Book 17, Records of Survey, Pages 95 thru 95M. The East 42.00 feet of Section 31, Township 15 North, Range 17 West of the Gila and Salt River Meridian, Mohave County, Arizona as shown on a record of survey recorded in Book 15, Records of Survey, Page 87. DEscRIpTTON TO LAST LAP PAGE THREE OF THREE · ' ' LEGAL DESCRZPT[ON FOR CHARLOTTE DRZVE The South 35.00 feet of Parcel 31-A and the North 35.00 feet of Parce]s 31-B and 31-C as shown on a record of survey recorded in Book 15, Records of Survey~ Page 87, s~tuate in Sect. ion 31, Township 15 North, Range 17 West of the Gi]a and Sa]t R~ver Meridian, Mohave County, Arizona. LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR MARANELLO ROAD The West 35.00 feet of Parcel .31-C as shown On a record of survey. ?eco'rded in Book :15~ Records of Survey; Page 87, situate in. Section 31,~Towns'hip 15 North, Range '17 west 'of the Gila and Sait River Meri ' , Mohave County., Arizona. dian LAST.DOC