HomeMy WebLinkAbout99-414 '~NDEXED' ~!~D'IRt~ OFFICIAL RECORDS OF ~flH~VE COUfITY JOAN fi(: C~LI,.~ ~OH~VE CC!UNTY ?./02/~799 03:54P PA6E I O~: 2 ~SOLUTION NO. 99-414 !~k~AVE {'OU~4TY BOARD 0F SUPERVISORS R. ECOROINg FEE A ~SOLUTION SETT~G FORTH ~ ~NDMENT TO BOS ~SOLUTION NO. 99- 368 SETT~G FORTH A S~D~SION F~ PLAT FOR S~ ~LLAGE, ~CT 3~00-C, BEING A S~DI~SION OF A PORTION OF THE S~ OF SECTION ~1, TO~S~ ~E~AS, at the regul~ meeting o~the Mohave Cowry Bo~d of Supe~isors held on~~ October 18~ 1999, ~e Bo~d of Supe~isors consider ~vhether ~ ~endment to Bos Resolution No. 99-368, se~ing fo~ a subdivision Final Plat, should be approved for ~e above-desc~bed subdivision, ~d ~E~AS, the l~age to be added has been bolded ~d ~e l~guage to be deleted has been s~rac]:~ ~d W~AS~theprope~yislocated~edimelyno~ofL~eHavasuCiW. ~e prope~y is accessed directly ~a State Highway 95, ~d west ~ong ~d south ofL~e D~ve, ~d W~AS, the revised Prelim~n~ PI~ depicts 56 acres subdivided imo 160 single- family residemial lots ~d sever~ p~cels. ~e residential lots r~ge in s~ze from 7,500 to 13~230 squ~e feet. A condidon~ly co~ercial p~ce[ that had been included in Tract 3700 was administratively removed ~om ~e ~act in 1996 to process sep~ately, at the request of~e developer. The subdNision is bebg pla~ed ~ four phases, ~d ~AS, the Prelimi~ PI~ for S~l~e Village, Tract 3700, was conditionally approved by ~e Bo~d of Supe~isors on J~u~ 3~ 1994~ per POS Resolution No. 94-3. A reused Prelimin~ PI~ w~ conditionally approved by ~e Bo~d on Feb~ 6, 1995, per BOS Resolution No. 95-30, ~d was given a new ~o-ye~ pe~od of approval, ~d ~E~AS~ the Final Plat for Tract 3700-A was recorded on November 8~ 1995. The Final Plat for Tract 3700-B was recorded on Feb~ 23, 1998. Improvemems have been completed for ~e fi~st ~o phases oft~s subdivision ~d ~1 ~s~ces rele~ed per Resolution Nos. 97-2 ~d 98-396, for phases A ~d B respectively, ~d ~E~AS, ~e developer has proposed ~e use of a ~st agreemem as ~ ~s~ce to Mohave County ~at ~1 req~red imp~ovemems ~d, in ad~tion, all proposed improvemems for ~s subdi~sion will be const~cted. ~e Co~ A~omey's Office has iMicated no objection to the fo~ of~e ~ust agreemem being ~ed as the ass~ce. The Co~W Engineer h~ approved ~e project engineeCs cost estimate for the subdivision ~provemems, in ~e ~o~t of $ 346,877.30 (T~ee H~ed Fo~y-six Tholed, Eight H~ed Seven~-seven Doll,s, ~d T~ Ceres), ~d WHE~AS, ~e adve~ising req~remems have been met ~oughout ~is subdivision process as required by ~zona ReUsed S~mtes ~d ~e Mohave Cowry Zo~ng Regulations. ~e notice of he~bg was published in TM St~d~d, a newspaper of general c~culation b RESOLUTION NO. 99-368 Page 2 ~, Mohave Co~, ~zong September 15, 1999, ~d posted o~:September 17, 1999, required by ~zona Revised Statutes ~d the Mohave Co~ Zoning Regulations. NOW THE~FO~ BE IT ~SOL~D, that the Bo~d of Supe~isors, at their regul~ meeting on Monday, October 4, 1999, APPROVED the Final Plat for S~e Village, Tract 3700-C, subject to the following conditions: 1. A c~em tide repo~ (dated witch 30 days of recordation) must be ~shed to the Pl~g ~d Zo~ng Dep~ent p~or to plat recordation. 2. The developer will m~e the s~e co~ents for improvements in prospectus to ~e State Real Estate Co~ission ~ required for approval of this tract by the Bo~d, ~d a final copy of~e State Re~ Estate Repo~ sh~l be submiRed to ~e Pl~ng ~d Zoning Dep~ent. 3. The ~zona Dep~ment of Enviro~ental Qu~ity Approv~ of S~it~ Facilities for Tract 3700-C must be submiRed to ~e Plying Director prior to ~e recordation of this Final Plat. 4. Lots wi~n the recorded F~ Plat of t~s development ~i1 not be ~er divide& 5 E dcopi sofco ith tili~p id . xecute e ntracts w u rov ers ~n~ ..... v ....................... ~ ........ v ............... : --v .......... to shall be provided to the Pl~ing Director prior to ~e recordation of this Final Plat. A lack of such documentation will require a rccons~dcrat[on o~v ........................ revision of the approved cost estimates and assurance documents, as the Co~ty Engineer-approved cost estimate referenced in this resolution does not include doll~ ~ounts for ~e utili~ improvements for this subdivision. NOW THE~FO~ BE IT FURT~R ~SOL~D, ~at a co~ect copy of all docmems delineated above shall be submi~d to Pl~g ~d Zo~ng for disffibution ~d review. Upon receipt of evidence ~m ~es~ ~onditions have been met, together with executed myl~s ~d ap~opfiate recordin¢ fqes, ~e Dkector of Plying ~d Zoning Mll obtain m~,~N~mn~ ~m t~m ~de~ments ~d om i s Pl t fo= ~¢*