HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/07/2004 Item 115 . ~ . .' l\10HA VE COUNTY REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION FORM From: Christine Ballard, Director ofPlmming FORMAL ACTION 0 CONSENT 0 Date: YIay 26, 2004 RESOLUTION 0 OTHER 0 BOS Meeting Date: June 7, 2004 fNFORMA TION ONLY 0 SHMMAIUZE THE ISSUE & DESIRED ACTIO~ CLEARLY/ATTACH BACKUP MATERIAL: Adoption ofBOS Resolution No. 2004-204 - Request to grant an extension, to detennine complii.illce with the schedule for development, or cause the property to revert to its fonner zoning classification as specified in BOS RESOLUTION NOS. 2001-271 and 2003-71 which approved the Rezone and the Extension of Time for a Rezone 011 Lots 35, 36 and 75, LAKE MORA VE RANCHOS, Unit 6, First Amended, in Section 25, Township 26 North, Range 19 West, in the Dolan Springs portion of the M ohave County General A rea (west 0 fP ierce Ferry Road, between Fourteenth Street and Fifteenth Street), Mohave County, Arizona. (COMl\lISSION APPROVED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE) Recommended Motion: Approve BaS Resolution 2004-204, as recommended by staff. -t Reviewed and Approved By: County Attomey 0 Persoillle] 0 Finance 0 County Manager Board Action Taken: Approved as Requested 0 No Action Taken 0 Disapproved 0 Continued to o Approved with the following changes: AckTIowledged receipt and refelTcd to Filing Information and Retrieval Filed Bid Filed Agreement BOS Resolution filed Yearly Conespondence _____ Filed Petition -- Filed Dedication Filed Land Sold Filed Land Acquired ______ Filed Franchise J.D. Resolution Filed Improvement District Filed Other Date Routed: Additional Tn formation: XC: Yau arc reminded that items for the agenda, along with complete backup, mLlst be in the County Manager's Office 10 days prior to Board Meeting. Item No. \ \ ~ . . RESOLUTION NO. 2004-204 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH EITHER EITHER TO GRANT AN EXTENSION, TO DETERMINE COMPLIANCE WITH THE SCHEDULE FOR DEVELOPMENT, OR CAUSE THE PROPERTY TO REVERT TO ITS FORMER ZONING CLASSIFICATION AS SPECIFIED IN BOS RESOLUTION NOS. 2001-27J AND 2003-71 \VHICH APPROVED THE REZONE AND THE EXTENSIONS OF TIME FOR A REZONE ON LOTS 35, 36 AND 75, LAKE MOHA VE RANCHOS, UNIT 6, FIRST AMENDED. IN SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH, RANGE 19 WEST, IN THE DOLAN SPRINGS PORTION OF THE MOHA VE COUNTY GENERAL AREA, MOHA VE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on June 7, 2004, a public hearing was conducted to determine whether approval should be granted [or an extension, to deternline compliance with the schedule for development, or cause the property to revert to its former zoning classification for the above-described property as requested by Mohave County Platming and Zoning Department. The property owners of record are Shirley Stafford of Dolan Springs, Arizona and Richard and Patricia Fisk of Fallon, Nevada, atld WHEREAS, this property is located northeast of U.S. Highway 93 and west of Pierce Ferry Road. The site is accessed .li01n U.S. High\vay 93 via northeast of Pierce Ferry Road through the Community of Dolan Springs to the property, located on the west side of Pierce Ferry Road approximately 400 feet south of Fifteenth Street. Lots 35 and 36 are vacant and Lot 75 has a single- family residence on it. The terrain is gently rolling hills, generally sloping to the southwest. There are no significant drainage patterns, and WHEREAS, this property was conditionally approved for a Rezone to C-2H (General Commercial Highway Frontage) zone by the Mohave County Board of Supervisors on August 6, 2001, via BOS Resolution No. 2001-271. The Extension of Time was denied on March 3, 2003, with BOS Resolution No. 2003-71. A letter was sent informing the property owner that it would be scheduled for granting an extension, to determine compliance with the schedule for development, or cause the property to revert to its fonner zoning. The Mohave County General Plan designates this area as a Rural Development Area and Dolan Springs Area is considered an Outlying Community atld the Dolan Springs Area Plan designates this area as a Rural Development Area, and WHEREAS, the following described Findings of Fact are for the above-captioned item: a. All notices have been advertised and posted according to regulations. b. The proposed action and effect comply with the Mohave County General Plan. c. The site has legal access. d. There arc no significant environmental features affecting the site. ~ t RESOLUTION NO. 2004-204 Page 2 WHEREAS, at the public hearing before the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission on May 12,2004, the Commission recommended that BOS Resolution Nos. 2001-271 and 2003-71 be RESCINDED and that the zoning revert to A-R (Agricultural-Residential) based upon the following: 1. The applicant has not completed any of the conditions ofBOS Resolution Nos. 2001-271 and 2003~ 71. WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in The Standard, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona, on May 19, 2004, and was posted on May 21, 2004, as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. NO'''' THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, June 7, 2004, RESCINDED BOS Resolution Nos. 2001-271 and 2003~71 and REVERTED the zoning to A-R (Agricultural-Residential), as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. MOHA VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ATTEST Pete Byers, Chairman Barbara Bracken, Clerk MOHA VE CQJJNTY PL~NNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 7000 . Kingman, Arizona 864027000 3675 E. Highway 66, Suite A . (928) 757-0903 . FAX (928) 757-3577 1222 East Hancock Road. Bullhead City, Arizona 86442 . (928) 758-0707 . FAX (928) 758-0721 CHRlSTINE BALU\RD DIRECTOR April 5, 2003 Shirley Stafford Donald & Cindy Kinney David Keeney P. O. Box 1683 Dolan Springs AZ 86441 RE: BOS Resolution Nos. 2001-271 and 2003-71 which approved the Rezone and Extension of time on Lots 35,36 and 75, LAKE MORAVE RANCHOS, Unit 6, First Amended, in Section 25, Township 26 North, Range 19 West, from A-R (Agricultural-Residential) zone to C-2H (General Commercial Highway Frontage) zone in the in the Dolan Springs portion of the Mohave County General Area, Mohave County, Arizona. Dear property owners: This property was conditionally approved for a Rezone to C-2H (General Commercial Highway Frontage) zone by the Mohave County Board of Supervisors on August 6, 2001, via BOS Resol ution No. 2001-271. The Extension of Time was Denied By BOS Resolution No. 2003-71 on. March 3, 2003. None of the Conditions of Approval have been completed. The requested zoning has never been approved, the zoning for the property remains A-R (Agricultural-Residential) zone. These resolutions will have to be rescinded as none ofthe conditions of approval have been accomplished. The rescission ofBOS Resolution Nos. 2001-271 and 2003-71 will be scheduled for the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on May 12 2004, at 5:00 PM. If you should have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at (928) 757-0903 or e-mail me. ~ /~- Sam Eshak Planner II e-mail: sam.eshak:@.co.mohave.az.us Enclosure: BOS Resolution Nos. 2001-271, and 2003-71. Certified #: 70023150000409488876 Mf)HA VE COUNT;Y PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT po. Box 7000 . Kingman, Arizona 864017000 3675 E. Highway 66. Suite A . (928) 757-0903 . FAX (928) 757-3577 1222 East Hancock Road . Bullhead City, Arizona 86442 . (928) 758-0707 . FAX (928) 758-0721 CHRlSTf"\E BALLARD DlRECTOR April 5, 2003 Richard E. & Patricia Fisk 3995 Alcorn Rd. Fallon NV 89406 RE: BOS Resolution Nos. 2001-271 and 2003-71 which approved the Rezone and Extension of time on Lots 35, 36 and 75, LAKE MOHA VE RANCHOS, Unit 6, First Amended, in Section 25, Township 26 North, Range 19 West, from A-R (Agricultural-Residential) zone to C-2H (General Commercial Highway Frontage) zone in the in the Dolan Springs portion of the Mohave County General Area, Mohave County, Arizona. Dear property owners: This property was conditionally approved for a Rezone to C-2H (General Commercial Highway Frontage) zone by the Mohave County Board of Supervisors on August 6, 2001, via BOS Resolution No. 2001-271. The Extension of Time was Denied By BOS Resolution No. 2003-71 on. March 3, 2003. None of the Conditions of Approval have been completed. The requested zoning has never been approved, the zoning for the property remains A-R (Agricultural-Residential) zone. These resolutions will have to be rescinded as none ofthe conditions of approval have been accomplished. The rescission ofBOS Resolution Nos. 2001-271 and 2003-71 will be scheduled for the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on May 12 2004, at 5:00 PM. If you should have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at (928) 757-0903 or e-mail me. ~ Sjnc~ (~ Sam Eshak Planner II e-mail: sam.eshak0ko.mohave.az.us Enclosure: BOS Resolution Nos. 2001-271, and 2003-71. Certified #: 7002 3 I 50 0004 0948 8876 ~ -_.;. ,- ,,-- .:. I' - -. --I; fP'- , '':.~ . , . . . - .' -.- - . -, y.-.., -::. ~' , ~ ;f1 , ';;;;. ,~~ ~ . - ~ "-:";;'';-e-~ - V. _" _. ....:r l .j. 'I:) .....,. ~ T , ( -:- _ -- ..... I' I I' >~ G~A"'D y!7lt ~ '0" ".n 31 0 1 : \ K~'J NATIONA~~ I ~t?~ . - i 1 .'-- ) 1 }..30 " , RECREATION 1- I I ,..-" N ,_n,) "a 1 ( ...,.. AREAf-' rl!. j ~ ,.' NATIONAL' 1'11... \-.-- ~ ')......... "'l .~ 1 / I -t-" i J r--""" ". . ".f '1L.. 14 ~l T \ ~ '"' / . j""l...... ~ 29 ,.. \.. ~" \ /'- L K. ~ ," 1\ . 1 PARK. """I,.~'. 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': '-""''''', "'..:' - , I , ~ . " . ;.. . ~ 1.116 JIT 11.118 j19.'11 J20J2I, ::.1;1' :12) )1:J24 .".12$ II J28 $2,"1.128 ..1ZJ1 Ii JJO .1$1 lI.1.1i $.1$ 1 J'U '~J'$.-:,.: '. ,.,''''-''':' .~.,':'.-,.J~'>';'.';~~;-.;i C:5: . ~JU.1;4.l.1$J' 'Ju'~.1;/:"j~o':~.1~; '.140)"3<1-1 3ql.;i.3'~5 ,14-<+ :345 .142 :~41 .140IJ.19 .1.18 .1JT..1Ji:'.;;~:' ",.'" :' ..~:...:',',:'...-,.-.',; I . . oS ,,-5'1'1'-' FIFTEENTH STREET 24 /c? ~.:1 .;S4' .; ..1- r ,~,~.,.- 1~@---- -~--..--..-: 0.------~-.-'..--.f ~.----~ a:J.~@~ ~_...- -.,.~;..~~;: 30 N E1ft of Section 25 ~. ~i'. '. I~. 's"#;f';#.f:~ (~'/.~~. . ~~SIDj~1 ' L0~3.P ~ ..-;S..,~: T 26 N R 19 W l~~ ~I , , '-, , ' , , . , :~ .,0 . : 0::: .:~ LAKE MOHAVE 6~ "w : RANCHOS, Unit 6, , '() f.?/, :,,~ First Amended OJ > 1'5 :' ~ " .J 'w :0:: 'J .::5 N . , ': 1 :] /,'7 >, ,~- . , I j """ ~ '.' I~ I , I \Jd I I I I\l I . " 1 , I I '" .,:, ~ ~J'A 'JJ' .' t '/- I t I " '_..It' .:t:.(;'3.6 'T ~. ,i. .. I h ~~ .,.. /Iell ~, . ..~ "!.. ~ "'.,. " . ------. - - ," -- ----.-~ ;.---.---.- --.-~-~-~; :.F~U~:E~;~T R/~TR~~T ~~-c~ .;;~'~.. ~.~.. ~;-;-~-;~;-- .--' / SHOWN BY OOTTEO LINES IS RESERveo FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS TO ALL Lors. /):: C::) , ~, ! INDEXED M1CROFiLMED ~ 200:l 04-7992 E'.K 3824 PG 998 OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MOHAVE COUNTY JOAN Me CALL, MOHAVE COUNTY RECORDER 08/07/2001 03:37P PAGE 1 OF 2 . MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECORDING FEE 0.00 RESOLUTION NO. 2001-271 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH A REZONE OF LOTS 35, 36 AND 75, LAKE MOHAVE RANCHOS, UNIT 6, FIRST At'1ENDED, IN SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH, RANGE 19 WEST, FROM A-R (AGRlCDL TURAL-RESIDENTIAL) ZONE TO C-2H (GENERAL COl\IlVIERCIAL HIGHWAY FRONTAGE) ZONE, IN THE DOLAN SPRINGS PORTION OF . THE MORAVE COUNTY GENERAL AREA, MOHA VE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on August 6, 2001, a public hearing was conducted to detennine whether approval should be granted to Rezone the above~described property as requested by Louis F. Desmarais, representing the property owners, Donald J. and Cindy Kinney, David R. Keeney and Shirley Stafford of Dolan Springs, Arizona, and WHEREAS, this property is located northeast of US Highway 93 and west of Pierce Ferry Road, northeast of the Conununity of Dolan Springs. The site is accessed from US Highway 93 via northeast on Pierce Ferry Road through the Community of Dolan Springs to the property, located on the west side of Pierce Ferry Road approximately 400 feet south of Fifteenth Street. Lots 35 and 36 are vacant and Lot 75 has a single-family residence on it. The terrain is gently rolling hills, generally sloping to the southwest. The surrounding land uses consist of single-family residences, a school and vacant lots. There are no significant drainage patterns, and WHEREAS, the applicant requests this zone change to C-2H (General Commercial Highway Frontage) zone to allow for a recreational vehicle park and convenience store. The Mohave County General Plan designates this area as a Rural Development Area and the Dolan Springs Area is considered an Outlying Community, and WHEREAS, a review ofFEMA FIRM Panel #040058-1800C indicates the parcel described to be in Zone C, not in the.special Flood Hazard Area, and WHEREAS, the following described Findings of Fact are for the above-captioned item: a. All notices have been advertised and posted according to regulations. b. The proposed action and effect comply with the Mohave County General Plan. c. The site is adequate for the action intended and the use is consistent with the surrounding land uses and terrain. d. The neighboring area contains other land uses similar to the above-proposed action. e. The site has legal access. f There are no significant environmental features affecting the site. \VHEREAS, at the public hearing before the Mohave County Plan:nmg and Zoriing Commission on July 11,2001, the Commission recommended APPROVAL for a Rezone subject to the following: F'AGE 2 OF 2 . . ( i E,K 3824 PG 999 FEEnOO1047992 RESOLUTION NO. 2001-271 Page 2 1. This property will be rezoned C-2H (General Commercial Highway Frontage). 2. The Recreational Vehicle Park requires that a park plan be prepared in accordance with Section 27.J (Recreational Vehicle Park Plan Requirements). The Recreational Vehicle Park plan must be completed and approved prior to approval of permits and before establishing the use. 3. The applicant shall comply with all the applicable provisions of the Mohave County Zoning Ordinance. A site plan prepared in accordance with Section 27.P (Site Plan Requirements) must be completed and approved prior to approval of permits and before establishing the use. In addition, the applicant will provide a view-obscuring fence as required by Section 27.H of the Mohave County Zoning Ordinance prior to establishing the use. 4. The appropriate zoning, building, environmental, and floodplain permits will be obtained prior to construction. The commercial buildings must be constructed by a Licensed Contractor and must be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code (UBe). The existing structures on this property will have to be brought up to UBe standards. 5. The Rezone shall not become effective until at least 30 days after final approval of the change in classification by the Board of Supervisors, as per ARS 11-829E. 6. If these conditions are not met within one year of this approval and if at the expiration of this period the property has not been improved to meet the use for which it was conditionally approved, the Board of Supervisors (after notification by registered mail to the owner and the applicant who requested the. rezoning) shall schedule a public hearing to grant an extension, determine compliance with the schedule for development, or cause the property to revert to its former zoning classification. This action is in accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes Annotated, Title 11, Chapter 6, 11-832. 'VHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in The Standard, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, Mohave County, .Arizona, on July 18, 2001, and posted on July 20, 2001, as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. lC.. l?-.-1 I STREET .~n'__J' - NE% of Section '25 . ~~ T 26 N7 R 19W " , -~.~. : ,.. , ':'~""""~5 ' I'" ....... .:: .~ l~ ~: (I.~,.:-p I- , , , , ,~ -- l ' .4-..1 ..\ +6 ; : LAKE MOHAVE w 'RANCHOS, Unit 6 "0 . ::'~. First Amended ~ ~ . .t5 ~ ITE.M. ~ ~ 3 , .\ ~ ~e"Zo~ .[ ~ tza>o. ~,~Zl ( : .!. ~ ,:.~: dEn , · r 1'1 . I' -_ ~ , I) , .' ' ) j 'V. j l I I I\.t I f2. 7 ": I I @>: ,1 ) Z7 : ~~ ' . ~ ~ /1-f- :: 4-05 /Jy "'~.!iIJ.I' ; ;::: &.'h, ..:t ;:'.=1_-''' ,,: (,.. .~ .. ., ". '1/~I!J.,' : .. "!..:t ,:.-. " "o, --" . .' . ~ . - __n_ -. -. .. -- --- -- -~ ,-- --. -.. -- -- --~.~-~~ :'F~U~~E~N;~ r R/~fR~:T;~'C ~ - ;;~;_. ~.~- ~.~-;-~.;~; ., ,-- . / . '"., . SHOWN BY oarnera l./NES IS R~SERVtro FOR ,- <' ~- ~. " RESOLUTION NO. 2003-71 z:: .- A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR A REZONE OF LOTS 35, 36 AND 75, LAKE MOHA VE RANCHOS, UNIT 6, FIRST A..1\1ENDED, IN SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH, RANGE 19 'VEST, FROM A-R (AGRICULTURAL-RESIDENTIAL) ZONE TO C-2H (GENERAL COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY FRONTAGE) ZONE, IN THE DOLAN SPRINGS PORTION OF~~*,HE MOHA VE COUNTY GENERAL AREA-; MORAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on March 3, 2003, a public hearing was conducted to determine whether an Extension of Time for a Rezone should be granted for the above-described property as requested by Shirley Stafford of Dolan Springs, Arizona,and WHEREAS, this property is located northeast of US Highway 93 and west of Pierce Ferry lO. .- Road, northeast of the Commuility of Dolan Springs. The site is accessed from US Highway 93 via northeast on Pierce Ferry Road through the Community of Dolan Springs to the property located on the west side of Pierce Ferry Road approximately 400 feet south of Fifteenth Street. Lots 35 and 36 are vacant and Lot 75 has a single-family residence on it. The terrain is gently rolling hills, generally sloping to the southwest. The surrounding land uses consist of single-family residences, a school and vacant lots. There are no significant drainage patterns. The Mohave County General Plan designates this area as a Rural Development Area and the Dolan Springs Area is considered an Outlying Community, and \VHEREAS, this Rezone was conditionally approved to C-2H (General Commercial Highway Frontage) zone to allow for a Recreational Vehicle Park and Convenience Store by the Mohave County Board of Supervisors on August 6, 2001, via BOS Resolution No. 2001-271, and WHEREAS, this extension of time will allow the applicant to complete all of the conditions as required by BOS Resolution No. 2001-271, as noted in her letter of December 4,2002, and WHEREAS, due to extremely poor health, the property owner had not accomplished any of the conditions of approval as required by BOS Resolution No. 2001-271, and 'VHEREAS, this will be the First Extension of Time for this property, and WHEREAS, a review ofFEMA FIRM Panel #040058-1800C indicates the parcel described to be in Zone C, not in the Special Flood Hazard Area, and . ~ '.,. z ,. . .: .- RESOLUTION NO. 2003-71 Page 2 \VHEREAS, tills item was continued at the January 8, 2003 Planning and Zoning Conunission when the Conunission had questions about the condition of the property and the applicant was not available, and , WHEREAS, the following described Findings of Fact are for the above~captioned item: a. All notices have been advertised and posted according to regulations. b. The proposed action and effect comply with the Mohave County General Plan. c. The site is adequate for the action intended and the use is consistent with the surrounding land uses and terrain. d. The neighboring area contains other land uses similar to the above-proposed action. e. The site has legal access. . - f There are no significant environmental features affecting the site. g. This request complies with the Extension of Time Policy. WHEREAS, at the public hearing before the Mohave County PlaJ.ming and Zoning Conunission on February 12, 2003, the Commission reconunended AFPROV AL for an Extension of Time for a Rezone subject to the following: 1. Compliance with the conditions ofBOS Resolution ~o. 2001-271. 2. This Extension of Time will be in effect until August 6,2003. WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in The Standard, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona, on February 12, 2003, and posted on February 14, 2003, as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations, and WHEREAS, at their meeting the Board of Supervisors heard additional testimony concerning. the zoning violations occurring on this property, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, March 3, 2003, DENIED this Extension of Time for a Rezone as outlined herein. MORA VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ATTEST Tom Sockwell, Chairman Barbara Bracken, Clerk -. I _. ..... '.s;f~;~'If" FIFTEENTH.' .. . i .. ..' ~ ... ~. . . r .. , -0'-~-- - -.-- -~--. -.., @------------ ~.-.. -0 ~~- --. --~ .' ,..... " '.,5'.'.::".... . ',' " ,'. '. "I: ' : .~: :E""'%' .. "f"~S' . 't~., " \2' ~ts' : I :~ . ".5' ' , 4. 5' ' : ! 3B , ", _,' 4' \t"ii\. 0( " ,arf'\!' 1I1t.t\~,. ':,... . ~ . ,.' . . Q I:. . t, :;. ", ~.._~... .:.., .;~:J; ~:...' ~,-", "~il ~I ~ ~".' .'~ r . ""'.1:'1.' .. "..rr~;t.'.,.1 .' 1'1f.~:"H' 7 ~''''7 )' T 26 iN \R'1'9.;W It~~ ,. . . , :," 't It : . . , : : , , " . , , '~ LAKE MOHAVE. 0:: ill : 'RANCHOS, Unit 6, '() . .. ' t-J. .~' First Amended > f~ ,: 2 v: 0 , 1: ~ '.' , · j u1 :',;1. '1 . '::, . ' 't, 'i:;:,. ,;/ .: ,~ ..~t1 =i~, , <C .. ':'N' ..... .: .Je. ". '. '.r""~ .. .~:;.:',::: \ ., . '""~'e,~~,,,!,'ll"""'.e ;; ':>,".:: ~,."~~,:.,~.-J,,",, ,.' J'" :,','t. ,,' , ..:~;~~ "'~'~'~'.f!!!"1 ,)I ~-;: ",~7111' '~.~~f~. :, :1 . .' ~ - . 1 t t.1 . ;: .':1 ,:, ,'c, . I . : I ,'.' - . I II f ~ J:I I, . ~ . t/ 4 . " , I I ... ." ~ ' ~J'A. 'JJ' , ..' t .,. I '. I ., I . ': ......1'1. ~ ,~~~., ... ! ,t. .. ~ I U ., I ,. 118., . It "'!. ~ "'~, " I / . '" . . --. -"" -. .....- -. --.. ;.. --......., --. --...... 'FOURTEENTH STREET - -. - -- - ---- -- -. ... -.., , ----. .-----.' ... ' '".,. .'::,: . . , NOTE= A /5 FOOT,'R/W ON EACH SIDE OF LOT'i.lNE" S-NOWN BY DOTTED LINES IS RESERVED FOR Ii/GRESS AND EGRESS TO ALL Lars, @ TEL No.9287673148 Ma~ 7,34 8:13 No.DOl P.Dl Fax ~ii 2q . Name: SAM ESHAK Organization: MOHA V H COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING Fax: fFax] Phone: 1-928-757-3577 From: DOLAN SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Date: MA Y S. 2004 Subject: ITEM 29 ON THE MA Y12TH P&Z AGENDA "'J'he evaluation ofa request to grant an extension, to determine compliance with the schedule for development, Of cause the property to revert to its fonnet zoning classification as specified in DOS RESOLUTION NOs 2001-271 AND 2003-71 which approved the rezone and the exten!!lion of time for a rezone..........." The following members and officers of the Dolan Springs Community Development CODlIilitiee declare the following: The property identified in item 29 should be zoned as RURAL RESIDENTIAl.. as identified in the DOLAN SPR1NGS AREA PLAN. ''1 -- " ., ~._..--..-_...,...-~..~,-'.~.--' - ---.-.-' ---,'-".- ,- . . .. ,..- . T..... ~ ...~... ~.....,.,..-.'_. . l" ..<-. ........,-- ... -0~~ C lJ'~.~ ~~~ ~S~-~c..J ~ P f-/ ei-tA-6 t!1.... 'rvvyv-U )iYC-b-l ~- ci~-1~~ y.rC jJC.. 'f~~ (CLrr1tA~. ' / ~~ ~)p~ n5CIX ) '/-!!1 / ~ ~ "'Vl Q/:JA., CrR:J0OV:l Wi-€K.-- j4.y;( ~??a:~ ~.-f~'~ /Yl~U. 1r~(~~~/tSt/JC) @ TEL No.9287673148 Ma~ 3,34 13:17 No.OOl P.Ol Fax Nime: SAM ESHAK, PLANNER Jl Organization: MOHA VE COUNTY PLANNING &.- ZONING Fax: [Fax] Phone: 1-928-757-3577 From: DOLAN SPRINGS COMMUNlTY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Date: May 6111, 2004rOate] Subjed; ITEM 29 ON THE MAY 12'1\1 P&Z AGENDA Pa~ts~ ] This is to infonn you that a Fax signed by the officers of the Dolan Spring/> Community Development Committee (DSCDC) wiU be sent as soon as possible concerning this item. The DSCnC desires that this property he zoned as rural residential 8..0;; specified in the Dolan Springs Area Plan. Thank you. Evelyn Tobin, 928-767-3148, imert931@~yahoo.com ------"----~-\-.:::-:=- \ ------;:::. c' - n \ c, r- \ --;.::::::.:- V-=: :f' .!~ \\ ~i \S." i' \> \ \. ..' - r ',Jl ,.- ., --------' , \ -- In\ \.'0-0 -::::-~-- ';\\\\ \ \ l!l, r~ -- , \', : i " \ \;. \, ; MAY 6 2004~~. , ; '\ :.J '-- \ ~'Uh,~..j~G:-~~-~.-'~~'---_ :; (.:_:-~. L~~~~--:~=---.-=-'::'~:'-=:--'- ---- t:rom the CleSII of,,, <Name;. <Org/U1ita:ion> <CItY>, <Stale'" <ZIP Code'" -, . @ . . TEL No.9287673148 ~1alj 7,34 8:13 No.GOl P.02 PAGE TWO : FAX RE: ITEM 29, P&Z AGENDA, MAY 12TH The pictures of the property shown here are very recent, and indications are if the owner had done some clean up as a condition to the requested rezone, he has since added to the property. The old mobile home apparently is a fairly recent addition. The "garage doorll building has not been noticably altered, and the IIfor salell sign is still on the property. I ". ..............'- ~ 'IIItlI L .. - ...,.......,....,..- ~.. .. '"V~_."_r~.........__i""_'."___......__,_r, .. " . "'."-~ ~ ... .,. ~~J:,~/ ~t~ to-M~}5CV~ "I I JON-~4-2884 02:09 PM MOHAVE_COUNTY_P&Z 928 757 3577 ~- P. 11 ,- f .+€xv\ I. \5 __.._..--.__..~-:::-. ..;.~ --i ,.- .{;:; r'~~; ,- \',"~ \ May 4. 2004 I c....... ji" lr" ,f j\ \:! J~" ',: '" \ \ ,.., 'S; ", " " ---",.. ' ' \i\"'~-- .'I'.',! ,\~..') \- '! ': I I' :', l .1 I; \ I, r' \ 6 2004 "J ' Mohave County Planning and Zoning Department 'Ii, "~'I' MA~ ,',,-, : \1\ \.., , \ Attn: Planning Division \w"'i -_.j ,\ P. O. Box 7000 \ .......-_~.. ~~ '1:'1~~\t~!~, . .1 17'1:~~\T.\lY ~;\,,~:.!.\t~l~,;r ~ '" \ Kingman, AZ 88402-7000 \~nn~"IIroIV'" __.___.~.. ' \.~'1~:;::;~.::::"-;-;:':':::::'::=-' ,-"'- Re: Lingenfelter Investments Limited Partnership Request for Change to the General Plan To Whom it May Concern: When we bought our home 1 a years ago we were told by the real estate agent that the large beautiful open spaca to our north was all BLM land and could not be built upon. This pleased uS very much 8S we loved our view of the mountains. Now, of course you know what has happened'to our lovely view. wlth Chapparel M~sa, The Udamage- Is done and I won't try to stop progress. I do, however have some eoncems. as follows: 1, I could not determine from the map provided If there was to be an entranee onto Hwy. 86 that would serve the subdivision. I r;:annot imagine that Thompson Avenue would be expected to handle all the addltfonal traffio. I would be very disappointed if all the subdIvision streets lead to Thompson Avenue, an already overlosd~ street. My husband! Walter (who was recently killed on the street in front of our home) referred to the street as "Thompson Freeway" for its I')eavy traffic (and the speeding of many motorists - but that's another $ubject), It the subdivision traffic Is all to be handled by Thompson Avenue I would suggest po~slbly selecting another. eastJw.st street for Improvements sufficient to handle much of the trafflc haade~ to the airport industrial area. I would also suggest requesting ADOT to installs traffic light at the intersection of Hwy ee and Thomp$On Avenue. It is sometimes very difficult to enter the highway or Thompson Avenue around shift change - additional traffic would make it aven more dlffieult and dine-rous. 2. I am concerhed abOut the establishment of any commercial businesses included In the plans. I am assuming there would be a convenience store an<:' maybe a service station. Typically, convenience stores can t>ecome a heng-out fOr folks with too little to do and a target for robberies and crime. They often undergo a change from a niee, neat little place to an eyesore in a few short years. 3. I hope the quality of the single-family home, will be such thst after a tew years it will not become run-down. and \,Igly. (I realize many hOmes on the south side of Thompson are already ugly, but we don't need morel) I hope that if the subdivision i$ approved that it will be an asset to the areal not a frustration for the eurrent residents. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. ~~c?'W~ Lois I. Waldo 3960 Thompson Ave. Klngman, AZ 86401