HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/02/2004 Item 072 . ... NJOHA VE COUNTY REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION FORlVI ~. From: Christine Ballard, Director of Planning FORMAL ACTION 0 CONSENT 0 Date: July 21,2004 RESOLUTION 0 OTHER 0 BOS Meeting Date: August 2,2004 INFORMATION ONLY 0 SUMMARIZE THE ISSUE & DESIRED ACTION CLEARLY/ATTACH BACKUP MATERIAL: Adoption of BaS Resolution No. 2004-322 - REZONE of Govemment Lots I thm 4 and the El/2 Wl/2 of Section 18, Township 25 North, Range 19 West, from A-R/36A (A6Jficultural- Residential/Thirty-six Acre Minimum Lot Size) zone to C-2/36A (General Commercial/Thirty-six Acre Minimum Lot Size) zone, in the Dolan Springs portion of the Mohave County General Area (northeasterly ofDS Highway 93 and northwesterly of Pierce Ferry Road, between Fifth Street and Seventh Street), Mohave County, Arizona. (COMl\HSSION APPROVED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE) Recommended Motion: Adoption ofBOS Resolntion No. 2004-322, as recommended by the commi1 Reviewed and Approved By: County Attorney 0 Personnel 0 Finance 0 County Manag Board Action Taken: Approved as Requested 0 No Action Taken 0 Disapproved 0 Continued to o Approved with the following changes: Acknowledged receipt and referred to Filing Information and Retrieval Filed Bid Filed Agreemcnt BaS Resolution f iIed Yearly Correspondence Filed Petition Filed Dedication Filed Land Sold Filed Land Acquired Filed Franchise 1.0. Resolution Filed Improvement District filed Other Date Routed: Additional Information: XC: You are reminded that items for the agenda, along with complete backup, must be in the County Manager's Office 10 days prior to Board Meeting. Item No. 'l~ RESOLUTION NO. 2004-322 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH A REZONE OF GOVERNMENT LOTS 1 THRU 4 AND THE E1/2 W1I2 OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH, RANGE 19 WEST, FROM A-R/36A (AGRICULTURAL-RESIDENTIAL/THIRTY-SIX ACRE MINIMUM LOT SIZE) ZONE TO C- 2 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL) ZONE, IN THE DOLAN SPRINGS PORTION OF THE MOHA VE COUNTY GENERAL AREA, MOHA VE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on August 2, 2004, a public hearing was conducted to detemline whether approval should be granted to Rezone the above-described property as requested by Kathy Tackett-Hicks, KTH Consulting of Kingman, Arizona representing Gateway Lots LLC., of Las Vegas, Nevada, and WHEREAS, this property is located northeasterly of US Highway 93 and northwesterly of Pierce Ferry Road, between Fifth Street and Seventh Street. The site is accessed from US Highway 93 via northeasterly on Pierce Ferry Road to Bee Drive, then north on Bee Drive approximately three- quarters (%) of a mile to the southeast portion of the property. The property is vacant, and the terrain is relatively flat, sloping slightly to the southwest. The surrounding land uses consist of single-family residences, vacant lots and several general commercial businesses along Pierce Ferry Road. There are no significant drainage patterns, and WHEREAS, the applicant requests this zone change to C-2 (General Commercial) to allow for future commercial development. The Mohave County General Plan designates this area as an Urban Development Area and Dolan Springs is considered an Outlying Community. The Dolan Springs Area Plan designates this area as GC (General Commercial), and \VHEREAS, a review of FEMA FIRM Panel #040058-1775B indicates the parcel described to be in Zone A/C, in the Special Flood Hazard Area, and WHEREAS, this item was continued, at the applicant's request, by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission at their meeting on June 9, 2004, to allow the submittal of more infonnation pertaining to the project, and WHEREAS, a review ofFEMA FIRM Panel #040058-17758 indicates the parcel described to be in Zone C, not in the Special Flood Hazard Area, and RESOLUTION NO. 2004-322 Page 2 WHEREAS, the following described Findings of Fact are for the above-captioned item: a. All notices have been advertised and posted according to regulations. b. The proposed action and effect comply with the Mohave County General Plan and the Dolan Springs Area Plan. c. The site is adequate for the action intended and the use is consistent with the surrounding land uses and terrain. d. The neighboring area contains other land uses similar to the above~proposed action. e. The site has legal access. f. There are no significant environment features affecting the site. WHEREAS, at the public hearing before the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission on July 14, 2004, the Commission recommended APPROY AL for a Rezone subject to the following: 1. This property will be rezoned C-2/36A (General Commercial/ Thirty-six Acre Minimum Lot Size) to allow for future commercial development. 2. A 42-foot road right-of-way along the north and south boundary of the property known as Seventh Street and Fifth Street, the east 35 feet known as Bee Drive, the west 42 feet known as Amana Road, and the 70 feet across the east/west mid-section known as Sixth Street shall be dedicated to Mohave County on behalf of the public and accepted by the Mohave County Board of Supervisors as road rights-of-way. A 20-foot radius is required at all dedicated roadway intersection points. All north/south interior alignments should be dedicated to Mohave County at a width of 30 feet on either side of the centerline and all other necessary interior alignments. This will be accomplished by a separate dedication instrument. 3. The applicant shall comply with all the applicable provisions of the Mohave County Zoning Ordinance. Upon Development a site plan prepared in accordance with Section 27.P (Site Plan Requirements) must be completed and approved prior to approval of pel111its and before establishing the use. In addition, the applicant will provide a view- obscuring fence as required by Section 27.H of the Mohave County Zoning Ordinance prior to establishing the use. Applicant will provide 100-foot setback along the eastern property line between Fifth Street and Seventh Street for an open space trail. 4. The appropriate zoning, building, environmental, and floodplain permits will be obtained prior to construction. 5. The Rezone shall not become effective until at least thirty (30) days after final approval of the change in classification by the Board of Supervisors, as per ARS 11-829E. RESOLUTION NO. 2004-322 Page 3 6. If these conditions are not met within one year of this approval, and if at the expiration of this period the property has not been improved to meet the use for which it was conditionally approved, the Board of Supervisors (after notification by registered mail to the owner and the applicant who requested the rezoning) shall schedule a public hearing to grant an extension, detennine compliance with the schedule for development, or cause the property to revert to its former zoning classification. This action is in accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes Annotated, Title 11, Chapter 6, 11-832. \VHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in the Kingman Daily Miner, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona, on July 18,2004, and was posted on July 16, 2004, as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, August 2, 2004, APPROVED this Rezone as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. MOHA VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ATTEST Pete Byers, Chairman Barbara Bracken, Clerk STMENT5 pAGE 133 05/07/2804 11:19 7025620852 HKIHVE -, Mob8.ve County Planrong and ..oning Commi:>sion P.O. Box 7 lCingrnan Arizona g A ONFO ~~ I J(WeJ.-1CTJ-f Co,USvLTlA)6 ... hcn:byrequestthe ~o~ j INI!.H ~ ~{:. ~C~ f8.... Tz.~N,. ((""" --.. "'- , (leo-J -... OflUbi""I"'P"'Yl From:~A~3 '" PropoKd 10 be: C OMM ~ etA L - C 2- (Current Zoning) (Pwposed ztning) Fortbepurpose of: -Ev+ve-e LOMtI'lera'<t I 1J?~O;,pfl'4+ (Proposed use ofPropcrt;f) and reque..'rt that ~ Board of s~ et tbis matter fJ public hemn. followiog evnluation by the Planning and ZaninB CommissiOll. JTeseni use ofproperty; A-cA..u Owner. (proof required-) ov.l1er: ?address) ~~3 2 .$. I<AJ,0~ L-VD fr 324- Phooe: 702-) 4-- -{OlD (TOBE~L~ IN IF OWNER AND APPUCANTP~) l'ropetl)' owner comurs: -.........- ~ ~::-- (Owner's Sisnmn) 'tJ~ ~~.. ~ I A{4.~ SUBMIT TEN (Ill) COPIES 01' 81lZ X 11 SIrE rk AND DRAWING WITH TEN (10) COPIES OF THIS FORM \ Applicam's interest in:the ~ 0 tJ el'L1; A Applicant: m Co tV II L N q -fk -r; tt- -Hz 'LJc-5 Address: 37 Sj tVl4. rn ~4-LL 0, /'V'€_ I City: 14~'M.aV\ State: Ac- ,z1pJ~;,tfOI :Phone: 9U5-75"7-.9vr ~ONE (1) PROOF OF OWNERSHIP: hcorded Wma:tJty Or oint Tenancy Deed.; a Quit Claim Deed is not lCcepblble. Daw submitted Received by: Fee Receipt No.~ I ' - Ten (10) Copies ~e&ive4: Application: Other. ~: PAGE 02 07/12/20134 14:31 3037221334 '+.12-. c()lJ --/[') '~j~ v\ C~, ((\ ~n~ \--. rv, Cl~ (ionceo!; :I LA (' \("\c~ \ c{ b \ CLd -7 G\\~C_ E:~\ * "6\""-101 Oq c;, I c,,-,m \\,\ ~C\\joc c;-\ .-\--"n ~ I{' e.'-z,c ("\ \ n3 71"[ : "-A-) e s-\ \ I C[)r ,Sc c . \ ~ \ \-Z'5tJ R tct l..0 12 1 ._}~~ lJ DlA y, u'-.ll <C..- [lY\LD 1 ~. ~,\.J e L (0(1-::, V \.c (J ~)C-. C.CV\~-OJl .{- rVl e_ c~ L ~?Jt; .~) 1--,'1- l- - 1.- \ Ct L -1l~()n t_ 80u ,A Cf'\() \ c\ ~\ej ..~....._..._... .__ OUU"'n .._ NOTICE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING July 14, 2004 @ 5;00 PM at the Johnson Building, Board of Supervisors Room, 809 East Beale Street, KINGMAN, ARIZONA If you wish to be heard on this item, please reply in I~~ ~ writing to the P & Z Department no later than the meeting date, PO ~ox 7000, Kingman, AZ., 86402~ 7000 'f;. c== or attend the meeting to voice your opinion. <-~..- ["1', U1rJ NOTEi 0 ~ 0 c: ~ ;z The nott"fjclJtion /r!ffi:rs anJ sUpplied by th~ Hl'pJicant to f"~ Planning ---< and Zoning DepartmtMt and :J~ dated at fhe day of the applicliftJon. I ~ m " - The Planning and Zoning D~artmGnt tf1en mail$ the notifictiltfon r-- N Jeit@rs for flu! applicant. I ~ = CALL (928) 757 -0903 ONI<: OA Y PR.IOR TO CONFIRM THAT THIS ITEM (J~-f2d--OY , ~ p~ ~ ~ }JJ /'1I'1---t:J~ kJ ./2L(y . :1~_<7~ --4~. .~:fM-~~/cd~ .~~r:-~ ~~'-;"'. ~' .. 'LJ: . ~. 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