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HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/04/2002 Item 005 ~ RESOLUTION NO. 2002-35 A RESOLljTION SETTI~G FORTI-I ;\1' APPROVAL OF A~ EXTE~SION OF TIME OF THE ASSUIV\.NCE FOR THE COMPLETION OF I:V1PROVE"IE;\TS FOR CENTE1\~IAL PARK, UNIT I, TRACT 3505, BEIl\G A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF TI-IE l\F'/-t OF SECTIOl\ 18, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE (, WEST, IN THE ARIZONA STRIP AREA, MOI-I;\VE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, e1t the regular meeting of the I\'fuhave County Huard ut' ~upel'visol's held un Fehruary 4, 2002. a puhlic hearing \VelS conducted to dctermine whether an F'\ll'nsiun uffil11l:.' should he l.'.r~ll1tcd for the assurances !"Ilr the cOl11pktilln of all ill1prll\emcnts fur the ~lbO\ e-rel'erenct.'d subdivision. TilL' o\\nerid('veluper uf this suhdivision is Jim Knudsoll for liasic Dc'\'eloplllent. Inc.. of Centennial Park, .'\rizona. lhe prnjel't engineer for the processing of the completion uf improvements fill' this suhdivision is RosenhL'rg Associates Inc.. also of Centennial Park. i\rizon~l. and \VH EREAS, the property is located immediately south oj' and adjacent to the Town of Colorado City. lhe property is accessed via State Highway 389. then west to the site, and \VHEREAS. the Final Plat for Centennial Park. llnit I. Tract 3505. was rl'Corded on February 11. 2000. /\ cash assurance is held by \;lohavc Cuunt) It)]' the eUl11pktion uf ill1pnlVemellls ill that subdivision. including the rL'eonstruction or sOl11e substandard roadway p~lving and other imprnvements. .'\ s('\\cr pbllt planned in Cnlorado City, to which tlk' dry S~\\'(T lincs in this subdivision are to connect. is not cu\ered by IlK' aSSUrdnce. ~lIld WHEREAS, Arrick 5.4 ufthl' Mohave County Suhdivision Regulatiolls stalt.'s: "The duration or th~ perlt)rl11ance bond or other aSSllranCl' shall be for one (1) year from the dalL' of recording. [:-.:tensions of Til1le in nne (I) year increments may bl' granted by the 8u~\r(j or Supervisors by showing just cause.". and \VHEREAS. since this assurance was poslt.'d wirh iVloh~lve Clllnl)'. tht.' devc'loplT has nol demonstrated the cumpletion or correction uf imprO\L'menls It)r \\"hich rhl' asslIrance is posted. and WHEREAS. the outstanding ~Issuranee balance tLl date is $1 ().OOO.OO, ~lI1d WHEREAS, this action. if ~Ipproved, will be the sl'cond (2"<1) Extension of Time for this assurance, and \VHEREAS, the Public \Vorks Department has commented that th(' project engincer must submit a progress report including the amount or improvements completed, the amount or improvemcnts remaining, and an expL'cted date or completion of the imj1rll\'el1lcnts. <Ind liti- S RESOLUTION NO. 2002-]5 Page 2 WHEREAS, at the public hearing before the Vluhav(' C~ounty Planning and Zoning Commission un .Ianu~Ir\' 9. 2002, the C\1mmission rl'Comll1l'nded ,'\PPROVAI. ur all Lxtension uf Time f(ll' the - . assuranc(' for the completion of improvements feH C\:'ntennial Park, lJnil I. Tract 350\ sub.iect to the rullowing conditions: l. This !.\:tension ot'Timc will be in effect until FcbnHlry 11,2003. 2. 'fhe comments mack by the Public Works Dep~lrlmen[ in their revin\' letlL'r dated .Ianu~lry I X, 2UOO shall be addressed to the satisl~lction ufthe Cuunly Engin\:'er priur to the rek:lsc of this ~lssurance. WHEREAS. the n(ltice ur hearing ,vas published in -the Standard, a newspaper ur general circulatiun in Kingm~IIL Ivlohave ('uunty, Arizona, January 1 (1. 2002. and posted un January I~. 2002. as required by Arizona R(~vised Statult's and the Muhave County Zoning Regulations. NO\V THEREFORE BE IT RESOL YED. that the Huard or Supen'isors. :11 lheir regular meetin!.!. on Mundav. Fcbruarv 4. 2002. /\.PPROVED this [.'\tension of Time as l"Ceolllll1enclcd Iw lhe ,-. 01 r . ." i\luhaVL' Count)' Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herl'in. MOHA VE C'OL\TY BOARD OF SLPERVISORS ATTEST: ------_.~._--....---.-.-.---.-._-_..-. Pl'll' BVers. Ch:lirll1an ---._0._0--- .- Uarbara Brach'n. (' krk . COf.."oIZADl> c. ,t AJRI'OII r 2642.59 . <<J 'flCln; "., 10. Na 11.14 . A 19 16 " Iii 15 15 '" IS 10 g ... , N.9O"00 'oo"w. 1.1"'.lf' PA~2 J7277/15 F 6 56A~ ~ , .155.01 . 'r., ~/J5.N' z l:l 5.61 JI'~'E. ~ 1.J6I.I-" -'WE. ~ . . .(i.Ef"--::"~V~_~-.L.!!:r.;.!'9:J~' ~ - 'ri . ". ~ 7,. ~" ~. . .. lti ~'! ~~ 0 t-;" "'~ . .. - - ...~~ ' "- -