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HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/18/2002 Item 057 MOHA VE COUNTY REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION FORl\f . ~ From: Mohave County Sheriffs Officc FOR:.\1AL ACTION 0 CONSENT [R/ Datc: March 4, 2002 i~j~ ,::1 ~) <.; ? 0". ') RESOLUTION 0 - -. 0( OTHER 0 BOS Mecting Date: March 18, 2002 H :~:.'>.. t.: "'~;;_: f 2 J,"/c;X s INFORMA nON ONLY D SlT1\lMARIZE THE ISSUE & DESIRED ACTIO~ CLEARLY/ATTACH BACKUP MATERIAL: Requesting Board approval in the hiring of Richard CUlmingham as a Detention Officer with the Mohave County Sheriffs Office. Mr. Cunningham is the brother-in-law to Petcr 'Wright who is currently employed as a Detention Officcr with the Mohave County Sheriffs Office. Even though both will be working for the Sheriffs Office, neither Mr. Richard Cunningham or Mr. Peter Wright will have any direct supervision over the other. Recommcndcd Motion: nd Approycd By: County Attorney D Finance 0 oard Action Taken: Approved as Requested 0 No Action Taken 0 Disapproved 0 Continued to o Approved with the following changes: Acknowledged receipt and referred to }<iling Information and Retrieval Filed Bid Filed Agreement BaS Resolution Filed Yearly COlTespondence Filed Petition Filed Dedication Filed Land Sold Filed Land Acquired Filed Franchise J.D. Resolution Filed Improvement District Filed Other Date Routed: Additional Information: XC: You are reminded that items for the agenda, along with complete backup, must be in the County Manager's Office IO days prior to Board Meeting. Item No. ~ 7 ~ "YO""" .....-..-~........~........-:"~'. ~."'!:~-' ..l.""..'....-.-n......""": 'Jilo..~..!1II~...>....... .~~_~~._.:_n'_......... __ ,J_ ..............-~..~ "'_ __.~.......~_____...........-......_... ....~.-T ',__._ '""-__~""___:...""_"~" ~,~".. ~._~_..__ ._u-...... .....~._ _~.~...____ _._-....._..~. ARTICLE 2. E:\[PLOY:\lE:\T EFFECTIVE D.-\ TE: 05/15/91 RULE 20l. EMPLOY;\IE:\T OF REL\ TIVES / CHILD LABOR PROVISIO;-';S ,. A.._. DEFINITIONS: "Child" or "l'vlinor" me::ms an individual who is fourteen (14) through eighteen (1S) years of age. "Immediate Family I'vlember" or "Relative" means a spouse, mother, father, child. stepchild. brother, sister, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandparents of an employee or grandparents of an employee's spouse. Employees li\'ing together but not legally married (sometimes referred to as housem::Hes or cohabitants) are considered within the coverage of this Rule. B. Er\lPLOYIVIENT OF RELATIVES: 1. Relatives of an employee shall not be employed \'/here one employee is in a supervisory chain of the other. 2. Relatives of an employee shall not be employed where decisions of compensation and approval of work are made by an immediate family member. 3, Immediate family members shall not be employed in the same department without approval by the Board of Supervisors, 4. Work site or duty considerations of County employees who subsequently become related by marriage or cohabitation may \varrant transfer or layoff. Application of this provision will be limited to those circumstances where the employer's interests outweigh the adverse impact, if any, upon the affected employees. C. CHILD LABOR PROVISIONS: 1. Minors between the ages of 14 through 18 may be employed by the County as part of the regubr workforce or in summer jobs for youth programs, Employment of minors shall be done in compliance with federal, state and local wage and hour laws. Occupational/ age restrictions apply to certain jobs involving operation of equipment and hazardous materials. Departments should contact the DepaI1rnent of Personnel for clarification. 2, All employees under the age of 19 shall be required to submit documentary proof of age. I ARTICLE 2 RULE 201 PAGE 1 ~"'.' .~t.....:~,,\,:)., ',~ 1it:"",,:,"":.~IJi:"",,,,,,,,~-p,""'7~~.~-'~""""""" '--'~ .......~...........-.........___.....-_______~--r>"'""",.~-.-...-..::rl'".."".....-~.............. ",~____,,-~__-,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,-,:,~,,_,,,,,,_~,,,__,,,,---'_"~:":7~ 43. Full-time Position: A position which provides employment for forty (40) hours a work . week and which hr.s a regular schedule on a year round basis. . 44. Garnishment: Retention of wages or property pursuant to legal process by employer or other person to satisfy a debt owned to a creditor. 45. Grievance: A complaint alleging misinterpretation, misapplication or unequal enforcement of Personnel Policies, Merit System Rules or Administrative Procedures or alleging unlawful discrimination. 46. Holiday Benefit: The compensation paid to eligible employees for each of the recognized holidays. Holiday time for full-time eligible employees is defined as eight (8) hours in duration regardless of the schedule. 47. Immediate Family l\Iember (or Relative): Spouse, mother, father, child, stepchild, brother, sister, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandparents of an employee or grandparents of an employee's spouse. Employees living together but not legally married (sometimes referred to as housemates or cohabitants) are considered within this definition. 48. Intermittent Employee: An eligible who has been hired for seasonal, on-call or as- needed employment that does not exceed one thousand forty (1040) paid hours per fiscal - year. 49. Internal Register: The official file containing applications of eligibles, for a specific classification, who are current employees. . . 50. Intradepartmental Announcement: The official notice to employees of a specific department of employment opportunity in that department. 51. Layoff: The conditional separation of a regular employee due to lack of funds, lack of work, reorganization (causing cutbacks and reductions), abolition of position or other reasons specified in these Rules. 52. I\-laintain: Includes collect, file, update, use or disseminate. 53. l\tlanagement Leave: Time off with pay during an exempt employee's normal working hours to offset unaccroable extraordinary hours worked in unusual circumstances as determined by the Department Head. 54. l\tlanifest Error: An act or failure to act which is, or clearly has caused, a mistake of commission or omission to occur. 55. May: Used to express customary action. 56. Merit System: The uniform and equitable system of personnel administration under the federal guidelines and rules. ARTICLE 1 RULE 101 PAGE 4 .....~... ..t'.~.;'~"-K~~~~"F"""I;1I:"':~---:'''~_'L''''-- .......~--~....";.-1. ~~. .~."..-;.:~-~~'~n.. ....f:. ""::..."...~_....T'......~~_-.~~I'"lM:':!..-T-.....--. ---:_.,....."""?"_~_..l'-..~~..~"f"'"~~r,l