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HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/03/2002 Item 113 MonA VE COUNTY REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION FORM From: Christine Ballard, Planning & Zoning Director Ct)j,fO'rIJ FORMAL ACTION 0 CONSENT 0 Date: May 21, 2002 RESOLUTION 0 OTHER 0 BOS Meeting Date: June 3, 2002 INFORMATION ONLY 0 SUMMARIZE THE ISSUE & DESIRED ACTION CLEARLY/ATTACH BACKUP MATERIAL: Evaluation of a request for a REZONE of the southerly 3,511.55 feet of Section 12 and a portion of the NWY4 of Section 13, lying northwesterly of State Highway 66 [Old US Highway 66], excluding the 66 BUSINESS FRONT AGE ADDITION Subdivision, to be subdivided and known as HUALAPAI VISTA RANCHES (Short Plat Proposal), in Township 22 North, Range 16 West, from A (General) zone to A-R15A (Agricultural-Residential/Five Acre Minimum Lot Size) zone, in the Kingman Area (northwest of State Highway 66 [Old US Highway 66] approximately 212 miles northeast of the entrance to the Kingman Airport). Mohave County, Arizona. (COMMISSION APPROVED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE - RESOLUTION NO. 2002-183) Recommended Motion: County Attorney 0 0 Board Action Taken: Approved as Requested 0 No Action Taken 0 Disapproved 0 Continued to o Approved with the following changes: Acknowledged receipt and referred to Filing Information and Retrieval Filed Bid Filed Agreement BOS Resolution Filed Yearly Correspondence Filed Petition Filed Dedication Filed Land Sold Filed Land Acquired Filed Franchise 1.0. Resolution Filed Improvement District Filed Other Date Routed: Additional Information: XC: You are reminded that items for the agenda, along with complete backup, must be in the COllnty Manager's Office 10 days prior to Board Meeting. 1 13 RESOLUTION NO. 2002-183 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH A REZONE OF THE SOUTHERLY 3,511.55 FEET OF SECTION 12 AND A PORTION OF THE NWY.. OF SECTION 13, LYING NORTHWESTERLY OF STATE HIGHWAY 66 lOLD US HIGHWAY 66], EXCLUDING THE 66 BUSINESS FRONTAGE AUDITION SUBDIVISIONS, TO BE SUBDIVIDED ANI) KNOWN AS HUALAPAI VISTA RANCHES (SHORT PLAT PROPOSAL), IN TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 16 WEST, FROM A (GENERAL) ZONE TO A-R/5A (AGRICUL TURAL- RESIDENTIAL/FIVE ACRE MINIMUM LOT SIZE) ZONE, IN THE KINGMAN AREA, MOHA VE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohavc County Board of Supervisors held on June 3, 2002, a public hearing was conducted to determine \vhether approval should be granted to Rezone the above-described property as requested by Kathleen Tackett-Hicks, KTl-l Consulting, of Kingman, Arizona, representi ng the property owner Geoffrey B. Danells of the Westland Corporation, of Carlsbad, California, and WHEREAS, this property is located northwest of State Highway 66 [Old US Highway 66] and north of the Kingman Airport Industrial Parle The site is accessed from directly from State Highway 66 to the northwest at the sOllthern portion of the property located approximately two and one-quarter (2'14) miles northeast of entrance to the Kingman Airport Industrial Park. The property is vacant and relatively f1a1, sloping slightly to the southwest. 'fhe surrounding land uses consist of vacant land, single-family residences along State Highway 66 and the City of Kingman's Hilltop Waste Water Treatment Plant to the west. 'fhere are no significant drainage patterns, and WHEREAS, the applicant requests this zone change to A-R/5A (Agricultural-Residential/Five Acre Minimum Lot Size) zone to allow for HUALAPAI VISTA RANCHES, a Short Plat Subdivision in accordance with the Mohavc County Land Division Regulations which became eilective on March 19, 2001. The applicant proposes to divide the 238.35 acre parcel into 40 Five-acre minimum lot size parcels. The Mohave County General Plan designates this area as a Suburban Development Area. but the Long Mountain Area Plan designates this area as RR/5A (Rural Residential/Five Acre Minimum Lot Size), and WHEREAS, a review of FEMA FIRM Panel #040058-2170B indicates the SW1/4 of the parcel described to be in Zone A, in the Special Flood I-Iazard Area, the remainder of the parceL approximately 90%, is in Zone C. not in the Special Flood Hazard Area. and RESOLlJTION NO. 2002-183 Page 2 WHEREAS, the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) has expressed concern about this proposal because of the potential for groundwater (well water) contamination from being immediately adjacent to the City of Kingman's Hilltop waste water trcatment plant. While there are not any regulations that prohibit thc placement of a subdivision near a waste water treatment plant the rules that contain a 1.000 foot minimum setback for a new or expanded treatment facility from the nearest property line (R 18-9-820 1.1) but the proposed location of the subdivision could interfere with the expansion of the City's facility. and WHEREAS, the following described Findings of Fact are for the above-captioned item: a. All notices have been advertised and posted according to regulations. b. The proposed action and eflect complies with the Mohave County General Plan and the Long Mountain Area Plan. c. The site is adequate for the action intended and but the use is not consistent with the surrounding land uses and terrain, e.g.. City of Kingman's waste water treatment plant. d. The site has legal access. e. This site is within approximately 2.000 feet of an Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) approved waste water treatment plant .with open evaporation ponds for the City of Kingman. f. There are no significant environmental features aflecting the site, except for the noted Special Flood Hazard Area. WHEREAS, at the public hearing beflJre the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission on May 8. 2002. the Commission recommended APPROVAL for a Rezone subject to the following: I. HUALAP AI VISTA RANCHES (Short Plat Subdivision) will be rezoned A-R/5A (Agricultural-Residential/Five Acre Minimum Lot Size). 2. The applicant shall comply \vith all the applicable provisions of the Mohave County Land Division Regulations. ..., The submittal and recordation of the Short Plat prepared in accordance with the Mohave ". County Land Division Regulations is required. 4. The Rezone \vill be effective upon thc recordation of the Final Plat of HUALAP AI VISTA RANCHES (Short Plat Subdivision) and the Rezone shall not become effective until at least 30 days after final approval of the change in classification by the Board of Supervisors. as per ARS 11-829E. 5. The lot size minimurl1 will be hased on the size of the lots recorded on the Final Plat for HUALAPAI VISTA RANCHES with no further lot splits. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-183 Page 3 6. Each parcel shall meet or exceed its respective acreage exclusive of roadways. The 42 foot Roadway and Public Utilities Easement along the western boundary of this property must be considered in the lot size area as roadway easements are excluded from the total area of the lot to compute area for zoning. 7. The appropriate zoning, building, environmentaL and Hood plain permits will be obtained prior to construction. 8. The applicant shall comply with all the applicable provisions of the Mohave County Zoning Ordinance. 9. The developer shall comply with all the terms outlined in the agreement letter issued for this tract. \VHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in The Standard, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona. on May 15, 2002. and posted on May 17, 2002, as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors. at their regular meeting on Monday, June 3, 2002, APPROVED this Rezone as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. MOHA VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ATTEST Tom SockwelL Chairman Barbara Bracken, Clerk 1>"-'- c;. r - ~J. ~1;4~~M TOTAH rtLEPHONE co \;..:, ..,\..\..,'" ~J.l Mobave Colmty Pla.-ming ll11d ZoniIlg Commission p,O. Box 7000 Kingman Aiuma 86402-7000 AlPLICATION FOR A REZOl.'\'E nela Sir: I (We) K'l'H Con3ultinq hml:>y fCI;r:J~S't the IWmliDg of: A. p'u;~n of S8'itiYsJ2,T22N,Fl6N, MOrHC"~ C01.Jr.~'l' ..~. epl dcscri1JbOn deer prapmy) From: Proposed to be: ARS (Current ,iniag) (Proposed Zaoing) For'the PliEPose o:~: sinqle-famil~ re8id@nt~al I a9rieul~u~~1 ~ses (Ptoposcd we of fropmty) au! teqUQ;t bt: the Board of S~ set this ma.tta' far public heQ)g fOUOwUlg e'w-al' :~_ \Iy 1be Plmminrr aacl ZaniD& Commission. Presmt I.I!lC 0f,~ Vacant Zocin !- Owgcr. (prDofrcquire4") Jess@ & !"I,d 1 vn Gailev --- Owner. (adQrc;s) Phone: -- .era BE FJLLJiIt D'llF' 74 .j ./ ~"-_/' SVBMlT TEN (10) copms OF 81/1 X 11 SITE PLAN AND DRA \\'DiG ~1Tb: nNU~co'~OFnuSroRM Appli~'s intc%Clt in tho ptopctY. Qwner'l$ AQent -- - Applic811t: KTH Coneultinq I Kathleen Tackett-HiCka r _ _ .~ ~cn~__~'Sl Martinaale Drive .. .-- _... City: lCinClmah State:.. Az ..Zip 86401 Phunc:(.9 ~) 751_,:::,'3 J 5 -ONE (1) PW)OF Of OWNBRSRIP: iMord.ed Wmanty or lointTaancy Deec; a Q'J-:.t C.:.:.:. Deec! is Dot lUlccptabJe. Date su'bmi1:tcd Ra::eived by: -..-- .. Pee beeipt No.: Ten (10) Cnpiies lleceivc4: . _n _ AppUcatiOl.: Odler: Sketc 11: .. ~t;,_. -1'< I .... ': .'. ,:.'_0:;';;-. .'ke;.~ e : . .~ . . @;> I~ ...' ~ @> (.Il'=,,'~A.) . f640At) 0; f~"'M.) (640AC) @> .. I -':"""" -----,-./.----.' -....... , ,.,. 4J .' 3 IIJ - III . .:.. J$Il. .'" 16,'" , -.'. . I I , ,r' .. #-1 . !oj ~ l "S ,/,. '}l\ U 1JlMA$ ~~ / ~~ _m l U';= mHo , ~ . (w_.~, ""'4\ ~ 1-1.1 1.1. & ;.. 'U'RDa I?I.I.E_ 2~/2/M ~'nB:r~:V _ L _..v. ~9.S?'~ ~ SUBJECT I~ .sZ:~3~' /0-1 PROPERTY I ~ ... Ja-/.J IO./~ .u ;w; ; CALLE ~ ~ ~. ~I J" , . ",: ) . ~ ' · $i 41'1I0."YE.' ~,. l ~~....). ~ _ fE'5/Z/M/-- S!I$.-461i. l.. . ~~ .~r/5~4r' , -tr!. ~..~~:: : '_.:.' . /8<~ ','_ RANe 'ES ~ ~ I ~ . -.-.' I . - ~-. - -- -, " ~ ";.f~i>{:~'<';' ' - S?<t:6.<5'O' ',' ". "UIr,J .;; -.'.:- @) -- ~ - - t. -'- ~ -' N C0 r; Na\ ~ .J).m~.f"" , . , f" ~. I =--1 "'.)J",J.A" I @ ~ l~ d "".~~,~ (J''''''4) : p3 _ u 'ff~~~~U. .-\~8""--:-'.E '36W; \:""''''3 C?-.....~ :' llilllj~;:' ~ . . - ,,~ 1"/ 1 . 1- ":":"~I ~ .., ;,:;;~.::~;.. . ~8~A. (a , .... 25 . s}.ib~~ 11 30 -1 . I ~\~ ' ~ _ I f\; T22N, R15W .v8P-C>d'J./ __ ,(/.~9"'sa' Jv' 'j' ,_ s -;jijp',JdE , _ ...."_".. - I} ~_ _"'" . ~......' ... ~ ~ I" ---= P '.:':':.:.:..'~"._'.. -. ~ , 2 1 . 1 i 6 ." -r'... ,. if ~/Lf "...I e'S'.~'9.""~ !"ll'p~5C1'.-~. ""? ....- .~.~?".~..J.'::.#''J': .... ~':;'4:,~' ~ --:: ""...1"" .51'~.:--_~ ~~4<_- .!':.:..". ~:~. ., - .. .- -. 'l..::::. 012'110 .;U~ - 251r/'S -. - - . -. -.. -' -~-. - ~.- . - SECTION 12 /I I '1 . R 16W. I . T 22 N, I I '.' 1:: I I I " ~ I -, - , I I I I I . ..' .~; j @ ~o. , I I ~ '15 ~ 2 I " ~ 7 ) ,~ .. .~. - ' . .",' . I . . :...~ - - ,l SUBJECT <l 2 PROPERTY ~ Q .. =- \:I Y -. . A _.: ,'-: '. II . . . '"."')...' IS .. - - .. :.~ =- 14 : : )~~~:f~.~ " ' ~..... "~..'. ]'f.. j~44~ ,.o~r.,Y'" '31. 18 .... f'\.A,. ,,,",,-,-44' . .'. ...~./.. "-. .---11 .~I'!)"W N'.e9'":Ii!S'\J '.' -:......:;-.. " HID. .," )( ~ .~~ ~Cl:.. . .. ., , :d . . ,;. ~ '::: . _h...... ' ~)~;~.~.f >: " ....... . ~ Hualapai Vista Ranches A portion of SECTION 12 & a portion of the NW% of SECTION 13 inT22N,R16W IS /0 /7 18 19 20 21 I.:: ~ /4 13 3~ ~s 12. / 40 9 I / / B 31 / I / " 5 / I / 4- ,.... / .... \/..... ,- ~.\ : " I 2 I /', "--' / If KJ~6.MArJ i::-S""~ \ v ,J-.~e~J.~ _~128Q /, " Eii J Pf/t: ~ i{D '~, 1'- ' ,I . \ ~ ..t.P' t'J(~ ' ,t... \ -L- ' -<~ ~. />-'J.-' v-' ? , af. r'-' ;."', J~ '(;...' \~\) / Existing Zoning: A Proposed Zoning: ARS KTH Consulting (928) 757-9315 December, 2001 '~.. @) I~ 1< .. t@ 1__~ .' I;;~o"c) V rg ZONING MAP JAC) ;.J'! I " .... 41 ,'. $ III . >>.M 1_. .-.0 ~'. .. #-1 S ~ l :- 1\ U DlIIU ~~ lUll>> ~ ~ . L 1-, A-R/1 OA A I-I. ~ ;ua9"!.5~',J,/. :':.u:s$i-$t!/-,v . .szSt~. nMQ 8USJECT ~ IN PROPERTY li'.s. !i/44-440 @ = I (~':.~4') J( -e- II MOU+A/N u_ LeE. A-R/1 OA ~I~ . l . 10-1. .<,( 'J</. C.u..U S~ AO: .t 1$-# ~ 16-' l ~ I . I'D: A-R/1 OA A .,,' ~ 4Z'RO 11",/< ~~~.~~5~4~NIZ(5S/-" .-s~irJ.~~ ., - RANC 'ES. I ~ I .- ., - 4 .. IftJ - J . (.o<rcs,rrC'r."", ~ _ ......"':,;IM; """"';~.SIA'I .Jot-- . -- ~ I I....w-.~~~.J-'\... IS-/6 ~ '-,pr. - -.' . of' - , I ~e.9-~'M - .' - "AI - -0"- ;,.....; - fd.w{:6'rf I S.e'-?d~; ,JnJ - .-. .". ":., ,.. . 'Zf;rr3' J;, '@) - '"_.~~. -"-I'''' : '-. ~ .' N -- c&:J ~ J/.r&f""" . ~. I , 7f' - -I / , "'Jr,f..." I @ I 'f" 1 mi=~f? (J,-, u.) ,. :# ..r.:-'"_-:=:::;' .It....d~~-'"r . ~ . ~~ {:;,,:ci - - l':",,:;El - - , r,sSl ~ RS 1:)/7 . r",,"EI .. --.'" "TI;~... (i :: 25 : :i)......~ II 30~\t : ; _ I f\: MAP T 22 N, R 15 W ... I. ..1'<"!E .uI!1P'\5~'k' -, . .. p.!!JP'".sS'A/ I scrP" ..:... . - ... _.:'". I}s...,._~. \......... _~~-r ~~ ....."................ v1 S' 1;4 l!ualanai ~ Ranches Concept Plan - Narrative Hualapai Valley Ranches is a proposed short plat subdivision composed of approximately forty (40), 5 Acre lots. The project consists of close to 240 acres of property located in the southwest comer of Section 12, T22N, RI6W. The property sits directly behind the existing Business Frontage Additions, which front Route 66, and is more clearly delineated in the attached legal description. The Owner's Agent I Project Wumager for the project is KTH Consl.Ilting, Kathleen Tackett-Hicks. The site currently has a zoning designation of A, and is proposed to be changed to AR5 to provide for the 5 Ac minimum lot size this development proposes. The propenies in this area are identified as R-R (Rural~Residential) land uses, and the General Plan designates this property as part of the Suburban Development area. As required by the planning department, we are also processing a minor general plan amendment'to change the Suburban designation to a Rural designation. Further discussions and verifications have indicated that this property also lies within the Long Mountain Area Plan, which identifies rural development standards. Properties to the North and the West of this development are primarily vacant lands in their natural state. Property directly abutting this development on the east comprise a portion of the Route 66, Business Frontage Additions. These numerous lots maintain both residential and commercial uses upon them, with standard lot dimensions at 25' x 300' each. Primary access to the site is via an existing 60' easement which adjoins the Route 66 Right-of-Way, at the southeast comer of this development. Coordination will be necessary with the Dept. of Transportation to fonnally pave this access, but this request is considered "routine" and presents no known delays to the processing of the development. The roads within the development shall be dedicated 60' right~of-way, consistent with the County's regulations. The west boundary of the project is also th~ section line and there exists a 42' road and public utility easement on the backs of the lots. The short plat request shall also contain a petition for allowance of these double..fronting lots. Roads within the subdivision are proposed to be County Standard gravel roadways, consistent with 5 Acre lot development. The only additional pavement anticipated is at the connection to the State Route. This development does not lie within any water provider, certificated servi~e area. To artempt to provide central water to this development, a specific request for water ser-.,icc to Hualapai Valley Ranches was filed and heard at the City of Kingman Municipal Utilities Commission on.December 20,2001. (I have attached some of the commission information FYI) In short, the request was denied for a variety of reason~ and tht~re is no central provider available. Anned with the knowledge that this development is a 5 Ac lot subdivision, and groWldwater is available and utilized in this manner routinely, we are proposing the use of individual well systems for each of the 40 lots. The project is alsL' proposing the use of individual septic systems for each of the lots, with the knowledge that there exist specific separation requirements from the ADWR and the ADEQ concerning wells and septics on the same lots. (These requirements will easily be met, as the requirements make these uses acceptable on lots down to 1 Acre in size.) The slte terrain slopes from the east to the west in a gentle manner. The extreme southwc:st comer of the property is bisected with a drainage swale, which the County has identified as Zone A. This area will impact the proposed lot 2 of this development, and con~ideration will be given to ensure there is a suitable building pad for this lot. The rer.laining property is designated as Zone C by the County Flood Control department and presents no significant drainage issues. Hualapai Valley Ranches is proposed as a 5 acre lot subdivision, in a rural area, with significantly rural improvements. These proposals fall within, and around the various land use designations for properties in this area, and are consistant with the limited development in areas north of the incorporated City limits. As a part of this development, I am requesting your support to the use of the short plat process for this project processing. The project is fairly simple, in tenns of improvements and agency approvals required, and this option can lesson thc~ time required to complete the final plat process. I look forward to further discussing this project with you. MOHAVE COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT P.o. Box 7000 . Kingman, Arizona 86402-7000 3675 E. Highway 66, Suite A . (928) 757-0903 . FAX 757-3577 1130 East Hancock Road . Bullhead City, Arizona 86442 . (928) 758-0707 . FAX 763-0870 CHRISTINE BALLARD DIRECfOR I t ff. M ~7 ''^' ,; If' , ~- ar~~ s J~~ l" e~mo ~l\!!!'""!!!,",,=~, ~,~-...;;::~~ ~..___-="""""",,__~ TO: Bill Delmar, Planner II FROM: Melinda Lee, Addressing coordinat~ DATE: February 8, 2002 RE: Rezone Request for Proposed Hualapai Valley Ranches The proposed name for this project needs to be changed. There is an existing subdivision named "Hualapai Valley Estates" and the use of "Hualapai Valley Ranches" could create potential problems with property addressing and location. There are other projects in the county that were approved with "like" names that continually create confusion. It is my understanding that this project is proposed for Short Plat processing. Since there will not be the submittal of sketch or preliminary plans, I hereby request that this name change be made a part of the conditions of approval for the rezone request. If you have any questions, please let me know. cc: Christine Ballard, Director Karl Easley, Planning Manager Karl Taylor, Subdivision Coordinator \ ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF . ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIT'{ Jane Dee Hull 3033 North Central Avenue. Phoenix, Arizona 85012-1809 Jacqueline E_ Schafer Governor (602) 207-2300 . Director April 11, 2002 KTH Consulting .. KatWeen Tackett-Hicks 3751 Martingale Drive Kingman, AZ 86401 Dear Ms. Tackett-Hicks: I received your letter of April 4, 2002 concerning the Hualapai Vista Ranches subdivision. The subdivision is located near the City of Kingman Hilltop waste water treatment plant. ADEQ does not have any regulations that would prohibit the subdivision in this location. While there are no regulations that prohibit the placement of a subdivision near a waste water treatment plant the rules that contain a 1000' minimum setback for a new or expanded treatment facility from the nearest property line (RI8-9-B20 1.1). Therefore, if the subdivision is placed in its proposed location it could interfere with expansion of the City's facility. There are a number of other questions that need to be answered. Since this is to be a "dry lot" subdivision the quality of the water in any residential wells would have an effect on the viability of the project. Second, there may be odor complaints from the residents due their proximity to the sewage lagoons and wet lands. Finally, there is the question about the City's possible expansion of the treatment plant. While ADEQ does not prohibit locating a subdivision within the 1000' set back from a waste water treatment facility the converse is not true. ADEQ would prohibit the expansion of a waste water facility that was within the setback or would be within the setback. It has been suggested by Mr. Kevin Davidson of Mohave County Planning and Zoning that the property owners could sign setback waivers to allow the City to expand the city's treatment facility to within less than 1000' to the city's property line. This is a possibility but still makes the City's expansion contingent on all of the affected property owners signing the waiver. (R18- 20 LI.2) Sincerely, ~IH~IE~WIE~ #~Jl~~ Michael L. Howeth, P .E. I APR 1 5 2002 , Field Services Manager- West Cc: Kevin Davidson, Mohave County P&Z MOHAVE COUNTY PLA~~N1NG & ZON!NG BY --- Mohave County Health Department Northern Regional Office Southern Regional Office 1515 East Cedar Avenue · Suite F . Flagstaff, AZ 86004 400 West Congress Street. Suite 433 · Tucson, AZ 85701 (928) 779-0313 Printed on recycled paper (520) 628-6733 "";: :/.::~:;,..;.. .'. fv-'Ied APRIL 29,2002 TO MOHA VE COUNTY PLANNING & ZONNING RE: HUALAP AI VISTA EST A TES WESTLAND CORP ACKNOWLEDGES AND APPROVES THAT THE REZONE APPLICA nON WAS PROCESSED BY THE PREVIOUS OWNER. THANK YOU, ~~~o~.1TJ , -- . H ualapai Vista Estates A portion of See's 12 & 13, T22N, R16W -- - Ifc 17 18 I~ 20 13 ,8 I 39 II 12 10 9 7 B I / II ~ i 5 I ZB / /4- 4- , " I 2- I ! i ./' / f K/N6.MA,,) .c-:t*~ /1 -, I '. V / 442' P:lG' ~ 1(0 /, ... 'P.I:\. r:~___~ ~ _4__'_ ',t-- ,~, . .... . , ~r....-~p \1-" ~Q... \2.-';'" . ~ \c, ,?I>- &.. r::..k- 0.) t' '- ~J'>'( \t-> Existing Zoning: A Proposed Zonlfl~: ARS KTH Consulting (928) 757-9315 December, 2001 I '- - , - ~.'~~..\;'t~:.;::.