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HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/02/2002 Item 079 - . , ~ .! MOHA VE COUNTY REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTlON FORM From: Christine Ballard, Planning & Zoning Director ~'bj~ FORMAL ACTION 0 CONSENT 0 Date: November 21, 2002 RESOLUTION 0 OTHER 0 BOS Meeting Date: December 2, 2002 INFORMATION ONLY 0 -- - ..::.--=;;....-==r====:::..:...~= SUMMARIZE THE ISSUE & DESIRED ACTION CLEARLY/ATTACH BACKUP MATERIAL: Evaluation of a request for a REZONE of a portion of the SWY.; of Section 17, lying northerly of the Interstate 40 Right-of-Way line and easterly of the Roundup ^ venue Right-of-Way line, in Township 21 North, Range 15 West, ! A-R/IOA (Agricultural-Residential/Ten Acre Minimum Lot Size) zone to C-2H (General Commercial Highway Frontage) zone, in the Mohave County General Area (east of DW Ranch Exit and north of Interstate 40), Mohave County, Arizona. (COMMISSION APPROVED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE - RESOLlJTION NO. 2002-444) Recommended Motion: c -- C:~:ty Manage1!# Rcvicwed and Approved By: County Attorney 0 Personnel 0 Finance 0 -.. - - --. --- Board Action Takcn: Approved as Requested 0 No Action Taken 0 Disapproved 0 Continued to --'- o Approved with the f<'1110wing changes: AcknO\vledged receipt and referred to -~._- ---"--- --- -~-~- Filing Information and Retricval Filed Bid Filed Agreement BOS Resolution Filed Yearly Correspondence filed Petition Filed Dedication Filed Land Sold Filed Land Acquired Filed Franchise 1.0. Resolution Filed Improvement District Filed Other .... --.. _.~=.._------=----- Date Routed: Additional Information: XC: You are reminded that items for the agenda, along with complete backup, must be in the County Manager's Office 10 days prior to Board Meeting. Item No. . . ..bD~ UE-V()lc~ \~- d-D~ RESOLUTION NO. 2002-444 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH A REZONE OF A PORTION OF THE S\V~ OF SECTION 17, LYING NORTHERLY OF THE INTERSTATE 40 RIGHT-OF-WAY AND EASTERLY OF THE ROUNDUP AVENUE RIGHT-OF-\VAY, IN TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 15 WEST, FROM A-R/10A (AGRICUL TURAL-RESIDENTIAL/TEN ACRE MINIMUM LOT SIZE) ZONE TO C-2H (GENERAL COMM ERCIAL HIGHWAY FRONTAGE) ZONE, IN THE MOHAVE COUNTY GENERAL AREA, MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on December 2, 2002, a public hearing was conducted to determine whether approval should be granted to Rezone the above-described property as requested by William F. Wire of Kanab, Utah, and WHEREAS, this prope11y is located north of Interstate 40 and east of DW Ranch Road. The site is accessed from Interstate 40 via north at the DW Ranch Road Exit to Minerva Lane, then east on Minerva Lane to the site located on the northeast corner of Minerva Lane and Roundup Avenue. The property is vacant and gently rolling hills, generally sloping to the northeast. The surrounding land uses consist of vacant land, scattered single-family residences and the Love's Country Store and Truck Stop to the west. There are no significant drainage patterns, and WHEREAS, the applicant requests this zone change to C-2H (General Commercial Highway Frontage) zone to allow for a truck wash facility. The Mohave County General Plan designates this area as a Rural Development Area, and WHEREAS, a review of fEMA FIRM Panel #040058-2350C indicates the parcel described to be in Zone C, not in the Special Flood l-Iazard Area, and WHEREAS, this item was continued from the October 9, 2002, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting to allow staff time to process an amendment to the General Plan, and WHEREAS, the following described Findings of Fact are for the above-captioned item: a. All notices have been advertised and posted according to regulations. b. The proposed action and effect comply with the Mohave County General Plan. c. The site is adequate for the action intended and the use is consistent with the surrounding land uses and terrain. d. The neighboring area contains other land uses similar to the above-proposed action. .. , RESOLUTION NO. 2002-444 PAGE 2 e. The site has legal access. f. There are no significant environmental features affecting the site. \VHERF:AS, at the puhlic hearing before the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission on Novemher 13, 2002, the Commission recommended APPROVAL for a Rezone suhject to the following: 1. This property will be rezoned to C-2H (General Commercial Highway Frontage). 2. The applicant shall pave Minerva Lane to standards required by the 1\10have County Engineer for heavy truck traffic from the end of pavement in front of Love's Country Store and Truck Stop to Roundup Avenue. In addition, Roundup Avenue shall be paved from Minerva Lane to the northern edge of this property. Also, the applicant shall widen any cattle guards located east of the existing pavement; all radii shall meet WB-50 compliance as well as lane widths. A material analysis of the Asphaltic Concrete (AC) shall be conducted using the total number of trucks to determine if the turning movements will be detrimental to the existing AC. " The applicant shall comply with all the applicable provisions of the Mohave County -'. Zoning Ordinance. A site plan prepared in accordance with Section 27.P (Site Plan Requirements) must be completed and approved prior to approval of permits and before establishing the use. In addition, the applicant shall provide a view-obscuring fence as required by Section 27.1-1 of the Mohave County Zoning Ordinance prior to establishing the use. 4. The applicant shall obtain the proper permits from the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) and the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) regarding water usage and water recovery and disposal prior to the submittal of the Site Plan. The applicant shall obtain a 3.03 General Permit for Vehicle and Equipment Washes in accordance with Arizona Administrative Code R18-9-D303.3.03 General Permit: Vehicle and Equipment Washes. The applicant shall recycle the truck wash water in accordance with Arizona Administrative Code, Title 18, Chapter 11, Article 3: Reclaimed Water Quality Standards (R U~-11-309). Note: Recycling the truck \vash water will reduce the water use an estimated 750;;>. 5. The appropriate zoning. building, environmental, and t100dplain permits will be obtained prior to construction. 6. The Rezone shall not become effective until at least 30 days after final approval of the change in classification by the Board of Supervisors. as per ARS 11-829E. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-444 PAGE 3 7. If these conditions are not met within one year of this approval and if at the expiration of this period the property has not been improved to meet the use for which it was conditionally approved, the Board of Supervisors (after notification by registered mail to the owner and the applicant who requested the rezoning) shall schedule a public hearing to grant an extension, determine compliance with the schedule for development, or cause the property to revert to its f()rmer zoning classification. This action is in accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes Annotated, Title 11, Chapter 6, 11-832. \VHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in The Standard, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona, on November 13,2002, and posted on November 15, 2002, as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, December 2, 2002, APPROVED this Rezone as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. MOHA VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ATTEST Tom Sockwell, Chairman Barbara Bracken, Clerk . Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission P.O. Box 7000 Kingman Arizona 86402-7000 APPLICATION FOR A REZONE Dear Sir: I (We) W lW A/l'1 r LuLU ~ hereby request the rezoning ~: ~ a{{ut...e f ~' \1\ x F\Q.eJEL S 3<st( - 3() - on; 018. ,,0(') (legal description of subject prope'rty) From: A~t Proposed to be: .- C - 2 -1-/ . (Current Zoning) (Propos ed Zoning) For the purpose of: T~-!c ~ . - vJ ftSLt . (Proposed use of Property) and request that the Board of Supervisors set this matter for public hearing following evaluation by the Planning and Zoning Commission. u.~ ImPf!uuEf) U ~ ~-?- . Present use of property: AC At-.-tr Ai D Owner: (proofrequired*) ~ 2..1<.. M. Owner: (address) ~ Phone: 53- - (TO BE FILLED IN IF OWNER AND AP1CANT DIFFERENT) Property owner concurs: #- . k. &d-- (Owner's Signature) SUBMIT TEN (10) COPIES OF 8 1/2 X 11 SITE PLAN AND DRAWING WITH TEN (10) COPIES OF THIS FORM t6ML Applicant's interest in the property !1.t/!Llfit5F ~ ();qr~(Op Q-p...ql, ON Applicant: WlLCI ~I'h F- &.h~ Address: P.o 0 fu)(. 2~ - Uco S S31::l f: . City: KA~A~ State: uT Zip g'l1<-l( Phone: (~) WJ..! - 32& .ONE (1) PROOF OF OWNERSHIP: Recorded Warranty or Joint Tenancy Deed; a Quit Claim Deed is not acceptable. Date submitted Received by: ~~fE~WllE Fee Receipt No.: Ten (10) Copies Received: SEP 5 2002 Application: Other: ~lHAVE COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING . - ., -- ". . " If. ........." . ..." . . )O~~~. .' ~. ~~~.:.~"':"' - j .",'-".. . .. ".:";:.\.:".-.." .-..... . .;';....:... ,".. .i~. .,t.", .. ; .~~..: ~ ~XHI2!i ".~" A portion of the SiJ1/4 of Section 17, T.21N., R.l:w., G.& S.R.."l., ~chav~ County, Arizona being ~or~ :-artic~larly descrited as fellows: CC:I,/lEilCING at the 'rI l/J Corner far said Secticn 17 a 1" oorp WiUSGLIJ Brass Cap (1911) having Arizona Coordinate System, West Zone, Values of X = 453780.16; Y = 1529258.05; thence 5.64005'27"E. (Basis of Bearings: Grid North safd West Zone), 1743.65 feet (Distances are ground to cbtain grid multiply by 0.999742) to a 5/8" rebar ~/cap (RLS 8904) being the Northerly most Corner of the Parc21 described in Book 9EO of Officia1 ,Records, Page 526, records of Hohave County, Arizona and the True Point of Beginning; thence along the East line of the Parcel last mentioned 5.5011'25"W., 210.48 feet to a Point; thence S.i4043'20'''iJ., 593.01 fec;t to a Point 1n the Easterly Right-of-way Line of the certain 84 foot wide Roadway as dedicated and described fn Book 530 of Official Records, Page 603 (PARCEL B), records of Mohave County, Arizona; thence along said Easterly Right-of-way Line and the West line of the Parcel described in Book 960 of Official Records. Page 526. records of Mohave County, Arizona N.24053'20"W. (N.24053'26"~. - Record), 200.00 feet to a 5/8~ rebar W/C!P (RlS .8904) being the NW Corner of the Parcel last mentioned; thence along the North line of the Parcel last mentioned N.74043'20~E., 700.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. This Parcel contains 2.927 Acres. More or Less. , . - - -, - , (.;\i\C::::.. 3-; I . ,. ,..... ,"'"'l - - - EXHII3IT "B" -, A portion of the SW 1/4 of Section 17, T.21N., R.15W., G.& S.R.11., Mohave County, Arizona being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the W 1/4 Corner for said Section 17 a 1" ODIP W/USGLO Brass Cap (1911) having Arizona Coordinate System, West Zone, Values of X = 453780.16; Y = 1529258.05; thence 5.64005'27"E. (Basis of Bearings: Grid North said West Zone), 1743.65 feet (Distances are ground to obtain grid multiply by 0.999742) to a 5/8" rebar W/cap (RLS 8904) being the Northerly most corner of the Parcel described in Book 960 of Official Records, Page 526, records of Mohave County, Arizona; thence along the East line of the Parcel last mentioned S.5011'25"W., 210.48 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing along said East line S.5011'25"W., 680.01 feet to a 5/8" rebar W/cap (RLS 8904); thence S.3042'30"W., 249.83 feet to a point in the Northerly Right-of-way Line of the Kingman-Ashfork Higln.tay, Project 1-40-2 (35) 54 as described in Book 206 of Deeds, Page 211; thence along said Northerly Right-of-way Line and the South line of the Parcel described in Book 960 of Official Re~ords, Page 526, records of Mohave County, Arizona N.86016'25"W. (N.86017'20"W. or N.86018'30"W. - Record), 340.00 feet to a 5/8" rebar W/cap (RLS 8904) being the SE Corner of the Parcels described in Book 530 of Official Records, Page 603 (PARCEL A and B); thence along the East line of said Parcels last mentioned and the West line of the Parcel described in Book 960 of Official Records, Page 526, records of Mohave County, Arizona N.3043'35"E., 220.18 feet (N.3046'56"E., 218.95 feet - Record) to a 5/8" rebar W/cap (RLS 8904) being the beginning of a tangent curve concave to the West having a radius of 562.70 feet (564.12 feet - Record); thence continuing along the West and East lines last mentioned and Northerly along the arc of said curve through a Central Angle of 28036'55" (28040'22" - Record), 281.03 feet (282.31 feet - Record) to a 1/2" rebar W/cap (RLS 11752); thence continuing along said West and East lines and tan~e~t .to,sa1d.tuf~e N.24053'20"H.,(N"24~53',26"~.-.-:;_RecordL 281:18:feet':to a POlht;.thence.:: N: 7 4 ~43: 20.'! ~;;" .59~. On-feet: to _ the: Poi nt::of: Beg 1 n;,.1 ng:~ This ParceJ:contains 7.958 Acres, More or Less. ~ ~. "- ":.':"'__. '" ""::.: ~'--''l (..:........ - .1 ~ I I ~ -:, ~~ I ,..". ""\I Y... /i -.~. T':' - ,"" A ~ ......'" ",~ H .. " l ''-::: .r ,;;" \. I. !-...J '\"":;."" ~"'"' t T - .' . ( .....,..... '- :;J _.. I'~. GRANO /tIJ ~ .... ~ 31 0 '.... _ ,1'D<KE MEA~.. ~, _.,- ~r- - -, - CANYON r 'J J 1 T 0 . \ '-./NATIONAl ~ .r-- I _ : . _ (- ~ -. ~..30 CI . ... RECREATION " -. I ..: r-) ." N ..._ ~ I ., " AR A' r1 J, \..,'../ NATIONAL' ~ 11 \' -- ~ ,.....,. 1J .\ 1 I / I rl \'! / ("'\ ..' ' --.!. 1~..oW 1 < ;9 .' '\.a. ~i'" \ /,. ~ " ,'" \. I /PARK . W'\.....:'. N .r-. " .. j /' ---- .. If .." , ,/ /' ~ ~ ~= - '\~- \ --' I. V \-~ "f\r' ;.... L- T- < . \. .... / \ MU ..,., " 28 ~: ~ ~ ..../ ~ N .. ~.:;.. \\t .---:d_ ),C"- I "~/ ~~. -~. I -t:~ (.."'...... '\ ~ . I . "'--. ' "I ~ \; A. N .... . I ' . "'. \ \. . ./) -j. I ~-_..\'\\ '~,~ _ ~ .~.._. 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If)- '>I I 0.. lJJ ~ J " 0"--,_ O~" - , Richard & Geraldine Schwab 22993 Hwy 36 Brookfield MO 64628 - '6' J q~ , ~~. ;7.;z., 200;J.... Mohave County Planning & Zoning P.O. Box 7000 Kingman, AZ 86402 - 7000 Reference: Mohave County Tax Parcels 354-30-017, 018, 019 1721N15W. Robert M. Bula owner. To the Mohave County Planning & Zoning Board of Supervisers: We the sole owners of Lot 51 containing 41.17 acres in Section 17, T21N, R15W, in the Peacock Mountain Ranches in Mohave County Arizona do hereby approve of this zoning change from AR 10 to C2H. Property Owners, ~J--~_:~ Richard C. Schwab )1.&2.ddM!~~_C~A~4 Geraldine F. Schwab ~~fWI MO.YA~!" f By~UNTY PLANNIi'IG 0 7:;' ;'. ! ~-==--:"":.:._...:.:"---"o ~~ l-". '" -;./ ------. - -.- -..:::._J ~BilfDelmar-~-DVI7'Ranch'TriickViJash'-'-' 'u" ..-'"' ."'" ._c-'-~-"Page 1 j ~_. ______,-_ ...____~ ___.___~......__...__~u-- ..~....".---.--..-._ ......"....... _",___,.. _._.._.,' '_._m""m...uu'",__,,__,._...._.._m._ m._' .__ m... ,__ .m. mm....._ m. __ ___... "",,_ __ ............-.. ___."......... .... c From: Kevin Davidson To: Delmar, Bill Date: 10/17/0210:34AM Subject: OW Ranch Truck Wash Bill: How would you like to add a condition to the truck wash rezone re: the use of recycled water. I have talked to Craig Beeson at ADEQ and he said it would be possible to recycle the truck wash water in the wash bays. The truck wash is estimated to use 15,000 g.p.d. and a recycling plan would probably reduce this by 75% or more (this may actually help implemen~'Growing Smarter Plus!). The applicant plans to recycle the water landscaping anyway, so there should not be that much extra treatment needed to bring it from an "A" to an "A+" rating. Craig said that some California car washes have been doing this for two decades. The reference in the Arizona Administrative Code is Title 18, Chapter 11, Article 3: Reclaimed Water Quality Standards (R18-11-309). See attached for the complete reference. Kevin D. CC: Easley, Karl; Parker, Aline :B.~C~.eIrn.~:.~~~~T'~_~-~~~:.~~~.. ._ _--~~~.:-.--~==-__ _d~--= ---~:=~-,., _~~_:._~~:--=--=~~--=.---:-=:__- __ _ _--... ~~~e1.J -. , .--------..--.---- ..-----...----- ----"-1 I I I ~ t . , ARTICLE 3. RECLAIMED WATER QUALITY STANDARDS t l r. R18-11-301. Definitions l i The terms in this Article have the following meanings: ~ r ~ ; I I "Direct reuse" has the meaning prescribed in RI8-.9-701(1). t. . ~ "Disinfection" means a treatment process that uses oxidants, ultraviolet light, or other agents to ~ kill or inactivate pathogenic organisms in wastewater. : "Filtration" means a treatment process that removes particulate matter from wastewater by I passage through porous media. I E , "Gray water" means wastewater, collected separately from a sewage flow, that originates from a ~ ~ clothes washer, bathtub, shower, or sink, but it does not include wastewater from a kitchen sink, ~ dishwasher, or a toilet. ~ "Industrial wastewater" means wastewater generated from an industrial process. , t ~ "Landscape impoundment" means a manmade lake, pond, or impoundment of reclaimed water t i where swimming, wading, boating, fishing, and other water-based recreational activities are ! prohibited. A landscape impoundment is created for storage, landscaping, or for aesthetic -- purposes only. ~ "NTU" means nepholometric turbidity unit. ; "On-site wastewater treatment facility" has the meaning prescribed in A.R.S. S 49-201(24). ; i I "Open access" means that access to reclaimed water by the general public is uncontrolled. ; "Reclaimed water" has the meaning prescribed in A.R.S. S 49-201(31). r "Recreational impoundment" means a manmade lake, pond, or impoundment of reclaimed water r where boating or fishing is an intended use of the impoundment. Swimming and other full-body ;; , recreation activities (for example. water-skiing) are prohibited in a recreational impoundment. "Restricted access" means that access to reclaimed water by the general public is controlled. i I. ! "Secondary treatment" means a biological treatment process that achieves the minimum level of , effluent quality defined by the federal secondary treatment regulation at 40 CFR S 133.102. , t ~ I "Sewage" means untreated wastes from toilets, baths, sinks, lavatories, laundries, and other f plumbing fixtures in places of human habitation, employment, or recreation. ! i \ i ~ I- I I i ; J I .. ;i Bill Delinar- ARTICLE~3.d6C=-=-'-~"~'''------~ ---- _~___U___~____'_"_'___'_~_______U ----- ------- _____ ___ __.. u_~~~~ 2 ; ,'._. ~_. ..~.~_~._~..,.___..____..__~...._. _.....~....,~...,...._,.~ Y;n.~ "'_......~ .....v.'u ..._.._....~.. . .... . . ""P_ _,,". . _ ..".... M'...<^o .."" ,." .. ". _...... ........... ,..._..... ~,^,.,. ,.,.. ". ,- ,y'" .......y... " " -_. I I ; , , , ! Historical Note ~ .. Adopted effective July 9, 1981 (Supp. 81-4). Former Section R9-21-30 I renumbered without change as Section ! RI8-11-301 (Supp. 87-3). Section repealed effective February 18. 1992 (Supp. 92-1). New Section adopted by tinal rulemaking at 7 A.A.R. 870, effective January 22. 2001 (Supp. 01-1). R18-11-302. Applicability ; This Article applies to the direct reuse of reclaimed water, except for: . I. The direct reuse of gray water, or . 2. The direct reuse of reclaimed water from an onsite wastewater treatment facility ; regulated by a general Aquifer Protection Permit under 18 A.A.C. 9, Article 3. Historical Note Adopted effective June 8, 1981 (Supp. 81-3). Amended efte:ctive January 7. 1985 (Supp. 85-1). Former Section R 9- 21-302 renumbered without change as Section RI8-11-302 (Supp_ 87-3). Section repealed efli:ctive February 18. 1992 (Supp. 92-1). New Section adopted by final rulemaking at 7 A.A.R. 870. elTective January 22. 200 I (Supp. 01-1). R18-11-303. Class A+ Reclaimed Water A. Class A + reclaimed water is wastewater that has undergone secondary treatment, filtration, nitrogen removal treatment, and disinfection. Chemical feed facilities to add coagulants or polymers are required to ensure that filtered effluent before disinfection complies with the 24- hour average turbidity criterion prescribed in subsection (8)(1). Chemical feed facilities may remain idle if the 24-hour average turbidity criterion in (B)( I) is achieved without chemical , addition. i- B. An owner of a facility shall ensure that: , . I. The turbidity of Class A + reclaimed water at a point in the waste\\/ater treatment process after filtration and immediately before disinfection complies with the ;- following: ; . a. The 24-hour average turbidity of filtered effluent is 2 NT Us or less, and ~ . b. The turbidity of filtered effluent does not exceed 5 NTUs at any time. . 2. Class A+ reclaimed water meets the following criteria after disinfection treatment and before discharge to a reclaimed water distribution system: ;, . a. There are no detectable fecal coliform organisms in 4 of the last 7 daily reclaimed water samples taken, and , , . b. The single sample maximum concentration of fecal coliform organisms . ; in a reclaimed water sample is less than 23 / 100 ml. ~ , . c. If alternative treatment processes or alternative turbidity criteria are I I I used, or reclaimed water is blended with other water to produce Class A + , t reclaimed water under subsection (C), there are no detectable enteric virus j ! in 4 of the last 7 monthly reclaimed water samples taken. ~ I . 3. The 5-sample geometric mean concentration of total nitrogen in a reclaimed water I sample is less than 10 mg / L. I I ; I ; I I I ! t .. Bi.IF~!1~.r:~~~!I.~~.~~~~o.9~~'>_'_.." ... .... c"~-''''..'.m_.'-:-_''''__-'~=---.~--'~~.--'c. ~.~~- .-.----.___~-~:---~-~ ~,~",_~.aQe.!~j f- --------~_._---._-----_._---- ~ r 1 i l , l I ~ : , i C. An owner of a facility may use alternative treatment methods other than those required by I ~ subsection (A), or comply with alternative turbidity criteria other than those required by subsection (8)(1), or blend reclaimed water with other water to produce Class A+ reclaimed water provided the owner demonstrates through pilot plant testing, existing water quality data, or other means that the alternative treatment methods, alternative turbidity criteria, or blending reliably produces a reclaimed water that meets th.e disinfection criteria in subsection (8)(2) and the total nitrogen criteria in subsection (8)(3) before discharge to a reclaimed water distribution system. D. Class A+ reclaimed water is not required for any type of direct reuse. A person may use Class A+ reclaimed water for any type of direct reuse listed in Table A. tlislorical Nole Adopted effective January 7, 1985 (Supp. 85-1). Amended effective August 12. 1986 (Supp. 86-4). Former Section R9-21-303 renumbered without change as Section RI8-11-303 (Supp. 87-3). Section repealed eftective February 18,1992 (Supp. 92-1). New Section adopted by final rulemaking at 7 A.A.R. 870, eftCctive January 22, 2001 (Supp. 01-1 ). R18-1l-304. Class A Reclaimed Water i A. Class A reclaimed water is wastewater that has undergone secondary treatment, filtration, and disinfection. Chemical feed facilities to add coagulants or polymers are required to ensure that filtered effluent before disinfection complies with the 24-hour average. turbidity criterion prescribed in subsection (8)( I). Chemical feed facilities may remain idle if the 24-hour average turbidity criterion in subsection (8)(1) is achieved without chemical addition. B. An owner of a facility shall ensure that: . \. The turbidity of Class A reclaimed water at a point in the wastewater treatment process after filtr~tion and immediately before disinfection complies with the , following: , . a. The 24-hour average turbidity of filtered eftluent is 2 NT Us or less, and . b. The turbidity of filtered effluent does not exceed 5 NTUs at any time. . 2. Class A reclaimed water meets the following criteria after disinfection treatment and before discharge to a reclaimed water distribution system: , . a. There are no detectable fecal coliform organisms in 4 of the last 7 daily reclaimed water samples taken, and . b. The single sample maximum concentration of fecal coliform organisms in a reclaimed water sample is less than 23 / 100 m I. . c. If alternative treatment processes or alternative turbidity criteria are used, or reclaimed water is blended with other water to produce Class A reclaimed water under subsection (C), there are no detectable enteric virus in 4 of the last 7 monthly reclaimed water samples taken. , , iC~.iiI!5._~_I~_~~~_~~!~~~.~~~'~9.~~__ ______-_~~~_~_~~-~~ _,,~~:~.--- ..= =:::-=~.~; _ ..~ u:..'.__ .__----_=--=-~c=~ _ _._~---=-:~-::-'~ag~ 4J .' '--' --- f C. An owner of a facility may use alternative treatment methods other than those required by I subsection (A), or comply with alternative turbidity criteria other than those required by ! subsection (8)( I), or blend reclaimed water with other water to produce Class A reclaimed water provided the owner demonstrates through pilot plant testing, existing water quality data, or other means that the alternative treatment methods, alternative turbidity criteria, or blending reliably produces a reclaimed water that meets the disinfection criteria in subsection (8)(2) before discharge to a reclaimed water distribution system.. D. A person shall use Class A reclaimed water for a type of direct reuse listed as Class A in Table A. A person may use Class A reclaimed water for a type of direct reuse listed as Class B or Class C in Table A. Historical Note Adopted effective January 7,1985 (Supp. 85-1). Amended effective August 12, 1986 (Supp_ 86-4). Former Section R9-21-304 renumbered without change as Section RI8-11-304 (Supp. 87-3). Section repealed effective February 18, 1992 (Supp. 92-1). New Section adopted by final rulemaking at 7 A.A.R. 870, effective January 22, 200 I (Supp. 01-1 ). i R18-11-30S. Class B+ Reclaimed Water A. Class B+ reclaimed water is wastewater that has undergone secondary treatment, nitrogen removal treatment, and disinfection. B. An owner ofa facility shall ensure that: . I. Class B+ reclaimed water meets the following criteria after disinfection treatment and before discharge to a reclaimed water distribution system: . a. The concentration of fecal coliform organisms in 4 of the last 7 daily reclaimed water samples is less than 200 / 100 ml. . b. The single sample maximum concentration of fecal coliform organisms in a reclaimed water sample is less than 800/ 100 mt. . 2. The 5-sample geometric mean concentration of total nitrogen in a reclaimed water sample is less than 10 mg / L. C. Class B+ reclaimed water is not required for a type of direct reuse. A person may use Class B+ reclaimed water for a type of direct reuse listed as Class B or Class C in Table A. A person ; shall not use Class B+ reclaimed water for a type of direct reuse listed as Class A in Table A. ; Historical r-;ote New Section adopted by final rulemaking at 7 A.A.R. 870, effective January 22, 2001 (Supp. 01-1). RI8-11-306. Class B Reclaimed Water A. Class B reclaimed water is wastewater that has undergone secondary treatment and disinfection. !"~il~.g.~I~~i~~.~~~!~.~~':',~;~?~.~ '::~.~,.,'~, m'm-,.,,,.~-~~~-',..~_____m.."_.~-=~~-=~---,._. "''', ," ~~ge5 J -- .... ~- .~~ ! B. An owner of a facility shall ensure that Class B reclaimed water meets the following criteria after disinfection treatment and before discharge to a reclaimed water distribution system: . 1. The concentration of fecal coliform organisms in 4 of the last 7 daily reclaimed water samples is less than 200 1100 m!. . 2. The single sample maximum concentration of fecal coliform organisms in a reclaimed water sample is less than.800 1100 m\. C. A person shall use a minimum of Class B reclaimed water for a type of direct reuse listed as Class B in Table A. A person may use Class B reclaimed water for a type of direct reuse listed as Class C in Table A. A person shall not use Class B reclaimed water for a type of direct reuse listed as Class A in Table A. , i Historical Note New Section adopted by final rulemaking at 7 A.A.R. 870, effective January 22. 200 I (Supp. 01-1). R18-11-307. Class C Reclaimed Water A. Class C reclaimed water is wastewater that has undergone secondary treatment in a series of wastewater stabilization ponds, including aeration, with Or without disinfection. B. The owner of a fad I ity shall ensure that: · 1. The total retention time of Class C reclaimed water in wastewater stabilization ponds is at least 20 days. . 2. Class C reclaimed water meets the following criteria after treatment and before discharge to a reclaimed water distribution system: · a. The concentration of fecal coliform organisms in 4 of the last 7 reclaimed water samples taken is less than 1000 1100 m\. · b. The single sample maximum concentration of fecal coliform organisms in a reclaimed water sample is less than 4000/100 m1. C. A person shall use a minimum of Class C reclaimed water for a type of direct reuse listed as Class C in Table A. A person shall not use Class C reclaimed water for a type of direct reuse listed as Class A or Class B in Table A. Historical Note New Section adopted by final rulemaking at 7 A.A.R. 870, effective January 22. 200 I (Supp. 01-1). R18-11-308. Industrial Reuse A. The reclaimed water quality requirements for the following direct reuse applications are industry-specific and shall be determined by the Department on a case-by-case basis in a reclaimed water permit issued by the Department under 18 A.A.C. 9, Article 7: ; i rBill.Delmar.::",t(RTICCE":'3.doc .._--_.._~--~~---_._--._._....-...... . . "... .... ........ ". Page 6 i .". . .....-"N~..~_.~ ..._.....~..._....~,,__~__..._~_~__.___..._._._._..y~.. ...~~, _,. .n= '"'~".. 'YYU'" ....~. _ ....... Y .YY....N .. ....., ,.. ..,. ..h.h.... . ..... ..dO.. ,..' n. ...... '_'Y' .~.._,. .,........-..... .... .^~^.^"'.v. .... ....._. "..__.. I . ~ -- I . I. Direct reuse of industrial wastewater containing sewage. . 2. Direct reuse of industrial wastewater for the production or processing of any crop used as human or animal food. B. The Department shall use best professional judgment to determine the reclaimed water quality requirements needed to protect public health and the environment for a type of direct reuse ; specified in subsection (A). ; l Historical Note New Section adopted by final rulemaking at 7 A.A.R. 870, effective January 22. 200 I (Supp. 0 I-I). R18-11-309. Reclaimed Water Quality Standards for an Unlisted Type of Direct Reuse A. The Department may prescribe in an individual reclaimed water permit issued under 18 A.A.C. 9, Article 7, reclaimed water quality requirements for a type of direct reuse not listed in Table A. Before permitting a direct reuse of reclaimed water not listed in Table A, the Department shall, using its best professional judgment, determine and require compliance with reclaimed water quality requirements needed to protect public health and the environment. B. Department may determine that Class A+, A, B+, B, or C reclaimed water is appropriate for a new type of direct reuse. C. The Department shall consider the following factors when prescribing recl';limed water quality requirements for a new type of direct reuse: . 1. The risk to public health; . 2. The degree of public access to the site where the reclaimed water is reused and human exposure to the reclaimed water; . 3. The level of treatment necessary to ensure that the reclaimed \vater is aesthetically acceptable; ; 4. The level of treatment necessary to prevent nuisance conditions; ; . . 5. Specific water quality requirements for the intended type of direct reuse; . 6. The means of application of the reclaimed water; . 7. The degree of treatment necessary to avoid a violation of surface water quality standards or aquifer water quality standards; . 8. The potential for improper or unintended use of the reclaimed water; . 9. The reuse guidelines, criteria, or standards adopted or recommended by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or other federal or state agencies that apply to the new type of direct reuse; and . 10. Similar wastewater reclamation experience of reclaimed water providers in the United States. Historica' Note New Section adopted by final rulemaking at 7 A.A.R. 870, effective January 22, 200 I (Supp. 0 I-I). i ;. Bi.lIg:~~'~r:__}\~Ilg~E-o~:,~~~~__~_--~-~'-_,. ,._m_ m _ _,m.,_._ ,_~~___,__,__m______m_____m__:==________::"~~~~. ~~g~ZJ ! i ! ! f ! Table A. Minimum Reclaimed Water Quality Requirements for Direct Reuse r. i Type of Direct Reuse \1inimum Class of Reclaimec ~ Water Required ~ rrigation of food crops <\ ~ Recreational impoundments <\ Residential landscape irrigation <\ :schoolground landscape irrigation <\ Open access landscape irrigation <\ Toilet and urinal flushing <\ ire protection systems <\ Spray irrigation of an orchard or vineyard <\ Commercial closed loop air conditioning systems <\ Vehicle and equipment washing (does not include self-servic~ <\ vehicle washes) :snowmaking <\ :surface irrigation of an orchard or vineyard B Golf course irrigation 3 Restricted access landscape irrigation ~ Landscape impoundment ~ Dust control ~ :soil compaction and similar construction activities ~ Pasture for milking animals ~ Livestock watering (dairy animals) ~ Concrete and cement mixing ~ Materials washing and sieving ~ :street cleaning B Pasture for non-dairy animals C ...,ivestock watering (non-dairy animals) C rrigation of sod farms C rrigation offiber, seed, forage, arid similar crops C Silviculture C Note: Nothing in this Article prevents a wastewater treatment plant from using a higher quality reclaimed water for a type of direct reuse than the minimum class of reclaimed water listed in ; Table A. For example, a wastewater treatment plant may provide Class A reclaimed water for a type of direct reuse where Class B or Class C reclaimed water is acceptable. IIislorical :'<ole ; New Table adopted by final rulemaking at 7 A.AR. 870, effective January 22, 200 I (Supp, 0 I-I ). .~~~._"""""""""""""""'~...""~""''''~''_''''''''''-'.'''''1. . <<OR. .. R18-9-D303. 3.03 General Permit: Vehicle and Equipment Washes A. A 3.03 General Permit allows a facility that discharges water from washing vehicle exteriors and vehicle equipment. This general permit does not authorize: . 1. Discharge water that typically results from the washing of vehicle engines unless the discharge is to a lined surface impoundment; . 2. Direct discharges of sanitary sewage, vehicle lubricating oils, antifreeze, gasoline, paints, varnishes, solvents, pesticides, or fertilizers; . 3. Discharges resulting from washing the interior of vessels used to transport fuel products or chemicals, or washing equipment contaminated with fuel products or chemicals; or . 4. Discharges resulting from washing the interior of vehicles used to transport mining concentrates that originate from the same mine site, unless the discharge is to a lined surface impoundment. B. Notice ofIntent to Discharge. In addition to the Notice oflntent to Discharge requirements specified in R18-9-A30 1 (B), an applicant shall submit a narrative description of the facility and a design of the disposal system and wash operations. C. Design, installation, and testing requirements. An applicant shall: . 1. Design and construct the wash pad: . a. To drain and route wash water to a sump or similar sediment settling structure and an oil/water separator; . b. Of concrete or material chemically compatible with the wash water and its constituents; and . c. To support the maximum weight ofthe vehicle or equipment being washed with an appropriate safety factor. . 2. Not use unlined ditches or natural channels to convey wash water; . 3. Ensure that a surface impoundment meets the requirements in R18-9- D301(C)(I) and (C)(3). The applicant shall ensure that berms or dikes at the impoundment can withstand wave action erosion and are adequately compacted to a uniform density not less than 95%; . 4. Ensure that a surface impoundment required for wash water described in subsection (A)( 1) meets the design and installation requirements in RI8-9- D301(C); . 5. If wash water is received by all unlined surface impoundment or engineered subsurface disposal system, the applicant shall: . a. Ensure that the annual daily average flow is less than 3000 gallons per day; . b. Maintain a minimum horizontal setback of 100 feet between the impoundment or subsurface disposal system and any water supply well; . c. Ensure that the bottom of the surface impoundment or subsurface disposal system is at least 50 feet above the static groundwater level and the intervening material does not consist ofkarstic or fractured rock; . . . d. Ensure that the wash water receives primary treatment before discharge through, at a minimum, a sump or similar structure for settling sediments or solids and an oil/water separator designed to reduce oil and grease in the wastewater to 15 mg/l or less; . e. Withdraw the separated oil from the oil/water separator using equipment such as adjustable skimmers, automatic pump-out systems, or level sensing systems to signal manual pump-out; and . f. If a subsurface disposal system is used, design the system to prevent surfacing of the wash water. D. Operational requirements. The permittee shall: . 1. Inspect the oil/water separator before operation to ensure that there are no leaks and that the oil/water separator is in operable condition; . 2. Inspect the entire facility at least quarterly. The inspection shall, at a minimum, consist of a visual examination of the wash pad, the sump or similar structure, the oil/water separator, and all surface impoundments; . 3. Visually inspect each surface impoundment at least monthly, to ensure the volume of wash water is maintained within the design capacity and freeboard limitation; . 4. Repair damage to the integrity of the wash pad or impoundment liner as soon as practical; . 5. Maintain the oil/water separator to achieve the operational performance of the separator; . 6. Remove accumulated sediments in all surface impoundments to maintain design capacity; and . 7. Use best management practices to minimize the introduction of chemicals not typically associated with the wash operations. Only biodegradable surfactant or soaps are allowed. Products that contain chemicals in concentrations likely to cause a violation of an Aquifer Water Quality Standard at the applicable point of compliance are prohibited. E. Monitoring requirements. . 1. If wash water is discharged to an unlined surface impoundment or other area for subsurface disposal, the permittee shall monitor the wash water quarterly at the point of discharge for pH and for the presence of Cl 0 through C32 hydrocarbons using a Department of Health Services certified method. . 2. If pH is not between 6.0 and 9.0 or the concentration of C 1 0 through C32 hydrocarbons exceeds 50 mg/I, the permittee shall submit a report to the Department with a proposal for mitigation and shall increase monitoring frequency to monthly. . 3. If the condition in subsection (E)(2) persists for three additional months, the permittee shall submit an application for an individual pemlit. F. Recordkeeping. A permittee shall maintain the following information for at least 10 years and make it available to the Department upon request: . 1. Construction drawings and aswbuilt drawings, if available; . .,. . 2. A log book or similar documentation to record inspection results, repair and maintenance activities, monitoring results, and facility closure; and . 3. The Material Safety Data Sheets for the chemicals used in the wash operations and any required monitoring results. G. Closure requirements. A pemlittee shall comply with the closure requirements specified in RI8-9-D30I(G) if a liner has been used. If no liner is used the permittee shall grade the facility to prevent impoundment of water. Uistorical Note New Section adopted by final rulemaking at 7 A.A.R. 235, effective January 1,200 I (Supp. 00-4). n3ill Delrj1ai~'Roberi:r"('Efula)Mino'i pjan'Amemdinenf'~'w"",,-"~,,',," ,^,,",,",,',"", ",,,- . '''"",'m,-" " m._,__""'" -. -~"---,---"------"OC-,'," .-.~~, ",,', Page T t.:..:;.::.U>>N."..."=,N^......='--.-.... '''~'N0"..W'''''-u<<..'' .,'_.._....~......~~ .__..... .~^"'"= '.Y. ......."'v...... . ..........Y....""o ....v ...~<<..y~."...y,~. . .,.." .NY.~ ..yy . ".~.... :..,.__...;__.......:....:.:~.:.;.;,;;-=:... . ...YN. From: "jforres4319 Forrester" <> To: <> Date: 10/29/02 6:48AM Subject: Robert M. Bula/Minor Plan Amemdment Re: Robert M. Bula Minor Plan Amendment SW 1/4 of Section 17, Township 21 Norht, Range 15 West 2650 N. Roundup Ave. ,Kingman Mohave County Az. I am the owner of property 354-36-048 and by this letter, I would like to express my full support for the application to change the zoning for the aforementioned property. I will not be able to attend the proposed hearing but would like to know if there is anything else I can do to support this request? Jim Forrester 623-582-0900 Unlimited Internet access -- and 2 months free!. Try MSN. http://resourcecenter. msn. com/access/pia n s/2mo nthsfree. as p .- . REGARDING THE REZONE AT 1-40 AND THE D.\V. RANCH ROAD As a concerned citizen of Peacock Mountain Ranches I am opposed to the rezoning plan proposed by Robert Bula at 1-40 and The D.W. Ranch Road. The reasons for not wanting this proposed rezone and truck wash are: \Ve have enormous concern for the use of our limited and depleting water in our area. ADWR reporting shows a 20 year depletion of the Hualapai aquifer and this is another planned use where there is high water usage and is not in the best interest of the community. At 20,000 gal. pro day =7,300,000 pro year, That is enough water to supply about 100 families annually. That is not a good return on the water investment. It is important to think of return on our water investment when planning economic growth in our area of limited water. . In a desert are like ours with long existing, ADWR proven, water mining, this is an inappropriate economic growth plan. Our water use here needs to be a first priority. The jobs created will be low paying jobs which is also not what we need in our area and does not fit the economic plan of Mohave County. There is already enormous congestion at this intersection and as this is the only entrance and exit to our area it will continue to get more and more dangerous. Trucks now park on the road blocking entrance and exit from the area. There is already a trash problem created by Love's which causes blight and unsightly scenery and potential water pollution. Non point source water pollution is a problem in Mohave County as is wildcat dumping, and DO matter what the level of dumping, it depreciates our property values and is a general eyesore. There is already enormous light pollution from Love's now and 24 hour very noisy traffic. Their comment to improve air quality is minimal as the gravel operation creates so much dust and dirt that this project will have negligible effects. Further personal comments: S' d l~_k--" ~ r5~ Igne -------- "' . REGARDING THE REZONE AT 1-40 AND THE D.W. RANCH ROAD As a concerned citizen of Peacock Mountain Ranches I am opposed to the rezoning plan proposed by Robert Bula at 1-40 and The D.W. Ranch Road. The reasons for not wanting this proposed rezone and truck wash are: We have enormous concern for the use of our limited and depleting water in our area. ADWR reporting shows a 20 year depletion of the Hualapai aquifer and this is another planned use where there is high water usage and is not in the best interest of the community. At 20,000 gal. pro day =7,300,000 pro year, That is enough water to supply about 100 families annually. That is not a good return on the water investment. It is important to think of return on our water investment when planning economic growth in our area of limited water. ~7J\) . In a desert are like ours with long existing, ADWR proven, water mining, this is an inappropriate economic growth plan. Our water use here needs to be a first priority. The jobs created will be low paying jobs which is also not what we need in our area and does not fit the economic plan of Mohave County. There is already enormous congestion at this intersection and as this is the only entrance and exit to our area it will continue to get more and more dangerous. Trucks now park on the road blocking entrance and exit from the area. \ 6~~ ~~~ .:tr~. ? X5- ~::) <+ <.Y~'-.J___ ~~ ~'V\-~ c--t..::X There is already a trash problem created by Love's whicli causes bight and 0 unsightly scenery and potential water pollution. Non point source water pollution is a problem in Mohave County as is wildcat dumping, and no matter what the level of dumping, it depreciates our property values and is a general eyesore. There is already enormous light pollution from Love's now and 24 hour very noisy traffic. Their comment to improve air quality is minimal as the gravel operation creates so much dust and dirt that this project will have negligible effects. Further personal comments: ~o;~ A0~ . Signed---- _}.S'~a.--. L ~_:a,.'~ .. .:",.,".,.. ....' .~. ~'... : , . ' .... .... -. . ~ . .:: ..:-.,... . '..' ~ >:~. ...",,: ...J ..,' . , . .. . . '. .. 0", n.:.':,..........._, .' .. .. .. --.... . .. - . '. ...!l...:...... '.' u... I , ~ er-vJ ~~ ~,( ~ v' '--^--- <- \G -- ~ l~ ,/ I "- I \ .--'----' - ---., . --~.--._. .n_' _.n_ _ _.._~... __..~ ..~ _ ,__. ~. ___. ....__~___._._. .~. _.. _~_.. _... .....m_.. __ .. u_ .___ "".'...-. ~ ...- -_.- ____o ._ ,_.. .__ _~".. - --_.--~._--~. "~_.- . .- --- _._.__ ~ or. ..__.__...._ m__ .... _ ~:.' "'-":.-7;'~J.",:~~~:'-' - ~:~-.'- "__M._"._ _ ___....._ .___.~__..._._.._.____r~__.._ .""- - .~-_.__.. -----...._,-~- ._-~-~."..- -....---... " - - . .~... "~ ~ " , -" ". -- " - . "- .". (-"\ ".~, - " .. " REGARDING THE REZONE AT 1-40 AND THE D.W. RANCH ROAD As a concerned citizen of Peacock Mountain Ranches I am opposed to the rezoning plan proposed by Robert Bula at 1-40 and The D. W. Ranch Road. The reasons for not wanting this proposed rezone and truck wash are: We have enormous concern for the use of our limited and depleting water in our area. ADWR reporting shows a 20 year depletion of the Hualapai aquifer and this is another planned use where there is high water usage and is not in the best interest of the community. At 20,000 gal. pro day =7,300,000 pro year, That is enough water to supply about 100 families annually. That is not a good return on the water investment. It is important to think of return on our water investment when planning economic growth in our area of limited water. . In a desert are like ours with long existing, ADWR proven, water mining, this is an inappropriate economic growth plan. Our water use here needs to be a first priority. The jobs ,created will be low paying jobs which is also not what we need in our area and does not fit the economic plan of Mohave County. There is already enormous congestion at this intersection and as this is the only entrance and exit to our area it will continue to get more and more-dangerous. Trucks now park on the road blocking entrance and exit from the area. There is already a trash problem created by Love's which causes blight and unsightly scenery and potential water pollution. Non point source water pollution is a problem in Mohave County-as is wildcat dumping, and no matter what the level of dumping, it depreciates our property values and is a general eyesore. There is already enormous light pollution from Love's now and 24 hour very noisy traffic. Their comment to improve air quality is minimal as the gravel operation creates so much dust and dirt that this project will have negligible effects. Further personal comments: Signed-~l'4Ld H ~ I -. .. REGARDING THE REZONE AT 1-40 AND THE D.\V. RANCH ROAD As a concerned citizen of Peacock Mountain Ranches I am opposed to the rezoning plan proposed by Robert Bula at 1-40 and The D.W. Ranch Road. The reasons for not wanting this proposed rezone and truck wash are: We bave enormous concern for the use of our limited and depleting water in our area. ADWR reporting shows a 20 year depletion of the Hualapai aquifer and this is another planned use where there is high water usage and is not in the best interest of the community. At 20,000 gal. pro day =7,300,000 pro year, That is enough water to supply about 100 families annually. That is not a good return on the water investment. It is important to think of return on our water investment when planning economic growth in our area of limited water. - In a desert are like ours with long existing, ADWR proven, water mining, this is an inappropriate economic growth plan. Our water use here needs to be a first priority. The jobs created will be low paying jobs which is also not what we need in our area and does not fit the economic plan of Mohave County. There is already enormous congestion at this intersection and as this is the only entrance and exit to our area it will continue to get more and more. dangerous. Trucks now park on the road blocking entrance and exit from the area. There is already a trash problem created by Love's which causes blight and unsightly scenery and potential water pollution. Non point source water pollution is a problem in Mohave County as is wildcat dumping, and no matter what the level of dumping, it depreciates our property values and is a general eyesore. There is already enormous light pollution from Love's now and 24 hour very noisy traffic. Their comment to improve air quality is minimal as the gravel operation creates so much dust and dirt that this project will have negligible effects. Further personal comments: Signed----~/uL~ 1 ~'7-~-~~. ~ .~ REGARDING THE REZONE AT 1-40 AND THE D.W. RANCH ROAD As a concerned citizen of Peacock Mountain Ranches I am opposed to the rezoning plan proposed by Robert Bula at 1-40 and The D.W. Ranch Road. The reasons for not wanting this proposed rezone and truck wash are: We have enormous concern for the use of our limited and depleting water in our area. ADWR reporting shows a 20 year depletion of the Bualapai aquifer and this is another planned use where there is high water usage and is not in the best interest of the community. At 20,000 gal. pro day =7,300,000 pro year, That is enough water to supply about 100 families annually. That is not a good return on the water investment. It is important to think of return on our water investment when planning economic growth in our area of limited water. In a desert are like ours with long existing, ADWR proven, water mining, this is an inappropriate economic growth plan. Our water use here needs to be a first priority. The jobs created will be low paying jobs which is also not what we need in our area and does not fit the economic plan of Mohave County. There is already enormous congestion at this intersection and as this is the only entrance and exit to our area it will continue to get more and more-dangerous. Trucks now park on the road blocking entrance and exit from the area. There is already a trash problem created by Love's which causes blight and unsightly scenery and potential water pollution. Non point source water pollution is a problem in Mohave County-as is wildcat dumping, and no matter what the level of dumping, it depreciates our property values and is a general eyesore. There is already enormous light pollution from Love's now and 24 hour very noisy traffic. Their comment to improve air quality is minimal as the gravel operation creates so much dust and dirt that this project will have negligible effects. ~, Further personal comments: r1t(;~L tuW7 />f~, ;.J a-~l O-v7 ~'-~ c(~ t, .... ~ V ~L~L"'--J~ - ;{--k~t ,gj-hLe'd C~Cl _'0 MULL::; ~7h .c~.~ <->I- c; ..r;-~ ~~h C"A'-7't.M;!J ~/ fh J ~ ,t.-,cL" - -<-.t." ~ 7,-,~> , ~'-< (' ~ (' <L.a:- _t'.;L.___. CU.I A-< ~(, "t:.,.j f'-= ;;'L,/,"--..Lh~ }'-'-JdL.. ') ---U.'-:.L -:~:/ c, 7;i,"-<'/' ~u-4 ~LLLd / We . . ---z: W.-?7 .& 07... 'L L.J ~ Signed---- I .lctU1.j ~ ~~ I ---,.--- '\.- ").CJ "'LLLk-?-~. . ? ,c.t.-L"-7 7 ~-/.~...<:. ". :-.. ~ /~ VLLA-P a.-u.. ?~t">L ~.....<,-~-r-~ ~ ",a-L.....L-"'..tI ~. b,--G-L ~j\'" c:y c.c4TILL-'1-LU> cn.---..) A-iQ_i ./Lr-<'t~ YC4-? LV ~~--1. / / I I